"General." A stunned Colonel Huaxia's staff couldn't help asking Lei Chuang, "how could this happen?"

Other staff officers on one side also turned around and looked at each other.

We really don't understand how, when the Humvee only sent less than one armored division to expand the attack, suddenly, the white Soviet army, which was dominated by strength and terrain, completely collapsed.

Lei Chuang stared at the Skynet screen and was silent for a while. Finally, he sighed a long sigh. This sigh is mixed with undisguised praise, shock, envy and even jealousy.

"Have you ever heard of one who escaped?" Lei Chuang said slowly.

"The one who escaped?" A staff officer exclaimed, "general, you mean..."

"Yes," Lei Chuang said, "the so-called escape is, for example, like a jar full of glass beads. If there is no gap, then all the glass beads will stay quietly in their own position and can't move. However, once one of the glass beads is taken out, in theory, as long as there are enough steps, all the glass beads can be moved and transposed. "

He quietly looked at the Skynet screen and took a deep breath: "tear the net of Beize and break the balance of these positions. General Fang just took a silk from it."

The staff were silent. Listening to Lei Chuang then said, "Beize is trying to hold us back by seizing the strategic place of the channel and threatening our main line of advance. Because of the hasty mobilization, it is impossible for Beize to concentrate too many troops here. If he wants to hold us down, he needs to make use of the cover between these positions and the limited forces. "

With that, he went to an electronic sand table and pointed to several arrays of tunnels of bethus with an electronic putter: "the defensive forces of these positions have a total of six armored regiments, which are linked and can cover each other. If you want to take them down, you can only invest three to four times your troops. However, we need to pass through Feisha Valley quickly. Naturally, we can't stop most of our troops here. However, it takes a lot of time to pull out these nails with the strength of an armored division, even if the combat effectiveness of the Humvee is very strong. Therefore, general Fang adopted a tactic that the enemy never dreamed of. "

"To put it bluntly, this tactic is actually very simple. It's just three words. It's just a time difference. "

Lei Chuang explained: "first of all, general Fang launched an all-round attack, giving the enemy the illusion that we are ready to pull out the nails before going. Then use a small group of troops to occupy the possible channels of enemy reinforcements around the position, and then concentrate their forces on attacking one of the positions. "

"In this way, when this position asks for help from the surrounding areas because it has suffered too much loss and can't wait for other reinforcements, the one who escapes will come into being."

Lei Chuang looked around and then said.

"I don't know the positions where troops are dispatched to rescue the surrounding positions. In fact, they themselves are the most dangerous. Although the number of underground fierce troops is small, their combat effectiveness is very strong. They can see the number clearly, but they can't see the combat effectiveness of the fierce army when the fierce army conceals its strength. "

"More importantly, the fierce army is in a mobile state that can fight and walk, while the enemy dare not leave the position easily before receiving the order."

Suddenly, a staff officer said, "general, does this mean that when the B position is attacked by the fierce army, their interlocking tactics will bring the same bad luck to the C position?"

"Of course!" Without waiting for Lei Chuang's answer, another staff officer took the lead. Then he looked at the first staff officer and said, "thirty years ago, your excellency Huang Shengtian used the same tactics!"

"Anyone can use this tactic." Lei Chuang dignified tunnel: "however, for so many years, there is only general Fang who can use such superb skills except Lord Huang Shengtian."

He looked at the busy figure like a crazy pianist on the podium and sneered: "Beize Xianqian should not, should not underestimate the combat effectiveness of the fierce army. Although the number of fierce troops in front of the position is even less than that of the defenders, the combat effectiveness is enough to support the time difference tactics of general Fang. "

"More importantly." He looked around at the bright eyed staff officers and smiled: "Beize Xian really shouldn't have such a multi-line confrontation with general Fang. Although it is said that his deduction speed is bent in the whole baisus, he is too slow compared with general Fang. "

It's too slow.

The staff officers chewed these three words and looked at the bessus troops who were in a dilemma on the screen and didn't know where to go. They even ran to the positions that had been conquered by the fierce army. They just felt excited.

Not that Kitazawa is too slow.

It's general Fang Chutian and his fierce army. It's too fast!

Twenty kilometers ahead is Feisha Valley!

War is like a hell fireworks watered by blood in the vast world. It is bright and gorgeous, evocative and Soul-catching. Finally, it blooms completely, spreading its blood red petals and branches around, gradually shining and dazzling, which can not be looked at.

Urbanization has turned into ashes, high-rise buildings have become collapsed ruins, and hundreds of millions of people have been displaced.

When the country is destroyed and the family is dead, there is no more pain.

Some people died in despair. Others survived in despair, grasping the small hope of gravel and watching it slip away from their fingers.

They hide in the ruins of the city, or drift in the dead silence of the world.

They are waiting.

The war has reached a critical point. The two camps are engaged in a battle to determine the direction of the war in the carlston sea area, the Ryan theater and the southeast sea area.

