"From now on, it will be the land of China and a part of China. It is sacred and indivisible! We stand on the land of our motherland. "

"China has been peaceful for a long time, but the blood of this country has never cooled down. Many people died for this country. In the future, we will also be one of them! "

On that day, Fang Chutian stood at the red beard pirate base, and the deafening cry still echoes in Wang Daliang's ears.


It seems that unconsciously, more than half of the plans discussed in the original communication with Fang Chutian have been implemented... Overthrow the inherent ruling pattern of the genre Federation and Freeport, and then erect the genre tradition again, changing from an outsider to the core of the genre!

Fang Chutian's plan is to take... The most dangerous thorny path!

It seems to be risky, it seems impossible, and it seems to fail at any time!

But it happened that the man swayed in the countless seemingly, step by step to the present!

On the road to success!

Wang Daliang had many thoughts in his mind.

From Fang Chutian's early arrival at Freeport, coerced Cooper, went into the Thai stream alone, abandoned Monroe, killed Gandy, mastered the pro branch, and then kicked the nine pavilions to intensify school contradictions, divide and win over the traditional forces of the Thai stream, recruited the phantom stream, and became famous in the first World War of the attack and defense war of the Pro Town

With his own strength, Fang Chutian stirred up this huge wave and earned the current situation of the fierce army!

Wang Daliang didn't dare to imagine the thrills and murders along the way.

No matter how powerful, Fang Chutian is not invulnerable after all. Such a risk, a little carelessness is the end of breaking to pieces.

But Fang Chutian just walked over step by step. He even walked arrogantly and overbearing along the way!

This is a guy who always surprises people to be stunned!

He said he was timid, but he acted recklessly and boldly. He said he was cautious and alert, but he often took risks and played with fire.

No one can guess what this guy will do. His mind is so unrestrained that there is no trace!

Every time I wander on the magic cube, I touch the cold body of the ship, and look at the collision angle, turret, engine and power cabin of the warship

Wang Daliang is glad that there is such a Fang Chutian in China. He is also glad that he can command such a warship and experience such a wonderful experience after Fang Chutian.

Even if these lunatics end up in pieces, it's fucking worth it!

Now, Fang Chutian has completed the sword casting campaign of the Humvee army, and the Humvee army has become famous in World War I in prozhen. The marine fleet of the fierce army will welcome its own knife test stone and complete the last process of the sharp sword!

Wang Daliang gently turned the rotary knob to amplify the radar information.

The main fleet of devil's eye is 23 nautical miles away! In the sea, this distance is close at hand!

It is a fleet composed of one cruiser, two modified destroyers, 12 armed merchant ships, 20 predators and torpedo boats. The number is 3.5 times that of the first fleet of the fierce army!

Barbarosa, who has been wandering in the free port, has sent back detailed information about the demon eye fleet.

From the intelligence point of view, Steelman's action must be because of something wrong with his base base, which forced him to lead all ships to the base in a hurry regardless of the threat faced by the Northern League at the moment.

As soon as the devil's eye parted ways with the matador mercenary Corps fleet, Barbarosa moved closer to it intentionally or unintentionally. If in the past, Stillman would never let Barbarosa threaten himself.

This time, he just made a little warning and accelerated his departure.

Stillman, what happened that was so unusual?

Wang Daliang stared at the radar cursor and frowned: "is there any news about the reconnaissance ship sent from the base?"

"Not yet!" The communication officer who had been staring at the console shook his head and reported, but soon he jumped up: "coming!"

Everyone in the control room looked nervously at the communication liaison officer. He stood up, quickly took out the electronic folder of the password communicator and put his backhand into the decoder. After waiting for a moment, the decoded electronic folder was bounced out, and the communication liaison officer picked up the folder and ran. He glanced at the folder and handed it to Wang Daliang.

"An unidentified cruiser appeared in the sea area of de4541! And tried to attack the demon eye Pirate base. At present, the electronic reconnaissance ship is covertly searching the direction of the cruiser. The search radar has found the reflected current of the ship group. It is preliminarily suspected that this is a military ship team of a country composed of at least one battleship and one cruiser! Further verification and identification is required. "

"A country's military fleet?" Wang Daliang's eyes are a little straight.

In the current situation, the fleet of any country may appear here.

"Order the second fleet!" Wang Daliang quickly made a decision: "order Barbarosa to approach the main fleet of the devil's eye, harass them and delay their speed! The first fleet sped up immediately and went to de4541 sea area! "

"Report!" Ma Wei quickly went to Duan Tiandao's office and handed a document in his hand to Duan Tiandao: "Colonel Fang. Just after receiving the communication from Colonel Wang Daliang, the main fleet of devil's eye suddenly left the sea area of free port and went to its base. According to the report of our reconnaissance ship, there is an unidentified military fleet. It is attacking the devil's eye base. It is believed that Stillman led the team back to reinforce the base. "

"Oh?" Duan Tiandao raised his head from a micro precision lathe, took off his microscopic glasses, took the report from Ma Wei and looked at it carefully.

