"General, this way, please." A waiting Lieutenant Colonel Hua Xia turned sideways and made a gesture.

Hanli and Stewart followed the lieutenant colonel and the sentry next to him and walked to the ditch. Just walked to the trench. They saw several officers climbing up the gentle slope on the side of the trench.

"General Han Li!" A major general of Huaxia, who was at the front, stretched out his hand and said, "I'm Mr. badade. Welcome to this devil region. "

"Hello." Han Li held out his hand and badade tightly, smiled and said, "I believe the headquarters has told you our intention."

"To be honest, that's not a good idea." The cheerful badade shook hands with Stewart and introduced Pang Bei, the first division commander of the Sixth Army of the 18th group army of China, raised his military cap, scratched his short hair, shrugged his shoulders and said, "the division opposite bethus is not so easy to deal with."

"Oh?" Han Li and Stewart looked at each other: "can you tell us?"

"Those are well-equipped bastards." Ba Dade was not at all restrained from meeting for the first time, and scolded: "they are equipped with a large number of white sus ninth generation civet mecha, and several senior mecha soldiers drive the tenth generation anubis mecha. This kind of mecha was rare in the past, but this time in the reinforcements of bethus. There are many such mecha. It must be their son of a bitch emperor who took out all the coffins to make mecha. Do you smoke? "

Speak frankly and quickly. He quickly won the favor of Han Li and Stewart and took the cigarette handed over by badade. Han Li asked, "how about their combat effectiveness? I heard you fought with them for a long time."

"I met them early and suffered a little loss. At that time, logistics couldn't keep up." Badad said: "later, when the second batch of troops came up, the logistics materials were replenished, and the other party's fucking troops also increased. Now we are here in a stalemate with them, fighting every day. This is not a strategic place. They all cover the flanks of their own troops, and they don't attack fiercely. "

With that, badad reached out and took a document from a staff officer next to him and handed it to Han Li: "they have been fighting for nearly a month, and their casualty rate is about 30%. However, according to the intelligence of our scouts, they added troops. It should be two armored regiments of bethus. "

Han Li thumbed through the documents and the information recorded in the electronic folder was very detailed, including the other party's resident range, the law of action on weekdays, the habitual tactics during combat, as well as the extended range of warning, the determination of fire suppression points in previous battles, the intensity of electronic attack, etc.

"Can I have one of this?" Han Liyang the electronic folder in his hand.

"Of course." Bardade nodded. Then, some uncertain asked, "are you really going to attack them?"

"Yes." Han Li smiled.

"When?" Ba Dade opened his eyes, looked over Han Li's shoulder and looked at the fierce army mecha gathering in the distance.

Han Li looked at the time and said faintly, "now!"

With the arrival of the second armored division of the Humvee army, the station of the armored division seems to be overcrowded.

The muddy blue mecha was like rain flowing into the puddle. After arriving at the station, they quickly began to prepare for the war. The silent primitive jungle suddenly became noisy and lively. The repeated commands, the footsteps of stepping on dead branches, rotten leaves and muddy water, and the roar of the engine filled it.

The Chinese soldiers looked curiously at the busy army.

The transport mecha of supplementary materials passing through, the mechanic driving a small electric detection vehicle flying through the forest land, the fierce Army soldiers who seize the time to drink and eat, and the grass-roots officers who drink

At a glance, there are fierce soldiers all over the mountains and fields. I don't know how many people there are.

Are they really ready to attack?

The Chinese soldiers are looking forward to it and feel a little uncomfortable.

As ordinary soldiers, the vast majority of them do not know about the loss of the frenzo defense line 60 kilometers north. I don't know much about the troops in front of me. All they know is that the white Susi people opposite are not clay figurines that can be held at will.

I fought with those guys for a month, and now it's an unbearable confrontation. During this period, after the white Susi people supplemented many troops and machine armor weapons, their combat effectiveness was greatly improved. Even with the assistance of the 1861 division and a solid position, it was very difficult to cope.

But what do you hear now?

These guys who just arrived here are ready to assemble and rush to kill them all in a few minutes? They think the opposite is a group of pigs lying in the mud humming and whining, who can stab them at will?

"Sir." The head of the first division looked at the fierce army officers gathered around Han Li and said in confusion: "are they really ready to attack the baisus division directly?"

"Use your head." Badad rolled his eyes: "will you drag an armored division here to play with me?"

"The headquarters didn't ask us to help?" A regimental commander scratched his ears and cheeks.

"No!" Badad bit a grass and shook his head.

He had already known about the fall of frenzo town and received instructions from the headquarters about the Humvee army. From the command's carefully worded instructions alone, he could see that the command was no less worried than himself. Whether Zhu Dabing, the chief of staff, or Chen Fengxi, the commander of the front army, have no idea about this army.

After all, the 48 hour mission of completely annihilating the bessus division in a few hours and cutting across to the west of frenzo to intercept the successor troops of the enemy, perhaps up to 10 divisions, sounds more like a myth in the Arabian Nights.

If anyone gave such an order to the armored division, badad felt that he should have a caesarean section in front of the Officer immediately.

Not far away, the commanding mecha of the fierce army is like a beetle with open wings. Han Li and the tall division commander are arranging combat tasks with the officers in front of the electronic sand table.

