All islands and cities have become military fortresses filled with air raid shelters, underground bunkers and missile bases.

Every Chinese family has prepared medicine bags, compressed food and drinking water. Private mecha was refitted by middle-aged and old men with hot temper.

Perhaps only equipped with simple armor, it can not be the opponent of military armor. However, this at least shows the attitude of this country... Fight to the end!

Duan Tiandao likes these grumpy guys. He knows that the blood of this country has been completely inspired. The Chinese people will fight side by side with China.

Walking into the special plane of Chinese President Ye Jingguo and taking the elevator to the tenth floor of the bridge, Duan Tiandao saw the lonely and sad shadow of Huang Xiaolei in the corridor.

"How is he?" Duan Tiandao gently hugged Huang Xiaolei's weak and helpless body and looked into the sterile ward through the window.

Huang Shengtian's thin body lay quietly on the hospital bed covered with white sheets, his eyes closed, his face pale, and his body was filled with all kinds of pipes. A tear fell on my hand, cool and refreshing, just like the rain on a winter night. Huang Xiaolei, who was already in tears, suddenly turned around and buried herself in Duan Tiandao's arms, choking.

"Grandpa was better, but..." Huang Xiaolei's voice was choking and interrupted intermittently: "President Ye Jingguo's death made his illness worse all of a sudden. Uncle Ye Jingguo is the man grandpa trusts most. Grandpa has always asked to strengthen the protection of the chairman, but unexpectedly, the most worried thing happened! "

The plane shook slightly and began to taxi.

One after another, Chinese fighters were escorted by the luxurious plane.

Duan Tiandao raised his head and looked at Huang Shengtian on the hospital bed. He couldn't believe that this thin old man like a child was the Optimus of the whole China. Unconsciously, he had clenched his teeth.

Damn Qin demon.

Damn Qin ChuChu.

The plane flew in the boundless sky.

It's a long journey.

The chairman is not an ordinary passenger plane.

This is a special aircraft with strong defense capability and high speed, emphasizing comfort and survivability. Luxurious cabins are not inferior to seven-star luxury hotels, with all kinds of living and entertainment facilities. At the same time, the aircraft is also equipped with a brigade of hundreds of fighters and a powerful firepower system.

If it acts alone without escort, the chairman can defeat a pirate fleet or an E-class fleet alone and escape before an A-class fleet enters the attack radius. Her radar system, navigation computer and acceleration performance are more powerful than most fighters.

However, obviously, in this extraordinary period, it is impossible to ensure safety by relying on the performance of the aircraft itself. After all, everyone knows that Huang Shengtian will pose a greater threat to people than mechanical properties.

The death of Ye Jingguo means that the previous restraint and forbearance of both sides have been torn to pieces. When we meet on a narrow road, we will never die!

There are too many examples in history to prove that when a force strong enough and crazy enough breaks through the bottom line and crosses the mountain of rules in desperation, their crazy inertia will make them as unstoppable as an avalanche. They will rush forward until they break all the roadblocks or break to pieces.

Huang Xiaolei stood in the corridor with bright eyes, looking intently at the two men in the ward.

"Your troops have begun to assemble?" Huang Shengtian leaned back on the pillow of the hospital bed and casually said to Duan Tiandao.

Duan Tiandao was stunned, and the meat on his face jerked awkwardly.

He didn't expect that this was the first thing Huang Shengtian said when he saw himself.

Freeport is a mixed place. Although all major forces are under the control and integration of the fierce army, it is not difficult for Huang Shengtian to understand the trend of the fierce army with his ability.

"Yes." Duan Tiandao nodded. He was not sure whether the old man had understood all his plans.

"It seems that you don't intend to keep any face." Huang Shengtian's deep eyes were like Wang Pinghu: "are you sure you have made all the preparations? Include failures? "

His uncle's! This old monster!

Duan Tiandao squeezed his face twice and finally squeezed out an embarrassing smile.

Huang Shengtian lay half sick on the hospital bed. Even when he was healthy, he did not have the pomp of front and back, nor did he have an unfathomable mystery. Even he lacked loyal servants and bodyguards that were usually seen in movies and novels.

The tone said he was the Chinese Army God, rather like an ordinary little old man. Nice, easy to approach, sometimes laugh ugly like a wrinkled monkey.

The only thing that makes people feel that he is different may be that he is too calm. No matter how difficult the situation is, no matter what happens, he will always be like a calm lake with calm waves and a quiet maple forest under the autumn sunset.

Don't mention that Mount Tai collapsed in front of you. Even if a saint suddenly pulled down her collar, Duan Tiandao estimated that the old guy wouldn't blink!

However, it was this old man who won the final victory with an almost cold-blooded strategic sacrifice 30 years ago, allowing the Chinese Republic to overwhelm the United States and get the strategic space for decades of cultivation and rest!

It is this old man who has been the first person in the military for 30 years. Several Chinese presidents were respectful and obedient in front of him. The whole Chinese Republic depends on his shadow.

