Although mutated creatures are terrible, they rarely attack humans aimlessly after entering the stable period of mutation. However, as a strong group in this era, it is not strange for bullies to be bullied by mutants. Although the guards have heavy weapons at hand, they dare not underestimate those mutants, and countless people have proved the mutants with blood. It is insulting.

However, people are always easily deceived by some subjective consciousness. For example, at this moment, eight people and sixteen eyes, including all directions of the front, back, left, and right, are included in the surveillance range, but only one place is the sky-the sky.

Xiao Yuxin had sneaked behind them, but did not show up, but began to control the water element, and quickly condensed a sharp ice cone on the heads of the sentries.

With her current level of control, she can even be chilly, so until the ice cone is formed, the eight people are still unaware, but Lin Junqi and others waiting outside for the attack signal are sighing secretly.


The eight ice cones broke into the brain almost at the same time. In the blood huā splash, the eight sentries could not even scream, and then fell to the ground, just like eight broken sacks full of things, making a few muffled noises. , And did not attract the attention of the enemy.

As a tiger, the tiger is abhorrent, and there are still defenses. The most annoying ones are the tigers. They are the invincible villains.

Lin Junqi and others were a bit dazed to watch this scene. They were not the awakening soldiers who had killed eight people in one fell swoop, but they were killed so indifferently. Almost silently, the door of the villa area was taken by Xiao Yuxin, and no one inside was found.

"Lin Junqi, what is stunned? Can't it just take over?" Xiao Yuxin whispered.

With the addition of these two heavy machine guns to their abilities, even if the people inside want to rush out, it is not easy.

"It's really solved!" Lin Junqi came over and felt very wise in his decision. At this time, the militants in the villa not far away did not move, and the people looked at each other, feeling a little fantasy.

Xiao Yuxin pointed to the two heavy machine guns and ordered to Lin Junqi: "Lin Junqi, you take someone to stay here. Except for our people, whoever flees here, will let me use that thing to kill."

Lin Junqi said with a deep voice: "Yes, Sister Xin, I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

This guy is also a smart guy, and immediately set himself right.

The next thing is the one-man show of Xiao Yuxin. Ma Tianhua’s men are not very alert. When they want to come, if there is any danger outside, the gate guard will definitely send an alarm at the first time, so in the villa area, they even There was no mobile whistle, so Xiao Yuxin did not use stealth, nor was he caught by the militants inside.

When not far from the villa, Xiao Yuxin summoned the giants of earth elements. These big guys with a height of nearly four meters stepped toward the villas with thighs that were a little thicker than the waist of an adult. It was like a cluster listening tank. Run over the earth in general.

"Is there an earthquake?" Someone in a recent villa reacted first, the door opened, and the two ill-dressed militants came out swaying and drinking.

puff! puff!

Two big fists slammed into their heads in an instant, and suddenly tens of thousands of peach blossoms opened. They fell down without even screaming, their heads turned into rotten watermelons, and red and white splashed everywhere.

Dark enchantment!

Xiao Yuxin cast it with all his strength, and the entire villa area was plunged into darkness. Nearly thirty tall figures shattered the villa’s thin portal or wall like a ruining Titan, and his thick arms relentlessly ripped those weak bodies and heavy feet. The body of flesh and blood is crushed like a grinding disc... In the envelope of the dark enchantment, those militants do not know how to resist the attack from the darkness. Some people have been buried by the collapsed wall before they can react. When you get up, you don’t even know how to die.

The gate is also shrouded in dark enchantment, except that those of Lin Junqi have already blessed their dark vision, and their vision is better than before, watching those earth element giants ruining and ruining the villas, their eyes. It's all they are very happy that it wasn't you who lived in those villas, otherwise...the consequences would be disastrous.

The outer garrison was solved in a hurry. Under the cover of the dark enchantment, the core villas behind were not alarmed at all. Xiao Yuxin took the elemental giants to the center of the villa. Ma Tianhua and his confidants were all Live there. According to Lin Junqi’s instructions, Ma Tianhua ranked his confidants in the core area, and he was in the core of the core... This guy did a lot of bad things, naturally afraid of his opponent to kill him . In the core area, a variety of Minggang secret posts were laid, and there were four groups of armed elements constantly patrolling. There were barbed wire in front of the villa and between the villas, and there was a machine gun nest on the roof of the villa. Under the circumstances, it is almost impossible for ordinary people to sneak in quietly.

