"Eliminate doubts?" Another 60 year old guest with his hair neatly combed shook his head: "how can it be so easy. In the face of public doubts, have you seen the government take the initiative to clarify? I'm afraid it's too late to cover up. "

He sighed with a heavy expression and said sincerely: "now, China is moving in the opposite direction of democracy. No one listens to the voice of the people and ignores the doubts on his face. It's better to retreat and ask for cooperation than to clarify the doubts about the fraud in the chairman's election."

"Yes!" The big nose guest agreed: "no one can erase the credit of general Qin demon. Even if he seceded from the Chinese government, he also stated that he would never compromise with NATO and would do his best to fight to the end to protect China. All his recent actions have proved this. I think that at present, when NATO is in the city and Qin demon and the Chinese government do not trust each other, we need the strength of the coalition forces to stabilize the situation in China! "

"The strength of the coalition?" The hostess opened her beautiful eyes and pretended to be confused: "do you mean the Chinese coalition forces stationed in Panlong fortress?"

"Of course!" The big nose guest said: "this is a military force combined by major military regions. Once we expedition to the southeast and let NATO people take advantage of our internal disputes, it will be a disaster for the whole of China."

As he spoke, he made a strong gesture with his hand and said: "so now we need a strong force to deal with the attack of NATO. Once the war in the waters of Tania is critical and the Chinese government and Qin demon do not trust each other, the coalition forces can plug the loopholes and avoid a repeat of the tragedy in the waters of muse. "

The host and other guests nodded their heads and agreed.

"What I'm worried about now is..." the big nose guest looked worried: "from all aspects, these coalition forces are likely to invest their troops in the southeast sea area, which is not dangerous at present."

"Southeast sea area?" The host covered his mouth and exclaimed with some exaggeration, "isn't that the victory just announced? Compared with the Chinese mainland that has been invaded by the United States, the situation in the southeast is not critical. Losing the southeast is just losing a corner, but if China loses, we may lose the war! "

The host's words made all the guests present look at each other and smile bitterly. It seemed that there was some helplessness for the truth that even the host understood, but it was not accepted by the authorities.

The elegant guest in his 60s sighed, "this is a very obvious truth. However, judging from the practices of the Chinese authorities and the coalition command during this period, they obviously turn a blind eye to this. "

"Let's say a series of decisions made by the coalition command some time ago." He turned his head to the guest with a big nose: "first of all, I don't understand why the alliance insisted on paying money to equip the fierce army with 12 generations of mecha regardless of the strong opposition of the supreme United Parliament. Even the Chinese double headed eagle army did not get a 12th generation machine armour, but planned to equip the Humvee with ten Armored Divisions! "

He shook his head heavily: "it is said that most of the technology of the 12th generation mecha was obtained through the cooperation of the research institutions of major arms companies in various regions of China. Now, all the orders have been given to Fulong sword company. What is even more incomprehensible is that after the new chairman Zhao Xi came to power, the first resolution passed was the cooperative assistance plan for the fierce army, which cost trillions of dollars. This has never appeared in Chinese history, and it is simply so generous that it is shocking. "

"I often think." He sighed: "if China put all these into its own army, not to mention the elite double headed eagle army, even those first-class troops can achieve greater results than the current fierce army. After all, as we all know, the main members of the fierce army are mercenaries, pirates and ordinary young people from the free port and the free world. In terms of military literacy, they are far from the Chinese regular army with glorious tradition and systematic training. "

"Good." In the carriage, a congressman clapped his hands and said to Han Li, "with such guidance, the people have doubts and differences about the whereabouts of the coalition forces. As long as we do a little work, we can't ignore the voice of protest and crusade. But few people are willing to be beaten by themselves, but they pay and contribute to help others win the war! "

Han Li shook his glass, sneered and said, "after all, China is a democracy. Who dares to risk universal condemnation? I'm afraid even Huang Shengtian doesn't dare to move such an idea. If they want to play, we'll play with them. They are lucky to cheat in the election, but they are still a little young to guide public opinion. "

The car turns into the branch road, rotates down the overpass like interwoven ribbons, and drives into the road leading to the urban area. Six bodyguards and four identical cars followed.

Han Li turned and looked out of the window. Since the war broke out, the seat of the Chinese joint parliament... Shangjing is still prosperous.

Only a few people know what has happened in this city since January.

After losing the presidential election, all the major forces in China fell to Huang Shengtian, Qin ChuChu was killed, and Qin demon ran away with hatred... Everything that was originally under control was just a mirror in the end.

The past complacency, feasting, laughter and infatuated power have disappeared.

Whether they left with Qin demon or had lost in the struggle, they could only be careful with their tails. Even the people who had been put into prison are still like dreaming when they recall the past.

It's like falling asleep all night, falling into a spinning nightmare and never waking up again.

Fortunately, the party that has just won has no time to attack Qin demon. Fortunately, Qin demon ran away immediately, winning a glimmer of hope for himself and the group.

