As a veteran scout, Sun Ping never dreamed that he had no chance to resist and fell into the hands of others.

What's more frightening is that the other party not only grabbed himself in an instant, but also knew the position of his companions long ago, and even said that the position of the sniper was not bad at all. And under the big tree where he and himself are now invisible, it is just the shooting dead corner of his companions.

All this can only show that the other party is an expert who is proficient in jungle warfare, has rich experience and terrible skills, and is enough to dominate life and death in this jungle!

Not far away, the white suss soldiers were still searching carefully, still staring wide, trying desperately to see through the silent and dense grass and the big trees that looked gloomy even in the sun.

They look so funny. But Sun Ping couldn't laugh at all.

He finally understood the tension and fear of those white suss soldiers. Anyone who knew that there was such a ghost like existence around him would have such an expression!

The heart beat faster and the ears hummed with blood in the brain.

"Push, push"!

A series of small bullets swept into a bush.

It was a bessus soldier who opened fire in panic because of the slightest disturbance. It can be seen that these so-called pursuers have been terrified to what extent.

"Brother." The voice behind him was very gentle: "I'm major general Hua Xia, chief of general staff of the free port front army in the southeast theater and the first army, long Chutian! The helicopter that crashed is mine. There are dozens of my brothers over there. "

Sun Ping felt his hand pinched on his throat and slowly released it. The man then said, "I've killed eight of the thirteen bassus idiots who came here. If I hadn't found you, I would have done the remaining five. You know I don't have to lie. If I have malice, I just need to tell the enemy where you hide and kill you without hesitation. "

Sun Ping believed each other's words.


He has heard of that place. Although I don't know the specific details, it seems that the free port has fallen into the hands of one of its own people.

He turned slowly with a movement that was as unobtrusive as possible.

I saw an ordinary middle-aged man's face.

"Here's the gun." Duan Tiandao smiled and returned the gun to Sun Ping: "I don't need to do it for the remaining five?"

Holding the gun in his hand, Sun Ping's last worry was dispelled. He nodded, checked the gun in his hand, then squatted up and made a gesture behind him.

When the outermost white suss soldier fell to the ground silently, the other four white suss soldiers could not escape the five fire lines. It's only three seconds.

"General!" Sun Ping stood at attention and saluted: "corporal Sun Ping, 2nd company, 1st Battalion, 1792 regiment, 51st mechanized infantry division, Huaxia aviation Marine Corps, requested instructions."

"Let all of you come." Duan Tiandao frowned and shrunk: "I can still feel the murderous spirit of your sniper."

"Yes!" Sun Ping took a big step aside and made a gesture.

In a moment, five Chinese soldiers, including sniper Feng Laosi, appeared in front of Duan Tiandao one by one.

Looking at Duan Tiandao in a uniform he had never heard of, the soldiers' eyes were full of vigilance, especially the sniper Feng Laosi, who stared at Duan Tiandao directly.

He couldn't understand how this guy touched Sun Ping from his sight! I don't understand why this guy knows his position.

You know, although the big tree that the man is leaning against is very strong, the only thing that can really be used as a shelter is the concave section of the small slope under the tree. If there is a little calculation error, he can shoot his head!

How much experience and accurate computing power can you select this position in an instant?

I'm afraid those ace special forces called jungle death don't have such skills. And in front of this ordinary man, where is the momentum of an ace special forces? What the fuck is going on!

With all kinds of confusion and doubt, the soldiers followed Duan Tiandao and walked to the helicopter crash site.

Along the way, Sun Ping briefly introduced the identities of several people to Duan Tiandao, said the current situation, and pointed out the direction of the position to Duan Tiandao.

Duan Tiandao stood on tiptoe for a long time and didn't see the position. He only heard the sound of guns echoing in the valley. He turned around and asked, "by the way, do you know a mecha test team in China? Are those scientists with you?"

Sun Ping shook his head and said, "I don't know. The team is very long. I didn't see the people in the headquarters."

Duan Tiandao sighed. He also knew that among tens of thousands of people, it was difficult for these ordinary soldiers to know the secret mecha test team.

"We haven't seen anyone, but..." Feng Laosi, the sniper, said: "I heard that marshal Li Cunxin brought some non combatants this time. I don't know if the scientific research team you said is in it."

Duan Tiandao shook his head and threw away his anxiety.

"Come out."

With a cry from Duan Tiandao who came to the pit, a group of people came out from behind the wreckage of the helicopter. The Chinese soldiers who followed were straight eyed.

Who are all these people?

Among the people who came out, I'm afraid the oldest is over 40. The youngest is only in her teens, and there is even a beautiful woman without combat effectiveness!

Although they all wear the same blue uniforms, except for seven or eight of them, the others don't look like soldiers.

