"Well done this time!" Huang Shengtian said happily, "the group gathered by Qin demon and Chinese radical soldiers has become a climate. It will take me at least half a year to beat them, even if I try my best. You can imagine what we can get if we disclose the truth? "

"The truth will be accused of rumor, the Qin demon will quickly launch a rebellion, and China will fall into division." Huang Xiaolei thought and said, "we will waste half a year in the civil war. Even if we defeat Qin demon, China's military strength will be greatly weakened. If cherda takes advantage of the weakness..." Huang Xiaolei shivered at the thought of what will happen in the future.

This is exactly what grandpa Huang Shengtian tried to avoid. When NATO is dominant and his own condition has entered an irreversible state, the division of China at this time is definitely a disaster.

Cherda is the biggest enemy of China!

This is why grandpa knew something was wrong with Qin demon before, but he still chose Qin demon as his successor! This is why he didn't use his right to directly attack the Qin demon until he knew that the Qin demon group assassinated Ye Jingguo, but took pains to fight for the family and find ways to prevent the Qin demon's people from winning the election!

It is because political struggle can occur in China, but there must be no division of the army and large-scale civil war!

"But..." Huang Xiaolei asked, "this can't change the reality. Qin demon is still a cancer to China. If we can cut him off with one knife, maybe we still have a chance... "

"No, the bigger chance is that we hide the facts." Huang Shengtian Dao.

"Fang Chutian, what do you think!" Huang Xiaolei felt a little crazy about Duan Tiandao's tacit understanding with Huang Shengtian. In military command, her talent may not be lower than Duan Tiandao, but in this big strategy, women's natural weakness will limit her eyes to the present.

In history, there were almost no female strategists except individual female emperors!

"I hide the truth because, if we were afraid of the division of the army before, now we have a chance to split the army without civil war, or even shady cherda!" Duan Tiandao's simple face showed a fox like smile.

Ahead, the wreckage of a Chinese mecha that was smashed flew off the road. The control lever in Duan Tiandao's hand deviated, and the car threw out an S-shaped line to avoid it. The wreckage bounced and fell far behind.

"As long as we can master the election, we have enough reason to force Qin demon to lead his troops to leave. He has been operating in China for such a long time. He is absolutely reluctant to give China to us. "

"He knows the old man's condition and that his reputation is higher than mine in the eyes of the people. Once the old man is gone, as long as he continues to win the war against NATO, as long as he has the support of Ryan military region, and as long as he still has the Chinese army in his hands, he can get rid of me! "

The battle outside the window was still fierce. The convoy composed of 20 vehicles was like a roaring train, crashing away all enemies who dared to stop at high speed. The sound of Duan Tiandao seems to blend into the oncoming time in the high-speed driving of the car.

"In our hands, there are new space jumping technologies. We also need time and energy to fully cope with the southeast war. Exposing the truth will only make Qin demon put all his eggs in one basket, only make the outbreak of the civil war we are most worried about, only let cherda know the little girl's secret, and only let NATO pick a bargain! Now that we know the truth, there is no need for us to worry about the division and civil war in China. "

"Hide the truth and force Qin demon away in another way. At the same time, give him a glimmer of hope that he can come back and replace the old man, so that we can keep the split army of China fighting against cherda at the same time. We can let Qin demon's army win more madly, reduce our own pressure and buy time for us to expand our strength! "

"I believe that the new space jumping technology can find access to any sea area. As long as we can break NATO's control over the current sea route, we will have a chance to defeat cherda. End the war! "

"NATO launched this war not just because of a conspiracy. Even if there were no little girls and no nanizi Dynasty, they would start a war. "

"If we don't defeat them completely, the war will never end!"

"Boom!" On the left side of the road, buzz, who was speeding, blew up a Chinese mecha with a punch. The black one is like a sharp arrow in the lightning rush. When the burst flame suddenly lit up in the night sky, it had turned sideways, bypassed the fire mass and continued to rush forward.

"If we just force Qin demon and the troops loyal to him, then we need to master the position of Chairman..." Huang Xiaolei asked, "but how can we ensure that we can win the election? Even after tonight, many families will turn to us, but in case of any change, the chairman will be controlled by Qin demon, and then... "

"What happened tonight will make many people understand that Qin demon is not as powerful as they thought." Duan Tiandao said faintly: "besides, even if the right road doesn't work, we can still go astray!"

"Evil way?" Ye Wanqing and Huang Xiaolei asked in surprise.

"China has a total population of more than one billion. Counting votes is a very complex thing. If manual counting is adopted, it will take several months and tens of millions of people. Therefore, all the votes were transmitted through Huaxia Skynet and counted by the supercomputer of Huaxia first National University in shangjingnan district. No one will participate in the whole process. " Huang Shengtian suddenly said.

