When the mecha's attention finally left Bai Cong and turned to other places, Bai Cong poked out his head again and found that the captain Bai Susi in his quasi star had fallen on the trunk of a Blue Willow pine.

His body was like a gray blanket on a tree trunk, his head fell to the ground, and a large red and white funnel-shaped hole in the back of his head told everyone the cause of his death.

Only captain bethus's epaulet composed of three copper wolf heads on his shoulder is still intact and full of texture.

One shot in the head!

Who killed him?

Bai Zhiren firmly clasped the M26 in his hand and sprinkled the bullet into an arc at the speed of 20 rounds per second.

The elastic chain tore at the ground 200 meters away, stripped the brown bark of the tree, and made a trail of wood chips flying in rows. Several bessus soldiers who constantly charged alternately behind the bunker were pressed in place, only firing a few shots from time to time, slowly looking for opportunities to suppress fire.

Finally, a white Susi soldier seized the opportunity and set up a machine gun between a two meter diameter bluestone and a big tree held by two people. A row of bullets swept only one meter in front of him and hit the bulletproof wall buried in the soil.

"Damn it." Bai Zhiren tried to attack the machine gun, but the angle was blocked by the cyan rock. Except for the barrel of the gun that constantly vented fire to himself, he could only see less than half of his opponent's helmet.

With the suppression of machine gun fire, several bessus soldiers on the other side began to move.

These soldiers, who had undergone the most severe army training in the world, quickly pulled away to the left and right under the cover of the terrain. While approaching, they cooperate with machine guns to form cross fire.

Bai Zhigan withdrew after toppling a baisus soldier.

Gasping violently, he took out the magazine on the tactical vest and stuffed it into the M26.

The bullets on his head hit the eaves like a rainstorm, making a continuous puff. From time to time, several very thin light chains crossed his head and hit the pit wall behind the position trench, and smashed mud chunks, large and small, fell into the pit.

It doesn't seem to make it.

There are only about ten people in the whole trench. The wounded lie on the muddy ground. The slightly injured are still wrapped up by themselves. The seriously injured can make several medical guards busy with sweating.

The firepower on the position can't stop the enemy's advance. It can be pressed occasionally. As soon as the baisus soldiers lie down and fight back, they will be suppressed immediately.

When the probe went out again, the distance was shortened by tens of meters.

In addition, the Toyama mecha, which has been showing off its prestige, could rush into the trench and smash the position like tofu in a few minutes.

Bai carefully hung two fusion grenades on his tactical vest and put the trigger point in his hand in the most convenient position. This was his last resort after the enemy broke into the position.

With a gentle press, he could go on the road with a few unlucky bessus on his back.

The machine gun fire overhead was endless.

I don't know how many enemies in this area have advanced in such a short time. He looked left and right. Maybe it's time to change the shooting position. There are still several vacant shooting positions.


Behind him came a very slight gunshot.

Bai Cheng, who was on his side, didn't have to look back to know that Fang Chutian was shooting with a sniper gun.

Sure enough, before he turned back, the man ran to him, climbed ten meters away and shot the probe. Then he turned back and shot the probe again. Whether he hit or not, this guy jumped to the front like a rabbit.

"Horizontal trough." Bai Yi grinned: "running is quite floating!"

He was a little envious of the lively Fang Chutian. He didn't know how to live or die. That was a realm.

Suddenly, he turned his head and felt something wrong.

The sound of machine guns over your head has disappeared!

Bai Zhili quickly put out his head, swept out with a shuttle, and killed two baisus soldiers who rushed up with their hips pouted. It was found that the machine gun hidden between the rock and the tree had been misfired.

The machine gunner's helmet was gone. All he could see was the bark peeled off from the side of the tree and a pool of shocking blood.

Look at the location of the blood stain, and then look at his location. An idea that shocked him immediately jumped into his mind!

He quickly turned his head. Twenty meters away from his left, the curved position protruded in front of him. The Chutian's fast probe fired. A sergeant baisus just encouraged the soldiers around him to rush up and was shot in the head.

This time, the man did not immediately move his position, but fired three shots in situ.

One shot at a time.

A staff sergeant, a corporal, and a machine gunner who had just set up a machine gun.

The three roads burst into blood fog almost at the same time, which was dazzling on the sunny and green jungle slopes.

Bai is looking for it quickly.

As far as I could see, I couldn't see an officer of bethus!

Those officers who screamed to drive away the soldiers, or took the lead in the charge crazily, and those officers who filled their whole vision every time they charged, have completely disappeared in this sunny and strange world.

"My God!" White's mind is blank.

He stared blankly at the figure of the snooping man. At this moment, the whole world seems to have lost color and sound.

