Obviously, this is already a death place.

The death of Duan Tiandao and Huang Xiaolei.

Although I don't understand what Feng Duanshan wants to do here, after killing Mou Qing, Duan Tiandao and Huang Xiaolei have less than one in ten thousand chances of leaving here alive.

Once they die here, the temptation of Huang Shengtian family and the fierce army is just a dream.

You know, Huang Shengtian is ill and blind. Without Fang Chutian and Huang Xiaolei, who will lead the fierce army and Huang Shengtian family in the future?

Maybe we can't wait for Huang Shengtian to die. As long as the sun comes to Beijing again, the Huang Shengtian family has been sent to the dust of history.

People whispered, only Ruan xiao'an and Qi Wei, with a calm face.

A previous playful bet has made them announce their position. At this time, they have no intention of going back.

"Hey, hey." The drunken Tiandao staggered to his feet. A bodyguard named Huang Shengtian's family strode to his side. In his hand, it was the galande sniper gun modified by Wang Qin for Duan Tiandao.

In the silence, Duan Tiandao grabbed the gun and strode to the gate of the nightclub.

Suddenly, Chang'an, who had been watching him silently, said, "general Fang, wait."

Duan Tiandao turned his head with a red face and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"I just discussed it with the family." Kelly raised his glass and saluted Duan Tiandao: "the Chang family will become a loyal ally of the fierce army and Huang Shengtian family. The time starts tonight."

His eyes swept over the faces of Ruan xiao'an and Qi Wei and said faintly, "I think the Ruan and Qi families have called your excellency Huang Shengtian at this time. Their people must be on the way. Then we might as well wait a little longer. "

Chang'an's voice just fell, and Shen Daqi kept silent. Suddenly he said, "the Shen family is the same!"

Shen Daqi always seems to be that cold look. When talking, he is also reluctant to write like gold. From entering the devil's paradise, this is his first sentence, a total of only five words.

However, these five words suddenly caused an uproar. Everyone present was stunned by Chang'an and Shen Daqi's statement at this critical moment.

The Chang family and the Shen family are one of the six families. If the Qi family is added, it means that four of the six families stand together.

In addition, the Ruan family of Ruan xiao'an, the Zheng family of the young Zheng Jun, who always keeps a bad smile with Shen Daqi, and the second rate families who advance and retreat together with these families, it can be said that tonight, a force enough to shake the whole Chinese military and political system is taking shape.


Is it because of the 30 armored divisions of the Humvee, which are all composed of fighters above level 9, or because of the machine armor technology that the Humvee controls enough to affect the whole war pattern, or because of the new alliance that has not yet surfaced?

Don't they know that once Duan Tiandao and Huang Xiaolei die, all this will disappear?

When the other party wins the presidential election and Huang Shengtian dies, the Qin demon group, which has basically controlled the Chinese parliament and the Chinese military, will have no enemies.

The new alliance will be disintegrated, the fierce army will be divided up, and the technology will be robbed!

With the wisdom of Chang'an and Shen Daqi, how can you not understand?

In an uproar, Duan tiandaochong looked at Chang'an and others with a sincere smile.

"Admiral Li Xinghai is still lying in the hospital." He lit a cigarette and carried the gun on his shoulder.

"I know." Chang An nodded.

"When I first saw him, I could hardly recognize him." Duan Tiandao's drunken eyes flashed.

Chang'an was silent, and Qi Wei, Ruan xiao'an and Shen Daqi were also silent.

At this moment, everyone present felt a sense of shame.

Their general did not fall on the battlefield, but became a victim in the internal struggle of the Chinese Republic.

"Don't you want to see the horizontal mecha?"

Duan Tiandao's words changed Feng Duanshan's entourage's face. He subconsciously wanted to touch the phone, but he was punched in the face by a Huang Shengtian family bodyguard next to him.

Duan Tiandao turned around and showed a ferocious look on his face: "come to the door with me and don't expose yourself. Let's see what they should pay! "

The eyes of the whole world are focused on the gate of the devil's paradise nightclub.

In the satellite monitoring picture, Feng Duanshan, with a black walking stick in his hand, well-dressed and his hair neatly combed, stood quietly in the circular open space.

Look calm and calm.

Four armored vehicles and cars parked far away on the elevated highway. Fang extraordinary, who was cold at a glance, half leaned on the car and smoked coldly. The flames of cigarette butts are bright and dark in the night.

The sniper points around have been locked by satellite images. Looking at the cold sniper guns at the sniper point, everyone's heart seemed to be grabbed and shrunk.

The road leading to the devil's paradise has been blocked by armed men of major families.

Both the capital Garrison and the special forces of the intelligence bureau of the National Security Bureau are far away from the central area of the conflict, not to mention the police who are responsible for the blockade outside. They don't even know what happened inside.

The entourage has been in for several minutes.

Will Fang Chutian come out?

What means will Huang Shengtian family use to solve this crisis. Feng Duanshan, what do you want to do?

"No!" In the dark room, Lao Mou patted the table fiercely. His eagle eyes showed a gloomy and ferocious light. If the people saw what Lao Mou looked like at the moment, they would never believe that this was the Chinese general they were familiar with, who always looked gentle and upright.

"He killed my grandson. The Mou family and he are sworn to each other. What's the point of recruiting him? As long as you kill him and Huang Xiaolei, the fierce army is not at our disposal? "

"The fierce army will fight with us." Qin ChuChu flicked his fingers on the table and said faintly, "ordinary people may not understand the strength of the fierce army. Uncle Mou, don't you know?"

