"Here I am." Fang Chutian was like the little son who opened his parents' house during the new year. "We're coming!"

Although his smile is more ugly than crying.

But a great happiness hit everyone at this moment.

Xiong Hui, Han Li, Fei Wen, Mickey

Familiar faces appear in the camera. Every high-ranking general is smiling awkwardly and hard.

"One is more ugly than the other!" The woman burst into laughter, but tears burst out of her eyes. As soon as she covered her mouth with her hand, the people around her who could not help shouting all jumped up. The whole ship thundered with joy.

No one thought that Fang Chutian and his fierce army came at the last moment when Newton was about to be broken at the sea and when countless Chinese people were desperate to evacuate!

He came here with a huge fleet and fought with general Xue Chenggui's fleet!

The earth shaking cheers, like the sea tide, sounded from the decks and swept over: "general Fang is coming!"

"It's our fleet, it's our fleet!"

The men were so excited that their blood was boiling. They either waved their fists and cheered, or held their wives tightly with open arms.

The women were overjoyed, and Wang broke his tears into laughter. They either hugged their husbands or kissed their sleeping children one mouthful after another, making the children's confused faces full of tears.

The silent world suddenly boils at this moment! Similarly, there are every immigrant island in China!

Viewed from the air, every city became an ocean of joy in an instant.

Ecstatic people rushed out of their homes and joined the already crazy crowd. They shouted long live China in the square and waved the Chinese national flag in the streets. Like madmen, they squeezed all the air in their chest and exhausted every minute of their strength, shouting long live China to the bright sea.

They can't believe that one minute ago, they were praying for the Chinese Fleet led by general Xue Chenggui. One minute later, a miracle came to this country with the emergence of their favorite Fang Chutian!

But the truth is right in front of us.

Fang Chutian's face is so kind and lovely. In the small screen beside him, the Humvee fleet has been killed into the cluster of the American fleet. They protected the old Chinese warships of Xue Chenggui's fleet like their brothers. They rushed through the enemy's ships like a herd of bulls!

The most exciting thing is the huge number of fierce army fighter clusters.

No one knows how the fierce army has so many fighters. We only know that this time, the Chinese fleet, which has been bullied because there is no aircraft carrier, is fighting under the pressure of each other's fighters!

The Chinese "lightning is low" like a silver swallow, dancing lightly in the sea. It is often five or six fierce fighter planes that bite an American "vampire" to death, spit out crisscross shells and light chains, and launch lightning like missiles that cut through the sea, turning the enemy planes that roll and swing desperately and flee desperately into a fireball flying forward!

The absolute advantage of quantity gives the Hummer fighter cluster the upper hand. This kind of near destructive killing is so happy that people can't wait to roll on the ground!

The Chinese people stared brightly at the TV screen, applauded a fierce army fighter that shot down the enemy, cheered every fire of the fierce army fleet, and even slapped red.

"Long live China!" Cheers rolled over the city.

In the endless trenches crisscrossed on the outskirts of the city, thousands of soldiers threw their military hats and helmets into the sky. Some guys climbed up the trench, blew the charge horn and ran up and down with flags.

In remote mountainous areas, all the escape vehicles on the road stopped. People jumped out of the car and walked through the traffic, hugging everyone they knew and didn't know. The sound of car flute and cheers filled the sky.

Cao Dezheng, who was rushing back to his office, sat in the car.

The consultant and confidential secretary on one side stared at the Chinese veteran who had just cried in a mess, shouting at the red light of the car TV: "fight, Fang Chutian, fight hard for me!"

The battle in the picture continues. The central cluster of Hummer warships has cut into the center of the American fleet. But the main picture's lens has been following Duan Tiandao, watching him enter the mecha cabin and climb up the mecha.

The devil's mecha, which are equally magnificent and powerful, have gathered and formed a huge triangle with great momentum. Duan Tiandao's mecha is at the front of the triangle.

"What does Fang Chutian want?" People stared at Duan Tiandao and talked about it one after another. Duan Tiandao intercepts the tactical helmet and starts the mecha.

Before closing the canopy, he said to the camera, "aren't they bullying us?"

Duan Tiandao on the screen bared his teeth and smiled grimly: "wait, I'll beat the bastard Sheldon!"

There are countless militarists in future generations. When historians evaluate the heroic and rogue army, they will quote a famous scholar who worships the fierce army.

"That's an army that's particularly interested in other people's backs or hips!"

Every time we see this sentence in various military and historical works, people will think back to that year and can't help laughing.

In Newton's battle to the sea, which has been recorded in history, Shelton, who has made a preliminary judgment, did not choose to retreat, but hurriedly ordered the whole army to press on, leaving only an eagle fleet behind for defense, which is his biggest mistake.

But we also admit that at that time, I'm afraid it would be difficult for any famous player to have another result.

There are three main reasons.

First, the fierce army came too soon.

Not to mention Sheldon's estimation, even the military and government that had learned of the arrival of the Humvee at that time did not expect that the Humvee arrived after attacking Midway Island and rhodebia island one after another and annihilating the farkland fifth group fleet and the two elephant fleets of blizzard in just over 20 hours!

This record was not known until the end of Newton's sea area.

