That war left an extremely deep impression on the three people in the reconnaissance ship.

Therefore, they simply don't understand that only a class a fleet and five aircraft carriers have the courage to touch this hard rock!

"I'm afraid we can't catch any war in the central sea this time." The observer Baiyue stretched and looked up at the monitor above, lazily.

"Eh?" The Yellow haired soldier on one side suddenly pointed to the telephoto screen in surprise: "what's that?"

"What?" The observer and the master pilot turned their heads quickly.

On the telephoto screen, a black unidentified artificial flying object, not much bigger than an egg, flashed by.

Then there was another one.

A moment later, thousands of black eggs came from the sky.

The observer looked at the radar, radar and other detection instruments in horror, and there was no response!

"Alert the fleet!" Before the observer spoke, he saw countless eggs suddenly ejected and turned into flying dishes.

At the same time, the lights of the electronic equipment in the cabin flashed disorderly, making bursts of sharp and harsh noise. The indicator light of electronic interference soared all the way, and a moment later, it had reached the peak.

Looking at the red light, the three Chinese soldiers felt that one heart was like sinking to the cold bottom of the water, shocked and helpless.

The telephoto is still working. But the surrounding scouts have become uncommunicable stones after violent vibration.

In the distance, a class a fleet and three aircraft carriers have appeared.

"Is there any news ahead?"

"Where's the Humvee fleet?"

"Why hasn't there been any movement for so long?"

In the Skynet hall, the generals who watched the war whispered and talked one after another. Half an hour has passed. According to the scheduled plan, the two sides should have their first contact at this time.

However, as the main perspective of observation, the Red Army did not find anything.

The scouts, reconnaissance ships and patrol ships arranged at the front of the defense line did not notice any abnormality at all. The Humvee fleet seems to have disappeared from the world. After all, this is only an exercise, not a real battle.

In the acting scheme, the fierce army does not need to break through several lines of defense in front of the manxia Nebula channel, nor does it need to occupy several strategic points of the corridor.

They only need to sail outside the monitoring range of the thirty-two group warships to start action.

But now, it has exceeded the scheduled contact time for ten minutes, and there is still no movement.

Because before the blue army took action, the director department with the main perspective of the Chinese defense side could not switch the perspective. Therefore, no one knows what these Chinese "enemies" are doing at the moment. This silence made the generals feel a heavy pressure.

The fierce army is not American.

However, when they came from the West and were ready to stab their sharp sword in the dark to test the strongest shield in everyone's mind, this tension was still very strong.

Perhaps, Huaxia has been really proud for too long.

The generals sat quietly with their hats on their knees. Just like when they first became a commander decades ago, they sat in a standard posture and looked serious.

When they were defeated by Duan Tiandao and took off their clothes on the plane, they had lost their blind self-confidence. Even if the fierce army has no possibility of victory, they are ready for everything they can't imagine and accept.

In the busy referee area, Skynet computer screens and various instrument indicators are constantly flashing, and the staff members are walking quickly.

Suddenly, the Skynet screen flashed, and the three-dimensional sea area map and the live monitoring of key areas formed several rows of data marked in red and blue.

The power comparison data of both sides of electronic warfare quickly attracted everyone's attention with a blue sign overwhelming red!

"The red army suffered an electronic attack by the blue army, with level 10 information interference in the central theater, level 10 information interference in the left-wing theater and level 10 information interference in the right-wing theater!" A Chinese lieutenant general in the exercise referee area stood up and announced loudly.

There was a commotion in the whole Skynet hall.

The generals looked at each other in amazement. Even if we had been prepared, we didn't expect that the fierce army gave such a big stick to the 32nd group army at the beginning!

Electronic interference is divided into 13 levels according to the level, namely level 1 to 10, level C, level B and level a.

Below level 10, they are still in a state of confrontation. In other words, the suppressed party has a little ability to counterattack or the opponent has suffered the same loss.

Level C or above means that the probability of success of the suppressed Party's counterattack is doubled. To level a, it is completely suppressed by the other party and unable to turn the table.

Modern electronic warfare is usually a continuous battle.

Although at the beginning of the outbreak, the party with strong power or sudden attack will occupy a relatively large advantage, with the counterattack of the other party and the interference of a large number of electronic devices by the other party, the two sides will experience a long period of competition.

The battle may continue until the Skynet system on both sides collapses or the battle ends.

At the beginning, those directly sealed to level 10 interference level by the opponent only appear when the opponent is too strong to resist. It's like a pirate fleet composed of armed merchant ships. When they meet a class a fleet, they have no resistance.

However, now there are six A-class fleets of the 32nd group army, besieging one A-class fleet and five aircraft carriers of the fierce army!

Besides, the electronic combat capability of the aircraft carriers in the six A-class fleets alone is enough to support a large-scale battle involving hundreds of divisions on an immigrant island.

Moreover, in the fleet, even battleships, cruisers and destroyers have certain electronic warfare capabilities, not to mention at least three professional electronic ships in each fleet.

The information, command and coordination system of six A-class fleets was awarded level 10 at the beginning of the battle. It's incredible.

"What about the fortress?" General Pu Qing asked the referee.

"The electronic warfare Department of the fortress did not participate in the exercise, but provided the surveillance right of reconnaissance devices in the theater to the 32nd group army." A referee in his 60s, while looking at his computer screen through his eyes on the bridge of his nose, replied: "however, at present, all reconnaissance devices have lost contact, including the reconnaissance ship sent by the 32nd group army, and there is no news."

"Switch viewing angle!" Lieutenant general Sha Tianya shouted. His words drew a chorus from the audience.

