On the highway 600 kilometers west of Shangjing, the capital of China, a motorcade is speeding West under the escort of mecha.

After crossing a highway nearly 200 meters wide, the leading SUV suddenly turned and drove into a branch road to the farm on the endless plain.

Obviously, the huge convoy could not turn right at the same time and squeeze into the suddenly narrowed intersection. Some military vehicles simply roared down the shoulder and galloped on the wilderness full of sand, gravel and clusters of weeds.

Seen from the air, the rolling traffic flowing down the road is like a herd of wildebeest running wildly, spreading after crossing the river. The rough military vehicles and mecha rolled up the dust in the sky. Rotating and bouncing wheels and swinging mechanical legs form a sharp contrast between dynamic and static ground with a solid and vast land.

Several armed helicopters skimmed through the air. At both ends of the short wings, two cylindrical engines emit blue light. Higher up, a small transport helicopter descending under the escort of fighters has passed through the clouds.

When the fast-moving motorcade rushed into the outer gate of the "farm" surrounded by five metal isolation nets, the huge and cold black steel fuselage of the transport helicopter had slipped less than 100 meters above the motorcade's head. The shock-absorbing landing gear under the belly of the ship has been turned on, rows of indicator lights are flashing, and the roar of the huge engine is deafening.

The motorcade chased the transport helicopter that was almost close at hand, and the outpost beside the outer isolation net and the gate of the fence was instantly left behind.

"Oh, my God!" The second lieutenant driving the leading SUV shouted in an unbelievable voice.

In the co pilot's position next to him, Lieutenant Colonel Xia Xia of the Chinese Army stared at him. Looking ahead, eyes dull.

Endless flames converged into a sea of fire one kilometer ahead. Some vehicles stopped far away, and hundreds of soldiers and paramedics were running back and forth amid the harsh alarm. Buildings collapsed behind them, and huge fireballs rose behind them.

Before the SUV could stop at the third gate, it jumped out of the door in the summer when it was sitting in the co driver's position.

"The medical team joined the rescue and the others gathered! Come on, come on! " Summer roars. The soldiers under their command jumped out of the transport vehicle, and the medical mecha quickly spread out near the base. The medical soldiers with stretchers ran and pressed their military hats blown by the wind. Individual mechas quickly lined up.

When walking to the crowd of on-site commanders, summer's face was already pale. As the nearest garrison to the "Chaoyang farm", he led his troops here within 20 minutes of receiving an emergency call from the Ministry of national defense. However, he never dreamed that this secret base called the farm had turned out to be like this.

What the hell happened?

Facing the raging fire, just outside the crowd of the temporary headquarters composed of several senior military and government officials in the summer, a huge sound was heard from his left. It was a forcibly landed transport helicopter. Even with the cushioning of shock-absorbing landing gear, several pits were hit by heavy aircraft on the Non Hardened land.

"Mr. Linton, the head of the first regiment of the 232 armored division of the Chinese Army reports to you in the summer." Summer saluted a gray haired official.

"Nice to meet you, Colonel." Secretary of defense Linton was injured in many places. Even if he received a bandage and changed a temporary dress, his burned hair still made him look a little embarrassed: "are all your people here?"

"I brought a battalion! They are all over there. " Summer looked at Linton in surprise. Then he turned his head quickly: "do you need my soldiers to enter the fire and join the rescue?"

"Your task is to maintain the security of the base, and others are completed by the national security rapid response force." Linton waved his hand and looked at a group of soldiers in black uniforms running down from the small transport helicopter.

"Yes!" Summer felt uncomfortable in my heart and saluted to leave.

He doesn't know what happened at the base, but he doesn't like those cold faced and expressionless members of the rapid reaction force. He looked at the time and raised his eyebrows slightly. Although the national security quick reaction force was annoying, he had to admit that these guys who were far away in Beijing came faster than himself.

"Get out of the way, come on!"


A group of people rushed out of the base surrounded by several stretchers, and subconsciously stopped in summer. Perhaps the wounded on the stretcher were valuable, and several senior officials, including Linton, greeted them in a mess. Through the crowd, I suddenly saw a brown Chinese uniform in summer. The person lying on the stretcher was

A thunderbolt passed through summer's mind. Yesterday afternoon, the voice of the friend who received his call echoed in his ear at the moment.

"Tomorrow? I'm afraid not tomorrow. Oh, my God, what a coincidence. Really not... Well, to tell the truth, General Li Xinghai will meet with President Ye Jingguo tomorrow and have afternoon tea. I can't leave for a minute. "

At four o'clock in the afternoon, I stood outside the fiery base in summer.

The injured defense minister Linton, the injured Li Xinghai, the frightened officials, the national security quick reaction force, afternoon tea, chairman Ye Jingguo, the tightly guarded secret military base, a series of words in his mind, and all the people were shaking in front of him.

A feeling of palpitation made him cold all over in an instant.

When Huang Xiaolei sat in front of her with a serious face and wanted to stop talking, Duan Tiandao realized that something damn seemed to have happened.

He closed his yellow magazine. It took him five or six hours to grab it from a Chinese captain after he boarded the warship.

The restlessness of reuniting with the beauty on the cover has disappeared. From the pink fantasy to the frustrating reality, Duan Tiandao was depressed for a time. He raised his eyelids. Huang Xiaolei in clothes was obviously not as charming and lovely as she was when she was not dressed.

