Duan Tiandao's nature protects his weaknesses, and he will report any evil. For the surrounding rumors that are not conducive to the fierce army, there is nothing else but excitement.

He is afraid that the world will not be chaotic!

"The upper house of the Chinese joint parliament has held meetings one after another." Tang Xin said angrily, "many members have proposed to hold Marshal Huang Shengtian accountable. They believe that the current practice of the joint command has damaged the fundamental interests of China. According to reliable information, the parliament is ready to put pressure on the Huaxia army headquarters. If their questions are not answered and resolved, they will launch impeachment. "

Inside the car, it suddenly calmed down.

China's internal political system is a deformation of democracy and Republic. The United parliament is equivalent to Congress. Its lower house and upper house are equivalent to the two houses of Congress.

Now the supreme command is equivalent to the chairman.

The cabinet council has the power of supervision and impeachment over the supreme command.

The parliament will take action, which was predicted by Duan Tiandao long ago.

These congressmen, who are high above the world, enjoy peace, prosperity and power, will not know the situation on the front line of war.

In their eyes, only politics.

Political struggle is their life and instinct. Originally, in China, Huang Shengtian's reputation is so high that it needs to be looked up to. The people worship Huang Shengtian almost unconditionally.

However, when the war went on until now, when Qin demon finally came to the stage, the accusations against Huang Shengtian had become louder and louder.

If the United Parliament had no right to speak at the beginning of the war, now, when Qin demon became a new public idol they could use to fight against Huang Shengtian's court, and when Huang Shengtian categorically issued an almost unreasonable preference order for the fierce army, they had a chance to compete for the right to speak.

Those members of the upper house representing the "people" will instinctively promote and make use of public opinion. They have set up a target. As long as they knock down the target, power will be in their hands.

This target is the fierce army!

An army composed mostly of criminals from the free world, a Fang Chutian who once surrendered in public, an unimaginable independent command, and a malicious attack against the Chinese army. Is there a better theme than this?

Deception and incitement are the skills of politicians. On these subjects, 10000 lies can be derived.

Public opinion is always vulnerable to incitement and guidance. The instinctive strangeness and disagreement with the fierce army is enough to make the lies against the fierce army popular.

Others believe that the fierce army is a monster jointly created by Huang Shengtian and the senior management of the Chinese army headquarters. Its purpose is to meet the private desires of the Huang Shengtian family, let alone the people of other countries.

It is conceivable that once the United Council catches Huang Shengtian's painful foot and catches the identity of the fierce army, it will set off a storm in China.

Once the general command department succumbs to the Joint Council, or even the general command department is re elected, then whose world will the joint command department under the jurisdiction of the general command become. You know, among the upper house controlled by money and power and the so-called independent members representing civil rights, Qin demon and the huge interest groups behind him obviously have much greater control.

"Impeachment?" Duan Tiandao hugged his arm, put his pillow behind his head and smiled coldly: "this is the most popular move for these grandchildren. However, they do not understand that this is not a democratic period. I have guns, guns and people, which annoys me. I put their public opinion in their asshole! "

"Playing with public opinion depends on who has great strength." Duan Tiandao looked out of the window and said to himself, "there are some experts playing with public opinion here. We'll see! "

Tang Xin suddenly felt cold.

People in the future may understand that the cooperation between Huang Shengtian and Duan Tiandao will be a key milestone in the battlefield war. But now, this newly born Union has to break a path in the sea of knife and fire.

In this closed carriage, the future that has been put in front of us shows ferocity.

The mountain rain is coming, and the wind is all over the building.

The car drove into the embassy. The escorted Huaxia mecha team and the accompanying fierce army pilots saluted each other and turned away.

The embassy is an extension and symbol of national sovereignty. Although it is in Beijing in China, it belongs to a free port.

The black car drove into the solemn and ancient embassy gate, next to which were two brown stone pillars. On a stone pillar on the right side of the facade, a silver white metal card is inlaid. On the metal card, there is a line of small red characters. Despite the wind and rain, the word "free port" is still eye-catching.

The car slowed down.

"Stop!" Duan Tiandao patted the carriage and said loudly.

The driver stopped the car.

The garden in the embassy area is full of green. Go around the path and you will find the White main building of the embassy. However, it is obvious that the car can no longer pass. On the lawn and garden on both sides of the path, hundreds of Chinese staff are quietly watching the car with the same eager eyes.

General Li Xinghai stood quietly in front of the building furthest from the crowd.

Duan Tiandao got out of the car and subconsciously arranged his clothes.

As soon as I saw a section of heaven, the surrounding crowd burst into applause. Several of the most excited girls screamed and jumped up, rushed up quickly, and rushed to embrace Duan Tiandao.

"Welcome home." The first one to hold Duan Tiandao was a girl with a horsetail. Her beautiful face was full of excitement, and her eyes were filled with joy. She cried with a giggle.

