There was a dead silence in the nightclub.

Although I don't know what happened, everyone present can really feel his pain from Duan Tiandao's appearance and his voice, and see his soul almost struggling in the fire.

Ye Wanqing reaches out and grabs the corner of Duan Tiandao. A thin and white hand can see light cyan muscles and collaterals because of force.

A smart woman like her guessed eight or nine times just by her parents.

Children are everything to parents, and parents are everything to children. When they lose each other, both the living and the dead can't bear the pain.

At the last moment of life, Duan Tiandao's father and mother must have their own children.

They died, their thoughts were annihilated in the fireworks of the world, and Fang Chutian had to bear the pain alone. In every lonely night, in every happy festival, like a needle!

Like the pain she just lost her father.

Catching Feng Duanshan at this moment is just like when she catches those enemies who killed Ye Jingguo one day. To what extent will the emotional defense line collapse in an instant.

People who have red eyes don't care about anything!

Now Duan Tiandao can do anything as long as he can know who killed his parents and find a truth for 25 years of pain, even if he is against the whole world!

In the silence, I could only hear Feng Duanshan's groan.

The old man, who has always maintained a gentleman's demeanor, has completely collapsed under Duan Tiandao's fist. That hard to maintain a reserved and calm, stubborn annoying face, tears and tears.

However, his mouth was always tightly closed. Although he fainted and was pinched up by Duan Tiandao, he did not say a word from beginning to end, and his eyes were dull. It seemed that the whole person was stupid.

"Trained in extorting confessions?" Duan Tiandao smiled and looked straight into his eyes: "I can deal with people like you best. You can say it!"

The battle in the central urban area has rapidly entered a white hot state.

With the sudden emergence of Haige, which has been blocked outside the central urban area, all kinds of panic began to spread among Mu Qing and other families.

The middle-aged man like a javelin never wanted to enter the central urban area. He stayed on the periphery all the time, just like a fisherman. He only closed the net at the last moment!

This is an elaborate trap.

Using Duan Tiandao and his 20 adjudicators, the Huang family invested all the forces saved from the central area into peripheral operations. They not only hide in the dark, have more time, have more accurate information, and are vicious.

Soldiers dressed in black, with small teams as units, appeared within a radius of one kilometer centered on the king's building and ruthlessly shot and killed the armed personnel of various families in panic.

The armed forces of the major families suffered a devastating blow in an instant. Some family armed men were ambushed on the way; Some families are collective strongholds surrounded; Some families were even taken directly to the nest, and important members of the family were taken away or killed.

Hagrid's knife is stabbing in the heart!

In the conference room of Mumashan villa, the atmosphere was extremely tense.

If the morale of the major families was high in the previous battle.

Then, with the appearance of 20 vehicles running wild, and with Duan Tiandao's crazy performance of picking 15 snipers to kill Fang Feifan's captive Feng Duanshan, the morale of these family armed personnel has been crushed at the foot of the running machinery with the body of their companions.

In less than half an hour, the major family armed forces that originally controlled the ninth block and the surrounding areas had fallen into their own wars and could not form a joint resistance force at all.

What's more frightening is that according to reliable information, the Shen family, the Chang family, the Qi family and other families have sent their own family armed forces at the same time.

The people in the meeting room can guess what these hungry wolves want!

Like Chang Lao, an old fox does not lack the courage to beat a drowning dog, let alone the wisdom to kill it all. As a weaker family, when they make a decision, their danger is even much higher than that of Huang Shengtian family and the fierce army!

If the situation can not be quickly reversed, before long, the whole of China will form a wave like Mount Tai. Under the sweep of this trend, one of these families in the Mou family meeting room is one, and all of them are doomed!

"We've made a decision. We must make a decision!" A middle-aged man said slowly.

There was an invisible commotion in the silent conference room. Obviously, everyone present clearly refers to what the middle-aged man said about the decision.

"If we launch an army coup, we will have no way out!" After a long silence, Lao Mou said what everyone hid in his heart but didn't dare to say.

Using the army to launch a coup at once seems to be the only way to solve the current crisis.

"Yes! The big deal is to spell a fish dead and the net broken! " A young man was impulsive.

"The fish died and the net was broken?" An old man's face was livid: "I'm afraid the fish will die and the net will not break."