If it were not for the former king, he would be terminally ill. If he had not devoted his energy to the southeast sea area, he would have remained inexplicably silent in the war related to China. I'm afraid to give those people 100000 courage, and no one dares to have any disrespect and doubt about him.

Now, he lies quietly away from people's sight, like an old lion without attack, or an old mechanical clock, moving towards death without fluctuation in the ticking rigid rhythm.

However, only when you sit in front of this person and seriously look him in the eyes will you understand how unwise it is to despise him and challenge him. He is on his way to death, and his hour hand can turn only a handful of turns. But you never know what he will do until the second hand stops completely. If Huang Shengtian died quietly, he would not be Huang Shengtian.

He is a chess player standing outside the world. The territory of mankind is a chessboard. No one can escape his insight, not even the fierce troops in Freeport!

"No, I don't want to leave face." Duan Tiandao stopped his neck and asked, "if I drive the American fleet out of the carlston sea area, will I get help and turn everything around?"

"No! Maybe some people will appreciate you. I'm afraid more people still think it's a matter of course. " Huang Shengtian showed a smile on his face: "even if you conflict with Chinese people, no matter right or wrong, not many people will stand on your side because of gratitude."

"Er..." Duan Tiandao looked at Huang Shengtian suspiciously. He didn't know what the old guy wanted to do so frankly.

Huang Shengtian didn't even look at Duan Tiandao. He went on: "since Chinese people are so arrogant, selfish and stupid, you might as well take some strong medicine. Let some of them know that they are afraid and stay away from the southeast sea instead of dragging their feet wantonly! "

Duan Tiandao's cold sweat came down with a brush!

Listening to Huang Shengtian use his own tone, find out his thoughts one by one and expose them in the sun. This feeling makes him feel creepy.

Huang Shengtian smiled coldly: "the specific way is to swing a big stick and beat violently. I'll do whoever provokes me, and then give sweet dates. Anyway, there is Huang shengtianding. Anyway, the southeast alliance has taken shape. The strength of the fierce army is enough to protect itself. If you get angry, fight in China and let the fierce army train! "

"As for whether it will lead to the division of China and how much trouble it will cause, we don't have to consider. Anyway, the old guy Huang Shengtian got on the boat. Before he died, he would hand over all the money he should have. Not too much, as long as we can have half of the Chinese power, it's enough. " Huang Shengtian stared at Duan Tiandao and said slowly.

Duan Tiandao was shocked. He met Huang Shengtian's eyes and suddenly became coy: "isn't that good?"

"I wonder why you are so confident?" Huang Shengtian leaned his head against the soft pillow and closed his eyes slightly.

"I won't tell you." Duan Tiandao's face didn't know what to do.

"You know what I think?" Huang Shengtian didn't even lift his eyelids. With a faint smile, he said, "if I were 20 or 10 years younger, I would dry you and hang it in my study as an ornament according to your idea!"

Duan Tiandao looked at Huang Shengtian indefinitely, and was shocked: "but now I've changed my mind..."

Huang Shengtian calmly said, "rather than let NATO bully us, let's do it ourselves. You do it, I'll support you! "

Duan Tiandao's eyes suddenly opened wide.

"Do you think I won't be angry if ye Jingguo is assassinated?" Huang Shengtian opened his eyes and looked at Duan Tiandao. In his light brown eyes, there was undisguised anger, even ferocious.

At this moment, Duan Tiandao suddenly found that this seemingly mediocre and harmless old guy was still the cold machine like God of the army 30 years ago! Even the enemy and us have blood flowing into a river!

Duan Tiandao left, hugged Huang Xiaolei and watched her enter the ward to accompany her grandfather in front of the hospital bed.

He understood why Huang Shengtian was willing to let himself fight against the baby he had guarded for 30 years. Since the outbreak of the war, he has remained silent, not because he does not want his country to win, but because he knows better than anyone that he does not have enough time.

China is like a sick elephant. If you want to stand up, you must rely on yourself.

Huang Shengtian has been in contradiction and pain. He intervened in the process of the war, but did not command the battle. He wanted to stand idly by, but he couldn't bear the suffering of internal friction. The military, the government, the people... Everyone doubts him.

It is not as simple as imagined, and it needs to experience a lot of pain that ordinary people can't imagine.

After losing his shadow, a new generation of Chinese soldiers, such as Qian Bailin, Zhou Zhi, Zhao XiaoSuan and Huang Xiaolei, are growing up in the wind and rain. At the same time, the greed and desire that have been suppressed by him also gain growth opportunities.

Duan Tiandao walked through the corridor to the living area.

Now, he is ready to study the information of Qin ChuChu and the interest group around her!

I don't know what kind of expression that woman will look like!

"He's fine." Huang Shengtian looks at the window where Duan Tiandao disappears and stares at Huang Xiaolei.

Huang Xiaolei smiled softly and gently held Huang Shengtian's thin hand: "you arrange it. I'm going to hold a party."

Huang Shengtian closed his eyes wearily and said, "now that he has chosen, it's time for him to go on the stage."

Huang Shengtian fell asleep with a smile on his lips.

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