The experience of fighting side by side on the night of the coup has become the link of this group.

Young and independent officers are being inspired by the success of the coup. At this time, no one can disintegrate them from the inside. Any kind of unfriendly behavior will be regarded as provocation.

As the leader of this group, as long as the aura behind him remains, these young officers who think they are creating a new era and are excited about it cannot have any doubt about him. Those sous generals who lost their initiative would not be able to take action.

It was out of a clear understanding of this that Lande quickly ordered to continue the information suppression in the name of preventing the rebellion of some pro NATO military regions and stabilizing the political situation as soon as the coup was completed. At the same time, he also took advantage of his own strength and the opportunity of Chinese generals not knowing their own details to impose martial law on the whole Soviet Union.

These orders bought him the most valuable time. During this period, he completed the contact with the Huaxia headquarters and got the answer from avrola.

Now, the fleet is heading for the sea entrance from the Silver Elephant sea area to the longbow sea area. There he will greet aphrola returning to suss.

When aphrola returns to the capital with him as his wife, everything will be settled. Even if someone later knew the cause and effect, he didn't care. Because at that time, he had already completed the personnel changes to consolidate power and became the master of SUS.

Looking up, he drank all the wine in the glass, and Lund turned to look out of the porthole of the warship.

The whole four A-class fleets formed a huge cluster and sailed in the Starry Sea.

This fleet is the most loyal and elite force in Rand's hands. With this group fleet as a lever, he will pry the whole SUS.

The only thing that came back was a high-speed cruiser.

Lund can't wait to imagine what he saw when he met aphrola. Although in her reply, she stated that she could get engaged first, and others would have to wait until the end of the southeast campaign, he had already automatically omitted these superfluous words.

He looked down with a lewd smile on his face. At this meeting, he must completely control aphrola.

At the thought of Xiangyan, Lande felt a burst of dry mouth. Although from his understanding of aphrola, she is willing to be stripped as soon as she meets, and the probability of being pressed under her is almost zero. Forcing her will certainly cause her resistance and disgust. However, he still made up his mind to do so.

There are two reasons for this.

One reason is that this is originally a deal to trap the white wolf with empty hands. The key to this transaction is the asymmetry of information! Once you get through, everything is over.

Lund knows avrola too well. This woman has become a God in the constant praise of the Soviet soldiers since the long bow resistance.

The more people praise her, the more they like her. The more you like her, the more you praise her. After the battle of longbow, the storm has blown back and forth in the Soviet military for several times. The hatred of NATO rule and the remembrance of Tolstoy have all become the admiration and love of aphora.

Human beings generally have herd mentality. The three are still tigers, not to mention the spiritual sustenance and even faith born in suffering. It spreads and infects faster than lies.

Once she knows the whole story and her reputation, it's hard to guarantee what she will do.

As long as she said a word, things would change unimaginably.

Therefore, Lund firmly believes that he doesn't need avrola to participate in anything. This woman will not have a chance to say a word in Susie. She just needs to stand by her side quietly.

A gun on the waist and two bodyguards can do all this. Although this method is a little stupid, it is much safer than putting the future in her hands. Before that, he had to use the most direct way to let avrola understand that there was no warmth in this meeting. Whether she wanted it or not, she had to surrender!

The other reason is relatively simple, that is, Lande really yearns for this woman who has thought for many years. He had imagined countless times the scene of crushing aphrola under him wantonly. Every time he thought about it, his anger was exuberant. Up to now, the evil fire can no longer be suppressed.

Beep, two crisp electronic prompts came.

On the Skynet screen in front of the office, a telephoto screen sent by the reconnaissance ship that had earlier arrived at the sea area of Changgong came.

I saw a cruiser with a unique shape painted with a fierce army logo on the bow, passing through the sea and floating in the sea.

Looking at the lonely ship, Lund's face turned red with excitement. His chest heaved violently and his heart beat faster. The hand holding the wine glass is green and ferocious

"Everybody, I'm Fang Chutian."

On the screen, a middle-aged man piled up a smiling face and waved hello.

In the conference room, Maxim sat at the head of the conference table, and dozens of senior officers of the Dragon gun military region looked serious and upright. Around them are hundreds of communication screens. In each communication screen, there was an excited and confused officer suss.

This is a video conference convened by Maxim. All the senior generals of the Soviet Union appeared on the screen.

Before that, everyone didn't know what the purpose of Maxim's meeting was. Therefore, when he opened the communication channel and saw the face that everyone was not strange, everyone was both excited and surprised.

You know, after the Soviet Union coup, the pattern has been confused. No one knows what medicine Langde sells in his gourd. At this moment, I am very excited to see Fang Chutian, who is considered by everyone to be the supporter behind Lund. Moreover, beside Fang Chutian, there is still a smiling aphrola!

"Hey, do you know what's going on?" In the private contact channel, people with deep friendship or familiar with each other get together and talk one after another. On the conference screen, I only saw them talking, but I couldn't hear their voice.

"I don't know. Why, you don't know? "

"It seems that it was a meeting convened by general Lande. I said, the southeast is about to start fighting. Our first-class combat readiness order has been issued, but there has been no news."

