"What's that?"

On the Sidon light, a combat staff officer walks into the automatic door. As he hurried through the window of the command room, he suddenly stopped and stared out of the side window.

In front of him, dozens of staff stood like lifeless sculptures.

The whole command hall was silent.

In front of Skynet console and on the command platform, everyone seemed to have been enchanted. Some people looked up at Skynet screen, some looked out of the window, and some opened their mouths.

The blood color on everyone's face was fading like the tide with the joy and excitement in the hall just now.

At this moment, the second salvo of the battleship cluster has just been completed, and the main array is still approaching the aircraft carrier cluster of the fierce army. The Skynet screen in the center of the command hall can only see the colorful lights in the distance.

The wreckage of the Humvee carrier rolled in this light. Black debris, like sunspots in the sun, loomed in the dazzling red light.

I don't know when thousands of fighters have risen from the fiery red clouds and are flying towards the position of the main array. Behind these swarms like locusts, countless blue lights shine from the wreckage.

First, little by little, it was immediately dense.

"Boom!" There was a violent earthquake in the loud sound of Sidon light, the lights were flashing sharply, the damage management system of Skynet console sent out a bleak alarm, and an area in the front of the port side of the warship structure plan was hit by the enemy's fighter missiles, constantly flashing a light red light.

Before everyone could stand firm from staggering East by west, dozens of fierce fighters had passed through the fire network intertwined with the rotating turret of the battleship in front and rushed towards the front porthole of the bridge of Sidon light.

The mother ship's rotating turret roared, pulled out shells and light chains, and met the Humvee fighters, and those Humvee fighters suddenly scattered, or rolled, or soared upward, or dived, or sideways, dodging in the intertwined shell light and firing fiercely at the light of Sidon.

When the light of Sidon swayed under the attack of the Humvee fighters, the vampire of the frigate carrier rushed up behind and twisted into the attack aircraft group of the Humvee.

The fighters of both sides are like seagulls on the island. After the sound, they soar up to block out the sky and the sun. Every fighter is as fast as lightning.

They pass by the porthole and can fly from the bow to the stern immediately. They chase each other and fire at each other. As long as you bite your opponent, you don't want to let go.

The light from their thrusters flickered in the sea, pulling out winding flight tracks. The bursts of artillery shells and missiles fired everywhere danced with their batons and rolled into a mess in the air.

Oh, my God!

A document in the hands of the combat staff fell to the ground.

He watched the two fighters chase, passing by the landing porthole and disappearing behind the protruding auxiliary gun short wing of the Sidon light, then suddenly turned back and looked at the command console.

On the podium, Shelton stood quietly with a bloodless face.

The figure, which has always been tall and straight, is slightly bent at the moment. The fierce battle around the aircraft carrier Sidon light did not make him look up. He just stared at the tactical computer in front of him. I can't believe my eyes.

In the distance, the black spots wrapped in blue light in the red clouds are approaching here quickly.

It's not a wreck, it's a warship the size of a cruiser or destroyer!

Yes, it's a warship!

Their tail has thrusters, armor, flying short wings, main guns and steering thrusters. All the features are displayed. These wrecks are warships!

In addition to the three aircraft carriers still maintaining their original form and dragging behind to calmly recover and release fighters, the remaining 18 fierce army aircraft carriers have been split into hundreds of such warships, forming a complete drive and patrol cluster on a group scale!

This is a trap, a perfect trap.

Shelton sat down slowly in the chair in the command seat. His two long legs can no longer support his body.

He knew he had been fooled by the enemy commander!

When he thought that the aircraft carrier of the fierce army had sent fighters to other combat groups around him, and there were only a small number of fighters around him, the other party had been using more recovery and less release to hide the fighters in the pursuit process.

When I thought that the other side's aircraft carriers were just targets that could be attacked at will without the protection of other warships, I didn't think that those aircraft carriers could be divided into warships!

Shelton laughed silently.

Of course, he knows how many naval battles in history were won because the patrol group finally entered the enemy's own array.

That's more than the stars in the sky.

Whether it is circuitous or two wings forward, whether it is progressive layer by layer or sneak attack by using short-range transition. As long as the enemy's drive and patrol group is killed into the array, the powerful but clumsy battleship is a buffalo surrounded by jackals!

Looking at the debris that broke in very fast and was close in the blink of an eye, Shelton felt like a chess player who tried his best to play a game of chess.

When I seriously step out of good chess and kill the other party at the last minute, I found that the other party could turn the king into a queen, fill the chessboard with his sons without limit, grasp 52 kings in his hand, and duel with himself holding a fruit knife with a submachine gun!

This feeling of suffocation is like a stone blocking his throat and making him out of breath!

His eyes slowly swept around.

The whole command room was silent.

Obviously, no one can accept the facts at hand.

The gap from heaven to hell is enough to drive anyone crazy.

Just a few minutes ago, the people in the command room were still in high spirits. Everyone was excited about the upcoming victory. Everyone walked with the wind. Everyone thought that they had regained the initiative of the campaign in their own hands. Everyone looked at the command console with respect.

However, a few minutes later, they all became sculptures.

Can the other side's aircraft carrier split into warships?

What a ridiculous and sad fact this is!

Command the array to speed up the retreat, command the drive patrol group to cut off the back path of the other aircraft carrier, and command the array to meet up. Originally, I thought it was a trap set by myself, but I didn't think it was automatically entering another's trap according to someone else's script!

