On the side of the stroller, a baby still in his infancy fell silently in a pool of blood, like a doll abandoned by the devil.

In less than five minutes, Duan Tiandao returned to the camp.

Along the way, neither he nor Wang Qin spoke.

After fighting for so many years, he has seen destroyed cities and the end of the war. I have seen countless innocent victims, but they have never been so angry!

On these immigrant islands, people live in cities. These super cities, which are all over the island and connected by resource roads and sea ports, are everything on the island.

Once the war breaks out, it will naturally spread to the city. It is not uncommon for civilians who had nowhere to go to stay in the city at the time of the war to die because of indiscriminate bombing, because of the bombardment of mecha and because of the shooting of infantry.

However, the northern gale island is not an ordinary secondary or tertiary immigrant island.

This is a first-class immigrant island with a large population and countless small towns. On this island, in addition to the large cities like other immigrant islands, there are many small cities, many settlements and small agricultural towns!

These gathering areas and agricultural towns are only to meet the needs of human residence, and they have no significant strategic significance. The people living in them are also unarmed civilians. Such a place should have been ignored by the aggressors with limited troops. It was originally a comfortable nest in the early stage of the war and a happy place for the residents of big cities to escape the war.

However, in this world, there are always some people who are damn scum. It was originally in Freeport Pro Town, but now it is also in the northern gale island! For these two divisions in the mountains that can't stand the storm, the Baisu people mobilized troops to carry out inhumane massacres on the surrounding towns!

It can be imagined that what would happen if an armored platoon rushed into a small town with a population of twenty or thirty thousand!

These damn executioners only need to hold the trigger of the mechanism gun on the mecha control lever, and they can raze these small towns that deliberately build antique light composite buildings for ecology in half an hour!

In front of mecha, in front of those vertical and horizontal shells, such a town is no different from paper, and the body of civilians can only be torn and pierced!

The camp was already dead.

The leisurely atmosphere in the sun has long disappeared. The temperature in the jungle seems to have dropped several degrees because of the iron soldiers. At a glance, all you can see is sadness and anger!

Stop the mecha, Duan Tiandao walks through the crowd and looks at the men next to him. Many soldiers have red eyes.

They are soldiers who swear to defend this country, every inch of land and every compatriot here. They are not afraid to fight the enemy. On the day they set foot on the battlefield, they had put life and death aside. Nothing can make them sad, even if they were on the verge of extinction before, they didn't shed a tear for fear!

They can calmly face death, but they can't face the slaughter of their relatives! Those lost lives are floating in this sky!

They are calling the team.

Duan Tiandao strode to the command post.

The soldiers around the command post made way in silence. All eyes are focused on this general with the same Chinese descent!

This Duan Tiandao is not the commander of this army, nor the person who issued the order. However, he quietly became the core of this army and the spiritual pillar of this team along the way!

As long as we see him wandering around with nothing to do, we feel at ease and secure!

Duan Tiandao passed through two tall red broad leaf trees unique to Fengfeng Island, walked out of the crowd and walked to the command post in the center of the crowd.

"General!" A quick cry came.

Duan Tiandao turned his head at the sound. He found that Wang Zheng, Li Weiguo and a group of Chinese officers who had initially shared hardships with him were looking at themselves with expectant and complex eyes.

Duan Tiandao knows what they want to say without them talking. He just nodded at them in awe and strode to the command post.

War is not a reason to wave a butcher's knife at civilians, by no means! The executioner who gave this order must be sent to the gallows! If you commit such a crime and still end up in bed, it will be a disgrace to the whole human world!

"Bang Dang!"

As soon as he entered the command mecha, Duan Tiandao heard a loud noise. As angry as a lion, old Marshal Li Cunxin threw his putter on the metal floor and roared with red eyes: "fight! What are you talking about? Fight! Even if I lost my life here today and killed all these two divisions, this war must be fought! If you don't fight, I have no face to see my ancestors! "

"General Fang!" Seeing Duan Tiandao coming, the Chinese staff around the electronic sand table saluted one after another.

Seeing Duan Tiandao, Pei Litong and balang nodded at him at the same time. Pei Litong turned to Li Cunxin and said, "marshal, we must fight. If we don't fight, the enemy will intensify and massacre our people. We all know that. But the question is, how should we fight this war now? "

There was a silence in the command post.

Even Lin Han, who has always been fearless, squatted on the edge of the electronic sand table and stretched his face tightly. Li Cunxin's breath was like a bellows.

As everyone knows, dozens of followers of bethus poured into the northern mountains in all directions, obviously with great efforts.

This is a real war, not a combat chess. You can move an army as soon as you lift your hand. To mobilize troops, logistics, transportation, troop assembly, pre war mobilization and preparation, the workload of an armored division is not much worse than that of moving a small city.

This time, the Baisu people not only mobilized dozens of divisions from all over the country in just two days to form a siege of the northern mountainous areas, but also dared to take the world's condemnation and clear away the cities and towns in the northern mountainous areas by means of massacre, angering the provocative resistance, which shows their great determination.