"Going to war? I'm looking forward to this day! "

"It seems that Lund is really connected with aphrola."

"Nonsense, no contact. Can he grasp the timing so accurately? Didn't contact him. As soon as he announced the first-class combat readiness, avrola came out here? Besides, the communication between sus and the outside world is still limited. Without his permission, how can the fierce army communicate with this side? "

"What's the matter with Fang Chutian?" A major general of Susi secretly asked on a private channel, "how can you join us in the military meeting of Susi? What can aphrola say?"

"Who knows, maybe it's admiral Lande's meaning."

"Well, why isn't admiral Lande here?"

"Shh, I'll have a private chat. Fang Chutian is going to talk. Listen..."

"General Maxim asked us to call you this time because there is one thing we must make a statement..." under the attention of the people, Duan Tiandao smiled: "your country's general Lande has nothing to do with the fierce army, lieutenant general avrola and even the whole China. No matter what he did in our name, we won't admit it. "

"What?" A general sous's eyes widened, and several representatives of young officers who were too excited to control themselves when they saw aphora jumped up at once.

"Susi is a country with a glorious tradition and the motherland of lieutenant general avrola. In the fierce army, more than 200000 officers and soldiers are of Susi nationality. Some of them are officers and soldiers of the longbow local fleet, and some are really patriotic young people. Now, they have become a member of the fierce army and fight for sus in another capacity. "

"So fundamentally speaking, the humen and Sus were inseparable from each other. However, we need to solemnly declare that the only partner we have been in contact with is general Maxim. His loyalty to suss and his personality are worthy of our trust. In order to overthrow the rule of NATO and its spokesperson, he has done a lot of preliminary work... "

Duan Tiandao learned the temperament and manners training in deception. Now, with a steamed stuffed bun face, he solemnly took a copy of the statement and made a solemn and solemn posture. He opened his mouth without changing his face.

And maxim, who was called "a long-time collaborator", was obviously not as thick skinned as him. When he heard his words, he couldn't help twisting his body, lowering his head, staring at the conference table, as if he was going to burn a hole in the table. The officers of the Dragon spear military region who knew the inside story next to him were also light drawn from the corners of their mouths, their faces moved, and their faces looked strange.

This meeting was held because of the call between Maxim and avrola two days ago. It took less than ten minutes for the two sides to communicate, and the truth came out.

Maxim was furious when he knew that there was no connection between Avrora and Lund and learned about the "deal" proposed by Lund to Avrora.

Not to mention how much harm Lund, a sinister guy, will do to suss after consolidating his power position, Maxim can't forgive the deal he proposed to aphrola.

Also a student of general Tolstoy, avrola is Maxim's real junior sister. When they were in the longbow sea area, their feelings were very deep. They are life and death friends who can trust each other. Up to now, he regretted that he couldn't fight the longbow with Tolstoy and aphrola!

It can be imagined how angry Maxim was when he knew Lande's details and the contents of the transaction.

Fortunately, the time of the coup is still short, and Lande himself lacks confidence. For the time being, he has no way to control all military regions. Things are not irreparable. Apart from other things, only the generals of some main war factions contacted by Maxim added up, which was enough to kill Lande like an ant.

However, the problem now is that the scale of the young officers who launched the coup is too large. They are the foundation of the whole Soviet army. Without enough evidence to convince everyone, any attack on Lande will be regarded as an attack on the whole love official group.

If something goes wrong with these grass-roots officers, Sus will fall into endless infighting. No one can shoulder this responsibility.

Therefore, after discussing with avrola and the guy named Fang Chutian on the communication screen, Maxim sent the meeting information to the top generals of the entire Soviet military through secret channels.

The hundreds of Soviet military officers present today have included all those in power of the Soviet military. Among them, in addition to more than a dozen main war faction generals who were prepared to launch a mutiny with maxim, there are also military chiefs, commanders of major military regions, military commanders of the army and Navy, and representatives of several young officers.

While Maxim was thinking, Duan Tiandao was over, and she made a funny statement. On her face, she habitually piled up that simple and honest smile: "everybody, what's the problem?"

Everyone stared at Duan Tiandao, and no one spoke. After a long silence, a general with white temples said slowly, "general Fang, so, general Lande hasn't contacted any of you before. The Chinese army and the fierce army know nothing about it? "

Hearing the general's question, several shocked young officers turned their eyes to Duan Tiandao.

Although they have clearly heard Duan Tiandao's previous statement, they still want further confirmation. As the representative figures in the youth love official group of Susi, they understand the power of this heavenly way to stand beside aphrola and say these words.

They can fully imagine what kind of uproar will be caused when these words spread among the Susi officers and soldiers. It is also possible to imagine what Lande will face in such a voice, who has become a leader only by relying on the aura of Avrora and the banner of the fierce army of China.

Duan Tiandao's statement is not just a few words, but several heavy and sharp Maces. Every time I hit my head, blood flow and Venus in my eyes!

In the eyes of the officers. Duan Tiandao and aphrola nodded at the same time, once again clearly confirming the indisputability of this problem.


A dead silence.

In particular, several young officers turned pale.

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