Since the night of the great reversal of escape and killing, they have been completely tied with Huang Shengtian's family and the fierce army. But the presidential election surprised everyone.

In the case of taking advantage, Huang Shengtian not only didn't kill all, but stopped all aspects of action. There was no propaganda, no speeches, no campaign activities, no rallies, and no negotiation and exchange between various parties and interest groups. Nothing there?

Tomorrow is the voting day of the presidential election, but Lord Junshen didn't say a word or an explanation.

The old man seems to have fallen asleep. He has completely forgotten the election that concerns the whole of China and the future and destiny of everyone here!

"We can't do this. Wait!" The speaker with a rough voice is Peng Jun. He is a bald man with brown skin.

Peng Jun is a famous rich man in China, and his industries cover the whole of China.

Although he looks rough, everyone knows that he is actually a very fine man. In the shopping mall, he is a very difficult person.

Peng Jun was originally in a neutral state. No one offends or flatters. Keep one third of one mu of land and concentrate on doing business.

However, in this presidential war, he can not remain neutral after all. Sometimes, once people reach a certain high position, they will be involuntarily involved in the vortex of disputes, and they must make a choice. The tactics of finding both ways in business can not be used in the life and death struggle in politics.

Perhaps, both sides do not offend, in fact, both sides offend.

For a businessman, this is almost death.

Therefore, when several of Peng Jun's business opponents joined the Qin demon camp, and he obtained the truth of what happened that night on the 11th from secret channels, he flew to Beijing almost overnight and contacted the Zheng family through the relationship with the Minister of Commerce.

Peng Jun has abundant financial resources and has always been the target of political parties and associations. For his active refuge, the Zheng family, who always knows his details and has a cooperative relationship, of course, can't refuse.

What Peng Jun didn't expect was that when he launched his enterprises and provided a lot of funds for the campaign, he was splashed with ice water head-on.

The Huang family suddenly stopped, and all campaign activities were forcibly stopped.

Such changes caught Peng Jun unprepared. He can only foolishly watch the Zheng family members leave, foolishly stay in Beijing, waiting for the turn of things.

At this time, it is impossible for him to quit. As a businessman, his foundation can't be compared with these old families. Therefore, in the past few days when the wind changes, he has become an ant on the hot pot.

Its enterprises have suffered a lot of losses. The long-time enemy in the shopping mall is also sharpening his knife and preparing to cut him hard after the presidential election.

If he can't get an accurate news today, he'll almost be hanged.

He knows more about the enemies of Qin demon group than anyone else. Once the other party is in power, waiting for his fate is not just as simple as destroying his efforts for many years. The most normal result is also the destruction of his family.

Peng Jun's words immediately raised the voice of discussion in the whole conference room.

At this time, no one can calm down.

The meeting was not held by the Shen family, but everyone gathered at the same time. After all, no one knows what Huang Shengtian's plans and arrangements are. In order to bet on this bet, everyone has put their lives on it.

"A few days ago, Jiang Hua's running dog went to our company to search and said that we cooperated with the enemy. Didn't it force people to a dead end?"

"If I don't charge you first, how can I deal with you then?"

"What does your excellency Huang Shengtian think. Is there any backhand? "

"What we can all know, can we call a backhand? On the night of the 11th, people did a good job. Wait, I'll spit and nail here. We'll win! "

"Can you win? Tomorrow is the presidential election. People are already ten percentage points ahead. How do you win? "

"Alas, if Wang Tao is the chairman, even if everyone follows Huang Shengtian's mutiny, they will be charged with rebellion. The name is irregular and the words are not smooth. If the barrel of a gun could talk, why did we take so much time? The people are in the dark. Don't we know who Qin demon and his sister are? "

"Well, it's a blessing to leave a whole body!"

"I heard that some guys have fallen over?"

"That gang of wall grass, see the opportunity is wrong, how can it stand!"

"The question is, what do we do now?"

"Shh, listen to old man Shen."

As the silent old man Shen stood up, the whole conference room was quiet. Everyone stared at the old man with worry and expectation in their eyes.

"Everyone looked at me and expected me to say something." Old man Shen clubbed his walking stick and shook his head slightly: "I can't say comforting words."

"What are your plans, don't say you don't know, I don't know. But which one of you has not experienced great storms and waves, and which one was not killed by thousands of troops? It's estimated that no one has done less business in shopping malls, politics and the military. "

"Lord Junshen has been in charge of China for 30 years. It can be said that China's position was created by him. Today, we are worried about our lives, but he has been worried about this country for 30 years! "

Old Shen's voice echoed in the conference room.

"I'm afraid you've forgotten that general Fang."

Old man Shen raised his eyebrows: "it's not my old man's flattery. As long as we take a serious look at others' achievements, we will know how they became Chinese heroes and how they came out of the armored forces of the whole two battalions on the night of January 11!"

"Nonsense, I won't say more. I've seen people all my life. If they get old and lose the treasure bet on these two people, I deserve it! We'll see where we go. Finally, give it to everyone. "

The old man looked around and sneered.


The situation of war is getting more and more serious day by day. With the expansion of this stage, NATO has occupied most of the key sea areas of the sea channel.

