He is the prince of the Empire, the closest and most trusted brother of Nicholas v. at the same time, he is also the supreme officer of the imperial inspection office.

The office of the Ombudsman, which represents terror in the eyes of all the bessus people, seems to belong to this person by nature.

Since he took over the office at the age of 20, his name has been integrated with this institution.

Mysterious, ruthless, ruthless, violent, bloody, powerful, elite, Royal first guard... These words are the impression that the baisus people or other national intelligence agencies have in their mind when they mention the baisus inspection office.

It is difficult to choose one of these words that can fully represent the feeling of the OIOS. If we have to find a representative and a general and comprehensive impression, these words will be mixed up. It's a person's name... Bobette Thatcher.

Six years ago, due to an intelligence leak, bobette's command and supervision office arrested 13 senior generals and more than 100 school level officers of the baisus military and executed them all.

Three years ago, in another purge, 260 government officials, including a duke and a general, and 79 officers from six military regions were put into the special prison of the supervision office.

It is said that no one can come out intact in that terrible prison. Those who can get out of prison are basically crazy.

And now he's here himself.

The functions of OIOS are not as simple as its name. It is also the most powerful armed force of the imperial family.

The reputation of the first guard is even above the three super fleets!

At least, the first guard was already well-known before the three super fleets of sanshangyou became famous.

Like the royal guards directly under most imperial countries, all members of this behemoth are the most loyal followers and devout believers of the royal family. They have firm faith, fight bravely and tenaciously, and are not afraid of sacrifice. They were the power of King Nicholas V of bethus to rule bethus.

The appearance of bobette and his monitoring office means that the baisus royal family made a sound that the battle of windy island should not be lost.

In this tone, it is conceivable that the humiliation of being annihilated by a group of Chinese exiled soldiers will make bobette, who has just arrived at the northern gale Island, angry.

In the silence, bobette stood up and walked slowly to the screen.

His footsteps were loud and clear in the empty conference room.

"Who are they?" Bobette's hand passed through the screen and swung up and down on a civet mecha with a red sign in the corner of the picture.

After a moment of silence, he turned and looked at Maggie, his eyes narrowed slightly: "don't know?"

Maggie's body trembled like chaff. It's also experienced. He tries to control it. But I can't control it. The impending doom nearly broke his spirit.

His weak body could not support him to face the man in front of him. What scares him more is that he really doesn't know where these damn mecha war gods come from!

"It's not surprising that you don't know him." Unexpectedly, bobette smiled faintly and clapped her hands.

The shadowless electronic light on the top of the conference room is on, and the lights of the whole conference room are bright.

A sergeant stepped forward and stuffed his electronic folder into the player. The screen suddenly shrinks to the center into a colorful light mass. When it spreads again, the screen has become a Duan Tiandao in a Chinese uniform.

"This man's name is Fang Chutian." Bobette looked around the crowd and said calmly, "I'm 35 years old. I didn't go to military school. I came from a family. He was forcibly recruited into the Navy two years ago. He became a monk halfway and accumulated military merit. He was promoted from Colonel to major general. "

There was an uproar in the meeting room.

I didn't go to a military academy. In two years, I was promoted from a colonel to a major general. Even in the war years, it was rocket like speed!

Two officers who knew the man stood up and said, "is it him?"

"You should have heard of this man after dealing with China for so long in Bermuda." Bobette nodded faintly, looked up at the screen, and then said, "this is a very interesting person. His experience is very complicated. Since the outbreak of the Chinese Patriotic War, the achievements made are also unimaginable. "

Bobette sat down on the swivel chair at the top of the arc of the oval conference table, leaned sideways and gently tapped the table with his fingers: "two years ago." Bobette looked coldly at the screen: "this man took the whole free port with the strength of a destroyer. A few months ago, he captured the Duke of Humphrey of the United States in the longbow sea area and forced the Humphrey fleet to surrender. "

The room was silent.

The news of the defeat of Humphrey's fleet has reached gale island in the north. The officers present had made various guesses, but the specific situation was not very clear. Now bobette, who never liked hearsay, told such an inside story. One by one, they were tongue tied and looked at that section of heaven on the screen, just like seeing a ghost.

Is this guy a person? How did he show up here?

As if he knew everyone's mind, bobette turned around and said faintly: "combined with the intelligence obtained by the Empire, the helicopter with the symbol of the fierce army that crashed near the 347 highland, and the combat mode of these people... You don't have to doubt that he is the one who led the nine mecha war gods to eat your four armored battalions."

Palent breathed a long, silent sigh of relief, and the officers no longer had pity on Maggie. Listen to bobette, maybe he doesn't want to be held accountable.

In the silence, bobette stood up, walked to the screen and stood opposite to Duan Tiandao on the screen. Two people, as if gazing into each other's eyes.

Bobette said coldly, "if this man were in any big country, he would have been famous all over the world. But in China, he was out of everyone's sight. However, from today on, this man can no longer hide. No matter how he likes to pretend to be crazy and foolish, he is also a key figure in the intelligence systems of various countries. "

"An interesting opponent, isn't it?" Bobette looked straight into Duan Tiandao's eyes and smiled.

