As he stepped onto the escalator leading to the command center, Reinhardt turned and looked West.

The tottering sunset mountain is not his goal here. Compared with opening up the sunset mountain to help beliff win the battle, he hopes to get the news of that man after a cup of coffee that is too strong to make people feel the desire to kill.

That heavenly way... No, it's called general Fang Chutian now.

Is his lifelong enemy.

General SUSE Longman, who was walking beside him, seemed to be unaware of everything with satisfaction and excitement on his oily face.

Looking at this face and recalling the news just got a few minutes ago, Reinhart's mouth drew a cold arc like a cold current.

If he had not blocked the news for fear of affecting morale, I wonder if general Longman would have been so calm when he learned that the one eyed Python Auburn and the Dragon riding fleet were completely destroyed under Fang Chutian.

The figures of Reinhart and Longman disappeared into the automatic door of the temporary headquarters. The two expressionless squadron leaders looked at each other under the dim street lights in the camp, snorted disdainfully, and turned away from the electronic sand table.

Frizwalt, captain of the fourth Squadron, and kalmai, captain of the sixth Squadron, both came from the most elite night army under cherda.

Like all night army officers, they came from noble families and were the purest imperialists.

The education they received from childhood and the cultivation in the army filled their bones with the pride of the night army and their contempt for a Chinese who took refuge in the Empire like a lost dog, but now climbed over their heads to issue a command. Even if he changed the name of a very American country, he could not change the blood in his bones.

After the transformation of the outstanding military talent, the standard mecha handling power of 85 movements per second can not cover up the despicable act of the Asian betraying his home country.

Proud American soldiers will obey orders to the letter, but water won't have any respect for them.

The most hateful thing is that the Chinese obviously don't understand his position.

Although he was the captain of the second brigade of adjudicators, the second brigade was not his private force.

The original task of the fourth and sixth squadrons was to lead the armor cluster to complete a breakthrough when the general attack was launched, just like the fifth squadron in frenzo town.

But I didn't expect that the damn Chinese should give battle orders at will and put five teams into a cup of coffee dedicated by an insignificant general Susi in the eyes of the United States.

Although it is not dangerous to attack a crumbling defense line to spy on the enemy's intelligence, whether from the layout of Reinhart or the combat effectiveness of the adjudicator, Walter and Mai still feel uncomfortable.

The adjudicator is the strategic force of the United States and the top armed force still ranking above the night army.

This army has always appeared only at the most critical moment and the most critical place. It is the ace of the elite trumps.

Any non critical battle is a waste of this armed force, not to mention that the protagonist of this battle is not the Americans, but the two ambitious and stupid countries of SUS and bethus.

It is an insult to this army to dispatch adjudicators so rashly in such a battle.

The two Colonel squadron captains went to the same gloomy subordinates.

Because of cherda's orders, they have no right to resist Reinhart's orders. However, this does not mean that they are willing to give orders to any Chinese people. If they have the opportunity, they will not mind making a fool of the handsome general.

An off-road vehicle rushed into the camp and stopped in front of the two squadron commanders with long brake marks. A sous staff officer jumped out of the car and hurried to the command center.

"What happened?" Walter and Mai quickly exchanged eyes, and immediately reached out with tacit understanding and grabbed staff sous who ran by.

Facing the two adjudicators, the suddenly surprised staff officer had no ability to resist.

"Sir." The staff officer stammered: "our front-line reconnaissance troops disappeared on a large scale, and the front-line attack positions were also attacked by the enemy. The arsenal of position 6 was destroyed, position 4 and position 7 were attacked, resulting in heavy losses. The second battalion of the armored division in position 2 and an electronic platoon were terminated by an enemy armored company, and the front-line communication was completely interrupted... "

"Battlefield shielding?" Walter and Mai asked in unison, "how many troops have the enemy sent?"

"I don't know..." the poor staff thought that he was going to report the bad news to Longman. His face was like a bitter melon and said, "the front line has been controlled by the enemy. We can't understand their scale and quantity at all. I just heard that these guys have a tough word mark on their mecha. "

Fierce army?

Walter and Mai stood there blankly, tongue tied.

For a long time, when they recovered, the sous staff officer had run into the command center.

Looking at the figure chased by an invisible hungry wolf staggering into the automatic door, the two adjudicator officers suddenly felt a burst of joy in a tense mood.

The real opponent appeared!

And Reinhardt's ready attack, which made all the susbethus soldiers rejoice, fell into the sewage and splashed disgusting waves.

The opponent moves faster than him!

What he thought he wanted to do, others have done it!

This is a letter of war!

When Longman jumped up from the sofa, Reinhart just sat quietly, holding coffee and stirring the coffee spoon, watching the milky white gradually melt into the rotating dark brown vortex.

The strong aroma of Bella star's famous horn coffee meanders around, and wisps float under the nose of the house full of blue faced susbeth sus coalition staff.

Hundreds of instruments in the command hall are flashing lights, bouncing screens, or beeping. The hurried footsteps and incessant noise in the front-line command room have now disappeared.

"General Reinhart." When Longman got the information from the front line, he subconsciously turned to see Reinhart.

The sunset mountain could not be attacked for a long time, and the troops suffered heavy losses. Now came the bad news that the front line attack position was attacked and the battlefield intelligence was controlled by the enemy. He unconsciously took Reinhart as the backbone.

