This is the voice of the winner, the gorgeous flame of life burning in this era, and the burst sound of shaking the soul!

Most of them may just do nothing in peacetime. Maybe it's just cowardice, maybe it's just a peddler, a hardworking farmer, a street performer or an ordinary employee who looks forward to a raise all day.

However, in this magnificent era, they did not hesitate to shed blood on the battlefield in the name of a man.

It coincides with the world war, which is not only the misfortune of every man in this era, but also their luck.

No one knows when the war is over. How many such men will sleep in the vast sea and the thick land. There are even countless of them who don't even have a tombstone. However, they left their own footsteps, their own voice and their own blood in this era.

In the future, generation after generation will stand in their cry. After their charging back, they will continue the continuation of human civilization on the land watered with blood.

By that time, everything may have gone back to dust and earth to earth. But now, no one can stop the strong heartbeat of these men, no one can cool their boiling blood, and no one can blow away their crazy roars, shouts, laughter and the crying of the female soldiers who have also contributed all their strength to the victory.

The battle of oxtail channel came to an end.

Yes, the Humvee fleet defeated the world-famous white suss dragon riding group fleet. 306 large and small ships were destroyed and 119 were seized.

Bethus general Auburn.

Killed in battle.

After hugging Fei Wen, Xiong Hui, Liang Gao and others one by one, Duan Tiandao asked Carl for a cigarette, put it in his ear and walked out of the command hall.

On the long corridor, the officers and soldiers, flushed and excited, watched the fierce army lieutenant general they had just met through their separated crowd with respectful eyes.

Bursts of applause broke out and immediately spread like thunder.

Duan Tiandao kept a smile on his face, nodded and walked through the crowd to the circular terrace at the top of the Mothership bridge.

The transparent isolation cover above the terrace covers the whole terrace. From a distance, the glass ball is connected with the long terrace channel, which is more like a match sticking out of the bridge.

Vision, suddenly become much broader.

The automatic door closed behind him and the applause disappeared.

Duan Tiandao took down the smoke with some curved folds on his ears, stroked it with his hand and lit it. Take a deep breath and let the mellow smoke roll into your lungs.

Standing on the terrace, Duan Tiandao suddenly remembered an old music box given to him by Tianji old man on his sixth birthday when he was a child. It was a simple and beautiful box. As long as you open it, you can see a transparent glass ball inside.

In the glass ball, there are houses and dancing villains. As long as you shake it gently, the heavy snow will float in the glass ball. A man and a woman will dance slowly in the sound of music.

Now, I'm like a villain in a glass music box. I don't know if there will be a warm family of three outside, watching myself quietly.

Duan Tiandao held a cigarette in his mouth and put his hand on the railing.

Not far away in the sea, the fleet is carrying out the final clearance and suppression work. Fighter planes flew around the surrendered white suss warship. A machine armour was ejected from the nearby garrison warships and flew to the white suss warship whose engine had been turned off.

Several planes full of prisoners passed by with planes full of fierce soldiers. Further away, the Chinese fleet that sent a communication signal half an hour ago has shown its shape.

The cigarette burns between the fingers, and the blue smoke curls up. Duan Tiandao's eyes fell on a large piece of debris suspended in the sea in the distance.

That is, the supreme glory aircraft carrier.

Now, this huge warship has been torn apart. The explosion lasted nearly ten minutes and destroyed its whole body from the inside out.

Tens of thousands of large debris formed a huge garbage dump. The largest piece of wreckage is the stern position. The wreckage connecting a small half of the bridge. It's dark, like a ghost's residence.

Cigarettes whirled around between fingers. The red cigarette end is like an elf turning over.

Looking back on the previous battle, Duan Tiandao's hand holding cigarettes is still not calm.

The navy of bethus is no match for China in terms of ships, electronics and personnel quality. However, a famous general can narrow the fearsome gap to almost imperceptible.

Auburn is definitely one of the strongest opponents he has ever met.

If I didn't lead the most powerful fleet in China, if I didn't know the existence of the other party in advance, and an invisible reconnaissance ship secretly detected the position of the other party, I'm afraid the one eyed general bethus is looking at the sea now.

Duan Tiandao was surprised to find that he was a little uneasy, but more excited by the rapid secretion of adrenaline.

The wreckage in the distance represents only the first famous general on the way forward of the fierce army chariot, not the last. And auburn. Nor is it the most powerful one in the NATO camp. There are many more ranking above him.

Besides, that ranking was years ago.

From here on, the fierce army will continue along this steel wire road to challenge more powerful enemies.

Maybe it will fly into the sky, maybe it will never come back.

The fleet moved on. In order to ensure safety, fleet 601 joined the queue of the fierce army fleet under the command of the Chinese military headquarters. They will return to the sea after the Humvee armored division lands on Leifeng island.

With the captured white suss warships, the Hummer fleet expanded rapidly to five A-class fleets and two B-class fleets. If not for the fact that many white suss warships have been seriously damaged and need to be directly destroyed or towed back to the sea area of the Long March, the queue of this fleet would be even larger.

More gratifying than the expansion of the fleet is that the estrangement and suspicion between the two originally strange forces have disappeared because of a fight to live and die together.

