Duan Tiandao scratched his cheek with his fingers, looked confused and said, "I want to know more friends and drink by the way. Shall we go together? "

"Of course I'm going!" Zeng Xin said abruptly.

"That's all right!" Duan Tiandao turned and walked to Ashan and Haig who came out of the small building: "remember to call Li Huairen. I don't have a grudge!"

Zeng Xin looked at Duan Tiandao's back and suddenly shivered.

"Brother Zeng Xin." Li Dongqing puzzled and said, "what's the situation with Chu Tian? What kind of person is he? "

"Have you heard that Curiosity Kills cats?" Zeng Xin rubbed Li Dongqing's head, looked at Duan Tiandao's back, smiled and said, "you know, there are too many people in China who are too curious about him now. He and Huang Xiaolei will kill many people! "

"Why?" Xiao Fei asked first.

"When you curiously lift a person's cloak and find that this person is a devil with countless temptations, do you have a choice?"

Zeng Xin lit a cigarette, leaned against the fence and said, "at least I have no choice. Your sister Yan Na, Liang Gao, brother Kong Lang and uncle Cao de have no choice. "

"Sister Yan na! What are they doing now? " Xiao Fei cried. Zeng Xin threw up a smoke ring, narrowed his eyes and said faintly, "they are helping Fang Chutian kill!"

When the winter white sun stands far on the top of the mountain and leaves the last glory of the day for the prosperous city, Shangjing is in a sudden silence. It's like a group of talking and laughing friends who suddenly choose to be quiet at the end of the party.

On the street, people who have worked all day drive cars and join the rolling traffic. On the sidewalk, people moved forward silently, the crowd gradually thinned out, scattered in the residential area and disappeared.

When the city is quieter and quieter, the sky is getting darker and darker.

The energy of the day has been completely exhausted. After pedaling the iron, subway or bus, people who come home late either look at the scenery flying through the window, or take out their mobile phones to read war news or novels. And more people, with their eyes closed, quickly shorten the distance from home in a half awake state.

When the windows of countless buildings in the city are lit with warm lights, and when the speeding traffic and shuttle trains become a flowing river of light, few people know that a group of young people living at the top of the country have become restless because of a telephone.

Huang Xiaolei's phone call, like an invisible shock wave, swept the youth circle of the top society of the Chinese Republic in an instant.

In the group army staff headquarters of a military base, a young lieutenant general with elegant temperament put down the phone and directly asked his immediate boss for leave. Before the stunned boss nodded, the lieutenant general, who was the perfect partner in the eyes of all female confidential secretaries and staff officers, strode out of the room.

In the conference room of a government agency, a young man who is always lazy is rarely making a serious gesture and listening to the words of several negotiators. After listening to the Secretary's phone call, he suddenly threw out a document and left two choices in front of the people who looked at each other.

Either be the enemy, or don't waste time, sign!

Then he got up and left.

In a mecha fighting training hall, a tall and plump girl is driving the training mecha to sprint back and forth in the huge venue. Every time the mecha passes through a test area, it will make a group of attack or dodge actions. In the transparent data room of the training hall, dozens of researchers stared at the data meter with bright eyes, and a burst of cheers broke out from time to time.

Just then, a young researcher with a pair of old-fashioned glasses, ordinary appearance and a pair of front teeth, after answering a phone call, suddenly prankingly pressed the stop button on the data desk and quickly got up and left!

An upcoming record was forcibly terminated.

The researchers were stunned one by one. They didn't understand why the researcher who didn't know the origin had a problem with the female Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Twenty seconds later, when the girl in a sexy tight leather dress angrily entered the data room, she suddenly received a text message. She was stunned for a while, and then turned around quietly. A group of researchers were left to wipe their sweat and rejoice in their narrow escape.

In a secret top-level club, a young man with a strong figure and a face of ice that will not change for thousands of years, dressed in white practice clothes, rushed into the crowd dressed in the same clothes without saying a word. Like a panther jumping into a pack of wolves, with every fist and kick, someone flew out like a kite with a broken line.

In the luxurious lounge across a huge glass window in the practice room, a gentle young man with a bad smile on his mouth is holding a beautiful girl and pointing at the practice room with disdain on his face. While playing cards, two well-dressed men and a woman laughed back and forth.

When the petite girl received the phone call, she suddenly dropped her card, pulled up the young man with a bad smile, and kicked open the door of the practice room. In less than ten minutes, several top sports cars rushed out of the door of the club like lightning, speeding along the rugged mountain road with the roar of the engine.