Now the Humvee fleet has launched an attack. After the battle, it has been allowed to change the perspective. Several assistant staff officers turned their eyes to the chief referee.

The referee nodded in agreement after a moment of meditation.

The screen changed, and the lens quickly shifted to the observation instrument and data collection instrument erected on each Hummer warship.

One screen after another, I saw that in the sea, majestic and ferocious fierce warships were sailing silently towards the defense line of the 32nd group army.

They are all dark and look like a group of attacking wolves, stepping on rustling dead leaves in the dark. The rapid footsteps and hissing breathing make people feel cold at the bottom of their heart.

"Blue target, central theater. Troops, a class a fleet, four aircraft carriers! This includes one miracle class and three eschatological classes. " A referee announced.

"Central theater?" The generals whispered: "the reef belt in the central theater is easy to defend and difficult to attack. I'm afraid it's difficult to break through with such a small force?"

"Yes, the only A-class fleet has appeared. Even if there is no big difference in military strength between the two sides, the two A-class fleets deployed in the central theater are waiting for work with ease after all. Once the fierce army crosses the reef belt, it will be devastated. "

"You say, the size of the last world is so big, how to go in the reef belt?"

"A fleet can never provide protection for four aircraft carriers. If it is the second mixed fleet of the 32nd group army under my command, I must bite three doomsday aircraft carriers at once."

"Without the aircraft carrier, the Humvee will lose when the third mixed fleet on the right side comes for reinforcements."

"But where have they gone with two aircraft carriers?"

While the generals were talking, the referee team announced again: "blue army target, right-wing theater, force: two doomsday aircraft carriers."

"Two doomsday ships to the right? They want to lure the tiger away from the mountain! "

"This tactic is too much. Once their main force is defeated by the second and reinforced third mixed fleets, the two motherships can turn the world around?"

The voices of the generals became louder and louder, and in the end, the whole hall was boiling.

"If you want to complete such a plan, there is only one possibility." A admiral pondered and said, "that is, destroy or defeat the second hybrid fleet at the first time!"

The whole auditorium suddenly quieted down because of this sound.

Is that possible?

The generals looked at each other.

"If there are enough fighters." Bu Hanshi gently tapped the handrail with his hand: "when the fierce army breaks through the reef belt, it can avoid serious losses caused by the first wave of attack of the second mixed fleet."

He and Admiral Mada, another famous tactician, looked at each other and said, "however, it requires a large number of fighters to twist into each other's battleship array at the first time and force each other's aircraft carrier to retreat. At the same time, the Humvee needs enough high-speed destroyers and cruisers to follow up and cover the battleships and aircraft carriers in the rear. "

The generals were absorbed in meditation and could not help nodding.

Fighter has always been an extremely important force in human war. Decades ago, seizing air supremacy was tantamount to seizing the initiative in a campaign.

As the ground fortifications become stronger and stronger, there are more and more aircraft armor with strong air defense capability. The relatively expensive fighters exposed to the precise positioning of missiles and Skynet are gradually excluded from the mainstream of the war.

In the confrontation between thousands of warships, the role that one or two aircraft carriers and one or two thousand warplanes can play seems to be just a supplement to combat effectiveness.

In most naval battles, short-range fighters that need constant supply are used for the protection of their positions, and rarely play a decisive role.

However, their role has not been ignored.

As long as the supply and range of fighters can be solved, the overwhelming number, lower cost compared with warships, and fewer casualties when killed are enough for them to dominate the sea.

Although the warship's firepower is powerful, the warship is not a cheap fortification and machine armor on the ground after all. The loss of a warship, in addition to the loss of funds and resources for manufacturing warships, the greater loss lies in the hundreds of crew members.

In a ground battle, perhaps the death toll is only 100000. In a medium-sized naval battle, the death toll may be as high as hundreds of thousands!

However, this tactic has been shelved because aircraft carriers need enough warship escort.

After all, the defense capability of the aircraft carrier itself is too weak. Once destroyed, the fighter will lose its combat capability.

The generals did not ignore the power of a total of six aircraft carriers, including the fierce army and a miracle aircraft carrier.

It seems that the fierce army is preparing to break through the reef zone suitable for combat with fighters carried by four aircraft carriers.

However, what we don't understand is that even if their fighters can break through the reef belt, how can their aircraft carrier escape the other party's fierce attack.

As long as the commander with a little military literacy takes the aircraft carrier as the first attack target after withstanding the first wave of attack before the fighter goes back to replenish.

How can a class a fleet protect four aircraft carriers?

On the screen, the intrepid warships were like black arrows in the sea.

Suddenly, fighter planes were ejected from the aircraft carrier, flying in the air, more and more, and gradually filled the whole screen.

A dark shadow passed in front of the camera, followed by another one.

Fighter formations flew at high speed towards the reef belt. In just a few minutes, they plunged in one after another. 1200 miracles, 3000 in the end

Four aircraft carriers have released more than 100000 fighters!

With a hum, the whole hall was in an uproar.

Before the generals came back from this crazy fighter tactics, they saw miracles and two doomsday ships, which suddenly split one by one. In the dark world, these three aircraft carriers are like sand scattered by the wind.

What is this?

Bu Hanshi, Pu Qing and other generals suddenly stood up.

The screen lens zooms in, a large piece of metal falling off from the mother ship lights up its tail propeller, and gradually reveals the ferocious collision angle of its bow and the muzzle of its main gun!

When countless warships of different sizes lit up their tail thrusters one by one and appeared in front of everyone.

There was only a heartbeat in the whole hall.

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