Since the massacre of the field hospital, the fierce army has launched tough retaliation.

A whole special battalion, with more than 400 fierce army mecha, was divided into more than 30 teams and killed behind the enemy.

These figures disappeared in the jungle and mountains, like a group of death hidden in the night, madly creating shocking tragedies on NATO attack positions.

NATO's electronic base, battalion and company level stations, extended positions outside the main force, material concentration areas, hospitals, command posts, maintenance stations and supply stations have all become the daily targets of unrestricted retaliation by the fierce army.

No one can survive their attack.

As long as they keep an eye on them, a few minutes later, there will be blood flowing everywhere.

If the adjudicator is a group of ferocious hungry tigers, then these fierce army special forces are a group of cruel wolves.

They told NATO and all the soldiers on the battlefield that if the enemy killed one, they must kill ten, blood for blood and tooth for tooth!

This is the most direct response to the adjudicator.

The soldiers have no way to describe their mood.

When the war reports flew back, and when the distant NATO attack positions were shrouded by the sound of explosions from time to time, everyone was numbed by the joy surging in their blood.

As NATO sent a large number of special forces to attack positions, the special forces on the Chinese positions also took action.

They followed behind the Humvee special forces and threw themselves into the broad battlefield between positions.

Although in terms of quantity, NATO forces have an absolute advantage. However, in the battle between the special forces, they were overwhelmed.

Revenge for the unarmed doctors and the young and beautiful nurses is the most primitive driving force for all the special soldiers involved in the war.

The special forces of both sides have encountered many times in the forest.

But every time, it is Huaxia who wins the final victory.

When an injured Chinese special forces soldier was sent back to the position, he was covered in blood and told everyone a word with a grim smile.

"They are miserable!"

In the distance, another huge fireball rises like volcanic lava!

Two electronic positions and a mecha maintenance station in the No. 3 attack position were destroyed, and a regimental headquarters in the No. 6 attack position was secretly attacked.

The logistics base of No. 1 attack position was attacked, a large number of materials were destroyed, and more than 300 non combatants were injured and killed!

A chilling loss report flew into Longman's hands like a snowflake.

When he saw the report that the division commander of Susi 113 division who attacked the position on the 5th was attacked by two fierce Army Armored platoons on the way to the front line inspection, and all the more than a dozen senior officers and a whole guard company in the accompanying convoy were killed on the spot, human could no longer maintain his confident image.

He grew up and smashed the folder in his hand onto the floor.

Electronic folders the size of books were smashed on the steel floor of the command mecha, and large and small electronic components and broken shell fragments were splashed.

When the last fragment fell to the ground, the whole headquarters was silent.

The staff in front of Skynet console were silent. Sitting on the sand, Reinhardt lowered his eyelids and his face was blue.

Now it's 9:00 a.m. and the harassment war between the two sides has been going on for five hours!

No one knows what language to use to describe this hellish five hours.

Perhaps there is no need for language at all. Just look at the dazzling red attacked area on the screen, and then look at the dense death list and loss report, you can know how fierce the battle is!

This is a different battle, a killing game between special forces on both sides.

So far, the two sides have successively invested dozens of special forces of different sizes in the sunset mountain battlefield.

They swam in the vast jungle mountains of sunset mountain, attacking each other's logistics channels, material warehouses, command posts and all targets that can be attacked.

To tell you the truth, no one expected the fierce army to react so strongly. Almost as soon as they received the referee's attack on each other's positions, the major attack positions on the front line encountered tough and crazy retaliation from the fierce army.

The first to suffer were two return convoys that had little attack value. Dozens of empty heavy trucks, drivers and logistics soldiers were burned by a fire.

Followed by a field hospital and a temporary maintenance base. These two non combat units have become the outlet of the Chinese people. The guard soldiers were killed, and all non combatants were slaughtered.

This is only one tenth of the loss.

Not to mention the other special forces sent by China, nor the losses of NATO combat units. In just one hour, the Humvee armored team caused nearly 3000 casualties of the SUS white sus coalition. Most of them are non combatants such as medical care, electronics, engineering, mechanical maintenance, logistics and transportation.

Those are a group of unreasonable, unruly, stubborn lunatics. In their chest is a heart colder than steel.

Inhumane killing, just to send a message.

"You kill me one, I kill you ten!"

Never die!

If the retaliation of the Humvee against non combatant members makes most NATO soldiers angry, they are afraid of the death of a large number of special forces.

Langman's troops can be said to concentrate the most elite part of the northern cluster, which is by no means a soft persimmon that anyone can pinch.

These special forces have experienced many battles and have rich experience and strong perseverance. Whether it is tactical literacy or mecha control, they are the elite in a hundred. Their troops have a long history and have all kinds of legends.

However, up to now, everyone knows that in this battle with special forces as the main body, the susbeth sus coalition was defeated. Instead of annihilating or expelling the opponent, the SUS white sus special forces have become the victims of the opponent's butcher's knife.

The rolling sunset mountain covers a theater of nearly 300 square kilometers, full of the wreckage of NATO special forces.

The serial numbers of one meritorious special force after another were erased, and one elite susbethus special fighter after another was hunted and killed by the ghost like Chinese special forces.

In the shattered folder, a surviving sus special mecha warrior described the thrilling battle.