"Judging from the targets attacked by the enemy and the losses of their troops, their strength does not exceed one Armored Regiment." Reinhardt put down his coffee cup and looked at the Skynet screen that had just entered intelligence data. He said slowly, "if I were general Longman, I would let my army teach them a lesson."

He took a sip of coffee: "if the front-line troops can't contain them, I will be interested in fighting them."

"Order to attack the position immediately! Clean the front! " Langman immediately made a decision and shouted at the staff beside him: "delay the total attack time. Until you take full control of the battlefield! Tell them to drive these mice back to the sunset mountain within two hours, no matter how much it costs! "

"It's impolite to come without going." In his ear, Longman roared angrily. Reinhart looked at the time and muttered to himself, "you hit you, I hit me."

The command mecha shook out of the side window, and red lights suddenly flashed from the distant mountains.

The violent explosion hit the valley again and again, deafening.

"Fang Chutian." Tang Xin grabbed the handrail to keep his balance while holding the communicator and switched to the command channel: "the second regiment of the first division is two kilometers away from St. John's town."

"Rashid runs very fast." Duan Tiandao drove his logic ass to follow the command mecha. He looked like a slave trotting along with the master. Or follow the beggar who reaches out to beg next to the rich.

He sat in the cabin scratching his ears and cheeks: "Tang Xin, why don't I go to the front..."

"Don't go!" Tang Xin flatly rejected Duan Tiandao's proposal.

Fang Chutian is a showy bastard. He likes to bully the weak. He has to bite at any price when he catches a bargain.

There are 500 super mecha soldiers driving 12 generations to follow as bodyguards and thugs. This guy has inflated himself to the extreme. I walk with my nostrils facing the sky, like my eldest son. For fear that the world will not be chaotic, every rabbit wants to drive a mile to the ground, just to shake the general's prestige.

Don't let him go to the front, Tang Xin not only for his safety, but also because he can't afford to lose the man.

Whenever this guy drives a broken mecha and happily steals the peach boy to worship Guanyin in the mecha group, she doesn't know how to face the surprised and strange eyes of those Chinese officers.

What's worse, we have seen him driving that broken mecha to knock down the enemy more than once, and a long guy stretched out from his crotch to stir up parts all over the sky

It looks like a screaming donkey in heat.

When the proposal was rejected, Duan Tiandao was depressed.

Among the several women, Tang is actually very soft. After talking to him, he can be said to have killed and set fire. She helps the tyrants. But if he is stubborn, he can't stand her. She says she can't go, then she must not go.

Seeing that he was about to enter the battle, he took a large group of super thugs with him, but he couldn't shake his prestige. He was really suffocated. Duan Tiandao sighed. I scratched my heart for a long time, but I didn't scratch a way for a long time.

After killing NATO reinforcements northwest of the town of frenzo, the two armored divisions of the Humvee merged. It forms two attack arrows with the Chinese Army on the other way, and goes straight into the defense section of St. John's Town, 40 kilometers northwest of frenzo town.

St. John's town is located in a mountainous area with an altitude of more than 200 meters. It is close to the mountain and the river. The geographical location is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Because the front army of Leifeng Island deployed an integrated Chinese armored division and two aircraft infantry regiments here, beliff bypassed and chose the relatively easy town of frenzo as the flanking containment battlefield.

Even so, in order to contain the Chinese garrison in this defense section, beliff added two armored regiments and one infantry regiment to the original five armored regiments and one infantry division in this theater.

At the same time as the battle of frenzo began, NATO troops also launched an attack on the town of St. John.

Originally, the town of St. John has been fighting fiercely for more than a month. This time, in order to keep the garrison of St. John's town in place, the NATO troops who attacked the front almost kept pounding the line of defense.

From the Skynet information sent by Lin Han, this theater is completely a close hand hanging.

This is the first World War area of the sixth World War area that the fierce army will pass through.

From here to the north, the six world war zones are next to each other. After the attack, it can no longer stop.

It's like the wings of a butterfly. Only after thousands of miles of agitation can it form a hurricane sweeping everything. Once it is blocked at a certain point, it is reacted by beliff. The huge NATO forces can let this breeze sink into the iron walls in all directions.

We must keep going north and North, break through all the enemy troops along the way and kick away all the roadblocks.

Until we reach sunset mountain.

Several crisp electronic prompts sounded on the computer console of the mecha.

On the screen, the two wing forward troops have approached St. John's Town, less than two kilometers away from the battlefield where the fire is exchanged. The pre war preparations have been completed, waiting for the final order.

Duan Tiandao sat up straight, seriously analyzed the battlefield situation, and drew several attack lines with different angles and arcs, long or short, on the computer screen.

This is what he must do before every attack.

It is the duty of a commander to see through his opponent, grasp the pulse of the battlefield and formulate an attack route as accurate as a scalpel. From now on, he must use the same action until the end of the war.

And now he wants to pierce the thorns in eighteen hours.

The signal is transmitted from the logical computer to the command mecha, and then to the forward force a few kilometers away.

The world seemed silent at this moment.

The armored vehicles that had reached the designated location were hidden in the night.

The soldiers quietly looked at the decreasing numbers on the computer screen of the mecha. Some people were taking a deep breath and some were seizing the time to put food in their mouths.

When all the indicator lights on the mecha console are on at the same time, tens of thousands of steel beasts jump up from the mountains and forests!

The rolling iron stream roared across the valley.

Galloping down the undulating horizon of the hillside.

The battlefield is in sight!

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