Ray lunged down his head.

In front of the electronic sand table, the rolling mountains are like a cake baked by a poor cook.

Information boxes are suspended on the sand table mountains.

The force deployment, troop movement, logistics and transportation, material reserve, troop number, electronic interference intensity and other information of the eighth group army of baisus stationed in the fourth and fifth theater are clearly marked. The key points and coordinates of a fire attack are also listed one by one.

Obviously, these are the credit of the reconnaissance soldiers of the two Humvee armored divisions in front of the conflict who haunt and regard the enemy's rear as their own backyard.

At the thought of the reconnaissance troops wandering in the mountains and forests. It turned out that they were all composed of mecha soldiers above level 10. Lei Chuang deeply understood what luxury is.

Although we can clearly understand the trend of these national treasure level fighters from the command system, they can also be easily found on the electronic sand table. They seem to be around and within reach. However, Lei Chuang, who has been following behind the fierce army all the way and commanding the main force to follow up, has never seen these troops with his own eyes.

All he knew was that every time he broke through a war zone, these ghostly fighter sergeants would disappear silently. Like falcons in the dark, only the footsteps of prey fleeing in panic, the rustle of leaves, the blood splashing when captured and the bloody smell floating in the wind prove their existence.

For any commander, fighting the Humvee is a nightmare.

If we had not seen with our own eyes how these evil spirits forcibly broke through the enemy's position, how they slaughtered the enemy in front, how they pierced the enemy's endless armor cluster, leaving only endless debris and black smoke on the wilderness, we would not understand their terror.


Lei Chuang stared at the electronic sand table. He knew that even for the powerful and fierce army, the next battle would be very difficult.

Across the front were eight armored divisions of the eighth group army of bethus, and further ahead. And six armored divisions of the suss Ninth Army. In terms of rank, this is a medium-sized battle, and the battle time is usually more than half a month. However, the fierce army must complete the battle in the remaining ten hours.

"The eighth group army of bethus has strong combat effectiveness."

When Lei Chuang frowned, the center of his eyebrows seemed to have been severely grabbed and completely piled together. He opened his mouth and said this in a dry voice.

"Judging from the strength of our army, it is not a problem to eat them." He raised his head, his eyes flashing a faint light, stared at Duan Tiandao and Huang Xiaolei, and said, "but. I don't recommend a full-scale attack. There is only one reason. We don't have enough time. "

Duan Tiandao and Tang Xin looked at each other, nodded and motioned Lei Chuang to continue.

"Here is the Tulun River, the eleventh largest river in Leifeng island." Lei Chuang pointed to the winding light blue line on the electronic sand table and said: "the Baisu 25 group army takes the South Bank of Tulun River as the main defense area, and the team is deployed layer by layer. Three divisions on the right are responsible for attacking the windbreak Valley defense section of our Sherlock defense line. Five divisions on the left attack the mountain defense section next to me. "

"The 33rd army was responsible for the defense of Jingfeng Valley and Bilin mountain when the troops changed their defense some time ago. The terrain of Jingfeng Valley is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack. The neighboring mountains are majestic and towering, like a five sided screen. It is higher and more dangerous than Jingfeng valley. These two defense sections are the key defense sections of the west line of Phoenix, which have been operated for a long time. Indestructible. "

Pointing to the location of Jingfeng Valley and Bilin mountain on the map, Lei Chuang briefly introduced the terrain, the direction of the defense line and the setting level, and asked, "general Fang, do you know the proportion of war damage between our 33rd army and the enemy in taking over these two defense sections?"

Duan Tiandao knew that Lei Chuang would not ask this question for no reason. He thought carefully and said, "it will not be less than one to three."

This ratio is calculated according to the position construction, firepower allocation and the rough distribution of offensive forces that the enemy can launch and invest in the two defense sections. Duan Tiandao knows the combat effectiveness of the Chinese army very well. The Chinese army is far ahead of the white Soviet army in terms of the advanced level of mecha weapons, the support of logistics materials, the leadership of electronic technology and the training of soldiers.

In plain frontal operations, excluding terrain advantages, accidental factors and command factors, a Chinese armored division can defeat three to four times its own white sus army.

Therefore, Duan Tiandao's speculation is extremely conservative. He did not even take into account the geographical advantage of the defense.

Unexpectedly, Lei Chuang shook his head, smiled bitterly and said, "it's embarrassing to say it. However, during the five days when our armored division was stationed in these two defense sections, the battle damage ratio with the enemy was 1:1.5! "

Duan Tiandao and Tang Xin suddenly became serious, while the fierce army staff officers beside them looked at each other, surprised and inexplicable.

The 13th army is a first-class army in China, even if it is only a second-class army. Relying on a position with dangerous terrain and strong structure, it will not be so much war damage ratio.

