The answer is that as the regiment approaches the one kilometer wide blank area between the control line of the double headed eagle force and the industrial zone, it is getting closer and closer!

"Luo He, how's it going?" Ruan xiao'an buried his eyes in Luo He's shoulder and asked in a low voice.

"Dare not look?" Luo He, who looked ordinary and had a pair of front teeth, smiled and made faces with several companions around him.

Ruan Xiaoan, the mother Tyrannosaurus Rex who always catches and beats herself at any time, actually has such a side.

"You ruined my record. I haven't settled accounts with you yet!" Ruan Xiaoan was vicious. She also remembered Rohe's Revenge of turning off the data recorder during the daytime test.

"Hi..." Luo he protested, "you beat me at the nightclub."

"That doesn't count!" Ruan xiao'an is very rude.

"All right, all right." Luo he shrugged his shoulders and said to Ruan xiao'an, "I can't see anything on the monitoring screen."

"Oh." Ruan Xiaoan murmured for a long time and muttered to himself, "what are Huang Xiaolei and her man doing?"

"Worried?" Asked Rohe.

Ruan Xiaoan was silent and finally nodded gently.

Chang'an and Qi Wei suddenly took a look, and their eyes were full of uncontrollable worries, while Shen Daqi still looked cold and frowned with a pair of thick black sword eyebrows. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"From the perspective of the situation, the fierce army still has an advantage. What's to worry about?" Luo he smiled and comforted: "at least we haven't seen a fierce army armor destroyed by the other party until now. On the contrary, the wolf tooth armor regiment and those purple mecha have suffered a lot. "

"But..." the outspoken Ruan xiao'an directly said the hidden worries in everyone's heart: "Huang Xiaolei and his man drive a car! Once the opponent... "

Everyone's heart jumped.

This is the most fatal weakness of the fierce army!

"No." Shen Daqi, who had never spoken, suddenly said, "the opponent can't find them!"

"Why?" Ruan Xiaoan asked, "look at the purple mecha thrown out..." Shen Daqi said coldly: "this is a naked humiliation!"

He turned to look at the communication screen in the middle of the hall.

On the screen, the faces of Mou Qing, Li Cheng, Shangguan Xiaodao and other family members were iron blue.

Shen Taiqi smiled: "if it were you, would you spend all night humiliating your opponent instead of running away when you are in danger?"

The young people looked at each other and their eyes lit up. Suddenly, Zheng Jun pointed to the satellite monitoring screen and shouted, "God, look!"

The battle on the screen has reached the southern edge of the industrial zone. A kilometer away is the majestic and neat team of the double headed eagle Armored Regiment. Further south, everything was hidden in the dark.

It is the fourth base of the army and the site of Changqing manor. No satellite has the authority to spy there.

Any snooping instruction detected by Skynet will be convicted of a crime. The person who sends the order will be arrested and sent to the military court at the first time.

For 30 years, that black area is the forbidden area of Shangjing!

Let alone satellite monitoring, even a fly can't fly over that area without permission.

Any aircraft that exceeds the warning line will be shot down.

In addition, the camouflage arranged by camouflage experts, the electronic camouflage and jamming system composed of three electronic battalions and two electronic bases, hundreds of pedestal generators and anti detection jammers throughout the region.

It's a dream to spy there.

You may be able to break through the defense with aircraft armor and fighters and blow it into a blank flat, but before that, you will never want to see the true face of that area!

At this time, with Zheng Jun's cry, the black line that had been hidden under the roof finally appeared in front of everyone.

There are twenty mecha, not many and not many.

They stood quietly at the last intersection of the industrial zone in neat formation and arms.

In the north of the industrial zone when they came, hundreds of Chinese mecha were still advancing carefully.

From the air, the whole area was in a mess. A large number of factories collapsed, fires were burning in the ruins, and diffuse dust and smoke billowed into the sky.

The surviving houses have long been riddled with holes. There are shocking holes on the walls and roofs. A tower in the center turned into a twisted twist. The top of the tower, like a cross in the fire of hell, extends to the sky in a tragic and futile posture.

Behind the black mecha, several factories on the southern edge of the industrial zone remain intact. Tall and beautiful houses, neat. The contrast between North and south is like heaven and hell.

A Chinese 11th generation long knife machine armour bypassed a ruins more than 30 meters high.

It seems that the driver of the mecha found the enemy at the intersection for the first time. He immediately retreated and hid his body behind the ruins.

The surrounding troops quickly stirred up.

The armored troops advancing along the road and ruins stopped firing blindly at the command of the officer, ran and gathered at the intersection where the fierce military aircraft sergeant was located.

The whole world became very quiet at this moment. In front of the satellite monitoring screen, it seems that you can hear a pin falling.

People held their breath and stared at the screen.

Everyone knows that when the sky in the distance has turned white, this big play that lasted all night will come to an end.

This night is destined to be recorded in the annals of Chinese history.

Fang Chutian, who opened fire with a sniper gun in the central urban area, the 20 fierce army gods of war, Ding Xiaoqiang's wolf tooth armor regiment and 40 mysterious purple machine armor, performed in this one night stand.

