"Don't let go of any sunflower."

The sound from the bathroom showed a trace of dignity on the beautiful but seemingly expressionless face of sunflower, a female officer standing still.

As the representative of the core strength of Huang Shengtian family, as a sister who grew up with Huang Xiaolei and loved the same person. Sunflower knows that the girl in the bathroom, like an angel, has changed back to the witch who didn't break the means many years ago in this attack. Time can always make people's memory no longer profound.

However, only those who really understand what happened that year and Huang Xiaolei's means know how miserable it will be to be her enemy.

Sunflower picked up the special phone and dialed a number.

Although the attacker is not sure who it is, it does not affect anything. For Huang Xiaolei, she doesn't need evidence, or even confirmation and reason. She just needs to know who should bear the anger now.

With this call, China will set off an unimaginable bloodbath. The news of the assassination of lieutenant general Fang Chutian and Colonel Huang Xiaolei, the granddaughter of the Chinese military God Huang Shengtian, quickly spread throughout China and the entire senior Chinese military.

After learning the news, ye Jingguo, the furious Chinese President, ordered one after another. The Huaxia National Security Bureau, the military intelligence bureau, the military investigation bureau, the Political Department of the military department and the supervision department of the military department almost poured out and frantically looked for the fighter plane that launched the attack.

Hundreds of people were suspended for investigation. Thousands of people were summoned for conversation, and every suspicious detail was repeatedly investigated from major air force bases to civil space flight management departments.

In the more furious Chinese military headquarters, an investigation storm has been set off. Every fighter that took off on that day needs to be investigated. The scope of the investigation is not only the pilot, but also the ground maintenance department, airport management department, air force staff, and even radar guidance department.

The results of the investigation came out soon. Both the fighter and the pilot who launched the attack were found.

But the result is even more shocking.

The fighter is a Chinese thunder high-speed fighter that is preparing for joint exercises in an empty base. Both the pilot and the base personnel responsible for dispatching at that time, radar personnel, fighter logistics team, even higher-level officers and two coordination officers of the Chinese 31st army died on the same day.

Not only that, all the information about the fighter when it took off, all radar records and supply records have been erased. Investigators do not even know where the fighter's missiles come from, the fighter's energy supplement number and launch sequence.

The only progress is the internal clues of Huaxia about the positioning information of the military vehicle Huang Xiaolei took.

According to the Skynet staff officer at that time, he received an instruction from his superior and needed to contact Huang Xiaolei urgently. Therefore, he immediately dialed the car phone. However, there was obviously something wrong with the phone. Therefore, the superior hurried away after ordering him to start with his authority and call out the positioning data of Huang Xiaolei's car.

Since then, the staff officer has never seen his superior again.

The man seemed to disappear from the air, and the world evaporated.

Who planned the attack? Almost everyone who knows the inside story has an answer. However, because the other party's hands and feet are too clean, everyone can only watch the investigation deadlock.

Five hours after the attack, Qin demon, thousands of miles away, took the lead in issuing a statement condemning NATO's terrorist attacks. Subsequently, Zhang Cheng, commander of the 31st army, made a high-profile visit to the hospital to see Chinese lieutenant general Fang Chutian, who was still in a coma. He made a statement on the spot, saying that he would share a bitter hatred with lieutenant general Fang Chutian, and condemned any attempt to frame the 31st Army and provoke internal strife.

On the same day, vice chairman Ma Zhuowen said in a speech at the security conference of the Ministry of defense that the attack was definitely committed by NATO spies. Support the statement of lieutenant general Zhang Cheng of the 31st army, reiterate that general Qin demon is a solid arm of China, the two sides will continue to strengthen cooperation, and euphemistically express concern about the current situation in China under the leadership of President Ye Jingguo.

Huaxia presidential palace is located on the west side of Victory Square at the top of Longcheng Avenue in Shangjing. It is a group of tall and beautiful buildings. The palace type main building with 12 giant columns is the symbol of Huaxia presidential palace. Every tourist to Beijing will take photos in the designated area in front of the main building.

Although it was a time of war and the weather was not very good, there were still tourists in front of the Chinese presidential palace.

No one knows in the flash. Several black cars flew into the Boulevard on the west side of the presidential palace, and along the thick gray stone walls and the Wutong trees on both sides turned into a small park behind the main building, and stopped before a white building.

Under the tight guard of the guards around, the door opened and the three generals stepped into the small building with serious expressions.

In the president's office, President Ye Jingguo stood behind the desk with his face as heavy as iron, his hands firmly supported on the desk, and his eyes seemed to be sparking, staring at the four national security advisers in front of him.

With the briefing by the chairman's secretary, the three generals quickly walked into the office and were hearing Ye Jingguo's roar: "there is no authorization to take off. No one knows for 30 minutes. The joint exercise starts six days later. Who ordered the fighter squadron to be transferred to the base so long in advance? Why did the transfer order not be notified to the military headquarters until eight hours after it was issued? "

The four national security advisers stood aside without expression. They heard footsteps at the door of the office. They collided with the eyes of the marching generals and quickly withdrew.