"There are our own reasons." Lei Chuang said, "at that time, our position in little charlaus mountain was attacked by the ninth group army of the Soviet Union. When we were adjusting our defense, we really couldn't find any troops that could hold up temporarily. Seeing that the front-line troops were exhausted and couldn't withdraw, we transferred two divisions to these two defense sections. In fact, the basic force allocation of the two defense sections has always been three divisions, one on the front line and two on standby. "

Ray Chuang lit a cigarette and took a hard sip. His eyes stared at the sand table like a lone wolf at night, and then said, "in terms of combat effectiveness, we have one division, and it's no problem to kill two or three of them. But we miscalculated and underestimated the enemy's ruthlessness. "

"When we pulled up, we were just in time for the enemy to launch a general attack." Lei Chuang seemed to fall into a memory: "five days and five nights, the gunfire on the position never stopped. At the beginning, the soldiers played with ease, and the casualty ratio remained about one to ten. But it won't work if you hit the back. Those white suss take turns to rush up. If they can't rush up from the front, they will detour on their flanks. There were many of them, and they bumped into the position one after another. The firepower is also strong. They hit the position recklessly. As soon as the mecha withdrew, the fire coverage began. After the fire coverage, the mecha came up again. It didn't stop for five days and five nights. "

With that, Lei Chuang was silent for a moment and took a smoke: "our casualty ratio began to decline from the tenth hour after the war. From one to ten, down to one to six, down to one to three. Finally, it dropped to 1:1.5. If the headquarters had not taken advantage of the opening of the sea channel to supplement some troops, my two divisions would have almost cancelled their designation. "

Just listening to Lei Chuang's narration, the people present knew how fierce the battle was at that time. For a moment, the mountain was silent.

A Chinese Colonel said, "this battle. The whole Lei Feng Island Front Army knows. When the two divisions pulled up, they happened to meet the enemy to launch a final attack, which was a collision. However, since that war, the eighth group army of bethus has been honest for a long time. If it hurts, they also hurt badly. "

Lei Chuang waved his hand and said faintly, "the country of bethus. Have a lot of ruthlessness and tenacity. Once the battle begins, they will not be completely defeated. There's no time to stop. But we have no time to entangle with them. "

"Give me the putter." He wants to pass the electronic push rod in the hand of a staff officer next to him and turn on the switch. Push the force frame of our side on the electronic sand table forward along the Tulun River in one breath and say categorically: "with the combat effectiveness of our fierce army, there is not enough time to annihilate them, but there is absolutely no problem to penetrate their defense area. I suggest... "

He raised his head, looked at Duan Tian and said, "concentrate your troops, advance quickly, and don't entangle with the enemy. Open a channel along the South Bank of the Tulun river with relatively flat terrain, and then successively break through the eighth group army of Baisu and the group army of Susi diversion, so as to complete the strategic detour! "

The electronic putter in his hand stopped before pushing to an elevation peak.

"This is the forty-nine peak, which is also the intersection of Xiushui River and Tulun river. The mountain rises all the way. Up, there are the famous Xiushui River waterfalls and the snow peaks of the Sherlock mountains. Under the four nine peaks. A su Si Armored Regiment is stationed. As long as we win here, establish a blocking position based on the terrain and drag the enemy behind the collection, we will win. Wait a few hours. We're at the main peak. The troops in Beilin mountain and Jingfeng valley are not vegetarian! "

Putting down the putter, Lei Chuang pinched the center of his eyebrows with his hand and said anxiously: "the only way to play is to be fast. Don't give the enemy time to react. Although the terrain on the South Bank of the Tulun river is flat and easy, there are also several highlands that are easy to defend and difficult to attack along the way. NATO's forces are distributed in the surrounding area and are very close. Once blocked on the way, they fall into a tangle. The whole battle plan will fall short. "

After listening to Lei Chuang, Duan Tiandao and Tang Xin looked at each other and smiled.


Lei Chuang raised his head in surprise and looked at Duan Tiandao nodding to himself. He smiled and turned to Tang Xin: "are you coming or me?"

"It's too complicated for me to command." The beautiful female officer, holding Duan Tiandao's arm, said softly, "come on."

Duan Tiandao nodded and whispered in Tang Xin's ear. I don't know what I said. Tang Xin turned his eyes and twisted it on his neck.

Exhausted Lei Chuang smiled and looked at the two young people.

Looking back on the previous battle, he felt more and more confident, which made him have a premonition inexplicably. This battle will go on along the route formulated by Fang Chutian until the end.

The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead.

He thought that if the battle ended in beliff's tragic defeat, marshal suss would feel so relaxed and calm when he saw the man who defeated him.

The war may start from the top players on these lists, but it is destined to end in the hands of young people outside these lists!

Half an hour later.

The battle officially began.

TURUN river!

The river flows heavily across the wide river.

Under the warm sun, the reefs in the middle of the river and the weeds in the nearshore shoal cut through the water and stirred up white waves, just like small white flames jumping happily in the muddy water.

The mountains on both banks, from low to high, spread boundlessly into the distance. Large and small peaks are like towering giants, entangled in silence, trying to compete, never giving in to each other and never giving up.

At ten o'clock in the morning, with the sound of the first gun shaking the mountains and forests, the silent South Bank of the Tulun River roared.

The mountains and the people stationed in them were stunned by the sudden sound of being forced.

They stared blankly at the balls of fire flashing from the mountains in the south, southwest and Southeast. After taking a breath all around with open teeth and claws, the red flame rushed into the sky and the black smoke rolled around.

The action of black smoke is so fierce. Like a group of demons wrapped in a black curtain, they constantly rush out and collide with each other, and finally condense into gray and black mushroom clouds.

The mountains trembled and the river fled.

A strong armored force, like a rolling mountain torrent, rushed into the valley and covered the mountain again.

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