Without any hesitation, the disorderly crowd shifted a step to Duan Tiandao at the same time.

"The second combat team, come with me!"

Duan Tiandao's eyes were red. Attacking his opponent's base was to die in the eyes of ordinary people, but these soldiers took this step without hesitation.

This means that there are all comrades in arms that Duan Tiandao can entrust to his back.

They are free Hong Kong people.

He is Chinese.

It was the war that bound them together.

In the night. A group of big men look at each other and are silent. There is a kind of friendship between men, which is called trust.

Trust in life and death!

"I won't do anything about dying. Their main armored force has been mobilized, and the most dangerous place is here. " Duan Tiandao spat, gnashing his teeth, turned around and climbed up the mecha: "live for me! I have to settle with you! Go back and have a bucket of chili water for each person! "

"Fang Chutian!"

A warrior from the black dragon called Duan Tiandao. His name is Fang Chutian, not colonel.

The black faced man over thirty grinned and showed his white teeth: "have some wine?"

A bottle of vodka. It was divided into fifty parts, and everyone had only a little.

This degree can only be counted in the middle. The liquid with pure alcohol taste only needs a little, which can make people warm all over.

The heavy hatch covers were closed tightly under the contraction of the hydraulic system. The sound of the engine starting sounded one after another.

A loud bang came from the north of the first airport.

All of a sudden, the sound of gunfire shook the sky.

That was Wei Jianshan's first combat team.

On the huge screen of the headquarters of BEIMENG base, the real-time picture is playing.

In the first airport, the shrill sirens, the shouts of BEIMENG soldiers, the sound of fierce artillery and explosions have been heard.

The searchlights placed next to the walls, sentry towers and sandbags of various buildings and bases sweep around like crazy. In the interlaced light columns, the small red light at the muzzle of the gun and the relatively slow thick white light of the gun, like the colored lights dotted on the Christmas tree, flickered continuously in the dark.

Countless Northern League soldiers were fleeing the gunfire in horror.

Terminal building, apron, barracks, roads, green belts, gardens... Every inch of land is covered by the explosion.

In just 15 minutes, the intrepid aircraft armour broke through the outer defense line of the airport and was advancing towards the airport center. The infantry regiment in charge of airport defense had been reduced by nearly half. It was a matter of collapse at any time.

The nearest reinforcements sent are still an hour away from the airport.

"Increase the intensity of artillery attack on the central area of Pro Town." Feller said faintly.

Instead of looking at the actual combat situation photographed by the monitoring device of the airport navigation tower, he buried himself in the electronic sand table of PLO town and continued to listen to the war situation of PLO town reported by the staff officer.

In the headquarters hall, the sound of communication calls, the running sound of computer instruments on the central console, the tapping sound of the keyboard and the sound of footsteps seemed to return to the previous normal. The staff officers continued to be busy. They just exchanged strange eyes when their eyes occasionally touched, and then quickly turned the beginning.

Everyone knows that no matter how calm Feller's face is, it is also distorted.

Fang Chutian, who came from China, not only humiliated Feller in his best field, but also slapped him in the face of reserved Feller in full view of the public!

"Bah, do you deserve to play calculation with me? Wash your ass and wait, bastard! "

this sentence. It whirled uncontrollably in the minds of the staff. As long as they think of this sentence, they seem to see the poisonous tongue of Chu Tian splashing in his mouth.

The most hateful thing is that the bastard broke the line when he scolded, and didn't give Feller a chance to fight back! He was sprayed all over his head and face. But he can only face the dark screen. You can imagine how much feller is bent.

The war situation is still in the stalemate stage.

However, at the bottom of their hearts, the staff members are becoming more and more insecure.

At the time of the attack on prow, no one could find fault with Feller's battle plan. He thought of everything that should be thought of. In the most accidental and worst situation, he also made the rest of tactical adjustment.

But who would have thought that after this war, the situation would become like this! Who knows what will happen in the later battle?

How can that militia fight like this?

The staff around the electronic sand table are still making suggestions. Try to find a way to kill your opponent. However, the line of defense in Pro Town has not been broken through. The fierce army team in central city is about to capture the first airport again.

The tactical discussion has become a debate about whether it is necessary to mobilize the troops of the surrounding port cities and return to the central city through the space port, risking the risk of sneak attack by the three schools and Longxing.

In fact, this debate has broken the bottom line of feler's previous battle plan. Before the war, no one expected that the Northern League would be forced to this point by the fierce army.

"Our army's armor strength in the central city is seriously insufficient, although the enemy has only 50 machine armor. The combat effectiveness is comparable to that of a full Armored Regiment. This is what we need to face up to. We can't care about the gains and losses of one city and one place. We must have the determination to break our wrists. Dispatch garrison troops from Xianlong port, Lille port and Oslo port to return to the central city. Even if we lose these port cities, as long as we can eliminate the fierce army, it is worth it. We can take back what we lost! " A young combat staff shouted.

