Under the frightened gaze of the white Susi people on Midway Island and the Susi people on rhodebia Island, majestic and more beautiful and advanced Chinese warships have appeared one after another.

These steel giants in the sea, like fully armed knights, come from nothingness. With flying flames and thick fog, riding a war horse with eyes and four hoofs, wearing cold black armor, quietly watching the messy airport under the destruction of the Hummer fleet.

The Humvee warships completed their turn team by team. These warships with ferocious collision angles and strange shapes calmly drove past the Huaxia fleet. After wantonly handing over to the Huaxia fleet with light signals, they slowly formed a line and sailed to the channel leading to the longbow sea area.

Behind the fierce army fleet, there are fighter planes, just like birds in the forest. Until they calmly launched the last two missiles under the wing and meticulously completed the attack, they rolled, turned lightly, rowed across the sea and continued to throw into the arms of the mother ship.

This scene is so spectacular and arrogant!

Flagship command room of the 12th fleet of Huaxia group.

General Zhang Pengcheng stood in front of the huge landing porthole on the bridge of the "vertical and horizontal" aircraft carrier Haomiao, looked at a fierce army fighter passing through the vast sea under his feet, and looked at the watch on his wrist.

"Six hours." He said to lieutenant general Jingli, the newly promoted commander of the 13th fleet beside him: "these bandits beat up the left behind fleet of bethus and the first expeditionary warship of SUS in only six hours!"

Jing Lijun's eyes followed the fighter outside the window until it flew into the fighter recovery channel of a miracle aircraft carrier of the fierce army fleet. Then he turned his head and sighed.

"It's really hard to believe that this is the broken fleet on the southeast main channel." He shook his head: "I must admit that lieutenant general Fang Chutian is the strongest soldier I have ever seen in my life and the most crazy paranoid. If I were in his position, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to support it. "

"And he came back!" Zhang Pengcheng stared at the riddled airport and the scarred pessus warship and said with a smile: "no matter how the final outcome of the war is, this guy has created a miracle!"

"Sometimes I really want to open his brain and see what's in it." Jing Lijun's mouth sparked a smile.

"What I want to see more is the expression of the fleet commander when the farkland Fifth Fleet came." Zhang Pengcheng did not return: "Lieutenant General Fang's grasp of people's hearts has really reached the point of perfection. Commander farklein must have a wonderful expression when he found himself falling into a trap because of greed. "

"I'll help you find the black box of the farkland warship." Lieutenant general Jing Lijun smiled and said to Zhang Pengcheng.

"Then, our task now is only to beat the water dog!" Zhang Pengcheng turned around.

They looked at each other and laughed.

The distant airport is still burning. The broken baisus fleet is concentrated in and around the airport, just like a group of sheep surrounded by hungry wolves!

The impatient Zeng Xin fleet has rushed up.

"Fang Chutian, are you sure the main force of fakelan fleet will take this road?" Lieutenant general Mitch asked strangely as he watched one Hummer warship after another enter the ambush position and start the stealth device.

It is obviously not just lieutenant general Mitch who has such doubts.

The staff officers nearby also talked about it one after another.

We don't understand why Fang Chutian chose the first leg of the fairway from the central sea area to the longbow sea area instead of ambushing the fleet on the channel leading to Midway Island or rhodebia island.

Will the Falklands really, as Fang Chutian said, send only a small number of fleets to symbolically reinforce the two immigrant islands, and send the main force to the sea entrance of the longbow sea area to encircle the back road of the fierce army?

What if the Falkland fleet doesn't take this road, or if they don't leave the central sea port of China at all and stick behind the Shelton fleet?

"If I were commander farklein, I would never adopt the plan of closing the door and beating the dog."

Mickey stared out of the window and frowned: "such a plan is too risky. We not only need to release the rear wing of Shelton fleet, but also risk the total annihilation of bethus and Sus fleet. If Sheldon's fleet can't get back to Bermuda in time, with the strength of the six A-class fleets of farkland and the terrain advantage of the sea entrance, it can hold the Hummer fleet for up to 24 hours! "

"They will come." Duan Tiandao widened his eyes and quickly controlled and commanded to assign a fierce army warship to a suitable position.

Looking at Lu Ze's growth array on the computer, Mickey shook his head and was really speechless. It seems that this section of heaven never knows enough. On the contrary, it has some experience in the black spirit of killing all the sheep, falling into the well and cutting down the roots.

Look at the way he looks, you know how much pleasure he has at this time.

The Humvee entered Bermuda with a total of 25 fleets. There are also ten terminal class aircraft carriers with combat effectiveness no less than one fleet.

It is reasonable to say that if such forces directly reinforce Newton's sea port, I am afraid that even if susbethus and the Fifth Fleet of fakelan are added together, they can't be stopped. We can break through the blockade by force and return directly to Newton's sea area.

The plan formulated by the staff before was also designed around this line.

According to the plan of the staff, after breaking through the waters of Bermuda, the 12th and 13th group fleets of Huaxia will drag behind to stop the baisus and susus fleets on Midway and rhodebia.

The main force of the fierce army forcibly broke through the sea entrance of the central sea area, defeated the Falkland Fifth Fleet, and reinforced the Newton sea area.

