Chen Fengxi knows that the fierce army is very powerful. He knows that the leader of this army once fought a miraculous battle on the northern gale island with nine fierce army mecha soldiers.

However, that doesn't mean that five divisions can solve the trouble in Leifeng sea area!

The fighting on the northern gale island and the current situation on Leifeng island are completely two concepts.

For the escape of the two divisions, all we need to do is run, just break through, without worrying about the gains and losses of any place. More importantly, in the final battle in the northern mountains, the Chinese military actually occupied a military advantage. Li Hongwu's troops were over the northern gale island!

Leifeng sea area is different.

Now the enemy and we are fighting in a vast area covering a total area of tens of thousands of square kilometers. There are high mountains, hills and lakes, plains and rivers, and roads and towns all over them! This is a large-scale campaign with the strategic goal of annihilating the effective forces of the other party and attacking the other party's forces.

There are more than 100 divisions on both sides. They are intertwined. I have you and you have me. Every day of fighting, casualties are astronomical. As soon as we launch the whole body, the gains and losses of each strategic point will involve hundreds of kilometers around.

What role can five Armored Divisions play in this battle that consumes more than one division every day?

There are only a dozen divisions left in his reserve team. This was transferred from other parts of Leifeng sea area. If it weren't for the Chamberlain fleet, it would have more or less restrained the three people. I'm afraid that the defense in the rear has been weak to the critical line, it will collapse in a NATO airdrop without casualties.

NATO's troops are still coming in an endless stream.

In the hands of the famous American general Rosenberg, there are at least forty or fifty divisions. In addition, the northern group army of belif and the southern group army of haadescu on the front line have exceeded the Chinese army in the Leifeng sea area.

More importantly, they can focus on this battle, while China has to garrison the whole Leifeng sea area!

It was originally thought that the third surge would be supplemented by at least 50 or even hundreds of divisions. In that case, with the geographical advantage in their hands, they can press the NATO people to the west of the defense line and keep them immobile. But I didn't expect that after looking forward to it for a long time, I waited for it, but it was

"General." With a voice, a middle-aged man in a Chinese lieutenant general's uniform strode into the room: "the reinforcements have set off?"

Chen Fengxi looked up and saw Lieutenant General Zhu Dabing, who had arrived on Leifeng Island six months ago, the chief of staff of the Leifeng sea theater command of the Chinese army and the deputy of Qian Berlin.

At present, the four divisions of the 33rd Chinese army under his command are fighting hard on the front line of the Sherlock mountains 300 miles west of Phoenix in the northern theater.

Several towns in the Sherlock mountains guard two resource roads to Phoenix. Once lost, the susbeth sus coalition can drive straight in and cut the Western defense of Phoenix in half. Therefore, Sherlock's defense has always been the top priority. Because of the fierce fighting, Zhu Dabing was also most concerned about the situation of the rear reinforcements.

Seeing that Chen Fengxi handed over an electronic document with a wry smile, Zhu Dabing suddenly felt an ominous premonition. He quickly opened the document, only glanced at it, and his face changed greatly.

For a long time, Zhu Dabing put down his folder and looked at Chen Fengxi powerlessly: "general, as the chief of staff of the theater, I think I have the responsibility to propose that the theater headquarters formulate a new strategic plan... I suggest giving up the western line of Phoenix, blocking with a small number of troops, retreating all the way, and establishing a new defense line in the eastern hemisphere."

Chen Fengxi was suddenly surprised. If you give up Phoenix, there will be no danger to defend the 600 kilometer plain, which also means giving up half of Leifeng island and suffering heavy losses when you retreat!

"Are you crazy?" Chen Fengxi was shocked.

"I'm not crazy!" Zhu Dabing said loudly, "the headquarters is crazy! Five divisions are all our reinforcements in the coming month. Do you know what this means... "

He strode to the electronic sand table, grabbed the electronic putter in the hand of a numb staff officer, and drew a big arc on the electronic sand table: "this means that if we don't plan early, we will exhaust our last living force here, and then collapse, so that NATO can sweep the whole Leifeng sea area in half a month!"

There was a dead silence in the room.

Chen Fengxi and the staff looked blankly at the place pointed by Zhu Dabing's putt.

Blue arrow, spreading.

Determined and fierce.

The heavy rain washed the whole city clean. The buildings in the coalition base were shining in the rain. Between heaven and earth, just a white rain, left and right in the messy wind.

The distant mountain scenery can't be seen clearly. Standing on the building, all the officers and soldiers of all districts can see is the troops standing silently in the rain in the fierce army base.

The news that the fierce army took the lead in the battle was received a few hours ago. By this time, there was no doubt. Looking at the silent troops in the fierce army base with binoculars, the officers of all districts felt all kinds of feelings for a moment.

At this time of the war, the third surge of Chinese troops is still far away, but the fierce troops that do not appear on the surge list are ready to go.

Some rumors about the fierce army have been broken by this time. What about sitting on the mountain watching the tiger fight and taking credit after the war situation turns around? In retrospect, it is a slap in the face! They not only went, but also walked in front of everyone.