"I agree to transfer troops stationed in the surrounding ports." Another staff officer said: "however, the troops in Oslo port and Xianlong port cannot be mobilized. These two ports are under the threat of Longxing society. Once they are captured, it will be very difficult to get them back. I think that only three infantry regiments and two armored regiments in Lille port will be enough to deter the enemies who are ready to move against the central city. "

"I disagree." An opposing staff officer could not help but retort loudly: "although our army has suffered some losses, on the whole, it is still in an advantage. The Humvee can damage our defense system at most, but we also have a total of nine fully mechanized infantry regiments and armored forces in the central city, four companies of the first blood shadow battalion and three armored battalions concentrated from the infantry division. More importantly, within the 24-hour radius around us, there is no force that can pose a threat to our core defense area. Twenty four hours later, even if Longxing will send troops and the three schools will collectively attack the central city, we will have taken the town of proU long ago! "

For a time, the staff members who supported and opposed each other. Feller and Sewall frowned and looked at the electronic map without saying a word.

Suddenly, a staff officer who argued with others said loudly, "although returning troops at this time exceeds the bottom line of the original battle plan, it is absolutely necessary. Although in theory, the fierce army team with only 50 mecha won the first airport, just like other places, burning, looting and plundering, and won't be trapped there and surrounded by us, but what if they and Longxing will partner? In case the army of Longxing will deliver it to the first airport through the spaceport... "

The staff officer said and suddenly shut his mouth.

"How is that possible? All the seaports connected by the first airport are under the control of our fleet... "The staff officer arguing with him was still refuting. Suddenly, he seemed to realize something and opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything later.

A terrible idea attacked everyone.

With his face greatly changed, Sewall turned to the communication staff beside him and shouted, "get me the fleet!"


"Chief of staff!"

The reply of the communication staff officer and the cry of another staff officer who suddenly stood up in front of the central console sounded almost at the same time.

Feller turned his head with difficulty and looked at the staff member who had changed his face.

"The longxinghui fleet launched an attack on space port 13 and 1 at the same time. At present, space port 13 has been lost!"

A prophecy!

The whole Northern League headquarters was silent.

The fleet communication that Sewall wanted was finally connected.

However, what appeared on the screen was not the commander of the blood wing fleet, but a major captain. He and his armed merchant ships are fleeing the pursuit of the longxinghui fleet.

The blood wing first fleet, the second fleet and the mixed fleet of the Renaissance army, which stayed at airports 13 and 15, suffered a devastating blow.

"Their sneak attack was too sudden!"

The embarrassed major looked pale: "their black flag and yellow flag fleet made a threatening fake move to our airport 19, and all our attention was attracted. As soon as the main force of our fleet leaves the port, the sneak attack of the green flag fleet begins! "

"It was a disaster!" The major's face was filled with fear of memories.

"They have ten destroyer class armed merchant ships equipped with military weapon systems and two cruisers. As soon as we left Hong Kong, they appeared in front of us. The warship in front blocked the exit, and we didn't even have the strength to fight back. The warships patrolling outside tried desperately to disperse them, but there were too many warships... "

On the screen, the major choked. Painful memories made him cry.

Behind him, the crew ran around in panic, and the roar did not stop for a moment. From time to time, the hull will shake violently, and the communication picture will be distorted and flickered constantly, which seems to break at any time.

Everyone's heart sank to the bottom of the cold valley.

Longxinghui, a poisonous snake that has been standing for a long time, finally revealed its fangs. With a sneak attack like Pearl Harbor, he gave the Northern League a fatal blow!

In fact, the Northern League has always maintained its vigilance against the Longxing society.

Now, however, the staff members admit that when this vigilance has been maintained for more than expected time, it has become lax.

These Chinese people are too patient.

Their self-protection posture has been maintained since the genre war. Whether the Northern League is fighting with the three major schools. Or this campaign against the fierce army, Longxing will turn a blind eye to the defects and temptations exposed by the Northern League. Time after time, they judged that they would make a move, but they fell empty again and again.

Therefore, BEIMENG has developed the thinking inertia of Longxing society, and there will be a feeling in everyone's subconscious mind. It seems that these guys will always maintain their posture until the Northern League attacks.

It is this illusion that makes BEIMENG pay a heavy price!

There are 100 ports in the free port.

The top 20 airports occupy 20 airspace covering the whole island. Other airports were built around them later.

Airport 13, airport 15 and other airports within the control of these two airports are the docking ports of the first airport in the central city.

Selwall turned around and looked at Feller blankly: "if Longxing would transport the army through airport 13, how long would it take them?"

"An hour." Feller's voice became a little hoarse: "if they had planned. In just one hour, they can assemble two armored regiments through the first airport. Within five hours. They can transport five armored regiments and ten infantry regiments through airport No. 1! "

"What about us?" Selwall asked, "there is more than one ground airport in the central city. If we assemble troops from various ports now, how long will it take to transfer back?"

Feller didn't speak.

This question does not need to be answered.

Not to mention that those small airports have only one thirtieth of the transport capacity of the first airport, it takes at least two hours for troops to assemble and replenish! More importantly, these airports are under the attack range of the longxinghui fleet!

Now the main force of the blood wing fleet has been fatally hit. At present, the number of fleets stationed in the free port airport is very small. They are still waiting for the rescue of fleets coming back from other routes. How can they support such a large-scale airdrop?

an utterly inadequate measure.

This ancient Chinese idiom made Feller's mouth bitter.

The electronic sand table in front of me is like a chess game in which the opponent trapped the dragon.

"You deserve to spell with me?"

Voice of the Fang Chutian kept echoing in Feller's mind and humming.

The frustration of failure almost suffocated him.

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