The young major general of the former big color column always makes every effort in silence. When he makes a move, it must be a fatal thunder blow!

If we say that the rise of the northern business alliance depends on selwall's leadership and keen political smell. Then, the reason why the northern business alliance has not been weakened in countless struggles, but gradually expanded! It depends on Feller's military talent.

In the previous genre wars, Feller never said a word about the specific tactical command.

All operational plans and battlefield command are independently completed by the BEIMENG operational command. In addition to understating and looking at the war report, selwall did not make any intervention and instructions in strategy and tactics at all.

Because he disdains to do it!

If, with the advantages accumulated by selwall over decades and with the support of the army of the Susi Empire, the northern commercial alliance can not beat the three major schools, the combat command, the military staff officers who have been painstakingly sent to military academies and armies of various countries by the Northern Alliance, will simply commit suicide!

Today, Feller personally stood in front of the electronic sand table in the command room.

Feller had to bury the Humvee who had annihilated the first armored assault regiment.

What appears on the electronic sand table in front of feller is the same terrain as Duan Tiandao. However, unlike Duan Tiandao's sand table, Feller's sand table has three more red arrows.

One of the two Northern League mixed regiments from the eastern part of prozhen, interspersed to the northeast, and set out with the northern industrial zone, made a pincer attack on the northwest defense line of prozhen.

The other is moving westward from No. 7 resource highway in the east of Pro Town, which is six infantry regiments and two armored battalions starting from Xianlong port! Their target is the eastern defense line outside the scadivo base in the east of the town of pro.

The last one was in the mountains of the Mishan mountains, 120 kilometers to the right of the SUS Armored Regiment. That's a detour, 1000 Far East victory class mecha going straight to the center in the south of Pro Town!

In addition to the five armored battalions of the bloody mecha regiment stationed in the central city and the mecha regiments left at major ports, the Northern League has poured out this time!

All the troops near Pro Town have been mobilized. With the previous three-way attack, six red arrows, like six daggers, pierce the heart of the fierce army!

Destroy the town of prow, and the fierce army is a lost dog!

The newly formed school mutual aid alliance. Will completely disintegrate.

"I didn't expect that the small town of Pro would develop so rapidly." Standing beside Feller, selwall smiled and looked at the six red arrows on the map, as if he saw the end of the fierce Army: "if it weren't for the hostile camp, I really want to see the Chinese hero. With his help, we can dominate the free world even without the alliance of the SUS empire! "

"Is your goal only to dominate the free world?" Feller gave Sewall a faint look.

"Ha ha." Selwall laughed and shook his head. "If it's just this goal, how can you abandon everything and stand behind me in the free world? I just lamented the development of the fierce army for a while. In just a few months, they almost exceeded our control... It's amazing. "

"Out of control?" Feller said expressionless, "since you deliberately startled the snake, when have the actions of the fierce army been out of our sight? During this time, they are growing, and our harvest may be more? "

"That's true." Selwall laughed.

"A so-called Chinese hero, 120 mecha. Just want to play tricks in the free world? " Feller proudly looked at the electronic map and said coldly, "they're too overconfident."

"I didn't think so." Selwall said, "they are not the vanguard of China's involvement in the free world, just a group of lost dogs! A few months from the world and without any support behind, he dared to play this empty handed white wolf. If they succeed, my life will be in vain! "

Feller spoke with disdain.

For Provo, he set up a dead end. He did not believe that the so-called fierce army could escape the formed snare.

"You..." selwall put away his smile. Frowning, he said, "if chuck knew we took them as victims to contain the main force of the fierce army. Will they... "

The orderly brought two cups of coffee and put them on the table next to selwall and Feller.

Feller watched the orderly leave and said softly, "do I have to care about the feeling of a dead man or a loser?"

He turned his head and looked into Sewall's eyes: "the SUS Empire only respects those who can win. Whether this person is their own, or their allies, or even their enemies! As long as we can win and face the SUS Empire, we will have a stronger voice! "

"I shouldn't have asked, but it's important." Sewall looked at Feller and said, "can you make sure it's safe? You know, I haven't seen your battle plan and deduction results yet. " He turned his head, looked at the six red arrows on the electronic sand table, smiled and said: "although just looking at this, I have enough confidence, but I want to see the results."

"Look." Feller smiled and opened the computer deduction program.

During the start of the program, his finger crossed the screen of the electronic sand table.

The deduction begins.

The cursor representing the combat force appears on the virtual screen and begins to move with the program. As the deduction process proceeds, the six arrows continue to advance towards prozhen. The blue line of defense along the way was broken down one by one in the extension of the red arrow.

The circular cursor attached to Feller's finger, representing the main Armored Regiment of pingqiling Humvee army, collided with the red arrow again and again with the movement of Feller's finger.

