At six o'clock sharp, 60 fighters took the lead in taking off from all around under the eyes of the ground security forces.

The roar of the huge reaction engine was deafening.

Then, the silver plane carrying commander-in-chief Cao Dezheng and others also soared into the air.

The plane climbed slowly under the escort of the fighter.

The test plane finally arrived at the sea entrance of the apple channel.

"This is our test port?" By the porthole of the plane, Cao Dezheng and pan Jianghai were distracted when they looked at the dark sea outside the window.

"Yes." Bolan, standing beside him, said, "this is an E-class sea port. There are no other sea ports nearby. "

"The safety of the experiment..." Cao De's thin face full of wrinkles was full of worries. He understood Duan Tiandao's insistence on experimenting in person. However, Duan Tiandao now maintains the future of the whole China. If there is no absolute safety, he would rather postpone the test indefinitely.

With Cao Dezheng's words, pan Jianghai and the senior government and military officials present turned their attention to Bolan.

"There is no technical problem." Bolan frowned slightly: "if there is any danger, it is that we can't know where the other end of the sea is and what will happen... The world is too profound."

Cao Dezheng looked anxiously at Pan Jianghai.

In silence, pan Jianghai did not answer the question and said, "today is a good weather."

There was a slight vibration under my feet. The silver shuttle plane, swinging its wings, slowly levitated.

There was a fleet guarding the whole experimental process near the sea entrance. Under the eyes of tens of thousands of Chinese officers and soldiers, Duan Tiandao saluted, then pushed the control rod, drove the test ship, pulled out a blue arc in the sea and flew to the sea entrance.

In the bridge control room, there was silence, only the gentle voice of Pan Jianghai.

"The jump preparation is completed, all monitoring instruments work normally, and the test ship requests to jump." In front of the console, a researcher reported loudly.

Cao Dezheng strode to the console and picked up the communicator: "Fang Chutian!"



"A little nervous, but no problem."

"Then go! We look at you! "

"I see!"

"Count down ten seconds!" In front of the console, Wang Qin stared nervously at the instrument screen: "ten..."

The crisp countdown made the atmosphere of the whole fleet tense to the extreme. Everyone stared at the silver test ship slowly approaching the sea port on the telephoto screen.

"Four... Three... Two... One!"

With the end of Wang Qin's countdown, the silver flying tail propeller suddenly lit up. The huge blue ion streamer, after a brief stagnation, spewed out straight. The plane dashed into the sea and disappeared into the sea in a flash.

"Normal speed!"

"The force on the ship structure is normal!"

"The instrument works normally!"

In front of the console, researchers reported one after another. Suddenly, Wang Qin cried in surprise: "the space distortion force field is monitored, and the plane enters..."

With a hula, everyone gathered around.

Many researchers have been unable to control their emotions. They stretch out their hands and tightly grasp their companions. They are surprised and nervous!

The space distortion force field is monitored, which proves that the aircraft has entered the jumping channel.

This is the first time in human history to monitor the force field under the condition of abnormal jump. This proves that Bolan's experimental model is completely correct.

Finally, the force field can be passed in the test.

What about reality?

Everyone stared brightly at the monitoring instruments on the screen and console. They just felt that their hearts were about to jump out!

"Ten seconds, release signal one and transfer it to the satellite."

"Twenty seconds, release the No. 1 data collection satellite and release the force field monitoring satellite."

"Thirty seconds..."

The experiment proceeded in an orderly manner with the movement of the light spot on the screen. Through the model has been synchronized with the silver flying, and twisted lines form a rotating channel.

In three minutes and twenty-six seconds, the atmosphere in the control room became more tense. This is the time when the normal jump should end, and the test plane is still walking through the channel.

The channel composed of lines rolls and swings on the screen.

No one knows where the channel will extend.

In six minutes and sixteen seconds, as a red line appeared on the screen, Bolan Wang Qin and all the researchers suddenly stood up and held their breath.

The light spot passes through the last red line. At the same time, the voice of the researcher also sounded in front of the console: "the force field fluctuation disappears, release the space scanner, release the monitoring satellite, release the signal transfer satellite, release the gravity detection satellite, calculate the coordinates..."

Everyone, look up and look at the main screen in front of the console.

Time passed second by second. Coordinate determination is still under way, and the main screen is still dark.

The heart beat faster and faster. Many researchers can't help holding hands, or crossing their chest and praying.

Finally, a light spot appeared on the screen.

After a moment, the light dispersed. A brown island and a dense reef belt first appeared in front of everyone. Then, the work of calculating the coordinates was completed, representing the light spot of the silver test aircraft, which appeared in the center of the dense sea map.

The control room was silent.

As everyone knows, it's a sea near the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. A sea area where there is no waterway and human beings have never set foot.