However, for Xiao Yuxin, she did not hesitate at all, and when she was close to being exposed to the other party's field of vision, she launched a dark enchantment again. Darkness shrouded the two villas in front of the core area, and then she waved her hand. The giants of the earth immediately rushed to the two villas. Xiao Yuxin's eyes flashed, and he took off the shotgun and shot at the two villas. The machine gunners were killed first.

At this moment, a group of armed patrols broke into the dark enchantment. Xiao Yuxin looked at it and couldn't help feeling the smallness of the world-the guy headed by him was the lean man who followed him with Lin Junqi. Last time, in order to gain the trust of the other party, Lin Junqi removed the lean man from her hands. This time, it was not so easy.

A lean man complained to him: "Boss, there are no fierce mutants in this area, and there are no characters who can compete with us. Is it necessary to guard against this? Is there a waste of time, it is better to go Find a girl to refresh!"

The awakening soldier's physique is still quite good. After only two days of work, his injuries have been better than seven or eight. After listening to the complaints of his men, the lean man's face was somber: "Hua Ge always feels that these two days are not very stable. Be careful, there will always be nothing wrong."

His gaze inadvertently glanced forward, suddenly suddenly slightly retracted, a little puzzled and said: "Why is it so dark in front?"

"Boss, it's night now." The subordinates laughed behind, and didn't feel anything strange, nor did they think there would be any danger in their own nest.

These guys are arrogant following Ma Tianhua and others, and they are not good things. When these people go out to hunt, no matter it is a woman or a woman, as soon as they encounter it, they rob it back. They provided Ma Tianhua with the most beautiful women, while others were slightly ruined by these people, and then returned to the old nest to be housed like animals, usually doing laundry and cooking, cleaning up, and other times. Just as a tool for men.

Ma Tianhua used this method, combined with his strong strength, to gather a bunch of confidants who were dead on him. In their view, Lao Nest is the safest, without any problems. Even if the lean man felt weird in front, he didn't expect someone to attack at night.

As soon as they entered the dark enclave, these militants immediately found out that they were wrong, they could not see each other, they could not hear, these people immediately panicked... In fact, if they were not so nervous, they immediately reached out to the side, maybe Being able to hold one or two companions is not too difficult to be alone.

But Xiao Yuxin would never make them so relaxed. When the last militant entered the dark enclave, he launched an attack. Several giants of the earth element roared and waved huge fists...Where are those militants? To withstand such an attack, the whole person was smashed down with a punch. In the darkness, they only felt a huge figure in front of them, and then came the sound of the bones being broken.

The lean man's reaction was indeed quick, but with his eyesight, it was only within a few feet. A giant earth element inserted between him and an armed man, slammed the man’s head, he quickly coagulated dozens of ice cones, and shot his brain into the vest of the giant, but the giant 'But he turned around unconsciously, with a huge fan-like palm, and shot him with his head covered.

"I x!"

The lean man was shocked and lost his there was a face in front of him. But... has anyone grown like this? No wonder dozens of ice cones are inserted like dozens of needles.

Subconsciously, he was already timid. The earth element giant is not without weakness, but if a person is timid in battle, the enemy’s weakness is gone for him. At the same time that the giant palm fell, the lean man walked into the darkness... in his opinion Although there may be unknown dangers in the darkness, it is better than the giant face to face. In panic, he has lost the most basic judgment-is the current "darkness" normal?

Xiao Yuxin had noticed the lean man when they entered the dark enclave. Just as the lean man came over, Xiao Yuxin had prepared a cone of ice to shoot a cold light in front of him.

A cold gleam lit in front of him, and there was a shock in the eyes of the lean man. His throat moved as if he wanted to say something... But at the next moment, the ice cone had already shot into his mouth, running through his In the back of the head, the blood instantly coagulated, his body slammed down.

Xiao Yuxin stood in front of his body without looking at it, and then issued an attack order to the earth element giants. They immediately rushed towards the two villas.

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