The same scene happened in almost every corner of Shangjing at the same time. These young people who sank like sharks into the dark sea bottom that ordinary people can't peep at, just like smelling the smell of blood, all came to the surface excitedly.

They have different ages, different identities, different personalities, temperament and looks, and different surnames.

Some of them are friends, brothers or even friends of life and death, while others are enemies, enemies or even enemies of life and death.

At this moment, they all put down everything in their hands and gathered in the same place from all directions

Because Huang Xiaolei is back.

Huang Xiaolei has always been a very special existence in the youth circle of the Chinese upper class.

It's hard for anyone to tell how many admirers, pursuers and jealousies there are for this girl with amazing beauty and incomparable military talent.

One side of her is as pure as a little girl, and the other side is as tempting as a devil. I don't know how many young Junyan want to be the guest of the future heir of the Huang Shengtian family, and how many girls are jealous and resentful because she seems to be born with the favor of God.

Whenever she appears at a party, she can easily become the focus of all eyes and always dazzle people.

When she left, the youth who accompanied her was always the most envious. She is like a merciless manzhusha flower with fatal temptation. After capturing everyone, she quietly disappears, leaving only a dazzling halo that can't fade.

This is a fascinating magic.

When she left Shangjing, officially entered the army as a staff officer and rushed to the war, the circle of young people in Shangjing seemed to be evacuated at once. Although it seemed that it was still lush on the outside, in everyone's heart, the laughing youth era was over.

Distance is not enough to separate attention from her. It can be said that everything that happened to Huang Xiaolei is in the eyes of those who have a heart.

Even if these young people don't have enough strength to understand everything about Huang Xiaolei, their elders who hope they can stand out among many suitors will one day casually tell them the latest news about Huang Xiaolei.

Every news will quickly become the hottest topic in the circle.

Compared with the chat that almost all young people will discuss when they are young, Huang Xiaolei, who is going to war, brings more touch to the topic of this circle.

She is a pioneer.

Many people know that when she was 18 years old, she had commanded a battle independently.

Even her enemies have to admit that what Huang Xiaolei did in this circle is cool. She has walked in front of everyone, and the distance between everyone and her has been unconsciously pulled away. Looking up into the distance, you can only see the beautiful figure in the dazzling halo, which is inaccessible.

And now, she's back!

On the first day she came back with Huang Shengtian, she invited the circle.

No one can resist this fatal temptation, whether it is a friend or an enemy in his youth.

Everyone invited is carefully preparing and pays more attention to the evening party than the party initiated by the family elders.

Not only because of Huang Xiaolei, but also because of Fang Chutian brought by Huang Xiaolei.

And, in the world of war, those legends that make people surprised, shocked, moved or disdained, or even gloat.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the lights of the city are as bright as thousands of stars.

The night is silent. The excitement and noise of the day have been missed by most people. Only gathered in a small area of this huge city.

The ninth street in the center of Beijing is undoubtedly the most prosperous area of nightlife.

On this five kilometer long street, sea cities, which can be called works of art, radiate dreamlike light in the night sky. Cars are rowing in the middle of the street, with large shopping malls, luxury brand stores, nightclubs, virtual amusement parks and bars on both sides.

In the flickering neon lights and large advertising screens, there is a kind of intoxication in all this.

A well-dressed gentleman, holding the hand of a fair and beautiful companion, ascended the stairs. The parking attendant picked up the flying car key, the doorman opened the door attentively, the wine shaker in the bartender's hand whirled and danced in the air, and the beautiful and sexy waitress walked through the lights.

On the huge bar TV screen, a game started somewhere is playing. Or fighting, or racing, or horse racing, or football. The people who made the bet kept their eyes fixed, and a deafening noise broke out from time to time. Red, gold, white, all kinds of colorful liquor are consumed rapidly. These disappearing liquids turned into higher excitement.

Young people who broke out in conflict fought in bars or nightclubs, and police cars put out fire everywhere like fire engines. There was a morbid frenzy throughout the block.

All this has nothing to do with the hell paradise nightclub on the top floor of the king's building.

This can be called the top nightclub in China. Like a king sitting on a high throne, the lights of the city under his feet are just his foil.

Only those luxury cars and ordinary people who need to look up can pass through the viaduct below, an intersection closed by a police car with flashing lights, shake up, throw down the secular prosperity and noise 800 meters below, and directly reach this paradise.

The so-called millionaires are just Hicks who park their cars in the underground parking lot and circle below the 50th floor of the king's building.

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