How many enemies should there be who can defeat their own elite armored division at one go? Their presence here also means that what happened in the Billy theater, the northqi mountain theater, the St. John town theater and, more importantly, the frenzo theater?

Beize Xian suddenly turned back and looked at the electronic sand table.

From the southernmost frenzo to here, an arc-shaped attack line accompanied by a judgment that made him feel a little strange, but no doubt appeared in his mind.

For a long time, he slowly stepped down from the podium and stood in a shocked Lieutenant Colonel: "don't go to frenzo town again. Go back and report to your excellency beliff."

"As for the trouble here." His eyes narrowed slightly, "I'll solve it myself!"

The screen flickered, reflected in the pupils of the Chinese staff, bright and dark.

Everyone stared at the circuitous attack arrows interspersed in the mountains on the screen, like piranhas, jumping at the same target at different speeds and routes, and then everything disappeared in an instant. A young Chinese staff officer bowed his head piously and read Amitabha.

While thanking the Buddha, he seemed to return to the military academy classroom a few years ago to listen to his respected mentor and explain the highest level of battlefield command.

"What is the acme of command? This is an interesting question..."

The teacher's voice echoed in the spacious and bright classroom. The audience was full, and the young colleges were sitting upright in straight uniforms.

"The modern army has super high mobility because of the birth of mecha. When the past army spent weeks or even months pushing thousands of kilometers, which was called lightning war, they would not think that it was only a few hours in front of modern armor clusters. "

This is just a formal class. Before class, the tutor leaned against the podium at will and talked freely. Several assistants are busy preparing props. They drove a small engineering mecha and moved a large fish tank.

"In past wars, combat units were confined to cities, roads and relatively flat areas. They need a lot of supplies to support their battle and a relatively perfect transportation system to support their advance. All this is not a problem for modern mecha, which can travel thousands of kilometers with a box of energy and has the off-road ability comparable to reptiles. "

"Therefore, we can imagine that the operational scope of modern war is much larger than in the past. The pace of the war is also much faster dozens of times. If we don't have an extremely perfect command system, a huge staff headquarters and Skynet, we will lose our way in this stormy battle. "

"Remember, in the future, if you have the opportunity to step on the battlefield, every war you experience will be a war you have no time to think, hesitate or regret."

"Analyze intelligence with the fastest speed, make the most correct judgment and formulate a battle plan in the shortest time, always one step ahead of the enemy, and let the enemy be forced to carry out one or hundreds of battles controlled by you at the time and place you specify. This is the highest level of command."

The tutor finally went to a huge fish tank and asked with a smile, "see Da piranha?"

The whole classroom was silent.

All the students watched quietly as the tutor grabbed the fresh experimental rabbit and threw it into the fish tank.

When the piranhas, who had been wandering in the aquarium, suddenly gathered together and tore up their prey with an action that was too fast for people to see, the mentor who was definitely not an animal protectionist clapped his hands.

Gently, he stood on the edge of the tumbling fish tank, which was a picture that people would never forget.

"If one day you can turn your troops into piranhas and accurately control their prey, then you will be invincible."

"Of course, this is impossible. Unless you have ten heads. Or, you are Lord Huang Shengtian, the God of the army. " He opened his book: "next, let's start our class."

The teacher's words echoed in his ears. The staff officer stared at the constantly renovated real-time war report on the screen and suddenly wanted to call him and tell him what he saw.

From the beginning of the attack, the fierce army in front of the conflict, under the command of the lieutenant general, continued to split and converge.

Sometimes they moved forward separately, irrelevant to each other, and sometimes they suddenly gathered together to attack the same pessus position.

Their messy marching routes often crisscross at the right time and place. At this time, you will find that when the main force encounters a white sus force or reaches a mountain, some troops have already detoured to the enemy's flank or even the back.

Their route, time and control are so accurate. Like countless throwing knives, they cut prey from different angles.

Is this the acme of command?

Eagle mountain.

The dense fierce army mecha rushed up the mountain position.

A huge fierce military flag stood up, hunting and flying in the wind. The loud and clear charge continued the short and intense rhythm of the Chinese army.

The bessus garrison at the top of the mountain is like snow under the scorching sun. Although we try our best to stick to it, it gradually melts after all.

One attack takes 20 minutes to conquer Yingshan.