He looked around: "Huang Shengtian has controlled the military headquarters for 30 years. Do you think he is really unprepared? Once we launch a coup, the whole army will be destroyed immediately. Otherwise, why should we wait for him to die, why should we assassinate Ye Jingguo, and just coup directly? "

"This moment is another moment." The eyes of the first middle-aged man showed a dangerous light: "if we don't pull back tonight, at dawn, we will be labeled as losers, our candidates will be abandoned, the troops in our hands will be transferred, our officials will be demoted, and our collaborators will become enemies!"

He said coldly to the crowd, "who wants to see all this?"

For a long time, a pale blonde man said, "but general Qin demon is still on the road. Who can command instead of him and who is sure to fight Huang Shengtian?"

In the conference room, there was a terrible silence again.

Suddenly, a member of the Mou family suddenly rushed into the conference room: "TV!"

He called out breathlessly.

Under the surprised and nervous gaze of the people, the staff in front of the information terminal console hurriedly turned on the TV.

The figure of interim chairman Shi Tianhao appeared on TV.

The president of Congress, sitting in the president's office, spoke on television with a serious expression. While strongly reprimanding the fierce battle in Beijing tonight, he has ordered the capital garrison to dispatch, impose martial law throughout the city, arrest those involved in the armed conflict and quell the riots.

Everyone was stunned.

Although we all know that the battle is under the eyes of the people in the central urban area, it can't be silent without waves. We also know that Shi Tianhao will make a TV speech to explain this matter.

However, no one expected that he would choose to speak at this time.

Isn't it clear that we are helping these families who are about to be beaten and can't fight back?

Shi Tianhao! It's from my side!

Shi Tianhao, who has always opposed military intervention in politics and is known as the evergreen tree in Chinese politics, is a member of the group hidden in the dark!

All of them looked at the terrace outside the meeting room in horror.

Obviously, the woman did it.

After making a near fatal mistake, she still has strong control over everything. For ten years, she has quietly woven a big net. No one will ever know how poisonous this colorful black widow is.

Shi Tianhao is a big card.

Under his orders, the garrison, the special forces of the national security and military intelligence bureau, will intervene in this struggle.

What does that mean?

This means an aboveboard name!

A chance to turn the tide!

It can be predicted that the garrison, the National Security Bureau and the military intelligence bureau will not have any members of the opponent's family or any troops loyal to the other party. Members of their own side can lead their subordinates to attack their opponents in the name of the chairman's order.

Jiang Hua will be authorized and Feng Congxin may also be named.

If the other side is a little smarter, they should immediately choose to retreat, rather than exchange fire with the anti rebel forces and be crucified by the rebels!

And once they choose to use the army, the rebel hat will fall on their heads!

The atmosphere in the conference room became warm in an instant.

Although everyone knows that now that all major families have clearly fallen to Huang Shengtian, even the chairman can't move the military God who can't even stand up in a wheelchair.

Although they all know that once Duan Tiandao and Huang Xiaolei go home safely and their opponents retreat safely, they will still be a disastrous defeat if they can't change the facts tonight.

However, everyone believes that this is a signal.

In Qin ChuChu's hands, there are cards!

The night wind was bitter cold. Qin ChuChu stood on the terrace and looked at the outline of Muma mountain in the night. In the flying phoenix eyes, there was a faint light.

At this time, those dark purple mecha set out with the Garrison should have arrived in the central urban area?

Who knows, that's the real arbiter, the revival of the Nazis Dynasty, the biggest reliance!

The devil's paradise nightclub is still brightly lit. However, the music has long stopped and there is no one above the stage. If there were not hundreds of young people gathered in small circles and whispered, I'm afraid those who entered the hall would think it was time to close.

People don't glance at the closed door of private room 1.

After beating and extorting a confession, Feng Duanshan was black and blue, but he didn't get a word from him. It seems that he didn't get too bloody in front of everyone. Duan Tiandao grabbed Feng Duanshan into the box and went in with Huang Xiaolei and ye Wanqing.

Twenty minutes had passed, and there was no imagined scream of Feng Duanshan in the box.

On the contrary, it was always quiet inside, as if everyone was asleep.

This made everyone present feel a little strange.

Although the box is soundproof, if it is the scream of that degree just now, it will still come out. It will never be so silent.

What the hell is this man doing in there?

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