He turned to look at Shi Tianbiao.

"The dust of the Chinese general election has settled, and I have returned from the Republic. All kinds of contradictions have been intensified and exposed. More than 400 school level officers and 20 generals have been transferred, the major military regions have been cleaned up and rectified, and the appointment and removal of government officials in the major administrative regions are like changing lights. What he wants to do is just the last break and the last stand. "

"I know this card of the Chinese parliament won't last long." Qin demon sprinkled slightly and said, "so I asked Han Li to find a way to drag the Chinese army south at all costs. As expected, the card was scrapped. "

"But general." Shi Tianbiao frowned and said, "although Huang Shengtian can forcibly suppress the rebound, it doesn't mean that everyone can accept what he has done. Especially those groups, chaebol enterprises. Military control is killing them. Even the government, how many people like the military to put their hands out? We...... "he looked at Qin demon and didn't say anything else.

His proposal to make a statement at this moment is precisely to show his attitude and take the opportunity to win over domestic forces. For the future.

"Some people don't have to fight for it." Qin demon smiled coldly: "I'm afraid many people want me to jump out and direct the spearhead at Huang Shengtian!"

"Don't look at Huang Shengtian's military control over China, but I believe he worships him and will never lose half of it! No one in this world is qualified to challenge him. All I can challenge is his position. And once I speak openly in front of the people and point the spear at him, what I can get is more doubt. "

"Besides, what he is doing now is what I want to do. At this time, to blame him, who am I in other people's eyes? " Qin demon turned to his desk and said, "what we need to do is keep silent! What I need to do is win one victory after another! No matter what you want to fight for, victory and strength are the most important! "

He stopped at his desk, picked up an intelligence document that only he could consult, and said angrily, "besides, even if we don't do anything, Fang Chutian may not be better!"

In just a few days, the southeast enemy occupied area has resumed its former bustle.

Thousands of different kinds of fleeing ships returned from the channel leading to the Galileo sea area and drove in an endless stream into the busy airport.

People carrying luggage, holding the elderly and children, chatting loudly and boasting of China's miraculous victory, lined up through the port.

The open streets of Baihua city are full of traffic.

People who returned home quickly threw themselves into work and life. They may leave the cars sealed in the garage and join the rolling traffic; Or strode down the bustling streets. Everyone's face is filled with joy.

The factory resumed work, the shops opened, and the stagnant land began to make a familiar roar. Although the economy is much more depressed than in the peacetime, the city now makes people feel an exciting and upward. It seems that the people here are not threatened and affected by the war at all. It seems that they just have a collective holiday.

Even if there are many uncertainties in the future. Even if this peaceful life is only short. They didn't stop, waiting, watching and complaining.

They work hard, live calmly, seize every minute and every second to build their own homes.

They don't worry that the war that may come in the future will destroy their work achievements. They only focus on the present and are happy for it.

"Dad, I want this doll!" By the shop window, a little girl rode on her father's shoulder and looked at a doll in a wedding dress in the window with beautiful big eyes.

As she cried, she pressed her father's head hard to make his eyes on her beloved doll.

"Buy!" The young father was full of pride: "when you get paid this month, dad will buy it for you!"

In the girl's cheers, the young mother said angrily, "just because you are used to her, can the doll be used to food?"

"This is her childhood and our life. Why not buy it? " The man smiled at his complaining wife: "it's a big deal. I'm not busy changing my shoes."

The wife took her husband's solid and powerful arm, watched the cheering daughter toss her father's hair, smiled, and her eyes were full of happiness and doting.

Seeing the three members of the family go far and the bustling streets, Duan Tiandao and Wang Qin, holding hands, can't help laughing at each other.

"Duan Tiandao, I also want to have a daughter." Wang Qin was attracted by the lovely appearance of the little girl. She leaned her head against Duan Tiandao's shoulder. Her dark eyes were bright and cunning. With only a slight inclination, she had thousands of fascinating customs.

"Sheng!" After walking with Wang Qin for two hours, Duan Tiandao, who had softened his feet, suddenly swept away his fatigue and stood up with the same pride: "there's no need to wait for a salary!"

"Smelly Coyote!" Wang Qin twisted Duan Tiandao's ear and smiled again and again: "I knew it. You'll get excited when you mention this."

"Of course, you have to work hard. How can you call you surrender if you have no strength?" Duan Tiandao smiled and the thief scratched Wang Qin's waist.

Feeling the itch from his waist and thinking of the beautiful scene of surrender every time he was tossed by the guy next to him, Wang Qin suddenly felt soft and stared at Duan Tiandao's eyes, almost dripping water.

Holding hands, like an ordinary couple in love, they mixed in the brisk crowd and walked to baihuacheng college.

"Don't mess around tonight." Wang Qin bit his lips: "the test will start tomorrow. We need to do the final inspection."

"Yes, we should have a good check." Duan Tiandao began to peck rice like a chicken. Unexpectedly, Duan Tiandao agreed with his own Wang Qin so easily, and then smiled in his heart. This guy is greedy for money and lust, and he is more greedy for life and afraid of death. If it wasn't for this reason, I'm afraid this guy wouldn't let himself go.

She just breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, whether it was joy or loss. But Duan Tiandao said, "Bolan will check the plane and instruments tonight, right?"


