During the duration of the campaign, the electronic advantages of both sides will change hands frequently. The reason may be that a special team attacked the other party's electronic base, maybe a guy with high IQ found the other party's loophole, or maybe the fleet obtained temporary control, and countless electronic ships swaggered in the sea.

In this case, the real battle is the battle of front-line electronic warfare.

If an armored force can suppress the communication command of the other party, it not only has obvious combat advantages, but also has priority in contacting reinforcements and ambush supplies.

Duan Tiandao continued to focus on the electronic sand table and did not answer Chen Fengxi's questions.

He frowned and twisted the center of his eyebrows into a Sichuan character. On his simple, honest and confused face, because there was no expression, he was more dull and dull.

Chen Fengxi and Zhu Dabing looked at each other and sighed at the same time. They felt that general Fang, who had just arrived at Leifeng Island, obviously did not want to fight too early.

At this time, it is obviously difficult for him to keep going into battle. His team has not even stepped off the giant transport ship, built its own camp or established a command post. He has good reason to refuse. No one can accuse him of anything. What's more, it's the damn arbiter army.

Trouble is really one after another.

General Fang, after unexpectedly solving a big problem for Qian Berlin. But brought another trouble to the earth.

From the transport ship to the convoy entering the headquarters, I don't know how many soldiers saw the army along the way. In just one or two hours, I'm afraid the news of the arrival of reinforcements has spread all over the whole army.

But apart from these people at the top of the headquarters, who would know that there will be only five divisions of reinforcements on Fengfeng island in the next month.

The soldiers below fought hard. When a division is pulled up, less than one regiment can come back. Infantry and armored soldiers can only be mixed up at the back. Now in Phoenix City, I don't know how many units have been disrupted, how many soldiers were still in the armored division yesterday, and today they have become infantry of another unit.

Everyone is looking forward to reinforcements.

This is not wishful thinking. You know, the headquarters is clear about the situation after the troops have been here for so long. They will never see the collapse of the west line of Phoenix and ruin the good situation of Lei Feng island. The third troop increase has long been widely spread. Let's count the days. It's time.

If everyone knows. All the reinforcements are on those two giant transport ships. I'm afraid the western line will collapse without fighting.

No matter how much to hide, the news will not be exposed for more than a week.

Once we can't see more reinforcements arriving one after another, the brainless guy knows that things are not so good. When all kinds of rumors and gossip spread in the war zone, morale will plummet.

Maybe we can't wait until then.

The white suss have joined the adjudicator's army. If the passage of frenzo cannot be blocked, in less than three days, the defense line thousands of kilometers from the north to the South will be completely eroded. Like a piping levee, starting from a small water hole, the gap becomes larger and larger until it collapses thousands of miles.

"Your Excellency the admiral." Zhu Dabing straightened his waist and looked at Chen Fengxi. As a Chinese soldier, at this last moment, he also remained proud: "send my 33rd army. The Sherlock mountains, close to the town of frenzo. Troops were drawn from the rear to take over the defense. The thirty third army can fight in ten hours. "

Chen Fengxi looked at the map with a dignified face.

Zhu Dabing's 33rd Chinese army has always resisted the attack of beliff's Susi 21st group army in the Sherlock mountains. It's hard to fight.

If the rest of the Chinese divisions stationed in the rear are deployed, there is no fear that the defense line will be lost, but the question is, can they withstand the NATO attack?

This seems to be the only way. Other troops can't move, and the dynamic troops can't catch up with the 33rd Army

Just hesitating, a voice of heaven came from my ear.

"Can the thirty Third Army of the Sherlock mountains be transferred? That's great. The problem is solved. "

Chen Fengxi frowned and was unhappy. Why is this man like this? You just came here. You can't fight. Everyone knows. But after all, it's the Chinese army. People have decided to let their own troops go up. Why do you have to do so next to them. Anyway, I won't let your people eat this hard bone. Don't you know how to steal music?

Zhu Dabing, who was on one side, snorted coldly and twisted his head. Even Huang Xiaolei disdained to have a look.

Knowing that there were only five divisions of reinforcements, he had no hope of the battle.

The hall suddenly became a little stiff atmosphere, which didn't seem to affect Duan Tiandao. He excitedly pointed to the electronic sand table and said, "I have an idea. The 33rd army has three divisions, and I have two divisions. Let's eat here in one bite."

"Eat it?" All the officers present were stunned at the same time.

Chen Fengxi said suspiciously, "general Fang, you mean you're ready..."

"Fight." Duan Tiandao is simple and honest.

He picked up the putter of the electronic sand table, pointed to frenzo town and said, "come on, you see, the intelligence says that the enemy has only three divisions in total. After the occupation of frenzo Town, it is now attacking eastward along the intercity highway in an attempt to occupy banyunling, 20 kilometers east of the town. Banyunling has four highlands and a small agricultural area with a population of less than 20000. If they take this, they will build a bridgehead in front of frenzo town. As long as their successor troops can keep up in time, this gap in the defense line will be opened. "

Look at the sand table. Listening to Duan Tiandao's analysis, the officers present couldn't help nodding.