In this second or tenth of a second. Suddenly, the earth trembled violently, and a dark shadow flashed past him.

A strange mecha drilled out of the position.

Bai looked blankly at the mecha leaping by.

The streamlined fuselage, rigid lines, external armor with arc protrusions and integral stamping shell have followed him for nearly two years. Even if the armor is melted into molten steel, he can recognize it at a glance.

In a counterattack three hours ago, he drove his own mecha to kill two Toyama vehicles that broke into the position. He also paid the price of serious damage to the mecha and loss of combat effectiveness.

He asked Shen Ming more than ten times if he could repair the mecha. But Shen Ming's answer was silent shaking his head. Several other mechanics in the mecha class were equally helpless and depressed on their faces.

So he had to pick up his gun, leave his mecha and fight as an infantry.

This is not difficult for him. After all, mecha soldiers usually have to receive the same training.

Bai can't remember how long the battle lasted. All he knew was that he climbed to the shooting position again and again and shot the enemy mechanically. Until a crashed helicopter brought a group of miscellaneous soldiers in blue uniforms.

When the hateful and shameful Fang Chutian in the group of miscellaneous soldiers tried to repair his machine armor as an excuse for him to escape the battle, Bai was angry.

He knows the severity of the damage to his own mecha. Even Shen Ming, who deals with Taihang every day, can't repair it. I'm afraid Fang Chutian, who hasn't even touched Taihang before, how can he repair the mecha with a maintenance arm without mecha drawings and data?

More importantly, there are not enough parts in the position!

There are no worse lies and excuses than that. Even if you stay for another second, you feel that it is an insult to your IQ.

The major general took off his uniform and was wearing only a ridiculous bulletproof vest!

Before the man attacked his mecha, Bai Zhisheng shouted the soldiers to leave the mecha trench. He was afraid that he could not help killing Fang Chutian with a shuttle.

When Fang Chutian ran into the front of the position, Bai Zhilin vaguely felt that he was wrong.

When Duan Tiandao sniped and killed three white suss soldiers, the idea became stronger and stronger. He couldn't help but want to drop his gun and see if another miracle was born in the machine trench.

When he saw the mecha in front of him, he finally realized that he might have missed something.

Bai Zhiren turned his head. His comrades in the position were still firing mechanically, but he could clearly see their shock from their eyes.

Great shock!

The sun fell on the front of the position that was not too open on the 347 highland. Bullet holes and scattered tree shadows tore the sun into pieces and mottled.

The mud and gravel raised by the explosion rise one after another like a column of water rising into the sky. The broken wood and dead branches are broken and bouncing in the bullet rain, the earth is still shaking, the thick smoke of gunpowder is still covering the sky and blocking the sun, and the deafening sound of guns is still echoing in the valley.

However, all this became a static picture at the moment when the tattered Taihang jumped out of the position.

The mecha is advancing at high speed.

It has only half of its head left.

The left forehead and the part where the left eye observer is located are like being bitten by a wild dog. Its left arm has been broken, half of its elbow is welded with an ugly shield, and its shell is full of metal patches. It looks like a poor beggar.

The most incredible thing is that its right leg is a strange thing, thick and ugly, very awkward. Between the black frame and the silver filler metal, you can even see the line gear and the fast telescopic transmission rod!

Is this the Taihang that was lying in the trench just now?

The soldiers looked at each other and felt a stream of hot blood rush to their heads.

There is no doubt about the answer. Is there any other Taihang in this position?

But how can it move?

Everyone couldn't help looking back for the figure in the position.

Duan Tiandao stepped on the muddy water and ran in the trench. Suddenly, he stopped, probed and fired!

In front of the position, corporal bethus, who was running between two big trees, fell to the ground.

The bessus soldiers, who were faint and graceful on the jungle slopes, stopped moving several times and looked for shelter between the woods and small mounds in panic.

Duan Tiandao changed his position and fired the probe!

The gun in the hand of another bessus soldier, who was crawling on the ground and shooting at the position, was dumb. His head fell to one side in a strange way. Blood flowed from his torn neck and immersed in the dark brown soil.

There are no exposed enemies on the front.

It seemed that Duan Tiandao saw something with his remaining light. Duan Tiandao turned quickly. After the muzzle of the gun swung an arc in the air, he trembled very slightly.

On the far left side, a white sus soldier who had just poked out his head suddenly looked up and fell down with a blood hole in his forehead. A red blood band composed of dozens of drops of blood, large and small, was helplessly thrown into the air with the violent swing of his head up.

Before the blood spilled on the ground, Duan Tiandao had shrunk his head, closed the grab, bent down and ran quickly to the next sniper point.

The position was silent.

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