The plan is expected to take a total of 36 hours.

If you choose to detour from the central sea area to the public sea area, and then detour through the hidden Galileo sea port, it will take more than 72 hours.

The staff's plan is in order. The only drawback is that once the Humvee encounters the full interception and entanglement of the Shelton fleet, it will fall into a hard battle under the siege and pursuit of the white SUS, Sus and fakland fleets.

However, with the combat effectiveness of the Humvee fleet and the command skills of Tianji old man, if the enemy does not predict the trend of the Humvee fleet in advance, this possibility hardly exists.

Even if the NATO people cooperate tacitly and move quickly, the fierce army can leave the channel and fight the enemy in the vast sea.

This plan, almost taking the most straight path, seems to save the most time. But Fang Chutian made a more vicious plan to reach Newton's sea area at the same time!

This guy doesn't seem to see any enemies on the road ahead. When he saw one, he wanted to kill one. He was itchy and uncomfortable all over the remaining one, so he made this plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain and gather around for help.

The plan focuses on three aspects.

First of all, the fierce army will raid Midway Island and rodebia island with lightning speed. Divide and annihilate the fleet of SUS and baisus in one fell swoop; Secondly, the army armored forces were dropped by air, making the situation that the fierce army surrounded Wei and saved Zhao, occupied the waters of Bermuda and closed the central channel; In the end, it is to help.

It's the Falkland Fifth Fleet!

This plan, although seemingly focused on Bermuda, is a waste of time. But in fact, Fang Chutian stole the time when he would forcibly break through the sea entrance of the central sea area and defeat fakelan's Fifth Fleet.

When Zhang Pengcheng, Zeng Xin, Fei Wen and other generals came to this plan, they all felt a little incredible. Only after thinking over and over again, old man Tianji agreed to the plan.

In fact, the war situation is indeed as smooth as Duan Tiandao's plan.

The surprise attack on Midway and Rhodesia is simply a textbook classic war example. From the sudden attack on Bermuda's sea port with fighter clusters to the lightning attack on Midway Island and rhodebia island by the Humvee fleet, which suppressed the SUS and white sus fleets in the airport, the combat effectiveness of the Humvee fleet is amazing.

This army seems to be born to sneak attack. Secret, swift, accurate and vicious sneak attack tactics are incisively and vividly interpreted by them.

According to the plan, after the fierce Army gives the other party the illusion of pouring out in an attempt to occupy Bermuda, the battle between the two immigrant islands will be taken over by the Chinese fleet.

The fierce troops who withdrew from the battle moved to the predetermined ambush point to ambush the Falkland fleet.

Watching Duan Tiandao happily deploy Lu Ze's growth array on the command computer, Mickey couldn't help feeling that his vest was a little cold.

If fakelan's fifth group fleet directly reinforcements the SUS and white sus fleets, if they really move from this channel to the longbow sea area as Fang Chutian expected, they are waiting for them

Mickey can't imagine it.

I'm afraid that after this war, the major NATO fleets will send countless reconnaissance ships to carefully search every inch of space around them before entering various channels.

When the Humvee staff planned to defeat the Falkland fleet in more than 12 hours, the crazy guy left only 40 minutes for the Falkland Fifth Fleet.

"Close the porthole!"

With an order, the ship window of Shengtian closed slowly.

"Will you really come?" Mickey raised his head, looked at the monitoring picture of the telephoto on the Skynet screen, and waited quietly.

Suddenly, a white light lit up from the mouth of the sea.

Mickey suddenly turned his head. Beside him, Fang Chutian, who looked obscene, was rubbing his hands hard, and his eyes were full of green light!

A fakran demon reconnaissance ship appeared at the sea.

This is a small ship that looks like a metal snail and is equipped with two 600 mm shells on both sides of the tower shaped body. Except for sea reconnaissance, it has little defense capability and combat effectiveness.

The demon drifted alone in the lonely sea and seemed to be observing the surroundings carefully. A moment later, two other demon class investigation ships also appeared next to the first demon.

After the three reconnaissance ships arrived, they started their thrusters one after another and sailed separately.

One ship sailed straight to the starting point of the next leg of the channel, and the other two sailed to a brown island on the left side of the end channel and a reef on the right side.

On the Humvee warship, everyone was concentrating and holding their breath.

As we all know, this is the routine anti ambush exploration of the fleet entering the sea. The three reconnaissance ships are only the first batch. After they leave, there are the second and third batch of reconnaissance ships for repeated inspection.

If you meet a cautious fleet commander, this exploration will last five to six batches.

Until the main force of the fleet enters the channel and starts the engine, the last batch of reconnaissance ships will leave the exploration sea area and go to the next leg.

Sure enough, after walking around a large circle and exploring the key areas where there may be ambushes around, three reconnaissance planes that found nothing slowly drove into the starting channel of the second leg and began to investigate the next channel.

A few minutes later, the second batch of five Falkland reconnaissance ships appeared in the same position as the first batch of reconnaissance ships, and began the second round of repeated and careful exploration.

First, second, third

A whole group of ten reconnaissance ships carefully searched almost all parts of the first leg area, and even several reconnaissance ships circled the back of the small island on the left, and conducted a dragnet investigation of the reef belt on the right.

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