Han Li doesn't understand military affairs, but he knows that Qin demon's record against NATO over the years is a 100% victory rate!

No matter the regional conflict in peacetime or after the outbreak of war, the troops under his command in the Ryan theater can pierce the defense of NATO again and again like a sharp sword.

This won him the status of the successor of the military God in the eyes of the people. Even in the eyes of many people, Huang Shengtian could not compare with this amazing white man in command.

Many people expect that after Huang Shengtian's death, Qin demon can take charge of China and lead China to win one victory after another. Even after he returned from China, the majority of the people still sympathized with and trusted him.

As long as he can show convincing achievements, as long as he can obtain the recognition of the governments and military of China's member countries, and win the support of the people with continuous victory, after Huang Shengtian's death, he still has a great chance to become the new leader of China!

In this era of war, even Zhao Xi, chairman of China, could not resist Qin demon without a famous general who could compete with Qin demon.

When Qin demon won the recognition of the Chinese people and led the troops home, everything was just natural.

But this requires a prerequisite. That is, before Huang Shengtian died and Qin demon won everyone's support, there can be no threatening challengers and competitors.

In particular, there can be no demons like Fang Chutian and armies like the fierce army!

Han Li felt cold at the thought of the news of the great victory of the fierce army in recovering the southeast.

People are always easy to guide.

But that doesn't mean they don't have basic discrimination.

For people suffering from war, who can bring victory to them, who can save them from suffering, who is their hero and leader.

In particular, the southeast victory, which was almost miraculous, produced shock waves that even far exceeded ten large-scale campaigns.

In this war alone, the streets were full of names of the fierce army and Fang Chutian. With the help of some people, the fierce army was blown to heaven.

If this situation is allowed to continue and the Chinese army command department is allowed to put the Chinese Army assembled in Panlong into the southeast war zone, the more beautiful Qin demon plays, the more favorable it will be to the southeast war situation.

Qin demon would never do the wedding dress for the enemy.

However, if he doesn't do it and the fierce army wins a similar victory again, his status and importance in the eyes of the people will be far behind the genuine successor designated by Huang Shengtian!

Qin demon saw this very clearly.

After receiving the news of the great victory of the fierce army, he found the key almost at the first time and gave instructions, asking the Congressmen who had been silent to delay the southward movement of the Chinese reinforcements at all costs.

Han Li shook the wine in the glass, and a proud sneer came up at the corners of his mouth.

The greatest advantage of a democracy is to allow the expression of different opinions.

In a short period of one day, members of the house of lords were able to contact to jointly block the proposals urgently submitted by the Chinese army headquarters, and quickly communicate with the media to form a public opinion offensive. Don't even think about it without the strength of many years of operation!

On the TV screen, the beautiful host and guests were still talking. Han Li smiled in the chat and laughter of several members of Parliament in the same car.

Suddenly, his smile became stiff.

In front of me, the automatic armor of the bulletproof car window rose slowly, isolating the sunlight outside the window a little. The automatic door lock was also suddenly recovered, locking the whole carriage to death.

"What's going on?" The congressmen screamed and pulled the door handle through the isolation window of the cab.

However, no matter what they did, the car was motionless. Only by feeling, it seemed to drive onto a platform, and then stopped. There was a heavy closing sound of the automatic door around.

Han Li's face turned white at this moment.

He knew that things were moving in the direction he thought most impossible.

The screen in the car became intermittent because of the weak signal, and the picture was distorted.

The talk show is not over yet, but the signal has been interrupted. What appears on every channel of every TV media is the same picture.

Huang Shengtian's picture!

The old man, sitting quietly in his wheelchair, looked like two faint flames and shot directly into the hearts of the congressmen.

"I declare that the Republic of China has entered a state of emergency and implemented military control, first-class martial law and curfew. Anyone who disobeys the order is regarded as rebellion. At the same time, the upper house of the supreme United Parliament of China was dissolved. Parliamentary functions are performed by representatives of the house of Commons. "

The old man said this incredibly short passage and turned around.

"There's no reason."

Not to mention that people don't believe their glasses, even the top leaders of hostile NATO countries are stunned by the TV video sent back by the agents.

The emperor of a country likes to strip naked and run naked in the royal garden. They believe it.

They may also believe that the world will be destroyed in a certain year and month, and that God will come tomorrow.

It can be said that Huang Shengtian declared a de facto dictatorship by exercising military control over China and dissolving the upper house of the alliance Parliament. No one can believe it.

He is a hero of China, the supreme military God, and an idol worshipped by all democratic countries and even many NATO generals.

In terms of power, status, chairman, speaker of the Union parliament, even the president of the United Nations can not reach his height.

He is the most special and noble existence in a democratic country. If he wants to be a dictator, he has 10950 opportunities.

Every day for 30 years, he can take this step!

But he never did.

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