I don't know when a victory will suddenly come and sweep around like a spark falling into gasoline.

Under the haze of war, this Mars may have been shining.

Leifeng Island, in the command Hall of the baisus 25 group army, there was silence.

The staff officers carefully lowered their voice and footsteps. As soon as the phone rang, they quickly picked it up for fear of disturbing the old man with a gray face on the command platform.

More than 20 minutes ago, the major positions in the north passage of Yingshan fell one after another. On the screen of the central console, the cursor representing each front-line combat force goes out one by one.

Immediately, there was a message that everyone couldn't accept.

Just when the 231 and 232 divisions that rushed to Feisha valley were nearly 30 kilometers away from Feisha Valley, the fierce army forward had seized Feisha Valley!

Its main force, Zhengyuan, constantly passes through Feisha Valley and advances northward! Everyone knows what the news means.

This means that the advance speed of the main force of the fierce army has not been delayed at all. It also means that a big net carefully compiled by beizexian has reaped a painful defeat.

Beize sat quietly in his chair and looked at a pair of hands that had left the command computer.

After forty years in the army, this was the first time he found that his hands had become so old. Protruding bony joints, loose flesh, winding blood vessels and disgusting age spots look so strange.

More than ten years ago, these hands were still very young.

Always manicured nails, slender and powerful fingers, flexible joints

They calmly draw lines and input instructions on the deduction computer to firmly conquer the enemy and the officer who smiles and nods frequently.

But now, they have become so old.

They are trembling. An hour ago, they began to taste failure again and again on the command computer, and were conquered again and again by an irresistible sense of powerlessness.

They always make mistakes in their battle plans. The lines they drew could not show the same flustered front-line troops a clear way. They issued orders again and again and tried to reverse the war situation again and again, but the final result was contrary to their wishes.

Beize wanted to stand up, but found that his body had no strength. All organs no longer obey their own command.

He suddenly recalled the moment when he graduated from the military academy 40 years ago and went to the army in high spirits.

At that time, I was wearing a straight uniform, sitting in the car, looking at the soldiers running in line on the training ground outside the window. At that time, I stepped on the steps leading to the regiment headquarters, picked up the steps, listened to the neat footsteps and slogans behind me, and thought that the whole world was under my feet.

At that time, I was young and proud.

But now, I am no longer young. And his pride, at this moment, goes with the wind.

Ear, is the command computer constantly prompt sound, in front of the screen, rows of requests, rolling rapidly.

"The second regiment of the division requests authorization to break through."

"Division one regiment, request authorization to break through."

"Repeat, our department has arrived at the scheduled assembly site, no target has been found, there is nothing here, nothing, repeat..."

"Headquarters, please reconsider the battle plan. Our headquarters cannot detour to the East. The enemy has formed a siege against me. We must break through to the West!"

"Headquarters, the second battalion has been completely destroyed. Our headquarters is now under fierce attack from the enemy. We have lost contact with the regiment headquarters and request operational guidance."

These words flickered on the screen. The voice, which was delayed for a few seconds, was uploaded from the Skynet console in front of the earthy staff officers and went straight into their ears.

Beize listened with an expressionless face. The corners of his mouth trembled and drew a sarcastic smile.

I originally planned to command these troops to attack on multiple lines, exhaust the load capacity of the fierce army command system, trap them in the north of Yingshan and drag them down. But unexpectedly, this has become his own cocoon.

From the tenth minute after the outbreak of the battle, their own command system collapsed due to the huge tactical changes of the other party.

Although I tried my best to speed up the speed, and although I used all the staff of the whole headquarters to undertake the formulation and deduction of the battle plan, the other party's multi-line command ability, which seemed to have no end, still gradually controlled the whole battle rhythm.

When he commanded his troops to try to hold a mountain, he found that the mountain had become a useless Island, and the enemy would not pass through it at all.

When their troops went to reinforce, they walked into the enemy's ambush circle and were wiped out.

When their troops completed the detour and arrived at their destination, they found that the enemy had not been in place for a long time, and the own troops responsible for containment had been eaten away by the enemy who completed the detour faster.

Finally, when he issued an order according to the war report, the war situation had already become completely different.

He failed.

Lost to an enemy he had never met.

At the moment, the man stood quietly by the green willow lined river, smiled at himself simply and honestly, and tried to put on a casual and elegant appearance.

He beat himself perfectly in the way he was best at.

The sound gradually disappeared. On Skynet screen, there is only one last position left. That is the position of the first regiment of the division. Chief Owens had sent reinforcements to the second regiment before he got his instructions. Naturally, he lost his troops.

Now, he is still holding on to his position. Two armored battalions that had rushed to attack the Humvee added strength to him.

He has a more rigid combat style and has better luck than other positions.

"Damn it, what's going on? Why are there eight battalions of enemies here!"

In the communication channel, Owens roared breathlessly at the liaison officer in charge of contacting him. With his roar, there were constant gunshots and explosions on the battlefield.

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