One of the tall security advisers said faintly, "Mr. President, please pay attention to your words. We are not criminals until there is no evidence that we ordered the mobilization of fighter squadrons. Your interrogation tone is very impolite. "

Then he looked at his watch, whispered to another consultant beside him, and said to Yejing national highway, "what we know has been written in the investigation report. We are also very shocked by this incident. However, that is your responsibility, President Ye Jingguo. As a national security adviser, our job is to do everything we can to provide you with advice to protect this country. Of course, our suggestion seems to have no effect on you now, so we apply for collective resignation. We will submit the resignation letter according to the procedure. be it so. If there is evidence that we are involved in this incident, you can arrest us. You're always there. "

With that, the four nodded goodbye to Ye Jingguo, who was already green, turned and walked outside the office.

The room was quiet. Chairman Ye Jingguo and three shocked military generals looked at the four people silently and walked out of the door with a gentle smile. Before the last adviser walked out of the door, he suddenly turned around and said to Yejing national highway, "by the way, Mr. chairman, I forgot to remind you that the party is about to raise a no confidence motion against you. Maybe you should prepare in advance."

He glanced at several generals in the military headquarters and said faintly, "maybe I have provided you with a good topic."

The office door closed slowly.

"Obviously, they had a showdown at this juncture." Looking at the three generals headed by general Feng Zhi, ye Jingguo suddenly became angry, slapped the table and said in a loud voice, "unbridled!"

With that, ye Jingguo turned and paced to the French window. He was silent for a long time and asked, "how's the investigation?"

"Deadlock." General Feng Zhi replied.

Ye Jingguo looked out of the window. His tall and straight back seemed to be ten years old in an instant.

"Your Excellency." Behind him came the voice of general Feng Zhi: "If heaven wants to destroy people, it must first make them crazy. However, no matter how crazy they are, they can't think who they provoked. Maybe we don't need to do any more research. "

Ye Jingguo suddenly turned around and looked at Feng Zhi in surprise.

Feng Zhi said with a faint smile, "the Chinese military headquarters suddenly broke out a espionage case. A total of 312 intermediate officers were isolated and examined, and 23 others were killed because of resisting arrest."

"Marshal... Did he do it?" Ye Jingguo said in horror.

"No." Feng Zhi shook his head and said, "it was General Zhao XiaoSuan who shot. In addition, today, there is a problem that needs to be solved immediately. "

"What trouble?" Ye Jingguo asked.

"I have just been informed that the first and second armored divisions of the Humvee army have had a collective holiday." Feng Zhi and others laughed: "soldiers on holiday are allowed to move near the base of the 31st Chinese army. Two other armored regiments have blocked all roads near the base of the 31st army for exercise. "

Ye Jingguo was stunned.

The fierce army surrounded the 31st army base?

This news, like a nuclear bomb, blew up the whole Chinese military in a daze.

The Supreme Command and the Chinese military department contacted General Li Xinghai at the first time, hoping to stop the expansion of the situation.

Li Xinghai, the first general of the Chinese military headquarters, only said faintly that first of all, the fierce army did not start a war with the 31st army. They were just conducting exercises, and most of the soldiers were on vacation.

Secondly, the fierce army is not directly subordinate to Huaxia, but the Allied forces of lieutenant general Fang Chutian. This is the allied force that general Fang Chutian can control. More importantly, long ago, Huang Shengtian had handed over the independent command of the fierce army to general Fang Chutian.

Therefore, let alone say that this force is not within the combat sequence of the Chinese military headquarters, even if it is, it is useless.

Before the end of the war, the Chinese government and military had no command.

The only commander of this force is general Fang Chutian. If you want to stop all the actions of the team, either annihilate them or wait for general Fang Chutian to wake up and give orders.

Either way, choose.

This unimaginable tough answer immediately made the whole Chinese military in an uproar. At the same time, marshal Huang Shengtian's statement on this matter is even more shocking.

"Let them compete. I'm more optimistic about the fierce army than the 31st army."

Just as people are still pondering Huang Shengtian's short sentence, the next thing makes them understand that the storm is not coming, but has come.

A big spy case suddenly broke out in the Republic of China.

A director of the Political Department of a Chinese military region was investigated for a leak. It was immediately discovered that this person was a NATO spy lurking inside the Republic. Over the years, his spy network has spread all over the whole Chinese military headquarters.

As soon as the case broke out, General Zhao XiaoSuan suddenly ordered to summon more than 300 middle-level officers for indefinite investigation. At the same time, he appointed another officer of the same number to temporarily take over the post of officer under investigation, so as to maintain the stability of the army.

The punch was very cruel and unreasonable.

Anyone with a clear eye can see that this is a naked revenge against the Qin demon Legion!

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