Although the Humvee warships played little role in this campaign. However, the performance of the official commander Chu Tian has conquered all the officers and soldiers of the phantom Corps. Especially when a group of captains were under the command of Fang Chutian, they were more convinced.

From the bold missile torpedo cluster attack at the beginning of the campaign, the way of using the fighter cluster with one stroke, to the dazzling domino hanging at the end.

All this made them understand that Huang Shengtian's vision had never deteriorated because of his age.

He handed the army over to a reassuring genius.

With the completion of battlefield cleaning and fleet regrouping. The only thing that surprised the captains was the whereabouts of the Hummer fleet that had never been in battle.

The classification of modern fleets is not determined by the number of warships. In fact, the navy has naturally developed a set of strict fleet standards.

Just like the agreed weights and measures of one kilogram or one meter, a class a fleet is also known as the standard combat effectiveness fleet.

The combat effectiveness comprehensive index of the fleet is a very complex scoring system, which needs to be comprehensively scored according to its electronic, defense, assault, speed, endurance, cruise distance and other different indicators.

The different combat effectiveness and types of equipment of warships in various countries will lead to the different scale and quantity of a standard combat effectiveness fleet.

In recent years, as countries have built new warships in war, a class a fleet that used to be formed by thousands or even two or three thousand warships can now meet the same combat effectiveness standard with only dozens or hundreds of new warships.

In terms of the advanced level of phantom fleet warships, a class a fleet with a combat effectiveness of one quarter of the standard fleet needs warships accounting for nearly one-half of a class a fleet without an aircraft carrier. The total number of class a fleets of the fierce army is only 20 or 30, and most of them are warships below the battleship level, and they are all broken. Can they really be called a class a fleet?

In general Fang's battle plan, the fleet has been hidden around the battlefield. But until the end of the battle, the fleet did not appear. Where did they go?

Captains who were itched by stealth technology even felt that they had fought too hard and had no chance to see what they wanted to see most.

The cruiser wolf shadow slowly led the sub fleet into the shuttle navigation formation of the fleet. While handling the warship affairs, the captain Ma sangun inadvertently saw an order issued by the flagship on the command computer... The Hummer fleet was responsible for destroying the remaining white sus warships without capture value in the battlefield sea area.

Hummer fleet, are they really around?

Ma sangun opened the telephoto screen of the command console in confusion, controlled the rotation direction of the telephoto on the bridge, and searched for the trace of the Hummer fleet. Like other captains, he had the same questions. Moreover, as the heaviest burden in the battle, he wondered why these warships did not fight at the most difficult time.

The radar suddenly lit up. Ma sangun subconsciously fixed the telephoto screen in the sea area indicated by the radar.

A tattered fleet suddenly emerged from the sea and hit the abandoned pessus warships with a sharp collision angle.

Under the violent impact, the steel ship body rippled like a ripple, which was immediately distorted and broken.

The high-speed intruding fierce warships are like torpedoes launched from hell.

When the Deputy captain and staff around him were still numb, Ma sangun had quickly called out the previous battle situation map. The sea area where the fierce army fleet appears is

Ma San opened his mouth and immediately waved his fist. He could see at a glance that although it was an encounter, the seemingly careless commander Fang Chutian had left a way for the whole fleet before fighting the enemy.

While he prepared the fleet for his amazing tactics, he also considered the possibility of defeat.

Once the battle is lost, the phantom fleet can only retreat to the obstacle area of the fifth segment.

The sea area where the class a fleet of the fierce army has been hiding is on the side of the route of the bessus fleet! They stayed there quietly, like a group of wolves lying in ambush in the grass. Be ready to use your body to retreat as the main force of the fleet and carry out a crazy attack and interception!

The horse three guns clapped hard. The applause grew louder and louder in the captains' communication channel.

Although the emergence of the class a fleet of the Humvee army has been after the dust has settled, their appearance at this time makes the captains more impressed than their appearance in battle.

Because everyone knows that this victory is by no means a fluke.

The fleet, nine hours later, reached Leifeng sea area.

Along the way, this huge fleet made the baisus fleet along the way far away. In this sea area, in addition to the super fleet of three Youren and the main fleet gathered by the Susi people, there are not many who can provoke five A-class fleets.

Most of them are just wandering on the channel, looking for the NATO class B fleet attacking China logistics. Sending it up at this time is tantamount to looking for death.

When there were two legs from Leifeng sea area, the fleet joined the Chamberlain fleet. All the officers and men of the Chamberlain fleet almost lost their chin when they saw the warships that originally belonged to the white sus dragon riding fleet in the Humvee fleet.

In just three hours, two giant transport ships slowly landed in Phoenix, Leifeng island.

Phoenix is a plain city. The straight-line distance between East, West, North and south is more than 200 kilometers. Although not as good as Shangjing, it can be regarded as a large city.

But now the city looks more like a huge barracks.

Military cars were bumping on the bumpy road.

These islands and cities on Leifeng island have been devastated by artillery for several years and have long lost their original prosperity. Large and small craters can be seen everywhere. Even if the road is repaired, it is uneven.

In the distance, the tall buildings are like a forest burned by a big fire. At a glance, you can only see the rows of twisted alloy frames towering into the clouds, the outer walls full of holes, the broken walls that make all kinds of sounds in the wind, and the cross-section full of gravel and steel bars as if it had been cut obliquely by a knife

Everything is so desolate.

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