Two gunmen on the second floor of the warehouse were sent directly to the sky together with the warehouse by micro missiles.

The blast wave of the explosion even spread to the open-air balcony where Guan Cheng is located.

The sun is still bright, but the stagnant wind has been pulled from all directions. The positive area was shrouded in blazing rolling flames, and the sky seemed to be red with blood.

Guan Cheng can't see anything except the terrible energy storm.

When the sound of guns and explosions stopped and the flying flesh and blood fell to the ground like raindrops, Mao Wei was the only one left in the thick smoke.

His spirit seems to have completely collapsed.

His face and body were covered with the flesh and blood of the gunmen beside him. He was trembling all over. He looked at Duan Tiandao and Lin Han's eyes, full of endless fear and despair.

At this time, Duan Tiandao moved.

He took the military hunting knife in his hand and rushed to Mao Wei. The body is as light as the wind and as strong as a leopard. With only two or three steps on the ground, he raised his speed to the extreme, just like an arrow off the string!

"You can't kill me! I command you! Stop! " Mao Wei screamed hysterically, and his red eyes protruded completely.

"Stop? Stop Farting! "


The bright knife light, with a stunning radian, swept over Mao Wei's throat and cut a huge crack gushing thick blood.

Mao Wei stared in disbelief, covered his throat with his hand, staggered and refused to fall. He doesn't believe he died like this.

He originally controlled the sea area and had power that ordinary people can't imagine. You can be the most beautiful woman, drink the best wine, live in the most luxurious room and have the most expensive cruise ship. We can also control the fate of all people and see them struggling, begging and suffering in their own hands. Let life live and let people die.

He had all this and lost it.

He's not willing. He still has a chance. He can wait until chelda goes south and execute all those who oppose him, even the fool Yu Kaiwei.

How can such a life just disappear?

Mao Wei's throat made a clucking sound, and a lot of blood flowed along his fingers.

When he finally fell to the ground with his dead fish eyes open. Duan Tiandao spat hard and turned to the SUV: "son of a bitch! Deserve it! "

When the military off-road vehicle left, countless military and police drove the heavy armored vehicles and machine armour with screaming alarms to quickly arrive, which surrounded the whole block.

Led by a group of soldiers in fierce army uniforms.

These tough soldiers seem to have known what happened here. The first thing after they rushed out of the car was to go straight to Mao Wei, pack it in a body bag and take it away in an armored transport vehicle.

The policemen, soldiers and plain clothes of the intelligence bureau who followed stayed far away when the fierce army was working, and didn't even look here. Only after the fierce army roared away, did they conduct a short investigation on the scene under the leadership of several senior officials, and then quickly clean up.

As for Guan Cheng, he was immediately found and taken away by a deputy director of the military intelligence department.

When he left, he was frightened by the explosion and fled the building one after another. His colleagues gathered in the street and talked about it one after another. They couldn't help but cast surprised eyes at him.

Immediately, all kinds of rumors and gossip about Guan Cheng spread.

Each statement is different, but the conclusion of each statement is roughly the same. In everyone's opinion, this normally quiet clerk must have something to do with the explosion.

At the age of 37, but with a slim future, he is facing the pressure of losing his job.

A silent character is most likely to go to extremes. Obviously, it must be no good to be taken away by the military intelligence department. With such a stain, in an enterprise such as a bank, it basically means that his life is over.

However, to everyone's surprise, on the third day after the incident, Guan Cheng returned to the bank and continued to repeat his life and work.

Nothing seems to have happened.

Many people wanted to get some news out of him. However, Guan Cheng always smiled, shook his head and stubbornly said nothing. This makes many people angry.

A senior director of the bank even scolded Guan Cheng for his lack of knowledge and threatened to let him go.

But in the end, it was the senior director who was originally in charge of a powerful department.

On the day when he failed to find out the gossip and angrily denounced Guan Cheng, he was called into the office by the chairman of the bank, and then demoted to a branch in a small city.

When autumn comes, Guan Cheng has become a middle-level manager of the bank, and because he did not know when to enter the sight of the bank's board of directors, he has made great progress all the way.

With the promotion of his position, people were surprised to find that the man who was originally silent and lonely became cheerful.

He is witty, humorous and witty. He not only lifts heavy weights in interpersonal relations, but also shows a more amazing and rewarding ability in work than his previous diligence, which makes everyone admire the vision of the top management of the board of directors.

Many years later, when Guan Cheng finally retired as president of the bank, people often think of this optimistic and relaxed man, who is always impressed by his broad mind and unique personality charm.

However, until Guan Cheng died, his superiors, friends, even his wife and children didn't know what happened that day from him.

Everything was submerged in the long river of time, hidden in the deepest heart of Guan Cheng's forever closed heart and walked into the tomb with him.

People just know that on that day, Mao Wei was killed while resisting arrest, and the bank got a deposit of more than 300 billion US dollars with attached conditions on that day.

No one connects all this with Guan Cheng.