Seeing that Huang Xiaolei opened her mouth, but made no sound, Duan Tiandao's eyes became confused.

This is not Huang Xiaolei's style.

Her extraordinary intelligence is not only reflected in military talent, but also in language expression and emotional control.

There's nothing she doesn't say and nothing she doesn't dare to do.

No one knows this better than Duan Tiandao. You know, it is the Banshee who dares to claim that her mother plays dangerous taboo games with herself and boldly presses herself down

Duan Tiandao thought with tears that if something made her want to talk and stop, it must be a more serious thing than bullying herself.

The room was quiet, and the rest cabin of about 40 square meters looked full of industrial coldness. This is the typical style of crazy shark cruiser in China, both inside and outside.

The crazy shark cruiser is a weapon of war that rushes into the enemy's fleet cluster at a high speed and fights at close range. Even the dormitories of senior officers will not have any comfort considerations.

Expensive intelligent housekeeper system, soft leather sofa and beautiful wooden windowsill. For such a warship with a high rate of war damage, it is simply a luxury.

Duan Tiandao put the magazine aside and moved his ass.

He wants to tell Huang Xiaolei that he will fart if he has something to say. I have a strong psychological tolerance. You little witch dare rape me. What else can't you say?

Of course, this is just thinking. He doesn't want Huang Xiaolei to kill herself without saying anything.

Thinking, suddenly a spirit! Does she want to do it again? Duan Tiandao's tears swirled around his eyes. He didn't know whether to be happy or wronged.

The warship shook, and suddenly the dim light and the loud and small sound of the engine showed that the warship was passing through the space to the sea. This means that the warships that have been carefully avoiding the NATO fleet finally don't have to keep the depressing silence and light control in the dark world.

Duan Tiandao breathed a sigh of relief.

He is not afraid of life and death on the battlefield. Because of "logic" and machine armour martial arts, only a handful of people in the world can kill him... Or have not been found.

He bullies others most of the time. Even when others may bully him, he can easily escape.

On a warship, you can't run. He thought all the way that God knows when a nuclear bomb bigger than a train will turn the warship and himself into garbage in the sea.

"Just received the news that ye Jingguo was assassinated and killed, and General Li Xinghai was seriously injured." Huang Xiaolei suddenly said at this time.

Duan Tiandao stared at Huang Xiaolei.

"The general's condition is very bad. He is being rescued and has not been out of danger!"

Duan Tiandao's face gradually became iron blue. Before he knew it, his teeth clattered and his hair exploded like a frightened and angry porcupine.

"What are you talking about?" He asked word by word.

Huang Xiaolei didn't answer. She knew that Duan Tiandao had heard clearly and that he didn't really want to listen again. So she nodded seriously.

Duan Tiandao stared at Huang Xiaolei blankly, and his mind was blank.

Hua Xia, the chairman of this superpower, died so easily and simply?

At this time?

Duan Tiandao unknowingly clenched his fist: "how could they be together?"

"General Li Xinghai was invited to visit Huaxia 52 military base and discussed with President Ye Jingguo about the next step of military industrial cooperation."

Huang Xiaolei gently grabbed Duan Tiandao's hand and whispered, "the attack occurred at 3:36 p.m. the chairman, his secretary, bodyguards and seven senior military and political officials were killed and dozens of people were injured."

"Who is the murderer?" Duan Tiandao's voice trembled, and the whole person looked like a powder keg lit with a lead.

"Base guard company!" Huang Xiaolei held Duan Tiandao's hand, looked into his eyes and said, "after the attack, except for the accident of being killed in the exchange of fire with the chairman's escort, the others have committed suicide collectively! One hundred and forty-six people, none alive. "

Her eyes flickered coldly: "obviously, this is an assassination planned for a long time! The target is president Ye Jingguo. Admiral Li Xinghai just happens to be at his meeting. "

"Lao Tzu's father-in-law is dead?" Duan Tiandao bit his teeth and smiled. His voice was creepy: "is the old man seriously injured?"

"The military headquarters has launched an investigation, and General Zhao XiaoSuan has rushed back to Beijing at the first time." Huang Xiaolei looked worried at Duan Tiandao, who looked wrong, and comforted him: "we will find out the truth about this matter. President Ye Jingguo can't die in vain. Similarly, we will give an explanation to General Li Xinghai!"

"You care." Duan Tiandao waved his hand and turned his eyes to the side window: "leave us alone."

"Fang Chutian." Huang Xiaolei's heart was cold and an ominous premonition was confirmed on Duan Tiandao's cold and iron face.

No one knows Fang Chutian better than her. She knows that once this guy is forced, he will be more terrible than the craziest madman in the world!

Now the expression on his face.

It is a depressive hysteria, a frightening neuroticism.

"I need to make a call." Duan Tiandao ignored Huang Xiaolei. His eyes looked straight out of the window. And ye Jingguo and Li Xinghai recognize the current picture. It's like a movie played repeatedly in my mind.

Ye Jingguo doesn't deal with much, but that's his girlfriend's father!

And Li Xinghai is what he calls the old guy!

In Freeport, the old man wrote a letter telling himself that he was proud of Haifeng mountain and himself.

In China's Shangjing, the old man greeted him, hugged himself with open hands and smiled at himself, "welcome home!"

When we were drinking together, the old guy patted himself on the shoulder

Every shot in the past is so clear.

Clear is like a blade.

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