Five nautical miles apart and at the same time at the sea, they did not turn on the battle mode.

Is there a better chance for the Humvee fleet with strong structure, collision angle and a complete set of collision tactics?

"Launch an electronic attack!"

"Launch the missile!"

"Release the fighter!"

"Kill him!"

In the wild cry of Duan Tiandao, the master pilot suddenly pushed down the control lever. The assistant on one side turned on all the acceleration switches on the console with both hands! One by one, the fierce warships leaped out of the sea and slightly adjusted their bow in the sea.

A moment later, the tail thrusters of these black steel giants suddenly lit up, like a group of crazy swordfish, and rushed straight to the American fleet.

"Woo!" The shrill battle alarm sounded in the American fleet. Countless American officers and soldiers rushed out of the cabin at the fastest speed and rushed to their combat posts.

Several huge main engines started at the same time, making the warships in violent vibration. Coupled with the messy footsteps and roars, every warship is a scene of confusion.

Encounter the Humen fleet!

The news made all the American officers and soldiers confused.

No one could understand how they could meet the militia head-on under such circumstances. The distance between the two sides is only five nautical miles!

American warships, while starting the main engine, used steering thrusters to adjust the position of the ships and gathered around the command cluster. Seen from the sea, countless American warships are like countless frightened fish.

"Get ready to fight!" Wolfley, who regained his mind, quickly gave an order, stared closely at the telephoto screen and flashed a light: "I didn't expect that we would meet the fierce army fleet here..."

"Obviously, they are going to reinforce Newton's sea area, and our faklan allies are either transferred by them, or they are already in danger!" Hooger frowned.

"Now that they are here, who are the troops attacking midway and Rhodesia?" Wolfley looked back at Hooger, his eyes narrowed slightly: "was it really guessed by our Mr. Sheldon!"

"But." Huger snorted coldly: "look at the appearance of the fierce army fleet, I'm afraid I didn't expect to meet us here?"

The resourceful chief of staff glanced at the exact data on the console and looked at wolfley faintly: "they are in a hurry. We are very leisurely!"

Wolfley nodded and sneered: "speaking of my heart!"

He took a deep breath, turned around and ordered: "start the electronic attack, the carrier releases the fighters, and the missiles are ready. Each ship follows the command group and is ready to seize the attack position! "

The staff officers in the command room were already too busy to touch the ground and their hands were flying.

Warships assembled next to the command cluster. On the huge Skynet screen, the indicator light of combat preparation program is slowly climbing. In one minute, nearly a quarter has been completed.

This speed can be described as amazing.

Wolfley and huger smiled at each other.

This speed is the basis for the United States to run the world. It is the result of countless hard training and countless life and death battles!

When they meet the fierce army fleet, they are not flustered, and their confidence comes from this!

War, no luck.

When the level of science and technology and the performance and quantity of ships are roughly the same, the training level, quality and cooperation of combatants are related to the speed of engine startup and main gun charging. These combat preparations are directly related to whether the fleet can gain the upper hand in this encounter!

In a naval battle, three seconds faster than the enemy means that one's own fleet can launch a salvo with all its firepower, while the salvo firepower of the other fleet will be weakened by the loss of warships.

If it takes ten seconds, the fleet can have a hiding space after the salvo, greatly reducing the loss of warships.

If the first half of a minute is fast, the fleet can swim at high speed, constantly force the other party to repeatedly find the attack angle, and may even delay the other party's first round of Volley until its second round of volley is ready!

If it takes two minutes, the other party is basically pressed in place until he dies.

This theory is the "balance" theory that every commander must learn, abide by and try his best to apply to the extreme in sea war.

In the battle between the fleets of both sides, every small factor may lead to the swing of the balance of combat effectiveness.

How to launch an attack at the fastest speed, what route should be used to seize which attack sea area, how to get rid of the enemy's naval gun lock after salvo, when to put in fighters and destroyers and cruisers to attack each other's own array.

These are the weights on the balance.

Put it down one by one and accumulate to the critical point, which is an unstoppable victory!

Once there is a mistake, let the weight run to the enemy's side, not only the fleet will suffer huge losses, but also the subsequent battle will be led by the enemy's nose for a long time!

Normally, it takes three minutes to start the main engine and three minutes to recharge the main gun. These six minutes are called the time of death.

The American fleet has shortened this time to less than five minutes!

The indicator light of combat preparation procedure is climbing slowly and firmly. At the ejection port of the aircraft carrier, one fighter plane has begun to eject out of the sea.

