"I just believe that the word "filial son under the stick" really makes sense." A team member said with care.

"What do you mean?" The person beside didn't understand.

"You didn't look at those two big dogs. After being beaten up, you are now better than your son."

His answer caused a burst of light laughter, but then came to an abrupt halt-the two big dogs that are called mutant kings have looked here, and although they have shown their surrender to Xiao Yuxin, they are absolutely not to others Good face.

Animals like dogs are very spiritual, and they are also willing to be close to people. Especially after the mutation, in addition to the strong body and strength, their spiritual intelligence has also been greatly improved. They are very clear about what they should do, rather than die like a dead body.

Xiao Yuxin is also very happy to solve the two mutant dog kings so easily. She also had two mutant Tibetan Mastiffs from the pre-disaster to the present day at the base. When she saw the two mutant dogs, she thought about the two Tibetan Mastiffs.

Since then, it has been much easier. The gate is locked from the outside. It can be seen that the people in the base were calm when retreating, but they did not expect that the danger would come from those plants, and the whole army fell.

"Break the lock and notice if there are other mutant creatures in it. Remember, every room and every corner should be checked. I don't want to be bitten off my neck by a zombie from the back when I count the supplies."

"Yes, Sister Xin, you can rest assured." Lin Junqi patted his chest and expressed his determination.

An awakening warrior uses metal powers to easily open the door. A dozen team members conducted the whole hospital search under the leadership of the awakening fighters. Xiao Yuxin also followed the two mutant dogs into the compound.

This yard looks ordinary... Auxiliary buildings such as watchtowers, office buildings, garages, playgrounds, barracks, canteens, etc. She noticed that there are only a few flashy ordinary vehicles left in the garage. What trucks, armored vehicles and the like have been out long ago Now it has become a collection of cannibal trees. But what surprised her was that there were still six or seven military motorcycles, although they didn't look too popular. But it's definitely the kind you have.

There was a shouting noise from the gate, and that was the convoy behind was entering the courtyard... Anyway, the courtyard was much safer than on the road. Xiao Yuxin glanced over there and took a Taishi chair from the storage bracelet. The old **** is sitting there, waiting for the search results.

After a while, the search staff of each group came to report separately, most of them found only a few short guns and some bullets. Although there were corpses in those buildings, not many, most of them were killed by bullets.

"Sister Xin, this is just the office on the ground. I found the base entrance!" Lan Jiang ran to report excitedly.

"Oh, look at it in the past." Xiao Yuxin stood up and put away her chair.

"Huh? Sister Xin. Where did that chair go? Is that kind of space reserve described in the novel?" Lan Jiang asked curiously.

"Almost." Xiao Yuxin replied faithfully.

A group of people followed to the base gate. Xiao Yuxin looked back and found that all the players were following, and he couldn't help but frown: "Lin Junqi, arranged for four people to go to the gate to lay down heavy jīqiāng sentries, don't forget to arrange two more dark posts."

"I'm sorry, I forgot." Lin Junqi wiped the sweat from his forehead... He really forgot. Xiao Yuxin told him about this before he set off.

The gate is usually in charge of the awakening soldier who is good at metal control. Xiao Yuxin felt that it was really intimate to have such a helper by the side. It was simply the best person to pass through the door at night. Although she could also open it, she used idea control instead of metal control.

The heavy door opened slowly, and the outside light illuminated the steps in Yemen. Everyone took a breath. There were more than a dozen corpses on the steps, and they were in various poses.

Everyone looked at the corpses with some fear, and for a moment did not know whether to go in or out,

"These people's prone postures are not very orderly, and they are all shot in the head, probably mutated zombies, shot by living people." Xiao Yuxin glanced at him.

The base was very dark. Xiao Yuxin's eyes swept around and found a hidden electric gate next to her. She ordered the metal awakening soldier to open the outer protective layer, and then she pushed the electric gate.

Boom, Boom, Boom...

With a muffled sound, the headlights above turned on one by one, and the entire base appeared brighter. After confirming that there is no problem with air circulation, Lin Junqi turned to Xiao Yuxin and asked, "Sister Xin, can we go in?"

Xiao Yuxin nodded slightly and told everyone to say: "Everyone remembers their tasks. We must first find out the status of the base and the types and conditions of the supplies. Don’t know what is happening, don’t just move around. It’s so big, everyone pay attention. Don’t get lost or lost. Each group should master their walkie-talkie, and contact and report in time if there is any situation."