Ma Wei looked around Duan Tiandao's office and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

Where is this office? It's a messy workshop!

All kinds of materials and parts were piled all over the floor. Lathes, welding machines, micro non hot metal furnaces and setting machines filled the whole room. On the table, there were dishes that Duan Tiandao had just eaten.

As a soldier with a natural rigorous character, Marvey himself is always neat and tidy. On weekdays, he is a tall and straight, serious and meticulous image. In the past, when he was in the fourth fleet, what he couldn't see most was that he looked sloppy. Although his subordinates would be scolded, as his superiors, he couldn't get his good face.

However, Ma Wei can't sneeze at all because of his Chutian's style!

If there is another sloppy guy in the world who can make him sincerely worship and respect, it is only Fang Chutian. Ma Wei never believed in political claims, and he paid little attention to the achievements of the other party before Chu Tian. He only believes what his eyes see!

Since the attack on the ark, what Fang Chutian has done has made Ma Wei completely become his follower! Ma Wei, who has always regarded national glory as his duty and never flattered his superiors, is even proud of his status as a follower.

If Fang Chutian is the most arrogant madman in China in this era, Ma Wei must strive to rank second! Along the way, all the dangers and hardships are vivid in Ma Wei's mind. It is Fang Chutian who leads us to always adhere to and repeatedly create miracles!

Duan Tiandao looked up after reading the document. His face was always dull and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Colonel!" Ma Wei pondered over the information in his mind and asked, "is this a bureau set up by the United States and Thailand?"

"No." Duan Tiandao shook his head and said, "the base of the devil's eye Pirate Group is very secret. They don't know that we have determined the location of their base. This is one of them. Second, the biggest enemy of teliu now is the northern commercial alliance. After the last sneak attack, the war damage rate of the three schools of fleets was as high as 30%, and teliu lost six major seaports one after another! At this time, the devil's eye fleet should defend together with the matador mercenary Corps fleet, rather than designing any traps. "

Marvey nodded.

Fang Chutian's thinking is meticulous. The first point points out the defects of trap theory.

Indeed, if Stillman didn't know that the Humvees had found his base, he couldn't use the base as bait.

"So, who will this fleet be?" Murmured Marvey.

"Look at this!" Duan Tian Dao went to the central computer and turned out a newspaper.

When Ma Wei looked at it, he saw an eye-catching headline in the newspaper... The sudden naval military exercise held by Susi, followed by a detailed report. Duan Tiandao pointed out a key line: the Susi Empire suddenly held a military exercise on the high seas. It is said that the exercise was damaged and half of the fleet was lost.

Ma Wei was surprised and said, "how can more than half of the injuries occur in military exercises?"

Duan Tiandao took a breath: "of course not."

Ma Wei suddenly returned to his mind: "you mean, the ones who attack the devil's eye are the damaged fleets of the SUS Empire?"

Duan Tiandao disdained to answer such a retarded question, opened the sea route map, and marked several staggered routes on the free channel of the starry free port, and the location of the devil's eye base is in the north of the route!

"The fleet of the SUS Empire has reported losses and lost supplies. Lost in these intricate channels, they can only find a large free dock to settle down, but they must stay away from the main channel. If you found the trace of pirates by chance and found the pirate base, what would you do if it were you? "

"Magpie nests and doves occupy!" Marvey's eyes lit up!

"Yes!" Duan Tiandao nodded: "only this explanation can explain the origin of this fleet and the reason why they attacked the devil's eye base! Apart from this possibility, nothing else is true! This is not a trap that tailiu can arrange, and the military fleets of other countries cannot appear here. "

"What should we do?" Asked Marvey.

"Tell Wang Daliang my guess." On Duan Tiandao's greasy face, a pair of eyes twinkled green: "immediately further determine the identity of this fleet. The relationship between the Susi Empire and China is quite good. We should avoid any conflict with it. If the identity is confirmed, our first fleet must take the devil's eye base first! In addition, inform the reconnaissance ship to expand the search scope. In our base, we will send two reconnaissance ships to assist in the search! Be sure to find the main location of the SUS fleet! They can never have only these two warships! "

Ma Wei recorded the order, stared wide and asked, "we robbed their base. Isn't it easy to lead to conflict?"

"How can it be? We are natural allies!" Duan Tiandao looked at the sea map with a smile and said, "it's a big deal. I'll grab it first and then lend it to them."

Marvey: "

Ma Wei took the order and went away, but Duan Tiandao was infuriated by the sudden news and could no longer calm down to carry out the work at hand.

And no matter what happened to the SUS fleet, since it is in the free world, it will be the greatest help of the fierce army!

However, how to tie this fleet to the vehicles of the fierce army is a very thorny problem.

Who leads this fleet, what are their plans, and what are their attitudes towards Chinese allies

No one knows.

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