No bargaining, no hype, on this rainy day, embarked on the journey.

In this era, the soldiers in this coalition base are much purer than domestic politicians.

While those people are still playing tricks, dialing their own small abacus, carelessly pressing the emergency material allocation report at the bottom of the document, and busy bargaining over who is more and who is less, these soldiers gathered in Beijing just want to join the war.

The mission of a soldier is to fight.

Since life meets this era, life and death have long been ignored. At this time, it is nothing more than to do our best to win this war and make a future for our country and future generations.

It's not terrible to go to war. It's a painful torture to spend here and watch the increasingly severe war reports from the front line every day.

The officers knew that if it went on like this, they would only lose the war. However, there is nothing they can do about the stubborn disease of this huge country. Disappointed with the politicians in the rear and worried about the war situation, they hope that someone can stand up and let this aging country see some hope.

So now they stand here and look at the army in front of them.

In the heavy rain, the mecha was washed bright. The mecha line neatly filled the whole Hummer base. Where they stood silently, the rain and silence made these cold metals emit a cold murderous spirit.

On the viewing platform of the building on the left of the team, thin Huang Shengtian sat quietly in a wheelchair. Beside him, marshal Li Cunxin was straight and his eyes were bright. Behind the two marshals, the generals of the major military regions poured out and stood in awe.

Through the rain curtain falling in front of the transparent sunshine shed on the auditorium of the building. In the field of vision, a figure was very strong in the shaking rain.

"Today, we are ready to go. Fight NATO bastards! "

The voice of Duan Tiandao echoed over the heavy rain shrouded base. The rain, along his military cap, flowed down his cheeks.

"In China, we fought with them. We fought them in Freeport. This time, we will beat them to cry for their parents! "

In the heavy rain, Duan Tiandao stepped forward and said loudly, "for our family."


"For our freedom."


"For our glory."


Every time Duan Tiandao roared, tens of thousands of fierce soldiers responded. The sound became louder and faster. Later, it rolled over the base like a thunder with infinite power.

"As a man..." Duan Tiandao roared with all his strength, almost hoarse.


Thunder finally blew up at this moment. The base was crazy at this moment. The roars of the fierce Army soldiers resounded through the sky!

"Long live China!"

"Long live the fierce army!"

The Dragon whispers and the tiger roars, the mountains sing and the valleys respond. The strong wind rolls the chaotic rain and the violent sound waves around, sweeping everything. Even the clouds in the sky are like rivers and seas at this moment.

All the officers and generals watching the ceremony felt that their hair was blown up, and an electric current rushed straight to their heads along their backs. For a moment, they were in a mood of excitement and could not help themselves.

The rolling iron flow began to surge towards the airports around the base.

Everyone in the base stopped his steps and work. The mechanic who buried himself in maintenance drilled out of the mecha, bent over the staff in front of the electronic sand table, straightened up, the soldiers trained in the rain stopped and listened... They heard the sound from the fierce army base.

The neat and heavy footsteps and the roar of the engine are the most shocking notes of this era.

Shangjing, rain.

The fierce army vows to go!

Duan Tiandao stood by the landing porthole on the second floor of the command hall.

Outside the window, one warship after another lined up far away and continued to the distance. The moonlight shed a flowing brilliance on the steel ships stretching for tens of miles.

The foreheads of all warships point in the same direction. The portholes of every warship were filled with bright lights.

Ferocious fort, flat bridge and heavy armor change in the moonlight. With the fleet's high-speed navigation, the warships suddenly sneaked into the night and bathed in the stars, just like a group of flying fish shuttling through the sparkling sea.

The warships farther away can no longer be seen. All you can see is the long blue ion streamer dragging in the sea. There is no reference scenery on land, but there is a dazzling silence and eternity.

This is the power in your own hands! With your fingers, these steel giants will move forward! With artillery fire, for China this unyielding country, and then play a peaceful future for hundreds of years!

The last challenge is finally in front of me!

The two militaristic countries, suss and pesus, have shown their final strength. As long as we defeat them, we can end the southeast war on Gale island!

When the two countries were defeated, it was the day of China's rebirth!

But did ye Jingguo get support at that time? Or can China be reborn from Nirvana after all?

Old man, you must hold on!

"Left rudder 1200."

"The ships contracted and kept a distance of 4000 meters."

Behind him came the command of the coordinator. With the command, the fleet began to slow down and change direction.

A Huaxia electronic ship appeared not far from the flagship.

It was the pilot ship of the Sixth Fleet of China stationed at the sea. In half an hour, under the leadership of this pilot ship, the fleet will pass through the defense area of the Sixth Fleet, cross the sea entrance, and really invest in the most heroic war in the southeast sea area!

Duan Tiandao took a long breath. I'm afraid many people still don't know what their two armored divisions will bring to the world.

It is said that in Western legends, victory is a goddess.

Then, in the next few weeks, let everyone open their eyes and see clearly!

Look at yourself, look at the fierce army, how to provoke the skirt of the goddess of victory and let the goddess show her ass!

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