Although there are no further reports from the front line, the current movements of the three enemy divisions should not be judged by general Fang.

Banyunling, in the east of the town, is the place of contention.

As long as they push here, they can stop and wait for the troops behind to keep up. Break through the defense line at one stroke and detour to the two wings.

In just a few minutes, we can see the importance of banyunling, which shows that general Fang has a solid military foundation.

I'm not a top student in the military academy. I don't have this vision.

"How are you going to fight?" Zhu Dabing was full of two divisions of Duan Tiandao.

"One of my divisions attacked banyunling and blocked them. Another division, 40 kilometers south of the town of frenzo, attacked our defense line, broke through the enemy division here, cut north and blocked their successor. " The top student Duan made a encirclement gesture with both hands to the middle, then looked at Zhu Dabing, pointed like a knife, and went to frenzo Town: "I'll give you the rest!"

Everyone was tongue tied.

Zhu Dabing's 33rd army came all the way along the line of defense from the Sherlock mountains. It was nothing.

But the two divisions of the fierce army have to face the repeated attacks of the adjudicator troops of an enemy company and three armored divisions. They have to attack from the flank defense line within 24 hours, penetrate the enemy in the front, and then detour to the west of frenzo town. In the face of unknown enemy attacks, they will hold on for at least 48 hours

Such a battle plan is too bold!


Zhu Dabing flatly rejected Duan Tiandao's plan: "this plan is too risky. We should now stand on defense. Concentrate your forces and drive the enemy out of frenzo. Instead of eating it in one bite. "

This sentence has attracted the approval of many people around us.

"Yes, our army's strength is at a disadvantage now. The defense line is to catch the lapel and see Luo. If we can't eat our opponent in one bite, it will be very disadvantageous to fall into a seesaw battle." A colonel's staff frowned.

"The enemy has three armored divisions. Even if they are besieged in the town of frenzo, we don't have enough troops to defeat them." Another major general shook his head after calculating quickly.

As soon as the major general's voice fell, another lieutenant general standing next to him pointed to the electronic sand table and said anxiously, "don't forget, there are also adjudicators. Now that those guys are here, this operation will not be a simple operation. Beliff must have heavy troops to follow up in this direction. "

"Two armored divisions can't accomplish such a heavy task. If the adjudicator breaks through the defense line, the three divisions invested by the 33rd army will also be very dangerous."

A voice came from outside the regiment.

A major general also said, "it's too late. You see, if you attack with a division following the flank defense line, you must first defeat the troops of bethus before you can oblique into the north. When we get to the west of frenzo, I'm afraid NATO's successor forces have held the passage. "

This judgment caused everyone to nod.

A major general said to Duan Tiandao, "general Fang, this plan is too risky. I suggest we split up. The 33rd army is from the northeast of frenzo Town, and the fierce army is from the east by south of frenzo Town, forming a pincer attack and recapturing the line of defense. If you block the enemy's retreat, it's hard to ensure that these sons of bitches won't jump over the wall and fight tenaciously. "

For a time, the generals and staff gathered in front of the electronic sand table, with different opinions.

In the noise, Zhu Dabing looked coldly at Duan Tiandao and snorted. If his familiar colleague Huang Xiaolei wasn't nearby, he couldn't help scolding his mother.

Fang Chutian's plan is not so bold as disorderly.

Although he has also heard rumors about the Humvee mecha soldiers, he doesn't believe that the Humvee can use one division to block the attacks of three NATO armored divisions with sharp knives made by the adjudicator!

Besides, since beliff used three divisions and adjudicator troops here, fools know how many NATO troops will flock back. Blocking the West with another division is just a dream!

This is not a talk on paper, not a boast, not a joke. This is a war in which people die every second!

It's nothing for Fang Chutian to bury his two divisions, but if it leads to the collapse of the defense line, it's never redeemed. The current Lei Feng Island front army, every point of strength is extremely valuable and must not be used for adventure!

"Adventure?" Duan Tiandao looked innocent: "how can such a safe plan be an adventure?"

It's a complete waste of time!

Zhu Dabing waved impatiently and said, "general Fang, you'd better tidy up your troops as soon as possible. As for the front-line war situation, I have asked the staff to prepare a material. After reading it, you will have a deeper understanding of the war situation on the front-line. Maybe then you can really understand our situation. Frenzo, it's still the 33rd army. I hope your troops can get ready early and help us at any time. "

"Yes!" Duan Tiandao stood at attention and saluted: "commander, your excellency."

Zhu Dabing was stunned. "I'm not the commander." He stopped awkwardly before the words fell.

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