"Is the corpses left in this way?" Liu Yinshu asked.

"We will bury them, but we have to wait until we have time." Xiao Yuxin gently patted Liu Yinshu's shoulder, and then directed everyone's actions: "A-level opens the way to see if there are zombies or other Creature. Kill it if you have one. If you can't figure it out, call for support.

Six people in level a carried the assault bùqiāng down the steps. They always pay attention to whether there are hidden zombies or other mutant creatures. Xiao Yuxin gently patted the two mutant dogs: "Blast, Thunder, you go and take a look."

The two mutant dogs murmured and followed the five people in group a into the base. With them accompanying them, those five people felt more at ease.

Several gunshots came from the depths of the base, and then Xiao Yuxin's radio intercom rang: ""

Several gunshots came from the depths of the grave, and then Robert's small short-range radio walkway rang: "Four mutant mice, all four died, the report is complete."

"Got it." Xiao Yuxin replied, turning to other people and laughing: "Hope that is the most dangerous animal here."

There were six or seven gunshots, and then there were reports from the insiders: "A zombie, dead, finished."

"Got it." Xiao Yuxin answered.

"The second door, we can not enter." Report came again.

"Qin Yong,"

Xiao Yuxin greeted the awakening warrior of metal power: "You follow them, the door should not be damaged as much as possible, maybe when will bring life to those in need."

"Yes, I see." Qin Yong promised and hurried in to give birth.

"A level, Qin Yong has already entered, you act together."

After a while, a report came out: "The door is open." After a pause, the report continued:

"It looks like a sealed airtight. There will be no beasts or other animals. The report is finished."

"We should go in too."

Xiao Yuxin said to Liu Yinshu. They left a person at the door, and then walked into the base.

To their surprise, the space here is very large, with many offices, barracks, and storage rooms. As they walked inside, Xiao Yuxin heard heavy echoes from their footsteps. This sound must have disturbed the long dream of the dead... as long as there are no zombies.

Their first discovery was a pile of copied base road maps. It was discovered from the drawer of a desk. Since they passed by, they couldn't miss it, so they didn't let go of any space they passed, even if it was just a toilet. These road maps are not very detailed, and they are obviously used for guiding guests. After obtaining the consent of Xiao Yuxin, the road maps were distributed to various groups.

The further you go, the more roads you cross. Xiao Yuxin estimates that this is not only underground, but has already entered the mountain behind. What she is looking for now is the base's command center, and the trouble is that the roads, areas, and office locations in the base are marked with letters. They know where they are, but they don't know what they do.

Xiao Yuxin heard that Lin Junqi and Lan Jiang were arguing over the other side of the corridor behind her. I only heard the voice in Lin Junqigao’s shop shouting: “These lifts are really usable, I know how to operate them.”

Lan Jiang's voice was so low that he couldn't clearly understand what he said.

"These are all electronically controlled. Haven't you noticed? The power supply system here is normal, but we haven't found where the generator is, but it doesn't affect our use of the machines here."

Lan Jiang whispered a few words as an answer~www.readwn.com~ I only heard Lin Junqi shouting again: "Of course the wire can be used, even if you connect it, it is only an internal call at best. Equipment. But we already have that stuff."

Xiao Yuxin saw Lan Jiang's bitter smile, and she did not interfere in the past. She was only a little curious about the base. What things did she have... The specifics were not related to her.

While they were preparing to go to another room, a member of the team found a personal computer with a skeleton next to him. Under his hand, there was a note: an emergency notice, don’t open the door and let those weirdos enter the house. They eat. Human demons are no longer normal human beings, and shots are allowed when necessary.

"This should be the notice issued by the leader when they first discovered the zombie." one team member speculated.


Xiao Yuxin bent over and looked closely. He said: "This poor man obviously didn't pay attention to this note. He died after the zombies bit off the whole neck. It is precisely because of this that she did not become a zombie."

Confident life for two hundred years *will be hit three thousand miles*

Introduction of "New Yipin Cultivation" (End):

Either don't wear it! Wear an addiction!

A work mistake by the four gods of Fengyun Thunderbolt caused the 14-year-old girl Shen Yueying to be physically destroyed. What's more, these four irresponsible guys bluntly tried to prevent Yan from discovering their work mistakes. Moon Shadow cheated to a place called Amadeus continent to rebirth.

The magic weapon is on the catty, and the flying sword is made into a box. As long as you have money, the elixir can also be wholesale, Amadeus-just the first stop to cross!

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