Whether it is the Chinese army in Panlong, or the Chinese fleets and transport fleets in the waterway, even the pedestrians walking on the street, the customers in front of the automatic coffee vending machine and the factory owners who are worried in the office, all find that life has become so easy.

Skynet, which has just completed the upgrade, seems to be alive.

The motorcade roaring into the core area of the third airport stopped in front of the huge metal building gate shaped like an eggshell.

Under the protection of heavily armed guards, thirteen masked people wearing special masks walked quickly into the gate of the metal building. From getting off to entering the door, and then to closing the door, the whole process does not exceed five seconds.

If you look down from the air at this moment, you can find that the whole core area centered on metal buildings has been completely closed. Whether on the roof of the building or on the street, there are serious looking guards, patrol mecha and dense port monitors everywhere.

The security guards escorting the thirteen people into the building stopped in front of the automatic door in the first safety zone and were replaced by the second group of security guards. At the next automatic door, they were replaced by the third group of security guards.

So repeatedly. When thirteen people wearing special masks came to the door of the last security zone, the guards guarding them had been replaced in five batches.

The automatic door of the safety zone opened and thirteen people filed in. But this time, when the guards stayed behind the closed automatic door, no new boat guards took over. In front of them was a Chinese soldier who was also wearing a mask and military uniform without any logo.

"Please follow me." The soldiers waiting in the security zone leaned slightly and made an invitation gesture, and the opposite automatic door opened.

Bright lights penetrated through the growing cracks in the door, illuminating the 13 masked people in the safety zone.

They stepped out of the automatic door in the light. Looking around, a huge oval hall with a height of 200 meters and a length and width of more than one kilometer appeared in front of us. Compared with this huge room, the automatic door behind is like a mouse hole in the corner of the opera house.

Entering the hall, everyone saw a floating warship on the central circular platform at a glance.

It was a warship made of unknown metal like mercury, dark and shaped like a tadpole.

Different from ordinary warships, its hull can hardly see any porthole, no bridge, no exposed main thrusters and electronic instrument peripherals usually seen on modern warships.

It floats quietly in the circular floating dock, and every inch of its body is extremely smooth and beautiful.

Thirteen masked men were quickly captured by the shocking warship. They walked involuntarily towards the warship. The closer they get, the higher their heads rise.

"Now you can take off your masks. There is no one here except us. " When the masked men came to the bottom of the warship, the soldiers took the lead in taking off their masks and showed a mature and steady smiling face of about 40: "introduce yourself, I am the captain of the ghost warship, named Zhou Wu. It belongs to the third special fleet of double headed eagle of the navy of the Chinese Republic, with the rank of lieutenant general. "

Thirteen masked people looked at each other and took off their masks one after another. He showed a somewhat reserved face.

Nine men and four women, the oldest has white temples, and the youngest is over 30. Everyone looks like a gentle man with no strength to bind a chicken.

"Professor Hugo." Lieutenant general Zhou Wu held out his hand, shook hands with an old man in the lead, and said enthusiastically, "welcome."

"The ship is called a ghost?" Professor Hugo, who had a gray beard and lost only one circle of hair, shook hands with Zhou Wu, turned his head to the black warship and asked.

"Yes, ghost." Zhou Wu nodded: "the whole China, no, it should be said that the only ghost in the whole world."

He said, looking back at the warship and said, "it not only has more than twice the speed of high-speed destroyers, but also has strong anti radar capability. Coupled with the living system and energy system specially designed for this mission, we can not supply for three years! "

"So we're going to live on this warship for three years?" Professor Hugo mumbled as he watched the plane.

Zhou Wu didn't answer. The others who came with Hugo were silent. People with masks in their hands stood silent under the suspended black warship. The atmosphere became very dignified for a time.

They are supercomputer and Skynet system experts from different military regions in China. At the same time, he is also an engineer in the transformation of Huaxia United Skynet and a member of the core working group of Huaxia's most confidential "Lord God" plan!

More than a month ago, they were originally laboratory researchers, college professors or doing some secret work for the military in their respective military regions. They received an order asking them to go to Beijing with more than 200 other experts to participate in the maintenance and upgrading of the joint Skynet.

This job is no stranger to them.

As experts with S-level authority, special allowance and military secret protection, they rush to Beijing from time to time almost every year to do the same work. Among them, the longest participation has been more than 35 years, and the shortest has been more than three years.

Therefore, after receiving the instruction, they did not hesitate to take a small amount of luggage and rushed to Beijing by military special plane.

However, it was not until they arrived at their destination that the experts found that the work was somewhat different from usual.

They no longer work together as before, in groups and teams. Instead, they are separated, and each person is responsible for one piece of work. And in the whole process of working alone, they must also accept a variety of questionnaires, interviews and evaluations.

Because the Skynet upgrade is to transplant the Skynet core control system from the original supercomputer to another more powerful new supercomputer, we are not surprised.

