Fei Nanqing's talk show has come to its start.

To the disappointment of the Chinese people, there was no sign of broadcasting except the apology announcement broadcast over and over again.

This program, long before the army left, has become the first choice of all Chinese people every day. They love Fei Nanqing, an old man with gray hair, sharp words and an honest and enthusiastic heart.

In this war, he is more like a soldier than many people!

Everyone is looking forward to his signal from the front. Television stations accept public supervision for the authenticity of programs and even open signal frequencies. Only a few cameras owned by Fei Nanqing and only the signals sent back by folk signal transmitters are real. Anyone with a little knowledge of this kind can monitor the signal and distinguish the true from the false.

This time, the military headquarters has obviously given up.

They need to use this way to prove that they are still the guardians of this country and that they are still trustworthy!

However, almost all the comments are not optimistic about this behavior of the military headquarters. Many people in the industry shook their heads when talking about the program. It is well known that Fei Nanqing is a prick. He can't be bought off. He is a stone in a pit, smelly and hard. This time, the military headquarters is lifting a stone and hitting itself in the foot!

Such voices are heard not only in the press, on television, but also in politics and among the people.

Many people are ambivalent. They do not doubt Fei Nanqing's professional ethics. Their trust in Fei Nanqing is just like their trust in themselves. What they feel contradictory is this army.

This is an army with great history and glorious tradition. It is called an invincible army.

However, all the glory is history. Since the outbreak of the war, the Chinese flag has never been so bleak.

The whole line of Fengfeng island was lost, and the Susi people and the white Susi people easily crossed the border of China, such as entering a no man's land.

The army, which the people have high hopes for, has brought to this country and to all the people, but it has been disappointed again and again and humiliated by the occupation of its territory.

No one has investigated the deep-seated reasons for the several defeats of the military headquarters.

Although many people know that the war on Gale island has a great relationship with parliament, security advisers and opposition politicians, no one cares.

A soldier is a soldier. If an army gives up its duties because of other factors, it is not trustworthy to explain it anyway.

People are looking forward to Fei Nanqing's report from the front line, but they are also afraid to hear the truth that disappoints them, and to see Fei Nanqing's unspeakable disappointment and sadness under his mocking expression.

When Fei Nanqing set out on the Jiangshan aircraft carrier, people kept silent in anticipation.

Many people tune the TV channel to the special channel of Fei Nanqing's program again and again. Although they know that the program can't start so soon, they still prefer to look at the freeze frame picture of the program on the channel in a daze.

Time is getting closer and closer to the beginning of the forecast, and people's hearts are more and more looking forward to and anxious.

However, when the time finally came and the program began, what everyone saw was only the apology announcement issued by the TV station because the civil signal transmitter had not been erected and debugged, and the program was delayed.

Some people yell, while more people wait in silence and wait with the greatest patience of their life.

They believe in Fei Nanqing, and more importantly, they look forward to their own country, the army that belongs to this country and bears countless glories, as well as that point in their hearts.

Even if they lose again and again, even if the war on Fengfeng island is likely to burn in the waters of the long march and other waters, we still firmly believe that this army will bring glory and pride to this country and make the aggressors who set foot on the border pay a painful price.

One day, Chinese people will proudly wave their national flag and run crazy in the streets!

However, with the passage of time, people's inner disappointment has become more and more intense.

Newspapers, the Internet, various talk shows and people's conversations are full of this disappointment. This emotion is growing at a geometric speed, even to an uncontrollable extent.

"Obviously, the military headquarters did not complete the purchase of Fei Nanqing. They mistakenly estimated the obstinacy of the stone. "

"The program will never start broadcasting. How can the failed military make their shame broadcast throughout China? I am not optimistic about the situation on the front line. "

"Will this be another painful defeat? Where has the army now been defeated? "

Such remarks are rampant. When patience has exceeded the limit, a message coming from nowhere blows up among the people like a bomb.

"The front line is defeated!"

The news blew across China like the wind. There are many versions of how the front line was defeated, how much the fleet lost, how many soldiers died, and how miserable the defeat was. Fei Nanqing's field report program was delayed, which deepened the credibility of the news.

People finally lost their patience, and people finally changed from skepticism to deep conviction. Many people poured into the streets. They gathered together to vent their disappointment and dissatisfaction. Many people were drunk in pubs, and many others burst into tears in the crowd on the street.

It was late at night in Beijing. Tens of thousands of people gathered in the city's largest Victory Square.

Some people lit candles in the square to pray for the dead soldiers.

There were also many people who put up banners. Everyone turned their anger on the generals in the military headquarters. All this is their fault. It was they who let thousands of Chinese youths fall under the enemy's gun.

Time passed in this surging mood. Although the government broadcast announcements again and again to refute rumors, the people's mood showed no sign of cooling down.

They've had enough!

In this mood, it becomes more and more intense. In the Chinese tavern, there are already drunk people fighting and making trouble. When there is a commotion in the street, suddenly, the same picture appears on the whole Chinese TV screen!