These sea areas, which lie across the main travel routes of human sea areas, bring not only the convenience of logistics transportation and force mobilization, but more importantly, they choke the economic artery of China and obtain the blood originally belonging to China in the expanding territory of aggression.

The cities that immigrated to the islands became their colonies, and the resource waterways were full of their mining ships.

These imperial countries have natural and ready-made high-pressure ruling means and laws to manage the occupied areas, plunder wealth and bully the people.

Whenever an immigrant island is conquered, countless nobles who have established relations go to the territory to take office with the letter of appointment issued by the royal family.

They were followed not only by family guards, military officers in the jurisdiction, but also by a large number of mercenaries, imperial enterprises and chaebol business groups. They are like a swarm of grasshoppers, and there is no grass where they pass.

Under the gun of the noble guard and the Territorial Army, the people of the occupied areas work more than 14 hours a day, but they can only get meager food enough to sustain their lives. The resources and minerals of the resource islands, occupied enterprises, banks and consortia are at their disposal. Thousands of people died under this cruel rule, and countless resisters were suppressed and slaughtered.

When the ragged Chinese people lined up to receive a little distributed food in the cold wind, the occupiers' luxury cars roared past them.

When Chinese people died of hunger and disease in the ruins, well-dressed enemy nobles and officers were talking and laughing in clubs and nightclubs to celebrate one rich harvest after another.

People who have lost national sovereignty have no dignity. In front of those occupiers, their lives are even lower than mole ants.

Although the occupiers will do some superficial work, they will try to maintain stability in order to obtain greater benefits. Even some cities destroyed by war seem to have regained some vitality.

However, all this is just an illusion.

Everyone must live and speak carefully. Be careful in your words and deeds to avoid unexpected disasters. Because no one knows when he will be killed in the street because he accidentally bumped into an aristocrat. What's more, I don't know who I've offended, but I've been framed and my family has been broken.

For the Chinese people who have enjoyed democracy and freedom for a century, this kind of life, which is always in the dark, has no hope and no dignity, is far more terrible spiritual torture than death.

The war is still spreading.

The plundered resources have become cold armor and fighters.

These machine armours formed huge armor clusters, rolled up the dust, drove through the fields, crushed the bodies and bones of the resisters, and rushed into the burning city.

These fighters roared past from the air. The missiles under the wings pulled out a straight tail smoke and rushed to the earth. They exploded between the buildings, raising huge semicircular shock waves and thick smoke.

People in the war zone are struggling on the line of life and death, and people who are about to face the war are scrambling to flee. There are fleeing planes everywhere. People spend all their money just to buy a ticket, embark on a vast journey and look for a paradise.

However, only a few of them were able to reach places where the war had not yet spread. Most of the others fell victim to the war. In the whole war territory, the most tragic is still the birthplace of the war... The southeast sea area.

As the center of gravity of NATO forces tilted toward the southeast sea area, every inch of land in the southeast sea area trembled in the roar of armor clusters, and every space trembled under the cold muzzle of warships.

In the sea area of Fengfeng island in China, the two sides have successively invested hundreds of A-class fleets, and more than 600 armored and infantry divisions are strangling each other in Leifeng island and Northern Fengfeng island.

The war of this density has been extremely tragic. However, compared with China's competition for the sea port in Newton's sea area, it is far inferior.

Although the number of fighting fleets at the sea entrance of Newton sea area was not as many as that of gale Island, it was a frontal collision in a narrow sea area, and the warships destroyed by both sides were almost crowded together in an overlapping way. The whole sea area is full of floating bodies and steel debris. Round after round of fighting, almost never stopped.

The dilapidated Chinese fleet and the military area command fleets such as the patio area command left behind to assist are hard carrying the indiscriminate bombardment of American fleets that are far more advanced than their own at the mouth of the sea.

All this is transmitted to the human world through TV news every day.

The back of the successive soldiers, the scars still moving in the sea, the warships firing in the enemy fleet, the children who lost their parents, the roadside burning mecha, the battlefield hospital full of wounded soldiers

This difficult day has reached the bottom line that can no longer be heavy, but there is an army ready to enter the southeast sea area and pour a ladle of oil on the flames of war!

Duan Tiandao and aphrola stood in front of Li Xinghai's ward window and stared at the general who had passed the dangerous period on the hospital bed, but still was charred.

"General Fang, you can go in. Please follow me. " A fair skinned middle-aged female doctor came to Duan Tiandao and said to him.

Duan Tiandao followed the doctor into the disinfection area. After receiving light disinfection and wearing dust-proof clothes, he pushed open the door of the ward.

In the ward, it was quiet.

The white electronic lamp glowed silently. The surrounding walls are snow-white, emitting the luster of synthetic high-strength plastic. Outside the windowsill, several small pots of green plants are bathed in the sun, and the medical and monitoring instruments in the room are running quietly. Seeing Duan Tiandao coming in, Li Xinghai's eyes showed a smile.

Although his body still can't move or speak, his eyes make people feel a strong vitality, a pleasant vitality. Because this pair of bright eyes, as if the whole ward, became double bright and warm.

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