The movement force, materials and workload involved are astronomical.

Under such circumstances, if people lose their senses because they are slaughtered, waiting for these two divisions is the end of smashing to pieces. Not only can't revenge, but also I will catch it.

That's what the bessus want to see.

In silence, Li Cunxin turned his eyes and looked at Duan Tian and said, "Fang Chutian! Do you have any ideas? "

"Yes!" Duan Tiandao is simply a tunnel.

He strode to the electronic sand table, drew a circle over the sand table with his hand and said to the crowd: "the northern mountainous area is vast and the terrain is complex. If we want to avoid contact with the enemy, we can hide here for at least a month! Even if they catch our tail, they can't completely catch our main force. The enemy's move is to force us out! "

"Since they want us out, let's go out!" After setting the tone, Duan Tiandao pointed to Beiguan City, the largest city in the northern mountainous area, and said, "from the intelligence point of view, the enemy's base camp is Beiguan city. At least ten Armored Divisions and ten infantry divisions are transferred and assembled through the airport of Beiguan city. This is the gate to the outside world in the northern mountainous area. Since we want to fight, my opinion is to simply play a big game. We will fight the enemy once and destroy their base camp! "

As soon as Duan Tiandao's voice fell, he only heard a buzz, and the whole command post was noisy.

Just because everyone wants revenge doesn't mean everyone has lost his mind. Pei Litong, balang and other senior generals looked at each other. They just felt that Duan Tiandao's proposal was a daydream, and some of the staff on one side couldn't help talking.

"How is this possible?" A major's staff directly shouted and said, "Beiguan city is an important military town. Let alone our two divisions, even 20 armored divisions can't be taken down!"

"Yes, now the enemy's transshipment and assembly are all near Beiguan city." Another staff officer said, "it's impossible to break through the other party's peripheral defense line, not to mention attacking the urban area of Beiguan city. Moreover, the Skynet of the northern gale island is now in the hands of the baisus. It is impossible to successfully insert in such a dense area! "

"Even if the right plug is successful, you can't go in!" A lieutenant colonel categorically said, "there were two armored divisions stationed in Beiguan city. The military base is close to our side, surrounded by newly built fortifications. We can't avoid that area. If we get stuck, we'll die! I suggest we just hit the surrounding areas and kill as many as we can! "

For a time, there were different opinions. In any case, everyone agreed that Duan Tiandao's proposal was absolutely impossible.

Old Marshal Li Cunxin didn't speak. He quietly looked at Duan Tiandao and suddenly said, "Fang Chutian, tell me how to fight!"

Pei Litong and balang looked at each other in horror.

They have already seen that the old Marshal likes this general very much. Although the two people often quarrel without talking together, and Fang Chutian doesn't give the old man face at all, the old and young are bold and reckless masters. Together, there must be nothing good.

"Marshal!" As soon as balang made a noise, Li Cunxin simply waved his hand and interrupted him.

"Let me tell you what I think." Duan Tiandao smiled and said, "first talk about the situation. Now it seems that we are an isolated army surrounded in this mountain area, but in fact, the situation is that the Chinese counterattack is imminent, and the Baisu people do not have a safe and consolidated forward base! This is why the enemy mobilized so many troops at this time and even did not hesitate to massacre civilians! "

Duan Tiandao's words immediately quieted the discussion around him. Everyone was concentrating and thinking, and their hearts seemed to light up suddenly.

According to the available information, the bessus stationed two A-class fleets, 40 Armored Divisions and 60 infantry divisions on the northern gale island.

Of these forces, bessus accounted for two-thirds and susus for one-third. These troops are enough to control an island already in control. However, these troops are far from enough to experience an unprecedented and tragic war in the future!

At present, baisus and susus are still sending more troops, and their transport capacity has been squeezed to the limit.

It is not as simple as going from a few cities to the northern mountains to send more troops from their country to Fengfeng island.

Now these 100 divisions are only one third of their total strength. Another third is in Leifeng sea area, and the other third is on the way from their native land to here!

To put it bluntly, now the northern gale island is their forward base. In future battles, these forces are reserves, ready to fight at any time.

"Think about it." Duan Tiandao looked around, picked his eyebrows and said, "if you were you, would you like to leave two wandering enemy divisions in your advance base before the key decisive battle related to the National Games comes?"

The staff shook their heads at the same time.

If this is on the island of bethus, letting two divisions in the core hinterland is tantamount to putting two time bombs in their hearts. Once the war enters a critical moment, the front is waiting for reinforcements, but the troops of the forward base in the rear can not be effectively deployed because of the constraints of the two divisions, which is really frustrating.

"We don't want to, and of course the enemy doesn't want to." Duan Tiandao sneered, "so they did this kind of dirty work. Trying to force us out. If they had a week, maybe they would have succeeded. But they only have two or three days at most. Within three days, our Chinese army will launch a counter offensive. Moreover, I can conclude that the first target of the Allied counter offensive must be the northern gale island! "

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