Duan Tiandao smiled jokingly: "the little girl was sent to NATO by them, but they don't know that there is a Lin Han in our hands. Do you think it is very difficult to manipulate the election results with the power of the old man and the ability of Lin Han? "

"Don't they want to split, we'll split them!" Duan Tiandao smacked his mouth: "don't they want to play with evidence? I'll make them dumb. Said we manipulated the election and took out the evidence! "

Huang Xiaolei and ye Wanqing were stunned.

They never dreamed that such things as manipulating election results and raping public opinion would come out of the seemingly honest population of Huang Shengtian and Duan Tiandao!

Who is the villain?

The expressway has come to an end.

After the wind and electricity, the car rushed into the Jiaolong industrial zone. In front of it, there were endless warehouses and factories connected one by one.

As long as it crosses the 15 kilometer long highway in the industrial area, it will enter the control range of two double headed eagle armored divisions.

However, at the moment, behind the fierce army team, the Chinese garrison troops led by dozens of purple mecha are getting closer and closer.

Close, you can almost see the streamlined body of those purple humanoid mecha wrapped in tight leather, almost invisible joints, and the mysterious lines of twigs and tendrils on the smooth and smooth shell.

In the warm and bright reception hall of Chang's house, the atmosphere is silent and cold.

The young people are still staring at the satellite monitoring screen, while the elders sit silently on the sofa, frowning and looking melancholy. This night, until now, everyone's eyes are red.

The mood from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven, fell down again, and was about to be tortured and collapsed.

All these families here have bet on the Huang family. In addition to the strength shown by the fierce army and their awe of Huang Shengtian, they also have an instinctive resistance to the ambition, radicalism and cold blood shown by Qin demon and that group.

Everyone knows about ye Jingguo.

Before ye Jingguo, how many roadblocks fell in a pool of blood, and how many conspiracies swam silently in the night. That group is definitely not as honest, strong and selfless as their leaders show. They have ambition, always!

Those middle and lower level officers who worship Qin demons have always had a big market for their words and publicity throughout the army.

It's no secret.

The excitement surging among officers is definitely not what a mature group should have. They are too radical, too easy to get out of control and too dangerous.

If because of this war, China will eventually become a militarist country and a cage without freedom and democracy, what is the difference between being ruled by NATO?

And the outcome of attachment may be kicked away by one foot, or even demoralize the donkey!

These worries do not show how noble these families are. However, it can be shown that although they gain benefits from the status and power of the family, they are absolutely not greedy enough to take the future of the whole country as a stake from the dragon!

Everyone is looking forward to Huang Shengtian becoming the winner tonight from the bottom of his heart. However, since the appearance of the forty purple mecha, they have obviously felt that the situation is out of control and the terrorist pressure brought by the crazy counterattack of the Qin demon group!

This kind of combat effectiveness is comparable to the purple machine armor of the fierce army. Where did it come from, who were the machine fighters inside, and why these families don't know at all. When did China develop this kind of machine armor and set up this team? Is it in the hands of Shi Tianhao or Qin ChuChu? How many such machine armor soldiers are there

Questions, like silkworms, constantly erode everyone's confidence.

Although the fierce army is strong, they are not gods after all. No one knows whether they can escape from the encirclement and interception of those mysterious machine armor and nearly 800 Chinese machine armor of two armored battalions.

If Fang Chutian and Huang Xiaolei die on the spot

This night will be the darkest night for these families here.

Perhaps, it is also the darkest night in China's future.

"Father." Chang Hua, the eldest son of the Chang family, opened the door and walked into the reception hall. He whispered to Chang Lao, who was talking to Shen, the master of the Shen family: "Chairman Shi Tianhao just called. Said he had something to discuss with you. "

"Speak up! Now we are all in the same boat. We should be honest about everything! " Chang Lao glared at Chang Hua discontentedly. He didn't care at all. The owners of the major families here pricked their ears, sneered and said, "Shi Tianhao, what good will happen if he calls at this time?"

"It's nothing more than persuasion." The old man of the Shen family snorted.

Although Shen is 75 years old, he is still energetic and has a pair of thick eyebrows on his face, which is a powerful momentum. Among these families, the Shen family holds the three military regions and has the strongest influence. And old man Shen is also a famous old fighting dog.

"He has tried to persuade me to surrender. Does he really think I'm old and confused?" Chang Lao waved his hand and said flatly, "I won't take it!"

"Yes, why not?" Old man Shen glared: "get the phone to the reception hall and tell him that all the families who moved tonight are here. There's no need to break them one by one. What do you want to say? Say it together! If you don't want to say anything, don't make calculations behind you! "

Chang Hua smiled bitterly and turned into his study.

A moment later, the communication screen in the reception room flashed, and everyone looked at each other. Unexpectedly, Shi Tianhao really agreed to answer the phone.

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