As soon as the mecha stopped, the soldiers jumped down. One by one, the figures ran back and forth, with a low voice command, one after another, and the footsteps were messy.

After a busy moment, a neat team has appeared in the forest clearing.

Duan Tiandao jumped out of the mecha. Behind him, Ma Wei, Hargrave and others stood in a row. Beside him were Lin Han, Wang Zheng, Lin Yulin, and two other major Li Weiguo and pangli.

The faint light sprinkles on the treetops of the jungle, and the gurgling stream can be heard at the foot of the mountain.

Duan Tiandao's eyes glowed faintly in the dark.

"Everyone knows my name. I'm afraid most people don't know my origin." Duan Tiandao looked at the soldiers in front of him and said loudly, "I'm from China, major general of China. The free port and free channel were seized by Lao Tzu! I saved your general Zhang Pengcheng! The longbow sea area is guarded by Lao Tzu! "

The mountain wind was blowing, and the team was silent.

The soldiers quietly watched the man with some ferocious muscles on his face. My heart vibrated violently with the outstanding achievements burst out from Duan Tiandao's mouth, and my heart beat faster and faster.

The Humvee soldiers didn't brag, and the man wasn't bragging.

"More than 200 of you are prisoners of war. They have just been saved by our family Lin Han."

Duan Tiandao patted Lin Han on the shoulder beside him. Lin Han smiled charmingly, revealing a mouth of white teeth. The Chinese soldiers looked at the angel like woman and couldn't help but be frightened. By coincidence, they thought of the bessus soldier who had been bitten with his neck missing, the strange figure, and the red blood.

"Others share life and death with us." Duan Tiandao's voice was very clear in the howling cold wind: "no matter where you come from and what your previous designation was, now we are an army! An army that is surrounded by the enemy's rear and wants to smash an earth shaking army! "

"My purpose here is very simple! The headquarters asked me to come to the North gale island! " Duan Tiandao looked around: "to tell you the truth, I didn't want to talk to them. In this case, what is it to let me perform the task instead of dying? But I heard that marshal Li Cunxin was here. I had no choice! So here I am! "

"Now, what we have to do is attack a bessus armored battalion five kilometers away!" Duan Tiandao pointed to the northwest of the mountain depression: "over this mountain, we can see their camp!"

"Some people may think that this is hitting a stone with an egg! But! " He paced back and forth in front of the line: "I tell you! I'm not so stupid! "

He waved fiercely: "kozmo, tell them the speed of their hands."

"Sixty two movements per second!" Don't move forward.


"Seventy one movements per second!" Hargrove stepped forward and held his chest up.


"Seventy movements per second."


"Seventy three per second!"




As the nine mecha soldiers behind Duan Tiandao took a step forward one after another, listening to the terrorist data reported by these ares level mecha soldiers, all the Chinese soldiers present felt a rush of blood, suddenly boiling up and burning their chest!

"Lao Tzu, these soldiers, look all over bethus, and they can't come up with it!" Duan Tiandao patted his chest and shouted, "now we only have six mecha. In two hours, we will have 260 mecha!"

"Everyone present has. Even if half of us are infantry, you can drive mecha to walk behind us! Anyone who has driven an agricultural machine armour or an engineering machine armour in the field can drive a combat machine armour! "

Duan Tiandao said, stopping and slowly looking around: "tell me, would you like to follow me and kill the armored battalion! To rescue your marshal and your comrades in arms? "

"Yes, sir!" More than 200 Chinese soldiers shouted in unison.

"Good! We will eat all the enemies in front of us. " Duan Tiandao waved and said faintly, "you don't have to fight hard to fight a camp. This time it's just to cut and sacrifice flags and get some mecha. The only task for you to follow us is to grab what should be robbed and destroy what should be destroyed! These things, they understand! "

Duan Tiandao said, pointing to a group of fierce army rookies standing next to him. The rookies showed reserve and nodded their heads.

"Let's go!"

"First Squadron, turn right, mecha! Second squadron, run forward! "

With the roar of Huaxia Lieutenant Colonel Lin Yulin, the soldiers who had been encouraged to kill their machines lined up without hesitation. This time, instead of defending their positions and being beaten, they took the initiative to attack!

A moment later, with the start sound of the mecha engine and the sound of footsteps gradually disappearing, the mountain forest was calm again. Only two trucks that could not climb over the steep mountains remained quietly in the faint moonlight.

In less than an hour, the team had turned out of the depression.

Standing on the ridge, through the night vision telescope, the armored camp at the foot of the mountain is clearly visible.

The camp is on a hillside with an area of about two square kilometers, back to the south. Three rows of combined barracks were surrounded by a concave word, with 300 Toyama mecha and 80 baisus ninth generation civet mecha parked in the middle. At the center of these battle mecha are nine black wind electronic mecha, six dragon heavy fire support mecha, 20 animal elephant medium mecha, dozens of transport mecha, maintenance mecha and engineering mecha.

It was already two o'clock in the morning. The camp was dark and silent.

"General." Lin Yulin put down his electronic night vision telescope and asked, "judging from the number of parked mecha, the enemy should have at least 30 mecha patrolling outside. Among them, it also includes a black wind electronic mecha. If we don't do it as soon as possible, it's difficult to completely cover the enemy's radar detection by commanding the electronic equipment of the mecha. "

Duan Tiandao held up an electronic telescope: "Lin Han!"

"There are two mobile patrols and six fixed garrisons in the valley on the left." Lin Han stretched out his white slender fingers and said without hesitation: "there are four vehicles opposite the camp, ten within a distance of 200 meters around, in a circle, with an interval of 100 meters. In addition, on the right hillside, there are four guard mecha threatening our rear team. We must kill them! "

"How long can the electronic suppression system of the command mecha be shielded?" Duan Tiandao asked.