All this makes everyone here feel that just now, his eyes are shining, his face is red, roaring and charging, shouting and fighting, and preparing for a brilliant victory

Like a fool!

"Boom!" There was another loud noise and the Sidon light shook again.

At present, more Humvee fighters rushed through the firepower network built by the battleship turret and joined the battle regiment around the aircraft carrier.

The vampire fighters guarding the Sidon light were shot down one after another because they were outnumbered.

And the Sidon light suffered more and more attacks.

The rotating turret on the Mothership has fired with all its strength, and the battleship next to it has leaned over, trying to form a ball in the sea area around the Mothership by using the traditional spherical escort mode, squeeze the flight space of the Humvee fighters, and seal the space in the ball with cross fire.

However, the enemy has too many fighters.

And the other side's warships are too close.

A dazzling white light, like a light band pulled laterally out of the front porthole of the Sidon light, suddenly grew from short to long, rushed out of the left and right ends of the porthole, and then turned into a three-dimensional spherical light mass and spread to the whole world.

It was a scene in which a battleship was instantly exploded with concentrated fire by the drive patrol group in front of which the fierce army had rushed. The blast wave of the explosion shot the wreckage of the battleship like a meteor shower at the light of Sidon.

Listening to the crackling sound on the hull armor, looking at the battleship cluster in the main position, the fierce warships like wolves, everyone turned to Shelton.

"Order..." Shelton said with difficulty: "Eagle fleet 1, Eagle fleet 3, lion fleet 1 and lion fleet 2 fight their own battles. Command the drive patrol group to leave the battle as far as possible and return freely. Order, the glory lion battleship unit, the near guard brave battleship unit, and the flag of fire battleship unit cut off rear cover. "

He closed his eyes with an iron face and waved his hand heavily: "let's retreat!"

The staff carried out Shelton's orders in silence.

If more than ten minutes ago, this command was undoubtedly correct.

But now, can you withdraw?

"Want to run?" Seeing the light of Sidon, he retreated slowly under the cover of the surrounding battleships, and Duan Tiandao snorted.

Five hundred black horizontal machine armours were pasted on the advancing warships, and each line was stretched tightly, like a panther that was only in the dark and ready to go.

At the moment, seven last eleven miracles have been split into nearly 800 cruisers and destroyers. The huge assault cluster composed of these ships is like a school of swordfish in the sea, moving forward at high speed under the shining stars.

The front of the fleet, like the tip of a black prism, has plunged into the battleship array of the Shelton fleet.

Under the fierce attack of hundreds of destroyers, an American battleship standing in the way quickly collapsed. Then the flames of explosion on the ship began to rise one after another. When the warship's hull and armor began to crack in all directions, the ship's body immediately appeared a crack with fire light.

Then there was the white light of the explosion and the ship body that died and broke.

In front of hundreds of fierce warships, the process is so short that many American battleships don't even have time to release their escape pods!

In the middle of the array, nearly 8000 fighters have been completely twisted in. More than half of these fighters are attacking around the battleship cluster, driving battleships aside and preventing them from supporting the central command cluster. A small half of them, about 3000 fighters, are impacting the retreating command collection.

In less than five minutes, more than 400 vampire fighters escorting the Xigu Zhiguang had been lost, and the Humvee fighters had begun to attack other frigates in the command cluster.

Duan Tiandao stared at the logical telephoto.

On the screen, more than 300 fighters are divided into three triangular attack formations, turning around from the periphery and flying towards the aircraft carrier Sidon light at different angles.

It was the attack formation led by Xin Xiaomeng. They were like ocean currents in the sea. No matter how fierce the battle around them was, no matter how many warships and fighters tried to intercept them, they were not distracted. They only focused on approaching the huge Sidon light aircraft carrier along the predetermined track.

Around them, naturally, there are other fighter groups fighting with the enemy and escorting them.

Duan Tiandao unconsciously clenched his fist.

The drive patrol cluster has completely burst into the regiment.

The fleet's forward ships, huge American battleships, passed through and attacked, and the central fleet carrying 500 transverse ships was getting closer and closer to the light of Sidon.

"Fang Chutian, when will you start?" Xin Xiaomeng's voice came from the headset.

Duan Tiandao calculated the position of Xin Xiaomeng's wave of fighters and the light of Sidon, and the distance between himself and the mothership.

"Fleet volley ready, three, two, one! Fire! "

After waiting for a few seconds, with the order of Duan Tiandao, hundreds of destroyers and cruisers under him fired at the light of Sidon at the same time.

The white light converged into a white dragon and swept across the sea.

Although the firepower of the drive patrol group is not as good as that of the battleship array, there are dozens of American warships in front of and around the light of Sidon. However, many of the volleys accurately hit the light of Sidon.

"Long live! It's up to us! " A cheer from Xin Xiaomeng came from the earphone.

Before Duan Tiandao ordered, Xin Xiaomeng, who had led the fleet to approach Sidon light, quickly chose an ejection channel near the port side where Sidon light was injured as the attack point and ordered the attack.

Hundreds of shells and hundreds of missiles were fired suddenly.

The light chains of shells gathered on the light of Sidon, and one missile after another burst out red flames on the ship like a stray arrow.

Finally, with the distortion of the steel armor on the ship's body, a big hole was blown near the port side.

"Go!" Duan Tiandao howled!

Five hundred black devil mecha, with auxiliary thrusters on their backs. With the inertia of the warship under him, he jumped like lightning into the hole of Sidon's light.

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