"We walked along the valley, the troops were in a spindle alert formation, and the alert lines in front, back, left and right were far away. Because the electronic interference was too strong, the company commander sent additional patrol posts between the peripheral warning lines to strengthen the detection and warning and maintain the smooth directional communication. We know that a special company of the 113th division was just ambushed by Chinese special forces and was completely destroyed. So we were very, very careful all the way. However, when we walked along the valley to a small waterfall upstream, the enemy suddenly appeared. "

Recalling the scene at that time, the special forces answering the inquiry leaned against the hospital bed, with straight eyes and pale face.

"The extended marching cordon and patrol post have no warning. The enemy moved so fast that they didn't use shells or shoot. The front and left guard mecha were killed at the first time. By the time we found something wrong, they had appeared in front of us. You can't imagine how fast they are. It's like an arrow shot from the dark forest. The sound of the bow string just sounded, and the arrow has come to your eyes. Yes, we are not their opponents at all. "

"We need 0.8 seconds for the most powerful fighter to do the basic action of a small step back and sideways fist swing, but the other party can do the same action for less than 0.2 seconds. Not to mention other advanced actions. "

"For those level 6 and level 7 skills that we can't complete with our lives, they are as simple as the basic training actions on the standard of mecha control."

"If we can barely resist at the beginning, then with the superposition of the frequency gap of combat actions, we can't Parry at the back. In fact, we are still blocking their first move, their second move and the third move have been poured on us. Sir, you can imagine that it was a massacre. "

"In front of them, we are puppets. In just ten minutes, the team collapsed. The company commander died the first time, and the deputy company commander and several platoon commanders were also killed by the enemy at the beginning of the war. There are more than 150 people in the company. I'm the only one who survived... "

In this case, it does not only appear in the mouth of one survivor.

When survivors from different forces, different times and different places make the same description with one voice, every audience knows what a group of ferocious beasts they have provoked.

Now, the commander of the 113th Division has also died in their hands.

Two major generals, two senior colonel, and more than a dozen officers at the school level. This almost marked the loss of combat effectiveness of the 113th division, which had just reached the fifth attack position and had no time to fire a single shot.

Such a blow would be devastating to the morale of the front-line troops.

Even if the five teams of the adjudicator sent back a stunning and brilliant report on the sunset mountain, it could not calm the panic of the soldiers.

Because everyone knows that the more judges kill, the more crazy China's revenge will be.

It is undoubtedly foolish to compete with each other in such an attack.

Most of the Chinese garrisons on the mountain gathered in well defended positions. The purpose of their existence is to defend. At the foot of the mountain, the continuous attack positions are boundless.

This kind of attack position, which has no trenches and only depends on the collection of troops, has a very wide distance between the divisions. The lower regiment level and battalion level troops also have their own defense areas. An armored division often spreads several hills, which is a natural attack target.

Moreover, no matter how powerful the adjudicators are, there are only five teams.

When the special forces of the USSR bessus coalition were completely suppressed by the enemy, there was no comparison between the results achieved by the two sides at the same time.

Now, the armored divisions on the front line have been forced to recover their deployed troops, and the control area has been significantly reduced. At first, the control of the susbeth sus Coalition on the battlefield was weak. Up to now, even the army contact between many attack positions has been interrupted.

The general attack scheduled for 6 a.m. was postponed again and again.

From 6:00 to 7:00, and then from 7:00 to 8:00... It's already 9:00 a.m., but the troops still can't complete the pre war preparations.

Poor communication, ineffective command, lack of theater intelligence, and panic caused by the ubiquitous attacks of the enemy... All the factors restricting the attack are complete.

Next, what should I do?

The indicator light of Skynet instrument reflected Langman's iron green face. He turned to Reinhart.

Reinhart, sitting on the sand, was expressionless.

When Longman's eyes swept over, he raised his eyelids, looked up, and gently picked his eyebrows.

"General Longman, are you ready to launch a general attack?"

Longman's pupils narrowed and he was silent.

Both human as general suss and Reinhart as general of the United States are not ordinary people.

In terms of scheming, experience and intelligence, Longman is one in a million, and Reinhart is a great genius.

When Longman figured out the joints in a flash, Reinhart saw through Longman's plan.

Both of them knew that the war could not be dragged on anyway.

Although there are few conditions for launching a general offensive. However, forcible attack is Langman's only choice at the moment.

After all, in his hands, he still controls the absolutely dominant force. After all, there are a full 150 adjudicators in Reinhart's hands.

For Longman, the defeat of special operations to shield the battlefield will not be fatal. The loss of some troops in the early stage due to the disadvantages of communication, command and battlefield intelligence will not be fatal.

However, the delay in fighting the sunset mountain has led to changes in the war situation, and being held accountable is fatal.

Instead, it would be better to put all your eggs in one basket and use the arbiter as an arrow to forcibly launch an attack. As long as the sunset mountain is laid, no one can say anything.

"I will personally lead the army to be a pioneer for your army." Reinhardt smiled and stood up.

Langman was stunned, and his heart was suddenly moved.

He didn't understand why Reinhardt did this, but in any case, Reinhardt, who could dictate in front of him, always maintained humility, politeness and cooperation. This human kindness made him feel precious.

"In fact, this is the battle paper given to us by the fierce army." Reinhardt patted Longman on the shoulder. "Take all your people back and leave the rest to us."

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