Three hundred billion dollars is an unimaginable astronomical figure for a regional bank in China. It is this sum of money that enables the bank to cooperate with larger institutions and grow from a regional bank to a well-known bank in the southeast sea.

The only clue is Guan Cheng's wife.

Because in the following days, the man who was looked down upon before but was envied by her sisters, friends and colleagues always became focused when the Chinese hero appeared on the TV screen.

A woman doesn't know when and under what circumstances a man has intersected with the hero, but she knows that something magical must have happened. And enough to change one's destiny!

Police cars with sirens, military armored vehicles and mecha with roaring engines are far behind one intersection after another. They are farther and farther away from the military off-road vehicles driving on the picturesque and grassy lakeside highway of Baihua city. Gradually, they only become the faint noise of the noisy city center.

"Duan Tiandao." Lin Han put his head out of the window and narrowed his eyes to blow: "what were you thinking when you waved that knife?"

"I wonder if I was handsome enough to kill that bastard." Duan Tiandao drove and smacked his mouth. There was still anger after waving a knife in his eyes.

For people like Mao Wei, he had no psychological burden when cutting each other's neck. He has killed thousands of people, but none of them makes him think he should kill more than this scum!

Especially considering the people who sacrificed for this country, Duan Tiandao even wanted to cut people like Mao Wei!

As the car sped along the road, the sun scattered through the shade of the trees and broke into golden spots on the ground. The winding road is clean and quiet, and the lawn is green and tidy in the woods.

Further away, there is the sparkling lake. Several wild ducks are chasing and playing on the water with their wings.

"Unfortunately, there is only one audience." Lin Han sighed.

With Lin Han's ability, naturally, Guan Cheng was discovered as early as the first time he appeared, and with his ability to control the whole China Skynet, he accurately found this person's information from more than a billion people in a few seconds.

A small employee who is not very proud of his career and whose economic situation is getting worse and worse has a kind heart. When calling the police, although he was trembling, he finally summoned up his courage.

"I don't know what that guy will say when asked after watching our gorgeous performance."

Lin Han has some grievances.

There is only one audience, either 100% positive or 100% negative. If she is booed by the whole audience, she will obviously feel very shameless.

"If he has eyes and praises us, we'll surprise him." Duan Tiandao touched his chin: "if this guy has no eyes."

"What?" Lin Han's eyes shine.

"Just say he killed those people." Duan Tiandao looked angry: "let him also engage in a career like hero."

"Good idea." Lin Han said with a bad smile. Suddenly his eyes coagulated and said to Duan Tiandao, "Duan Tiandao, the latest battle report of Metis has been sent back. Huang Xiaolei asked you to hurry to the command center."

"I know!" Duan Tiandao suddenly pulled the control lever, and the car suddenly turned sideways in the forest of sunshine. The flat chassis almost made a cross body elegant close to the ground, accelerated at the same time of turning 180 degrees, and shot out like an arrow.

In the dark sea, scarred warships withdrew from the sea one after another.

When the officers and men of NATO fleets gathered around the porthole or the telephoto screen of their warships and saw the large holes broken on the bodies of these warships, the overturned upper deck, the main gun of the ship's bow blasted into scrap iron and the general bridge of messy scrap iron, they couldn't help looking at each other, shocked and in a commotion.

This is admiral Goodall's eighth unsuccessful attack.

The final result of the eight raids launched in thirty-five hours was that the fleet left its sacrificial companions and withdrew from the sea again and again.

Not only did Goodall's storm bear fleet itself suffer heavy casualties, but even the NATO fleet that followed him to attack has changed three batches.

The first to be replaced were the two clique fleets of the Monterey Empire, which had cooperated with the storm bear fleet. At the time of the third assault, the losses of the two group fleets were as high as 45 percent, completely losing their combat capability.

Benning immediately replaced it with two other fleets of NATO member states with the same combat effectiveness.

However, they did not insist on two rounds of attacks, and the two group fleets that replaced the new positions were also crippled one after another. Forced by helplessness, when Benning changed the fleet for the third time, he transferred two American fleets that originally belonged to the central main force cluster directly under his jurisdiction.

The situation seems much better this time.

Under the command of Goodall, during the sixth assault, the Americans and the fierce bear fleet even forced the fierce army to 20 nautical miles away, forcing Tianji old man to invest in four of his reserve fleets before forcing the NATO coalition fleet out of Haikou.

However, it was the closest to the strategic goal of the eight attacks launched by Goodall.

In the next two attacks, the fierce army fought harder. Even if the coalition wanted to advance a mile, it would have to pay a great price.

When all the warships withdrew from the sea, NATO officers and soldiers stopped counting and fell into a dead silence.

There are less than four of the six storm bear fleets left, while there are only half of the six American fleets left!

This means that even if he is as crazy as bear Goodall, there is no way to continue the attack.

In the flagship command room, Benning frowned deeply and sat on the command seat without speaking for a long time.

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