Just don't know, among them, who is the protagonist and who is the supporting actor!

From the scene, the fierce army appears more calm.

After killing an unknown number of opponents, their posture at the moment seems to have won. And their opponents did not give up hope. After all, until now, no one has found the car.

How can a car without combat effectiveness survive in that ruins like industrial area?

We also thought about whether Fang Chutian and two women would hide in the rampant cockpit. However, from the moment they crashed into the plant, the team behind them bit them. In the crisscross of shells, they absolutely have no time to abandon the mecha on the car.

Even if they abandon the car, where is it?

It's impossible to disappear out of thin air!

An armored regiment has arrived at the industrial area and is surrounding the industrial area for a carpet search. They turned over every pile of ruins and dug three feet behind Ding Xiaoqiang.

If the car is hidden, it is destined to be found under such a search.

Once found, even if the 20 fierce war gods are strong enough to kill all the mecha here, it will not change the final outcome.

With only two bullets, or just one foot of the mecha, the Huang family will completely lose the war.

The whole night's suffering, to this moment, has been unbearable.

Everyone felt their lips dry and their heart beat faster. The play was too long and tormented people's nerves.

From the devil's paradise nightclub, they followed the camera, witnessed the prologue, the climax, the madness and strength, but the final outcome did not come yet!

This torture is crazy!

After this night, no one will question Huang Shengtian's resourcefulness, the strength of the Huang family, and no longer look at the fierce army with the eyes of the militia, or foolishly believe that Fang Chutian is just a middle-aged man with a sincere smile and harmless anger!

That's a madman, a madman!

Huang Shengtian and he, old and young, showed their fangs as soon as they returned to Beijing. So ferocious!

The seemingly powerful Qin demon group has become an ox leading their nose. They took the initiative all night.

At the moment, the posture of these 20 cars still tells everyone that the initiative is still in their hands when the big play comes to an end.

"Who will win?" Ruan xiao'an asked in a trembling voice.

No one answered her. The whole reception hall was horribly quiet.

Everyone, including old man Shen and old Chang, stood up. Even after going through all kinds of rough waves in their long life, these homeowners present must admit that this is the most critical moment in their life.

The two sides of the struggle are not others, but Huang Shengtian and Qin demon. And the goal is the whole China!

Through the central communication screen, you can see that Lao Mou, Li Cheng, Shangguan Xiaodao and other members of the Qin demon group opposite are also concentrating, holding their breath and looking nervous at the moment.

The two sides will look at each other from time to time with sparks in their eyes.

It's like the gamblers on the card table, each pressing all their wealth, waiting for the moment when the charge official uncovers the dice.

Ding Xiaoqiang, driving a red long knife, walked out of the queue. The fire was burning behind him. Hundreds of long knives and God given mecha poured out from all directions and gathered around him.

Ding Xiaoqiang was silent and did not immediately order an attack.

The young officer knew that when the casualties of the two battalions dispatched by Wolf Ya exceeded 40%, his subordinates still followed him and insisted on fighting just because of orders.

Their pride, indifference and seemingly powerful shell have been stripped off in the battle. In the face of these demonic black mecha almost destructive attacks, they have no resistance at all.

When one vehicle and two vehicles go sideways, they can kill twenty or thirty vehicles and long knives given by God alone and go away. This fact has been proved again and again in the battle all night.

Looking at the dark mecha across the street, Ding Xiaoqiang finally understood the status of the elite troops he had always been proud of on the cruel battlefield.

The wolf tooth hero regiment will never become the army standing on the hillside at the western end of the sunset mountain basin.

Compared with these powerful mecha soldiers, the wolf tooth regiment is only on the ground, and it is absolutely impossible to stand at the height of the Humvee armored forces!

He looked around, his heart sinking.

When the chaotic battle calmed down temporarily at this intersection, he found that the purple mecha had disappeared without a trace at some time. The dust and smoke behind him were rolling, the fire was burning, and the crumbling houses were still collapsing one after another.

However, no purple figure appeared.

From beginning to end, he didn't say a word to the fighter in the purple mecha.

In his feeling, those guys are like a group of silent walking corpses, a group of ghosts who only know how to fight.

Five destroyed mecha are now lying side by side in the north of the industrial zone. The cockpit of each mecha was melted by a high temperature of more than 3000 degrees.

The high temperature comes from the interior of the cockpit of the mecha. In an instant, everything, including the remains of the mecha and the control system, will become gas and liquid.

Than self explosion.

This protective device is not uncommon in mecha.

However, this situation usually occurs after the death of the pilot is detected or under the remote start command of the pilot.

After all, no one wants to be burned alive at a temperature of more than 3000 degrees.

However, the five purple mecha destroyed were different.

None of the pilots got out of the cockpit alive.

Although two of them were only destroyed by the engine or drive system and lost their mobility. However, their cockpit has become a melting pot of a steel plant.

Ding Xiaoqiang shook his head and prohibited himself from thinking again.

He didn't understand what the fierce army mecha team opposite wanted to do, but he knew that at this time, many, many eyes were staring at him.

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