Facing this knot, Duan Tiandao thought of the only way is to emigrate.

Even yesterday, the immigration force organized by Cao Dezheng only transferred less than one-fifth of Chinese immigrants, which is not the purpose of Duan Tiandao at all.

Therefore, Duan Tiandao made a decision as early as the free port.

Since the central passage cannot be moved, all the Chinese people here will be moved temporarily.

not bad be-all!

Just like the most commonly used strategy of clearing away the wilderness in ancient wars, let it become an empty sea area at all costs!

Modern transportation capacity makes it not impossible for a large number of immigrants.

Especially when the new space jump technology is completed, finding a new sea area, opening up a new life and completely getting away from the war is the goal of Duan Tiandao and Bolan all the time.

But cherda, it's coming!

This is the stone in Duan Tiandao's heart.

He knew that China would usher in the most crucial battle of the war. He is ready for it.

But before that, he must have no worries!

Today, Bolan opened a door for him that he had never thought of. Originally thought that the new space jump technology was looking for a new space, but I didn't think that the real role of this technology was to find countless new channels!

The previous sea navigation technology, no matter how it is arranged, runs in this cage according to a fixed line, unchanged.

With the new sea navigation technology, mankind will have unlimited possibilities!

When their fleets freely travel through the sea and haunt NATO countries, perhaps ships loaded with Chinese people have returned to the mainland of China through new channels.

Just thinking about it, Duan Tiandao was so excited that he trembled all over.

What SUS, baisus, what three people, what cherda, what NATO, are farts!

"Fuck!" His voice echoed in the silent campus, like the wolf howling on the full moon night.

"Look who dares to provoke me!"

The atmosphere of Panlong fortress, the highest headquarters of China, has been extremely tense at the moment.

In the fortress like a huge wheel, the passages and corridors are crisscross, and the patrol soldiers look serious and March in line.

On automatic transmission belts, officers and soldiers walked like flies. Every time the platform door of the train is opened, there will be a flood of soldiers. Those electric vehicles with headquarters signs will drag the staff officers who are as heavy as water.

The Allied commanders have assembled in the fortress.

No matter which region, it is not uncommon to walk casually into the street and meet generals in different uniforms in front of you. It is not uncommon for marshals and generals, and major generals and generals are all over the street.

Through the porthole, you can see all kinds of warships in the port of the fortress.

This is only a small part of them. More warships occupy a piece of sea area in the sea area outside the Great Wall, just like bees flying around the hive. They are numerous and dazzling.

But there are only less than a hundred A-class fleets here!

Compared with the huge warship cluster of more than 400 A-class fleets under cherda's command, it is nothing!

Speculation about the size of the cherda army is no secret.

Not only the staff officers and senior generals in the base camp worry about it every day, but even the grass-roots officers and soldiers who have difficulty in accessing information can feel the tension of the atmosphere.

In recent days, there has been a sharp increase in the number of transport helicopters from major administrative regions in China. Waterway management departments, logistics departments, personnel and technical support departments are all busy.

In and out of supplies and weapons, personnel transfer and appointment, the day of the major fleets, and all kinds of complicated affairs are almost overwhelming. From the morning, they are busy until late at night, often all night.

Accustomed to war preparedness and war, everyone knows that this is a precursor for the headquarters to prepare for the deployment of troops.

The news from China also confirmed this from another aspect. It is said that in order to seize time, Huang Shengtian even brazenly dissolved the upper house of the United Parliament.

In the southeast war, with the unexpected victory of the fierce army and the dispatch of cherda, there were ups and downs for a time.

Everyone knows that the closure of the Huaxia channel is a good opportunity to win susbethus.

Everyone knows that the fierce army can't hold the passage. The Panlong Chinese coalition army must go south as soon as possible.

But is there time?

Even if the Chinese army can complete the pre war preparations within a week, even as many people predicted, the war preparations will be completed one by one, and those that cannot be completed will march.

But what does that do?

It is absolutely impossible for the Chinese army to reach the size of the cherda army in a short time. In addition, there are many problems in command, logistics and other systems. Eager to go south, in exchange for perhaps a disastrous defeat that I can't bear to witness!

For a time, there was much discussion within the Chinese army.

Everyone was shocked by the strength of the cherda fleet and worried about the southeast war situation.

In terms of economic and military strength, China far surpasses NATO.

However, due to the carelessness before the war, NATO mastered the rhythm of the war from the beginning and dragged down the main traffic roads. Therefore, at the moment, most of the major military regions in China are isolated islands surrounded by NATO, except that some military regions can send fleets through the waterway.

Therefore, when cherda calmly arranges in the whole human sea area and arbitrarily dispatches the troops of NATO countries to keep them flowing when needed. When local superior forces are formed, the Chinese army can only tear down east walls to make up for west walls and fight their own battles.