Whether it was the Chinese military who knew about it for the first time after the battle or NATO who received the news of great changes two days later, none of them was stunned!

Secondly, the unique structure and collision angle of the Hummer warship. And impact tactics can make the enemy's tail array chaotic at the first time. This makes Shelton's eagle Defense Fleet, which is arranged behind him and in a warning formation facing the sea, play no role at all.

Third, it is because in this battle, the fierce army fleet led by Fang Chutian had an apocalyptic aircraft carrier that changed the whole naval battle mode. The emergence of this carrier completely eliminated the defense defects of the traditional aircraft carrier and truly moved the fighter led tactics advocated by many militarists onto the war stage.

The role of any kind of tactics and weapons in war is not comparable to that of man. However, in many cases of equal strength, in some key periods, more advanced weapons and tactics can often change the process of war.

For example, during World War II, the German generals took the lead in the armor cluster lightning raid tactics, which showed an overwhelming advantage against countries such as Britain and France that also fixed their tactical thinking in World War I.

For example, in the Gulf War in the following decades, the Iraqi army collapsed almost without fighting back under the technical advantage that the U.S. military only beat you and did not let you beat me.

Therefore, scholars can easily see from the fact that after the war, the military of all countries unanimously developed their own navy along the naval battle mode of fighter as king, from the moment when the Humvee fleet rushed into Bermuda. They actually stood at the peak of the navy of that era.

Under the attack of more than 45000 fighters, equivalent to 45 A-class fleets, any fleet dominated by traditional cluster shelling will be crushed.

In addition to the above three key factors, scholars also summed up the spirit of unity of the Chinese people. Under the coordination of artificial intelligence Skynet, the fierce army cooperates with many factors, such as precision, accurate positioning, fast response speed, strong electronic interference and so on, to prove that the fierce army is inevitable and irreversible to win the final victory.

But everyone finally agreed that the final reason for the collapse of Shelton fleet was actually the last reason.

That is the emergence of Chinese lieutenant general Fang Chutian and 500.

It was that almost crazy and irrational raid that made the Shelton fleet, which was still fighting hard, finally lose the courage to continue fighting.

However, at that time, Shelton could not know his fate.

The war situation in Newton's sea area began to change.

With the orders of the flagship "Sidon light" being issued to the command rooms of each ship at a speed of more than 30 per minute, the American fleet gradually recovered from the chaos.

Some American warships began to move laterally to intercept the Hummer warships. Some warships quickly pulled away from the battle under the cover of friendly ships and turned along the peripheral turning line. Quickly occupy the attack position.

The warships in the center began to retreat orderly, and the warships in front were grouped into class C fleet.

At the same time, the American drive patrol cluster with two wings forward also turned around and reinforced the central government at a faster speed.

This series of responses from the enemy amazed fleet officers such as the patio area.

Under the situation that the Sheldon fleet suffered heavy losses and even the fighter cluster was almost wiped out because of the lightning attack launched by the fierce fighter from the back, they can still stabilize their position in just 15 minutes. They can't do it without daily hard training and certain military literacy.

The flagship 'Sidon light' slowly retreated with the main array.

Around the huge ship, more than 300 surviving American "vampire" fighters are circling around, waiting to land.

Looking at the scarred fighters outside the porthole, Shelton's face was already black.

Although he had a bad feeling and made the worst plan after losing the contact between wolfley fleet and faklan's Fifth Fleet, he even left an eagle fleet for defense with caution to almost timidity.

However, he did not expect that the fierce army would come so soon.

Sheldon admitted that in the previous moment, he was a little confused. However, years of war career and the instinct of a commander made him wake up quickly.

He still has twelve A-class fleets in his hands. At present, the strength of the American fleet is not something that the fierce army can eat in one bite.

The final outcome of the battle was just his withdrawal to the central sea.

Shelton withdrew his eyes from a fighter outside the window. The battle of Newton's sea area, which had been fought for two or three months and paid a heavy price, ended in failure, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Shelton stared at the tactical computer. The computer screen was spinning in front of his eyes, copying the whole Newton's sea entrance exactly.

The distance, position, firepower intensity of the two fleets, the travel route of each warship, and various icons, data and lines swim in the virtual space like green light fish.

From the screen, the fierce fleet attacked fiercely. With 21 huge aircraft carriers as the vanguard, they crashed into the main position of the American fleet, almost biting the American fleet.

Shelton gently held his chin in his hand and his eyes swam with the 21 aircraft carriers of the fierce army.

It seems that they don't want to give up the opportunity to pursue the victory. The Hummer aircraft carrier presses hard upward. Relying on the powerful attack power of the fighter cluster, they kept wringing in the center of the American fleet and biting the American fleet.

This is a very clever play.

Shelton frowned tightly. This attack mode of the fierce army can give full play to the advantages of their fighters and make the most of the chaos of the American fleet. It can be seen from Skynet that warships close to those motherships have little power to fight back under the attack of fighters.

However, the other party seems too greedy.

As the American position retreated, their aircraft carrier had some drag joints with the rear fleet's drive and patrol group, which was farther away from their battleship array.

The two wing patrol fleet of its own fleet is coming at high speed.

If the other party still bites like this, maybe

have a chance to?

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