The eagle stood still and looked down at the earth. On its broad back feathers, gun light flickered and fire burst into the sky. Countless cyan mecha are surging.

The temporary interdiction positions established by the Baisu people on the mountain are in tatters. Twisted weapons, corpses and mecha debris are scattered everywhere. In the rear, thousands of shells rose from the sky, drawing countless magnificent arcs in the air, like a meteor swarm crashing to the other side of the mountain.

After the Eagle mountain, the galloping Tulun river will turn a big bend here and turn into a north-south direction. It only takes ten kilometers upstream along the east coast to break through the fourth theater and enter the fifth theater.

If we use the same momentum to destroy the withered and decadent, before the encirclement, pursuit and interception of NATO forces, break through the Feisha Valley, wolf mountain and gyro ditch in front, we can rush to attack mount 49 and lock up the baisus 20 group army and the susus 21 group army behind us!

"Keep up!" The officers on the roadside were shouting in high spirits.

The long dragon like mecha team ran past briskly. The communication channel was full of soldiers' relaxed laughter, and even the mountain mud splashing at the foot of the rolling iron flow seemed to show a sense of simplicity.

Have a good fight! Don't men live happily when they are alive?

Banyunling counterattack, the battle of frenzo, the battle of the West Bank of the dole River, the battle of St. John

Sunset and sunrise, they have followed the fierce army all the way here in just one day!

Although the officers kept their strategic goals secret along the way, who didn't understand their final destination here?

At the thought of this incredible destination, the blood of the soldiers boils involuntarily at the sight of the growing army beside them.

This is a battle destined to be recorded in the history of human war.

This is a madman, leading a group of madmen to war!

"Fierce army, Fang Chutian..." Beize Xian studied the information about the fierce army. A pair of razor like eyebrows press lower and lower.

After seeing off the lieutenant colonel's communications officer who had sent beliff, it took him five minutes to find out which army had annihilated the first division of bethus.

It took another ten minutes to collect relevant information from the database.

This is not the first time Beize heard the name of Fang Chutian. However, he did not expect that this name and the army he led would unexpectedly plunge into his war zone one day and tear a 50 kilometer gap in one breath.

Beize looked at the stereoscopic picture on the screen with some admiration.

This is Fang Chutian, with short hair and two windy ears on both sides of his head. His small eyes opened hard, his eyes were clear, and he looked a little curious when looking at the camera. His face was a harmless simple and honest smile, and he didn't know what he was proud of. His mouth almost cracked behind his ears.

If the facts were not really in front of Beize, it would be hard to believe that this guy has leapt from a colonel to a lieutenant general in recent years.

In recent years, what he has done is even more shocking.

It was such a guy who incorporated the free port free world with a group of pirates and criminals with a destroyer, captured the Duke of Humphrey in the longbow sea area, and captured a whole two meter national elephant class fleets.

Under his simple and honest appearance, there is a crazy brain. Just as he is doing now.

"You are like a horse, leading the horses behind you. You want to pull the whole defense line with a strategic detour and break the game in such an arrogant way. "

Genius creativity!

Beize impressed at the bottom of his heart, printed this picture deeply into his mind, and then closed his eyes.

"Commander, Yingshan is lost!"

The chief of staff made some flustered reports and did not let Beize open his eyes. The old man sat quietly in his chair, his thin face with slight age spots was as cold as a stone. It seems that nothing can make any waves in his mind.

War is a game of chess at the cost of life. If you want to win, you must understand your opponent, study him, and see through everything about him.

"Frenzo, it's more or less bad." Beize's voice was a little erratic.

He opened his eyes and looked at the stunned chief of staff: "seven divisions are completely destroyed, and 100 adjudicators can be temporarily judged as missing. In addition, the frontline of St. John's Town, northqi mountain and Billy town has obviously fallen into the hands of the enemy. "

The staff officers headed by the chief of staff were silent, and their eyes moved to the big screen of Skynet with Beize who stood up.

Their intelligence system is closed. Not to mention the intelligence of other theaters, even the general headquarters, the sus21 group army and the troops on the front line of the Tulun River can not be contacted.

What Beize is saying now is inferred from the reality that the fierce army attacked the theater from the right.

Beize has a pair of eyes that can see through the fog.

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