The comprehensive combat effectiveness data including the equipment, quantity, soldier quality and other parameters of both sides change rapidly in the simulated battle.

When the circular cursor representing the main force of the fierce army completely disappears in the consumption of the red arrow, there are only six red arrows left. It also pierced into the center of prozhen alone, and quickly rendered the map of prozhen into a blood red.

"Do they have such combat effectiveness?"

Sewall looked at Feller with a cold face in shock. He didn't expect that the final result of Feller's action was just a disastrous victory.

It is unimaginable that the main force of a regiment has eliminated the five-way attack.

"I set the enemy according to the strongest combat effectiveness in the intelligence." Feller coldly smiled at the corners of his mouth and said, "even if they have such combat effectiveness. But they don't have so much time! We can play the game again. "

The deduction process was restarted and the situation recovered.

This time, Feller added the time setting.

The circular cursor representing the main force of the fierce army is among the six red arrows, rushing left and right, trying to resist.

However, no matter what it does, time is passing by minute by second. When it finally annihilated the two arrowheads, one of the other four arrowheads had entered PLO town.

All the lines of defense in Pro Town collapsed when they were broken all the way. A piece of red was rendered again on the map of prozhen, and the dust settled.

"Look." Feller clapped his hands, shook open a free port times and picked up the coffee on the table beside him: "war is an art."

Duan Tiandao frowned. When he learned that the enemy had divided troops, Duan Tiandao immediately suspended the ambush plan and made a deduction quickly. On the other hand, he quickly made contact with the base.

Old man Tianji taught him everything, not only killing, but also fighting.

War is not a child's play. In the thousands of famous war examples he has memorized, every mistake made by the commander. All at the cost of life.

Duan Tiandao vowed at that time that he would never be a victim of these negative teaching materials.

The result of the deduction shows that the original four battalions left the blood shadow mecha regiment in the west of the central city and formed two arrows separated up and down after the division. Although the total number is still the same, the enemy attacking PLO town is no longer three-way. It's four-way!

It's more and less. It is related to the success or failure of the battlefield counter encirclement and suppression campaign!

In the original battle plan, Duan Tiandao formulated a plan to break the enemy in three routes. If the enemy really has only three routes, Duan Tiandao is still very confident when the third regiment blocks the strong attack of the most powerful sus Armored Regiment and defeats the other two routes.

After all, no one will understand what kind of team he is leading!

As long as the defense line outside the town of proU can hold on a little, the three-way enemy will never be able to attack the town of proU.

Now, the enemy's Division has turned the three-way attack arrow into four-way attack!

Although the total number is the same, Duan Tiandao has long understood that quantity is not the decisive factor on the battlefield.

There was such an example in the local conflict between two countries in the Second World War decades ago.

In the face of five times the enemy's superior force, the commander in the war example transferred the enemy's main force with a tactical deception, and then raided the enemy's headquarters with an armored battalion to win the war.

At that time, the armored battalion was less than ten kilometers away from the enemy headquarters, exposing its tracks and encountering desperate resistance from a small number of defense forces.

However, in the end, they still made full use of the time difference of the enemy's mobilization, made a straight breakthrough, and destroyed the enemy's headquarters that could not be transferred in one fell swoop.

That war example fully shows that intelligence is the basis of war. It also shows that once the core weakness is exposed, a small number of troops can also determine the outcome of a battle!

Although the deduction is not optimistic, Duan Tiandao's mood is not depressed. After all, the teaching of the old man Tianji has long made him form the habit of leaving room when making battle plans.

Duan Tiandao's biggest worry is that if the enemy attacks more, it will be a big deal for the fierce army!

The less you want, the more you want.

Just after the rehearsal was completed, Duan Tiandao got the last news he wanted to hear in his contact with the base... The Humvee army was stationed in several observation points around prozhen. The longest time had been more than 45 minutes and had not contacted the base.

On hearing the news, Duan Tiandao immediately nodded.

These observation points are "refugees" sent out by the fierce army.

They are served by relatives of the fierce army and are distributed around all high-grade highways and resource highways within 1000 kilometers around the town.

Within 500 kilometers, there are more or less such "refugee" settlements in all areas where mecha can pass. Duan Tiandao called this monitoring system naked eye Skynet. Under this kind of simple and effective heavy monitoring, no large-scale army can silently approach the town of pro.

Originally, such an observation point should be very safe.

The personnel at the observation point are ordinary families. In this era of war, such refugees can be seen everywhere. No one cares about the existence of these people in cities, agricultural areas, industrial areas and deep mountains and forests.

If you want to avoid these people's eyes and ears, unless the army moving to prozhen sends out top soldiers and mecha to kill all the residents along the way who may expose their tracks!

Except for madmen and demons, Duan Tiandao doesn't think humans will do this.

But now, several "refugee" observation points in different observation circles in the same direction have disappeared at the same time!

What the hell is going on?

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