Even these Chinese troops of Panlong have managed to gather up some possessions!

Every commander of the Chinese Army feels oppressed because he can't use his power, can't spend his money, and has to be beaten by others.

To tell the truth, many people clapped their hands when they learned that Huang Shengtian brazenly dissolved the upper house of the Chinese parliament. The wine in bars and restaurants is out of stock. Even a Chinese army general ordered his fleet to fire a salute because he couldn't buy fireworks.

Everyone is tired of those guys who lag behind!

However, there are many things that can not be corrected and solved immediately. You have to wipe your ass!

Although Huaxia has transferred many fleets from major military regions to Panlong, Huang Shengtian also held meetings one after another to speed up combat readiness as much as possible, send more troops and form a real Huaxia warship team.

But this is far water after all, can't save the near fire!

Now, the list of coalition commanders has been published.

Huang Shengtian will personally head south.

When the Chinese officers and soldiers were excited and cheered for the news, we also understood that perhaps the most violent collision in human history would break out in the southeast.

If we can give China more time, let the Republic of China start with all its strength. If China can solve the storm island and force sus and bethus to withdraw from the war. If we can open up the sea channel and complete the army formation that NATO has already completed, then the two sides may still be close to each other.

But is it possible?

The Chinese army headquarters is located in the central core of the fortress. It is a huge hexagonal area, which is completely isolated from other districts of the fortress.

Those who work here are elites who have been specially selected and strictly reviewed. Everyone's identity is classified as super secret, not to mention that their close relatives do not know their work unit and army number. Even the original ministries could not inquire about anything about them.

In addition to the staff of the headquarters of the base camp, other people who want to enter here need to use the pass with authority above level s specially issued by the base camp. In addition, they also need to pass through a total of 26 closely guarded sentries and five isolated warning areas defended by troops that do not belong to or communicate with each other.

In the headquarters, there is an independent living area, as well as an independent port and train dedicated line for material supply and personnel access.

In an emergency, the fortress ship where the base camp is located is physically separated from the main body of the fortress and becomes an aircraft carrier with complete navigation ability, a large number of fighters and strong protection ability.

At the moment, compared with other areas of the fortress, the atmosphere in the base camp is more dignified.

White electronic lights hidden in the wall shine brightly in the corridor and hall. The landing porthole and ceiling dome on one side of the corridor are artificial natural scenery.

Warm sunshine, blue sky, vast and green hillsides and grasslands, swaying trees and towering snow mountains in the distance, everything looks so real and like a fairyland.

However, the busy people turn a blind eye to all this.

In the headquarters hall, thousands of Skynet console screens floated in the air. With the light flashing, the sea area map on the screen is rapidly zooming in and out, the warships on the monitoring screen are cruising, and the Chinese officers on the communication screen are reporting, data and tumbling.

Electronic system sound, communication prompt sound, automatic door opening and closing sound, footsteps, can be heard all the time.

The staff secretaries hurried back and forth. The offices of heads of departments are already overcrowded. There were also a large number of personnel from other regions of the fortress. After being checked by the guard of the traffic department, they lined up to step on the fully enclosed automatic vehicle and were sent directly to the Department they were going to.

No one has time for a cup of coffee, and no one can walk a little slower.

Perhaps the only thing that seems free is the fleet commanders surrounded by twos and threes by the porthole of the headquarters hall.

These senior officers hurried here after receiving orders from the headquarters.

Standing in a remote corner, they spent most of their time talking in a low voice, occasionally raising their arms to look at the time and pacing back and forth anxiously.

They are waiting for the end of the high-level meeting of the Chinese army.

The top of the coalition will make a final decision.

"What do you think the headquarters will do?" A lieutenant general saluted a passing major's staff officer, anxiously took his eyes back from the busy hall and looked at his companions.

"It is certain to go south for reinforcements. Don't say that the headquarters will not give up the opportunity to close the channel. Just say your excellency Huang Shengtian, it is impossible for the fierce army to face cherda's army alone. " A burly lieutenant general nearby said.

"However, with our current forces, what problems can we solve by going south?" A stout young general frowned.

The burly lieutenant general said, "this is a strategic necessity. No matter what kind of war is fought and what problems can be solved, the battle of channel must be fought. On the surface, our troops are at an absolute disadvantage, but after all, we are the defense side. As long as we can hold the central channel, we can increase the pressure on sus and baisus... "

"Can you hold it?" An elegant general sneered: "from the outbreak of the war to now, the strategic initiative has always been in cherda's hands. NATO occupies most of the shipping lanes, and the mobilization and assembly of troops is far more efficient than ours. "

Then he looked around: "although more than 400 A-class fleets under cherda's command seem to have poured out. But I'm sure that once we go south to fight cherda, he will have more fleets to the southeast! He is much more prepared than we are! "

The words of the elegant general made all the district generals present silent.

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