Bardade wanted to listen, but he felt a little reckless. For a moment, he just felt itchy.

"You say, how will they fight?"

Since he was embarrassed to get together, badade simply asked the staff to project the battle map onto the ground with the battle recorder and squat down to discuss with several of his subordinates.

"If there is a strong attack, it may not be possible."

A regimental commander broke a branch and rowed on the ground, rowing westward from the highland of the main position a few kilometers away: "baisus Division has an attack position six kilometers west of our defense line. It's very strong. Our assessment of several firepower raids showed that the damage was no more than 20%. Just beating this turtle shell is enough! "

With that, a regimental commander pointed the branch to the North: "there is an armored battalion stationed in the northwest highland, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack. If we want to attack the defense area of the bessus division westward along the mountain highway in queiro agricultural area, we must destroy this highland, and before we destroy it, we must destroy the enemy's attack position. "

A regimental commander shook his head and threw away the branches: "this area is too dense. There is no room for tactical maneuver at all. Once the bessus division's attack position is attacked, their main force will immediately rush out from the high ground and attack in a corner. In that case, the flanks of the fierce army will be exposed to the enemy. Even if they can attack the position, they will suffer heavy losses. It is a dream to solve such a thing as the enemy in two or three hours. "

The leader's analysis attracted the approval of the surrounding officers. Everyone nodded and meditated. Suddenly, an officer nearby shouted, "they're ready to go."

When they looked up, they saw that the fierce army officers around Han Li had separated in their machine armor, and the teams distributed in the jungle also began to gather.

For a moment, the roar of the officers, the Zizi sound of the hydraulic pipe when the mecha combat mode is started, the roar of the engine and the footsteps of the troops when they are pulling out.

A moment later, a muddy blue armored force, watched by the Chinese soldiers, passed through the division station, drilled out of the jungle, ran down the hillside, and roared towards the Western Front in the bright sun. In just a few minutes, the fierce troops all over the mountains and fields rushed up the mountain in front like a tide, and immediately disappeared without a trace.

Only their logistics mecha and a guard battalion, escorting their command mecha, stopped on a small kaolin on the top of the mountain.

"Anyway." Ba Dade looked at Han Li holding a telephoto on the mountain command mecha platform and sighed: "at least their courage is worthy of our admiration. Mu Qing, gather your group and move to the left wing of the highland. If the fierce army retreats, we must avoid being overwhelmed by the enemy. "

"Yes!" A regimental commander Mu Qing saluted, jumped down the trench quickly and ran to the concealed command post.

A few minutes later, fierce gunfire and explosion came faintly from the distance.

The sound continued, beyond the horizon, very unclear. Ba Dade looked at the hill where Han Li stood. After a long time, he turned and waved to the officers beside him: "let's go. I hope they can make some trouble for the Baisu people."

The officers went down the trench one after another and walked to the headquarters one foot deep and one foot shallow along the bottom of the muddy pit. Inside and outside the trench, the soldiers gathered together, looking into the distance with their heads, talking one after another.

After turning several corners along the tunnel, the officers just saluted the sentry in charge of the headquarters and prepared to enter the underground headquarters built of metal bulletproof wall and fast explosion-proof cement. Unexpectedly, as soon as the pneumatic automatic door was opened, badad, who was walking in the front, was hit by a figure who rushed out of the room.

"Mu Qing, what's the matter?" Badad, who was held up, saw the man who hit him, suddenly propped up the wall, stood firm and asked hurriedly.

"General, fierce army!" Mu Qing's square face turned red.

"What happened to the fierce army?" Ba Dade's heart sank and quickly looked at his watch. Now he is less than 30 minutes away from the attack of the fierce army.

"The fierce army captured the attack position of the Baisu people, and the second Armored Regiment of the Baisu division was completely annihilated!" Mu Qing's voice trembled with excitement: "244 highland was also attacked by one of their armored companies from the flank. Now, the fierce army has attacked westward along the highway in queiro agricultural area!"

"What?" Bardade's eyes stared like two light bulbs. After regaining consciousness, he quickly pushed away Mu Qing and rushed into the command room.

On the Skynet screen in the command room, the picture sent back by the reconnaissance soldiers of the first regiment and the 1861 division and the position observers at the same time confirmed Mu Qing's words.

At the moment, the attack position of the bessus division was in a mess.

Countless pieces of mecha and soldiers' bodies lie on the blackened and smoking land. The artillery fire extended to the distance, and the dense Humvee armored forces surged forward like a tide along the highway beside the highland.

The real-time battle report showed that the bessus armored forces scattered ten kilometers wide in the front were retreating under the attack arrows composed of four armored battalions of the Humvee forward force.

Many bessus troops have not even had time to respond!

On the Skynet, the blue light spots representing the troops of bethus had been in chaos and could not help retreating.

"How did they do it?" A staff officer was tongue tied and spoke out all the officers' questions.

"Push hard!" Mu Qing answered the question subconsciously, but his eyes looking at the screen had no focus at all. It seems that he is still immersed in the shock of witnessing the attack of the fierce Army: "they are just like bulldozers, pushing them directly. The resistance of the bessus lasted only twenty minutes and collapsed completely. "

He turned his head and stared at the officers. After a long time, he swallowed hard: "it was a massacre."

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