"Succeeded?" A government official mumbled.

No one spoke, and everyone stared at the picture from the monitoring satellite detached from the test plane.

Finally, the silver plane like a fighter plane appeared in front of everyone. It passes through a thin, white sea fog belt, tumbling and flying freely under the bright sea.

"This is a sea we have never set foot on."

With this sound, the command room was full of joy!

The researchers hugged each other, Cao Dezheng and pan Jianghai clapped their hands excitedly, while the government and military officials behind them had already jumped up, and the whole plane was boiling.

On the huge main screen of the console, Duan Tiandao's eyes glittered: "Mom and Dad, do you see?"


In February, the war situation became more and more treacherous with the dizzying deployment of China and NATO around the southeast sea area.

The war has already spread to the whole sea area and various immigrant islands. The prosperous city of that year has become ruins. On the original clean and tidy city streets, except for the trees burned into dark coke in the fire, the dust scattered on the ground, cement blocks, broken bricks, broken tiles and glass slag, there is only black mud mixed with blood.

There seems to be a stench in the air forever.

When the hot wind in summer or the snow wind in winter blows over the city, it is no longer the dancing clothes and hair of slim girls, nor the giggling laughter of children in snowball fights.

The wind shook the tattered billboards, brushed the thick dust on the roadside car wreckage, and passed through the blackened ruins.

Every war shrouded city sounded the same sob in the wind. It was the voice of the wind and the voice of people in rags, hungry and cold.

Even those cities that have not withstood the war have become increasingly dilapidated with the progress of the war.

The Great Depression broke out in many countries because of the war. Prices soared, necessities were scarce, factories closed down and workers lost their jobs.

It took only a short time for everything completely unimaginable to come to them.

I don't know when everything that can be sold at home has been sold. I don't know when they got the notice of employment and began to run for survival every day. I don't know when a piece of oatmeal bread has risen to the price they can't afford after working hard for half a month!

The old people lined up at the relief point to get food. The middle-aged people left the spacious and bright office and worked 14 hours a day in the dimly lit underground factory. Deprived of their ideals, the young people stepped out of school and onto the battlefield.

When they close their eyes forever on the battlefield filled with smoke and killing, many of them are just children who have never experienced anything.

Everything revolves around war.

When there is only one same expectation and one thing worthy of attention in life, it can be imagined that in this early spring, how many people focus on the southeast sea area!

Whether NATO or Chinese people, they stay in front of the TV every day and pay attention to the war zone, which is far away but more important than the war at home.

Several years of war has been enough to make ordinary people who do not understand military affairs become experts who talk about the war situation. Even if many of their views are just nonsense of a group of confused guys in the eyes of real militarists, we have to admit that these people see one thing very clearly and thoroughly.

That is, no matter how the northern theater, the southern theater or the Western Theater is fought, the most critical place of this war is between the two superpowers, the United States and China.

If we have to say that after repeated deliberation, the famous generals and staff officers of national defense ministries and military headquarters have surprisingly consistent views with ordinary people, it is undoubtedly the southeast sea area.

The core of China was unconsciously transferred to the militia force called the fierce army.

Many people don't know what the fierce army did in the sea area of Fengfeng island in China, nor do they know much about the bloody night in Beijing and the ups and downs of the presidential election.

But this did not prevent them from knowing the support of Marshal Huang Shengtian and marshal Li Cunxin for the fierce army, nor did it prevent them from getting the news of China's great victory and chelda's southward journey.

After a circle, the war returned to the origin.

The reason for the collision between the two sides is to compete for the central channel.

What stood in front of cherda was the fierce army and the Chinese coalition army led by Huang Shengtian, who did not hesitate to dissolve the upper house of the alliance Parliament and forcibly passed a resolution to go south.

Even a fool can see clearly the game between the two sides at this time.

It will be a great battle!

No one can stop the outbreak of this war.

Countless Chinese and NATO fleets will be like two groups of angry bulls, straight into each other, stabbing the opponent's body with sharp and strong horns until blood splashes.

Once the battle begins, it will not end.

Both sides will try their best to put in all the forces that can be assembled until one of the two sides falls exhausted, or NATO opens the central channel and sweeps China northward, or let the Chinese kill sus and baisus and force the two ambitious countries to withdraw from the war!

Although in the central theater, the American fleet has invaded the Chinese mainland, the battle between Dexi and Ryan military region has also entered a white hot stage.

But every general and staff who deduced and analyzed in front of the electronic sand table and every ordinary civilian who shouted at the wine table recognized it.

The center of the storm is in the southeast theater!

This battle is the choice of fate and the necessity of the situation all the way to the present. It will not be transferred by anyone's will!

Whoever wins will take the initiative!

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