"The other party has only one electronic mecha that is activated and can be shielded for at least half an hour." Lin Han grinned and smiled, "besides, with me, you just feel at ease. There is no signal to slip out of here within an hour."

"Buzz." Duan Tiandao put down his telescope, clenched his teeth and ordered: "I'll give you the four mecha on the right hillside. Attract the enemy's attention and go down the mountain to fight after killing them. "

"I see!" Buzz turned on mecha stealth mode and went into the mountains.

Duan Tiandao looked at the time, jumped into the mecha and said to Lin Yulin and Ma Wei, "if you see us fighting outside, you can go down the mountain again."

"General!" Seeing that Duan Tiandao was going to close the hatch, Lin Yulin hurried.

"Any questions?" Duan Tiandao blinked.

Lin Yulin glanced at the dark valley, clenched his teeth and saluted, "good luck!"

Behind him, more than 200 Chinese soldiers raised their hands at the same time.

"Don't worry!" Duan Tiandao raised his eyebrows: "since I'm determined to do it, I won't make a joke that I die first before I graduate! Just pray for those pessus bastards! "

Then Duan Tiandao closed the cabin door, started the mecha, waved his hand and said, "go!"

Four Fushan followed Duan Tiandao's broken mecha and threw them down the mountain like meteors. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared into the dense jungle.

The wind blew more and more fiercely. The soldiers stood where they were and felt that every second passed so slowly. The valley, as if in this silence, was solidified.

I also know how long it took. I only heard a "bang" on the right hillside, and there was a sound of gold and iron.

That's buzz!

The soldiers turned their heads and listened. The sound became louder and louder, and it seemed as if a rushing war drum sounded in the silent valley.

The camp at the foot of the mountain was like a frying pan. The light is bright. The messy soldiers rushed out of the barracks with their clothes in disorder. Outside the barracks, the mecha hidden in the dark turned on the searchlight, and the light swept around the mountain. Many mechas began to move towards the place where the sound came.

In this panic, however, only a violent drink shook the valley.


With the deafening roar, five black shadows, like lightning, shot out of the jungle and rushed straight into the chaotic formation of the guard mecha running to the right hillside.

The war drum has changed from one to six.

In the harsh sound of gold and iron, five fierce army mecha split the waves in the baisus mecha group, one baisus mecha was crushed, fireballs suddenly flashed in the dark, and countless debris parts were thrown around.

The soldiers on the top of the mountain only felt their hearts beating faster and their bodies felt as if they had been electrified. Blood surged up, and even the breath in the cold wind became as hot as fire.

Under the leadership of Duan Tiandao, the charge of five mecha is like the Yangtze River. That vigorous momentum makes people frightened and feel irresistible. If you resist, you will be crushed and doomed!


On the right hillside, there was an earth shaking explosion, and a fiery red ball rolled down the hillside. Immediately, the mecha driven by Baz rushed down the mountain in the light of the fire and directly split into the baisus mecha group.

Like a tiger into a sheep!

The soldiers standing on the top of the mountain can hardly describe Baz's ferocity in words! They couldn't even connect the mecha looming in the rolling mountains and forests with the smiling, shapeless young man who even made a mistake in holding a gun. At this moment, he was a majestic demon God!

At the same time, Duan Tiandao and others, who had killed at least 15 mecha in an instant, also changed the formation at the same time.

In front of Duan Tiandao and Hargrove, Wagstaff stopped and attacked in three directions like scattered fireworks. The last kozmo and Monson rushed directly over their heads and into the camp.

Shells, machine guns, rampant freely in the camp. The combined barracks without resistance collapsed one by one in the explosion. Screams were heard one after another among the countless bessus soldiers beaten to flesh and blood.

Like two black robed gods of death waving sickles to reap life, the two mecha killed all the white suss soldiers trying to get close to the apron at a speed so fast that they could only see the phantom.

For a time, blood flowed into a river!

On the hillside outside the camp, three mecha slaughtered the baisus guard mecha from all directions at a very fast speed. Their movements are so fast, so sharp.

They walked through the fire net of the bethus mecha, advancing and retreating like gods. They don't use long-range weapons. They only rely on the body shape of faster than a meteor to kill, and then rush to the next victim.

No mecha can resist two moves in their hands.

Their mirage loomed in the baisus mecha group. Even standing on the mountain, they couldn't catch their trace. All they could see was the wreckage of their mecha and the flames rising into the sky.

Most of the barracks in the camp have collapsed. Bessus soldier, finally collapsed. No one dared to move closer to the apron. They began to flee in all directions.

Outside the camp, Baz has joined Duan Tiandao after killing eight baisus mecha.

This is a slaughter, a slaughter of wolves into sheep!

"All ancestors bless China!" Lieutenant Colonel Lin Yulin rubbed his already stiff cheeks with excitement and ordered, "Li Weiguo!"

"Here!" Major Li Weiguo takes the next step.

"Give you fifty people and protect them!" Lin Yulin pointed to a group of fierce army rookies, Long Tai, infantry and weseril. His eyes were like a knife and said fiercely: "they lack a hair. I'll take you to the military court!"

"Yes, Colonel!" Li Weiguo, with a red face, stood at attention and saluted with his neck, and stood beside wesselier and others: "from now on, they are my father! Unless I die! No one wants to get close to them! "

"It's our turn!" In a burst of laughter, Lin Yulin looked around at the blood boiling Chinese soldiers and looked at the red eyes: "are you ready?"

"Ready! Sir! "

"Give it to me!"

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