Hundreds of American warships, relying on steering thrusters, gathered together. Destroyers and cruisers moved to the two wings of the formation, while the battleships in the center gathered into a huge horn formation.

The bell mouth pointed by the bow main gun is facing the fierce army fleet in the distance!

When all the people were waiting for the fierce army to attack head-on after just a few minutes, huger, who had been staring at the telephoto screen, suddenly shouted!

"God, what do they want?" Wolfley looked up at the sound and saw hundreds of fierce warships zooming in on the telephoto screen!

First came ten huge black aircraft carriers! As they advanced at high speed, they sprayed fighters outward like machine guns.

Behind them, a Humvee warship formed a huge spindle array. With the rapid closing of the distance, the ferocious collision angle of the bow has been clearly visible!

Wolfley stared in horror at the distance display data in the upper left corner of the screen. Looking at the rapidly decreasing data, his eyes grew bigger and bigger.

The Humvee fleet, they actually used the driving force of being rushed out of the channel and rushed straight over!

Five nautical miles, for a warship starting at full speed, it only takes two or three minutes!

In the blink of an eye, these black steel giants have shortened the distance to less than one nautical mile!

What do they want?

"Alarm, 35 seconds later, hit. Please implement emergency avoidance immediately! "

"Alarm, 30 seconds later, hit. Please... "

The warning of Skynet console is screaming desperately, and the electronic sound strikes the countdown time again and again.

The path of the fierce fleet on the screen is flashing red.

This voice, this route, let an idea cut through wolfley's mind like lightning.

He knows what the other party wants! His face became very pale because of the collision of the other warships.

"Emergency avoidance!" He suddenly pressed the alarm button on the command console. In the sudden scream of the alarm, he shouted wildly: "launch the missile! The fighters are out, stop them, stop them! "

More than 200 fighter planes released first did not block the impact of the fierce army fleet.

As soon as these fighters accelerated out of the US fleet, they were released faster and more powerful fighters, which were submerged head-on.

Although American pilots tried to fight each other, they fired desperately.

However, everything is in vain.

When a Humvee fighter passed them like lightning, countless missiles and shells had torn countless wounds on their bodies.

In an instant, more than 200 American warplanes turned into one explosion flash after another in the sea and disappeared without a trace!

Similarly, the released missiles did not block the impact of the Humvee fleet.

As soon as these missiles left the launchers or missile wells of warships, they were shrouded in the interference cloud caused by the explosion of electronic jamming bombs released by countless warplanes that had been involved in the main positions of the US fleet.

They either explode in the air and jump out of a flying chain of fire, or run around like headless flies, and even hit their own warships.

The American fleet is trying hard to dodge. However, the weak kinetic energy of the steering propeller can not bring the warship instant high speed.

The moment before the collision, the main array of the American fleet was completely scattered. The flying fighters and one after another explosive light groups are like a string of lit electro-optic guns wrapped around the fleet.

Then the Humvee fleet hit straight up.

Ten huge black motherships, like ten rhinoceros that have improved their speed to the extreme, first plunged into the central cluster of the American fleet.

These huge monsters just stick to the collision angle, which is about the size of a cruiser. Under their high-speed impact, the battleships in the central cluster twisted, deformed and exploded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The thick and solid shell looks like an egg shell hit a stone.

The trumpet shaped main array of the American fleet met the impact of the fierce warships again and again in the sea.

The fierce warships that burst forward like lightning are like high-speed trains without brakes, or meteors from the sky, hitting the ground one after another.

First wave, second wave, third wave, fourth wave, fifth wave, Sixth Wave

Under this seemingly endless terrorist impact, the main array of the American fleet trembled, twisted and fragmented. After a five minute series of impacts that lasted 12 waves, the main array of the fleet, including the flagship and aircraft carrier, could not find several complete wrecks.

"Don't hit..."

When the fleet circled an arc and turned around again to aim the bow at the few American warships, it tied itself to the chair with a special binding technique. The concave convex duantiandao was painful: "it hurts to strangle the chest."

"It's time for us to leave." The office consultant walked through the open port berth to Cao Dezheng, the commander-in-chief, and whispered.

Cao Dezheng waved his hand.

The consultant opened his mouth and finally stopped persuading. He just sighed and walked to the waiting crowd.

Starlight, like frost, sprinkled on the silent airport, a vast expanse of white.

Apart from the small group of people on the wharf and Cao Dezheng standing quietly beside the berth, the huge airport is empty.

The prosperity of the past has disappeared without a trace.

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