Lao Mou's lips turned white, and his loose eyelids were beating violently.

"My brother has agreed." Qin ChuChu smiled and said, "although he hates Fang Chutian very much. However, in the face of the overall situation, he has always been very calm. We can choose an opponent between the fierce army and the Huang Shengtian family, which can make them turn against each other. This is the best choice. "

She raised her right index finger, shook it gently, and looked around the room: "we can't fight them both at the same time. You know, after Huang Xiaolei's death, just Huang Shengtian's counterattack, we must do our best to resist. If you can solve all this with a temptation, why not? "

Except for the members of the Mou family, the other family members in the room seemed to be moved by Qin ChuChu.

After all, the dead are just Mou Qing. However, the black sheep of the Mou family is not suitable to be the successor of a family.

"Uncle Mou, you should focus on the overall situation. I don't think you want to be against me? " Qin ChuChu's face is still the charming smile that inverts all sentient beings, but her cold eyes make everyone, including Lao Mou, feel frightened.

On the screen, the gate of the devil's paradise is opened.

Qin ChuChu looked at the screen, spoiled his eyes and glanced over Fang Feifan, who was leaning against the car smoking. He said faintly: "besides, when everything is settled, I will choose to turn a blind eye to what you want to do to him..."

Then she smiled coldly: "to tell you the truth, I'm also disgusted, this damn Fang Chutian!"

The door opened, but no one came out.

Feng Duanshan on the screen looked at the gate, smiled and straightened his waist. Fang Feifan frowned in the distance and lost his cigarette end.

Li Cheng, Shangguan Xiaodao and others, who just got the news that they have been free, originally looked at the door with a resentful face, and their eyes were full of revenge fanaticism. However, when the door opened, their faces suddenly changed and their bodies became stiff.

"What's going on?" All families are asking through the people they have arranged to the scene.

"That Chu Tian is standing at the door with a gun in his hand." My men reported.

"The sniper cannot locate."

"I can't see him."

In the confusion, a voice from the loudspeaker said, "are you looking for me?"

"Yes." Feng Duanshan bowed down very gentlemanly and smiled. He seemed to turn a blind eye to the gun in Duan Tiandao's hand: "general Fang, I have brought you a deal."

"Transaction?" Duan Tiandao didn't seem to be targeted by the Sniper at all. He took two steps forward: "what deal?"

"No. 4, No. 6, No. 9 can't aim. He moves too fast. The angle disappeared and was blocked by the column. "

"No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 can't aim either. The angle is wrong."

"No. 10, No. 15 can't aim..."

Qin ChuChu, Mou Qing and others listened to the sniper's report and looked at each other. The people of other families who also looked at the satellite picture were also confused. Although they couldn't hear the sniper's report, they could still judge by Duan Tiandao's walking position.

This Fang Chutian is a master!

However, in the case of being controlled by the enemy all around, what effect does he have even if he holds a sniper gun?

Feng Duanshan smiled and said, "general Fang leads the fierce army from scratch and from weak to strong. It's really admirable today. I think we may have a chance to cooperate. "

"Oh? How to cooperate? " Duan Tiandao has a simple face.

"You can have whatever you want. Whether it's equipment, capital, energy and power, everything you can think of, we can give you. You should believe that we have such strength! " Feng Duanshan respects the tunnel.

With Feng Duanshan's words, the whole world became silent.

Whether standing at the gate of the devil's paradise, Chang'an and others, or the patriarchs of major families in front of the satellite monitoring screen, all raised their hearts to the throat for a time.

Qin ChuChu's move seems absurd, but it's actually vicious.

The appearance of Feng Duanshan is not only a tit for tat demonstration, but also a chess move that makes the Huang Shengtian family collapse in an instant.

In such negotiations, there is no need for any terms or too vague words. Feng Duanshan only needs to tell Fang Chutian what kind of choice he can have in the most superficial and clear words.

As long as he nods, any terms can be discussed.

Under the control of all around, Duan Tiandao seems to have no other choice. Either agree, watch Huang Shengtian's family collapse in an instant, and then obtain benefits that Huang Shengtian may not be able to give him, or refuse to be a pair of mandarin ducks with Huang Xiaolei.

"I have what I want?" Duan Tiandao blushed and stared at Feng Duanshan stupidly. Suddenly, his eyes stopped on the second joint of the middle finger of Feng Duanshan's right hand held on the walking stick, and his eyes suddenly coagulated.

The second joint of Feng Duanshan's right middle finger is very strange. It looks like it has been broken and deformed after connection. The phalanx seemed to protrude from the meat.

In this deformed phalangeal joint, there are two small moles side by side. One up and one down, one big and one small.

Duan Tiandao had already clenched his teeth before he knew it. The surging wine made his eyes red.

He was familiar with this strange joint and the two moles.

Tianji old man sifted through the people present before his parents disappeared. This hand appeared the most.

This was the closest person to Duan Tiandao's parents at that time, and it was also the most thorough person who disappeared.

His name is Yang Zhihao!

A mechanic of Huaxia Longwei machinery company.

Duan Tiandao needs all his strength to control himself.

Unexpectedly, the means of fate... Is so unpredictable!

Now, the man who disappeared when his parents disappeared and who knows all the truth decades ago is actually standing in front of himself now!

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