She rushed the fastest and almost plunged into Duan Tiandao's arms. So that the companion behind her stamped her feet angrily.

The horsetail was pulled apart in laughter and screams, and other girls filled her vacancy at the same time.

The girls in line have a natural priority.

Some of them hugged shyly and ran away like a deer, some boldly hugged Duan Tiandao's neck and kissed his face, and others hugged Duan Tiandao's waist and stuck their face to Duan Tiandao's chest, allowing their companions to drag, scratch, pinch their face, smile and die.

The sun was bright and the crowd was surging behind the chirping girls.

Welcome home.

These four simple words, like a stream of heat, flowed all over Duan Tiandao's body.

What else is happier than this moment?

Duan Tiandao couldn't help moving forward with the surging crowd, embracing every bright smiling face. Men's hugs are powerful. When they pat each other on the shoulders, they show kindness and convey a kind of firmness. A woman's hug is gentle and warm. A gentle hug is a silent warmth.

Tang Xin stood quietly outside the crowd and looked at Duan Tiandao surrounded by the crowd.

Duan Tiandao, with a simple smile on his face, seemed at a loss to the crowd. He was so clumsy and cute in the screams and laughter of the girls.

He was obediently pushed forward by the crowd and obediently turned his face to be kissed by the bold girl. In each embrace, Tang Xin found that Duan Tiandao was laughing, but there was a layer of tears in his eyes.

A sour joy attacked Tang Xin at this moment.

Among those present were ordinary staff of the embassy, diplomats, military attach é s and ambassadors.

In the past, they may have come from various countries, but now they are all free Hong Kong people. Some lost their homes in the war, some lost their relatives, and many experienced unimaginable hardships before arriving in China.

War brings their pain, which may not be able to be healed in a lifetime.

But at least for now, they are happy. In front of the heroes belonging to each of them, the war seems to have only the memories of victory, cheering and crying with joy at this moment.

Duan Tiandao is a relative of each of them.

Surrounded by the crowd, Duan Tiandao came to Li Xinghai.

"It says, put you in the military academy." Li Xinghai and Duan Tiandao stand in front of each other. Two generations of Chinese soldiers, old and young, look at each other.

"I said no, you are also the representative of Freeport." For a long time, Li Xinghai stepped forward with a smile and gave Duan Tiandao a solid hug: "welcome back!"

Walking into a three story building in the residential area behind the main building of the embassy, Duan Tiandao looked at the antique house in front of him in surprise.

Blue exterior walls, white eaves, bright yellow tiles and cyan window frames. The whole building, hidden in the shade of trees, is quiet and elegant. Surrounded by wavy walls, an independent courtyard is isolated.

"Not bad?" Li Xinghai smiled brightly, "this is the best room in the embassy, mainly clean. It's far from where other people live and there's no interference. "

With that, Li Xinghai glanced at Tang Xin and whispered, "I thought it was very important to you. If there is a fire in the backyard, it won't damage your image. "

Duan Tiandao rolled his eyes and looked bitterly at Li Xinghai laughing.

There is no one in the room. Not only is Ye Wanqing, who has important work in his hand, absent, but also the little demon who should be doing nothing.

Smelling the faint fragrance in the room and the fragrance of tender soup in the kitchen, Duan Tiandao's mouth showed a smile. Obviously, the little demon did all this.

Duan Tiandao was not worried about the backyard fire mentioned by Li Xinghai.

This Daisy like little girl is always elegant, quiet and meticulous. Always stand within reach, but do not affect their own place, silently care about themselves. How can such a woman have any disputes and contradictions with others?

In the little demon's dictionary, these two words may not exist at all.

Looking back a few years ago, I met her in the bar. My life with her seemed to be yesterday.

In terms of appearance, the little demon is not the most beautiful of his own women. However, her kind of quiet, elegant, gentle and meticulous is what any man dreams of. If it is a time of peace, the girl with white skin, always a little shy and always paying silently for her men will make people have more desire to marry home than those big stars.

Duan Tiandao looked back and forth in every room with great interest, and his heart was hot.

Although it is temporary, there is a taste of home here.

It's a pity that he is still Fang Chutian's identity. Those former girlfriends are not suitable to appear here. Otherwise, if he brings in the red fruit green Hanyu Yan Haiqing who was already in Beijing, life will be so wonderful that it will explode.

Finally, he sat down on the sofa in his study. Tang Xin made two cups of coffee, put them in front of Duan Tiandao and Li Xinghai, and gently closed the door.

Li Xinghai took a sip of coffee, put down his cup, raised his eyes to Duan Tiandao and said, "have I seen all the information Tang Xin gave you?"

Duan Tiandao nodded silently.

In the hospital bed, he read the information Tang Xin gave himself.

The information is about the situation in the Atlantis sea area, which is the only one left in China.

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