After all, such an important project, whether working alone or asking questions, belongs to the normal scope of confidentiality and anti conflict work.

It's just that you can only work through the workbench in the room, but you can't see the face of the new generation of computers. Everyone has some complaints in mind.

The process of work is very fast.

In just two weeks, this huge and numerous project has come to an end. At this time, hundreds of engineers began to leave one after another and return to their original units. No one knows who other people are, what work they are responsible for, and whether they have left.

Therefore, no one knows that thirteen people were selected to stay.

The hall was quiet.

The thirteen people selected to stay were standing in the hall, looking up at the warship.

Only they know that the new generation of Huaxia Skynet core computer is in the black warship in front of them. Only they can understand that the whole Skynet upgrade plan is an integral part of a top secret plan that even the Huaxia command department has no right to access, and even can't find any documents in the system.

The real plan is called the wandering God!

God is not the central computer whose performance is so powerful that all material scientists marvel at it. It is an intelligent life that appears for the first time in the process of human lonely civilization, has an inalienable and unrepeatable independent personality, and makes the remaining 13 people even willing to exile themselves in order to keep secrets!

No one knows the mood of the remaining 13 scientists when they finally came into contact with the secret.

Shock, excitement, glory, incredible, mixed feelings!

From that moment on, they will carry out the last part of the whole plan alone... Complete the final connection of Skynet, and accompany the LORD God to wander in the vast sea in the Republic of China and hide in the deep sea that neither the enemy nor the allies can find.

When everyone thought that China's central computer was a stand in computer in Beijing, people would never dream that the real gods looked down on the human world in the sea!

In the silence, professor Hugo said to himself, "the day before yesterday, we completed the entry of the LORD God. From that moment on, our Skynet system has come to life. "

"At that time, I was standing on the balcony of the building of the Chinese military base."

His eyes flickered, as if back to the time of his narration. His voice echoed in the empty hall, with a blessing like piety of a church priest.

"I saw those combat staff who didn't know what happened excitedly around the Skynet console, some dancing and some clapping their hands."

"Some people said that the battle in the sea area at the mouth of the sea, because of the upgrading of Skynet, suppressed the opponent with absolute superiority in electronic warfare for the first time. Others said that the attack frequency of Fortress guns increased by 30%, and the enemy was disheartened by our fortress. "

"Some people told me that the commanders of several fleets relied on a more efficient command and coordination system to lead the fleet to complete tactical cooperation faster than the specified time and achieved brilliant results."

"Then I went to the logistics department, the intelligence center and the liaison offices of military regions to evaluate our Skynet. Although it was only a short day yesterday, what I heard was cheers, excited comments and blushing praises. "

"I didn't blush." Hugo looked back and smiled, "this is just the beginning!"

Scientists smiled at each other. As a companion of professor Hugo, no one can feel the pride and pride in Hugo's words better than them.

"Let's go!" Professor Hugo turned and couldn't wait to go up the suspension ladder where the warship fell to the ground: "we are the thirteen believers and servants of the LORD God. For what I have heard and seen, not to mention three years, I am willing to stay in this warship for the rest of my life! "

One by one, the scientists set foot on the warship suspension ladder.

Zhou Wu came to the end.

Looking at these scholars who are willing to exile themselves for their scientific beliefs, their ideals and their country, his eyes are full of sincere admiration.

"Ready to go!" Zhou Wu finally walked into the ship and gave a loud order.

The doors of the plane began to close, and the high dome of the hall was slowly opening.

A bright sunshine came down, so brilliant in the slowly narrowing crack of the door.

"Goodbye, marshal!" Zhou Wu said silently.


"They're off?" Huang Shengtian put down his papers and looked up from behind his desk.

General Zhao XiaoSuan, who entered the room, closed the door and nodded.

Huang Shengtian was silent. His wheelchair moved back slightly with the center of gravity of his body, turned in a direction, and drove to the giant sea map on the wall on one side of the office.

The wheelchair stopped in front of the sea map. The old man's raised face became a little blurred in the light of the sea map with dense light spots and crisscross routes. But those deep and wise eyes are still surprisingly bright.

"A ship, 114 people sailing alone in the world. There is no destination and no return time. " The old man uttered a long sigh: "this exile is a cruel torture."

"I heard that lieutenant general Zhou Wu used to be your orderly?" Zhao XiaoSuan went to the old man.

"Yes." Huang Shengtian nodded: "twenty years ago, he stayed in my office guard team. Later, he was admitted to the military academy and has come to the present step by step. "

"Maybe it won't be long before the war is over." Zhao XiaoSuan smiled.

Huang Shengtian stared at the sea map for a long time, turned and drove to the desk: "how about Qin demon?"

"He has met with Jing Lijun, head of Ryan military region and minister, but there is no further news." Zhao XiaoSuan turned around: "the voice of the people is very high. He should be waiting for the voice of chairman Zhao Xi and front-line commander Cao Dezheng."

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