"Then check me."


"I'm an experimental pilot. Don't I have a physical examination?"

"Check a fart, don't come!"

"Just look!" Duan Tiandao looked shy.

"Who wants to see you?" Wang Qin is crazy.

"Feel it." Duan Tiandao bit his teeth more and more shyly to increase temptation.

"Touch yourself!" Wang Qin giggled and kicked.

Duan Tiandao walked into the laboratory like a bear beaten on the back by a rabbit. He shook his head and muttered, "look how happy you are. It's not night yet."

"Asshole!" Under the gaze of the stunned scientists, Wang Qin pulled out the shell refuting gun, his willow eyebrows turned upside down and was murderous!

Duan Tiandao fled.

In the laboratory, there was a flurry of chickens and dogs.

"Eh?" As soon as Duan Tiandao walked into Bolan's laboratory, he found that in addition to Bolan and Lin Han, the commander-in-chief Cao Dezheng was also there.

"Coming?" Bolan saw Duan Tiandao with untidy clothes and messy hair. He just glanced at Wang Qin and turned his head. Lin Han disdained to throw his mouth at Duan Tiandao, and then took Wang Qin's face and smiled innocently.

For such a scene, the old and the young have already seen it.

Cao Dezheng stared at Duan Tiandao for a long time, confused. For a moment, I couldn't understand who would be willing to lay a poison on this person among the more than one billion people in China.

"Old man, why are you here?" Duan Tiandao brushed his hair and sat beside Cao Dezheng.

"Come to you." Cao Dezheng handed Duan Tiandao an electronic folder and said, "look first."

Duan Tiandao opened the electronic folder, entered the permission, and looked at it. One minute, two minutes, his face became serious as he read deeply.

For a long time, he closed the document and handed it back to Cao Dezheng. He didn't say anything for a long time. Cao Dezheng sent the information sent urgently by the supreme command of the Chinese army.

Recently, according to the investigation of alliance agents lurking in NATO countries, the Huaxia Intelligence Department learned that NATO coalition forces stationed or assembled in the United States, Dexi and fakland Empire, and there were large-scale movements at the same time.

A large number of giant transport planes carrying the army took off, and a large number of fleets left the stationed airport with unknown whereabouts.

It is an open secret that Zelda is ready to attack the southeast. NATO sent troops on a large scale when China just got back to the China channel. Obviously, it was not prepared to do exercises.

To be sure, cherda has gone out!

Because NATO kept the operation secret very carefully, the alliance agents only got some marginal intelligence after paying a great price.

However, it was these marginal intelligence that allowed the Chinese army command to infer an amazing fact while getting the exact time of cherda's South deployment... The scale of NATO's troops this time has far exceeded the sum of its troops in the carlston sea area and the Ryan war zone!

When the Chinese army base made this speculation, everyone was stunned.

Everyone knows that this means that a super torrent with a total force of more than 400 A-class fleets is coming rapidly towards the central channel.

The report was quickly submitted to the top. Through the collective research and judgment of more than ten senior generals at the top of the headquarters, the possibility of this speculation is as high as 80%!

Almost without the slightest hesitation, the base camp urgently reported to Huang Shengtian and transmitted the news to the Chinese military.

No one thinks that China can resist such a powerful attack. Although more than 400 A-class fleets cannot appear in China together, the huge gap in strength between the two sides makes this problem almost unsolvable from the beginning.

Whether it is to guard the sea or take the initiative to attack, as long as the Hummer fleet touches the edge of this torrent, it will be involved in the vortex and broken to pieces!

Not only the longbow sea area, but also the free port world, the gale island sea area, and China

This destructive force will sweep the whole southeast!

"Cherda, how could such a powerful force be gathered?" Cao Dezheng frowned. Maybe it's because he didn't want to stick to the central channel from the beginning, so his performance was calm.

But what he doesn't understand is that it's frightening to think about the complexity of gathering so many troops, completing the integration of the organizational system, establishing a command system and completing supplies, as well as being fast and confidential.

Cherda, how on earth did you finish it quietly?

"This is not what people do." Duan Tiandao said slowly, "it's a little girl."

"Little girl?" Cao Dezheng was suddenly surprised. He is no stranger to the legendary name. He suddenly turned his head and looked at Lin Han.

Lin Han, a good girl who restrained Wang Qin, saw Duan Tiandao and Cao Dezheng staring at him at the same time. At first, she was a little confused. Gradually, her eyes lit up: "little girl?"

Duan Tiandao was silent for a long time and said slowly, "an artificial intelligence like you."

Lin Han opened his eyes.

Duan Tiandao never told Lin Han about this secret. Only a few people such as Huang Shengtian know that the United States has artificial intelligence. Therefore, Lin Han has never known the existence of the little girl.

Now, the two artificial intelligence will inevitably come into contact with each other. One is the Skynet core of the NATO army, and the other is gradually becoming the core of the Xinhua Xia army with the fierce army as the core.

From a hostile standpoint, what impact will their collision have on the whole human world?

Duan Tiandao can't imagine.

"My kind? The enemy? " Lin Han jumped up.

Duan Tiandao nodded and briefly said everything about the little girl. Lin Han's face turned red when he heard the sound.

"Well..." Lin Han said shyly, "I've put her on. Is it an old cow eating tender grass?"

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