There are many people. At first glance, they are the controllers sitting in the warship control room for many years, and many people are still filled with black oil. At first glance, they are the mechanics in the cabin.

A major general, what are you doing here with these old and young women and children? It's not good where they crashed. They crashed here.

Duan Tiandao looked at his troops sadly.

To tell the truth, the armed merchant ship was not equipped with many people this time. Most of the ships were born of pirates. In addition, when driving an armed helicopter into the blockade, the cabin of the loader has been destroyed. Even the weapon cabin was turned into a pile of scrap iron when it crashed. It was a bunch of miscellaneous brands with bare hands. It really didn't sell very well.

"I said." Lin Han saw Duan Tiandao coming back and asked, "what about this plane?"

Seeing that the woman directly omitted the honorific title of the Chinese major general, several Chinese soldiers looked at each other helplessly, and they all doubted whether the farmer who obviously came out of the field was a real major general.

"Put explosives in the key parts and blow up everything that can explode!" Duan Tiandao looked at the time: "we don't have much time. We have to leave quickly."

"Yes!" Ma Weili was saluting and turned to drill into the helicopter.

"Wait!" Sun Ping hurriedly said, "general, is there a communicator and anti-jamming device on the plane? If so, can we dismantle it? We must get in touch with the regiment headquarters! The communication device on the position was blown up. "

"Boom!" A loud noise came from the bend of the mountain. Everyone felt a violent tremor on the ground.

"Position!" The faces of several Chinese soldiers changed.

"It's too late to dismantle the machine!" Duan Tiandao looked down the mountain and turned pale. He said to Sun Ping, "don't worry about others now. Take us to the position and stabilize the defense line first. If you lose your position, everyone here will be ruined! "

The soldiers of the fierce army followed behind the six Chinese soldiers and flew like lightning in the jungle.

The gunfire and explosion came closer and closer as the soldiers ran. After turning the hillside, the position built on the top of the mountain was faintly visible.


With a deafening noise, a red light suddenly shone in the forest gap. Countless soil was thrown into the sky in the violent explosion, making the thick trees crackle.

The smoke and dust of gunpowder dispersed in all directions, and black and white smoke formed a dark cloud covering the ground, rolling and changing into a strange shape in the air. Slanting into the sky along the wind.

The whole mountain trembled in the continuous explosion.

Duan Tiandao bit his teeth and ran at the front of the team with six Chinese soldiers.

He has not experienced such a scene for a long time. Since he arrived at Freeport, most of his battles were completed in mecha.

In all battles. Infantry fighting is the most dangerous.

There is no need to find another reason to prove it. Just look at the number and proportion of infantry killed in each war. I know how close this unlucky guy with a gun and a body of meat as armor is to death every day.

Dozens of figures jumped and ran in the jungle, like meteors towards the position.

Dozens of meters away from the position, the light shrouded in the position can be seen through the cracks of branches and leaves. There are the dazzling red of fusion grenade explosion, the white light of portable rockets, and the flash of tens of thousands of electro-optic artillery when machine guns and rifles fire intensively.

Behind these flashes, the figure of the baisus soldiers has vaguely appeared in the front of the position!


Captain Hua Xia Wang Zheng drank violently and stabbed a bessus soldier who rushed into the trench with a bayonet.

The pupil of the white Susi soldier who had just stepped on the position contracted rapidly, and the conditioned horizontal gun turned sideways, trying to poke Wang Zheng's bayonet away. However, with the fierce shaking of Wang Zheng's arms, the bayonet at the muzzle of the gun still penetrated his heart with great accuracy!

The blood was sprayed out with the drawn bayonet like a burst water pipe. The white suss soldiers fell into the muddy trench with their distracted eyes open.

Wang Zhengshun wiped the blood on his face and met another white Susi soldier who rushed into the trench.

Beside him, the machine gunners who had been wounded in many places were still pouring fire down the hillside, and other Chinese soldiers were still biting their teeth and shooting at the layers of wave like scattered lines in front of the position without raising their heads.

Although at least five or six pessus soldiers broke through the fire blockade and rushed to the position. But Wang Zheng can only roar at the same number of soldiers to fight with his opponents, including himself.

Although he was still struggling, Wang Zheng knew that the battle had come to the end.

The company has a full complement of more than 160 people, and now there are only 20 or 30 left, including civilian personnel, machine maintenance soldiers and cooking teams in each platoon, which have been filled in the front line.

When the enemy rushes into the position, let alone send more people for hand to hand combat. Even so, the firepower of the position is not enough to block the enemy.

In the blink of an eye, the enemy in front of the position rushed ten meters closer again!

The situation has reached the most critical juncture!

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