Hundreds of channels, which belong to different media companies, broadcast simultaneous interpreting the same picture.

The whole world seems to solidify at this moment.

People stared blankly at the living room, the bedroom, the bar, the office, the street square and the screen on the neon building.

It was a picture of gunfire. Looking at the time in the lower right corner, it seemed that it was a few hours ago.

In the picture, Fei Nanqing is shouting something loudly!

There seems to be a problem with the signal. The picture is silent, and everyone can't hear anything. They can only see the old man they've been looking forward to for a long time, yelling at himself with an expression completely opposite to his usual calm and indifference.

For the first time, they saw Fei Nanqing so excited and such a warm emotion erupted in him. His face flushed and his lips trembled slightly.

The picture was shaking violently. Everyone was surprised to find that Fei Nanqing was on a Chinese fighter plane.

In front of him, a pilot with a white helmet was talking with his head half sideways and pointing to a part of Fei Nanqing's seat. Fei Nanqing pressed the earphone with one hand, nodded and promised something.

Finally, after a murmur, the late voice appeared in everyone's ears.

"Yes, now I'm going down to Fengfeng Island, the island we dream of, and use my camera to prove the fact that the man is still alive! I'm leaving. At the moment, it's difficult for me to express my feelings in words. My heart has been accelerating since I learned the news! "

With that, Fei Nanqing's camera turned and shot another fighter nearby.

In the closer shot, a beautiful woman appeared.

Fei Nanqing's voice sounded out of the picture: "this is Su Xiaoxiao. Perhaps now she has been the most familiar person to all the people in this country. As a partner, this time, she will go down with me, through the battlefield of gunfire, to witness our miracles. This is a brave girl. She is brave and beautiful. We are proud of her. "

The camera turned back, and the pilot's voice sounded in the picture: "here, start!"

"Come with me! To find him, to know the army that has been fighting. All ancestors bless China! " In the picture, Fei Nanqing's face appeared again. After shouting all his life, he saw the earth approaching quickly behind him.

Fei Nanqing's voice rolled over the whole silent China.

People stared at the old man falling to the ground. Everything in front of us, the information revealed in Fei Nanqing's endless commentary, made everyone's heart mentioned in the air.

There is an army fighting! He's still alive!

The earth is approaching, and people's heart beats faster and faster. Many girls in the crowd have covered their eyes with their hands and dare not look again.

Fei Nanqing's lens, dead to the ground, was a black hilly jungle outside the red war zone, as if there were something more precious than his life waiting for him.

As the earth gets closer and closer, several tentacles appear on the picture.

Some people recognized that it was the shock absorber of the military's most advanced high-speed landing protection device. Even if it falls freely at the maximum speed, these tentacles can protect people from any impact.

The picture shook violently at the moment when the earth came face to face.

A moment later, when the picture returned to stability, people saw that Fei Nanqing opened the hatch cover of the landing device. Not far away, several light columns flashed, and several Chinese mecha and dozens of soldiers in Chinese uniforms appeared in the camera. Just beside Fei Nanqing, Su Xiaoxiao has landed safely.

"Captain Wang Zheng of the 51st division of Huaxia salutes you." An officer wearing a worn uniform and smelling of the rest of his life raised his hand and saluted: "Mr. Fei Nanqing, welcome!"

"The 51st division!"

This number, like a thunder, exploded in the crowd. Billions of people watching the live broadcast at the same time almost shattered the clouds in the day and opened the dark night.

Everyone can't believe their ears.

They are so familiar with this serial number!

The 51st division and the 13th armored division have impressed every Chinese for more than 20 days!

"Please follow me!"

Under the escort of the machine armour, led and supported by the officer named Wang Zheng and a group of soldiers, two of China's most famous war reporters walked deep into the jungle.

Watching the camera shake in the dark jungle, watching those Chinese soldiers who lead the way skillfully run and guard. Listening to the constant explosion and gunfire, everyone's breathing became extremely rapid.

They already know what's going to happen.

While hearing the title of the 51st division, combined with Fei Nanqing's words before, no matter how dull people are, they also know what they will witness!

Finally, a simple and hidden camp appeared in the picture.

Fei Nanqing's violent gasp continued to ring out in the picture. In the front of a command mecha, an old man came out.

People looked at the old man quietly.

Many people burst into tears at this moment.

The old man stood there quietly, smiling. On the hill behind him, a ray of morning light was incomparably beautiful.

No word can accurately describe the Chinese Republic at that moment.

Some people are laughing, some are crying, some are clenching their teeth and trying not to get out of control. Others, however, had already been running wildly in the streets with the Chinese flag high. In the tavern, the young people who were just at war hugged each other, on the quiet high-speed train, in the airliner in the air and in the office of the building. People jumped up with their fists held high and clapped their hands to celebrate. It was boiling!

This moment.

This is a moment belonging to China!

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