Suddenly, the laughter stopped suddenly. He turned around with a cold face and said: "however, this is not the reason why your nearly 100 divisions can't fully control the situation on the northern gale island and smoke everywhere! It's not the reason why it took half a month to win the two Chinese divisions! The war is imminent. Your behavior is enough for me to send you to the gallows! "

The officers sprang up at the same time. Stand straight and pale. At the same time, the door was pushed open, and the soldiers of the supervision office strode into the conference room under the leadership of an officer of the supervision office.

"Take off his uniform and escort him home." Bobette pointed to Maggie and said coldly, "your vacation is over. Since you can turn this war into a vacation, you will be in the prison of the supervision office for the rest of your life. Have enough fun! "

Maggie didn't make a sound until he was dragged out of the meeting room by two soldiers.

His pale face and dead eyes. In front of all the officers, they played it back again and again. This is far more numbing than his explanation, begging for mercy and screaming.

"The northern expedition will be commanded by me from today on. Now, I should give you dull fools the first order... "Bobette raised his chin:" immediately implement the elimination plan, launch all the troops, and sort out all the rebels in every city and town for me. In a week, I want a completely controlled northern wind island! In addition, the 59194 armored division and 203281 infantry division were ordered to step up the attack and break through the defense line at all costs. Order the 117th armored division to move to Wenquan Town to prevent the enemy from fleeing to the northern mountains! "

"Yes!" In the thunder like command voice and chaotic footsteps, bobette turned to look at Duan Tiandao on the screen, and a cold disdain smile appeared at the corners of her mouth.

I admit your record is amazing, but it's at my home!

You chose the wrong opponent!

War is like a train that doesn't know its destination, moving along its track.

No one can stop it, and no one knows what the end will be when the track extends to the distance. Mankind can only go down with the inertia of war. I can't stop, and I don't know the fate of the next second.

Outside the window of each stage, there is the scenery of each stage. Perhaps it will not be until decades later that people will find that the day they experience is the moment when history changes direction.

But no one had time to care.

Everyone is like a fish in a dry pond, struggling and breathing desperately in the puddle at the bottom of the muddy pond.

In 2015, in the second year of the full outbreak of the war, the United States, one of the leading countries of the NATO alliance established by susmi, finally launched a full-scale campaign in silence.

As soon as cherda started, it was the thunder.

After careful planning, cherda ordered two royal elephant fleets to watch the moon and roar the moon.

After a four-day arduous and dangerous journey, after losing 20% of the ships, the two fleets ventured through the Pandora sea area, which is regarded as a natural barrier, and detoured behind the second group of Chinese fleets.

The second fleet, which was overwhelmed by the American fleet on the front line and attracted all attention, was caught off guard, and the tail array was defeated almost in an instant.

The central main array cluster can only abandon the drive patrol cluster that has gone out to the two wings and forcibly turn to escape. In less than six hours, the battle ended with the disastrous defeat of the second fleet.

In this war, the United States broke through the defense line of the Chinese sea area, occupied 90% of the strategic points of the Noah sea area, opened the door to the mainland of the Chinese Republic, and sounded the horn of chelda's attack.

Then, the American imperial fleet launched an offensive in the left-wing sea theater in the carlston sea area, and five lion fleets and one elephant fleet drove straight from the sand snake corridor. Take the initiative to seek a decisive battle.

At a disadvantage, the Chinese Fleet took the initiative to retreat, abandoned the sand snake corridor and concentrated in the rear.

On the same day, cherda personally commanded six elephant fleets and 14 lion fleets to attack the right-wing montaya sea corridor. After five days and nights of fierce fighting, the fourth, sixth and eighth fleets of China, which originally occupied an advantage in this region, were finally unable to stop the attack of a generation of famous general cherda and were forced to shrink to the mainland.

So far, the third world war area in the carlston sea area has been broken through by cherda, and the American army has advanced in a straight line, with a great potential of destruction.

Just when the Chinese people exclaimed that cherda was about to invade the mainland of the Chinese Republic, the Chinese Republic unexpectedly saved a little face in another war zone.

The Chinese Qin demon legion, originally assembled in the Lulan sea area, suddenly appeared in the Catalan sea area.

Under the command of Qin demon, Qianfeng's six A-class fleets are interspersed at high speed. Regardless of the tactics of the two wings, he defeated the American fleet stationed here with an extremely ferocious attitude.

Immediately, a total of 16 armored divisions of the four armies forcibly landed 220 kilometers north and 340 kilometers south of yapula, an important military town on the Ivy island. Attack north and South with lightning speed.

In this battle, the officers of the Qin demon Legion took the lead, and the soldiers braved death one after another. No matter the number, no matter where, no matter when, the slogan of advance is deafening.

After 40 hours of fierce fighting, it wiped out the six main Armored Divisions hoarded by the United States in yapula, destroyed its army base camp and quickly swept the Ivy League island.

Qin demon's move was not only unexpected to the enemy, but also unexpected to everyone in China.

You know, when he launched the sudden attack, his troops were less than half assembled.

According to the battle plan, he was supposed to attack in coordination with the allies in 20 days. But who knows that he quietly completed the secret battle plan, threw away the Lai allied forces, attacked boldly, took his surprise and determined the world at one stroke.

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