"You must have had a lot of resentment at that time." The reporter asserted.

"You're right." The colonel said, "everyone in the whole fleet is angry at the non resistance to the fierce army. In our opinion, since the fierce army can defeat the vanguard fleet led by Benning, why can't it delay cherda's progress and leave more room for the Chinese army? At that time, we couldn't think of any reason to excuse them except selfishness. "

"There is a good reason to retreat strategically and preserve troops." The reporter asked clearly.

"That's the worst reason. War is war. Don't fight if you are afraid of sacrifice! " The Colonel shook his head and said, "we ignored the dangerous situation of Terry as blue as a mountain and went south to support them. However, in order to preserve the troops, they stepped back and lost all the strategic detour space in the early stage. No one can be generous and tolerant! "

"You know." The colonel looked straight into the reporter's eyes: "this is a war. We come to fight this war and pay our lives!"

The reporter was silent.

From the perspective of the people, or afterwards, it may be easy to explain the retreat of the fierce army. But as the colonel said before, only from the standpoint of a soldier who is ready to sacrifice at any time can we understand what all that means to the Chinese army.

"The scene must have been spectacular. Can you describe it?" The reporter cut off the topic.

The Colonel thought for a long time before slowly saying, "I said it was a fateful war. I can't describe the scene when the two fleets met. I can only tell you what I went through. "

"At that time, I was just a captain information officer. When I arrived at A3 sea area, it was my turn to be on duty. As soon as I got to the information center, I heard a harsh alarm, and then the whole warship blew up. We didn't know where we came from and ran frantically. In addition to the cry, footsteps and alarm, the captain kept repeating the command to prepare for battle in the radio. "

"At that time, my mind was blank. I didn't know we had met the NATO fleet until I sat in front of my work terminal. The distance between the two sides is only 200 nautical miles. In front of us, the Hummer fleet is turning. At this distance, fighting may break out at any time. "

"That day was also the day when the Qin demon fleet arrived at Terry blue as a mountain. Beside me, there is a TV still broadcasting the news picture of Qin demon fleet entering the blue mountain sea area of Terry. "

"I saw millions of people on Panlong immigration Island take to the streets and cheer. I also saw thousands of Chinese warships on the sea lined up on both sides of the channel to pay tribute to the Qin demon fleet, which provides charcoal in the snow, and accept the review of their new commander. Panlong fortress, which has moved to the sea area, sent a signal to welcome general Qin demon between fierce battles. When the NATO attack fleet slowly withdrew from the sea like a group of hyenas who saw lions, the whole sea area was lit by the light signal of victory. "

"But it's strange that I don't have any feelings about it. Although that's the honor we deserve. Although we came to the A3 sea area amid the angry curses of all Chinese people. But I don't feel angry or depressed at all. That kind of emotion that has been torturing me in the whole process of going south suddenly disappeared! "

"I'm relieved, really. I was not nervous or panicked, but relieved. At that moment, I could clearly see those NATO warships from the screen. I suddenly felt that this was my destiny. All the mental confusion and torture disappeared at that moment. I don't want to think about Terry's blue mountain sea, meima sea, or China that has abandoned us. "

"I just looked at countless NATO warships. They are right in front of us, eyeing us like wolves. I watched our fleet enter the designated position in a standard formation, and the lights of the warship porthole extended to the end of my sight. The fierce army is on the left, the central cluster of China is in the middle, and more than 20 A-class fleets of Ryan military region are on the right, forming a huge Trident. "

"At that time, we were in a delicate and tense confrontation with the enemy. Both sides were controlling their emotions and testing tit for tat. We all sent reconnaissance ships and escorted high-speed destroyers. They rushed out of the main array and headed for the middle of the battlefield. "

"Our main gun has begun to charge. The mother ship opened the fighter ejection channel, the electronic ship began to fully start electronic defense and jamming, and the reconnaissance ship released the detector while flying forward. "

At this point, the Colonel stopped and looked at the nervous reporter.

"We all remember that day. March 10th. I don't know if you were in class or playing with mud when you were only ten years old. I just know that I forgot everything on the sea and thought in my heart, damn, we are a lone army. We're coming. The battle has begun! "

The double star corridor is a place full of all kinds of dreamlike colors.

In peacetime, it was once one of the famous scenic waterways in the main waterway of human sea area. Sailing here is like drilling into a kaleidoscope.

The colorful rainbow, dazzling white reef belt, floating sea fog and gravel, red, brown, white and green islands in the distance form a dreamy and blurred picture.

Different angles give different views. The scenery around the merchant ships, exploration ships, mining ships and cruise ships passing through this channel changes with each leg, whether heading southeast or northwest.

Just like a kaleidoscope constantly shaking, it is ever-changing and never tired of seeing.

On this day in March, with the meeting of the two main fleets of NATO and China, this beautiful corridor is destined to add the brightest color... Red among the thousands of blurred colors.

The color of human blood and fire in the sea!

Outside the side window of China's flagship "Shangjing" aircraft carrier, tens of thousands of large and small steel warships, like a group of sharks gathered in the same sea area, are silent.

Six Chinese "unicorn" Class Battleships surrounded the "Shangjing". Seven warships are connected by mobile channels to form a huge temporary command station.

Chinese officers and soldiers in colorful uniforms hurried back and forth in the corridor. The shadowless electronic lights on the walls and overhead illuminate every corner white. From time to time, the overhead broadcast sounded the notification sound of the system, and the automatic doors leading to different functional areas opened and closed in the crisp electronic confirmation tone.

On the long and wide walkway, the self transmission belt runs silently. Elevators take people to the high bridge. One automatic rail car after another slides quickly from both sides of the channel, on which sit soldiers escorting materials or staff officers holding emergency documents.

Through the glass of the room along the way, we can see that the staff officers of the base camp are nervously discussing and formulating operational plans in front of the sea map and electronic sand table; The pilots are looking at the task electronic board in the pre war preparation room and listening to the chief explain the key points of the task; The fighters in the hangar have been raised to the ejection channel for standby; The mechanic and ground crew drove the data detection vehicle or ammunition supply vehicle back and forth, nervously making the final detection for the fighter and adding missiles to replenish energy.

The atmosphere was tense and dignified.

The enemy is 200 miles away.

It was a huge fleet led by chelda, the most terrible enemy in Chinese history and a generation of genius.

More than 200 A-class fleets, totaling more than 30000 large and small warships, are like a huge black hole in front of us.

It is false to say that there is no sense of awe.

As soldiers in the war era, this is a group of men who fight for their family and country at the cost of their lives. They will never lack heartfelt respect for a good general. Even if this man is his own enemy.

No matter how arrogant the Chinese generals are, they dare not hold their necks in front of Zelda.

Not only don't have the courage, but also don't have the qualification!

They know cherda and know his resume like the back of their hand.

In their eyes, the thin and handsome middle-aged man with eyes like an eagle is simply an insurmountable mountain that can't even make people rise to challenge ideas.

For more than 30 years, they have witnessed with their own eyes that this young NATO student, who was only a military cadet when Huang Shengtian was famous all over the world, stood out from the cherda family of full-fledged generals. In the name of genius, he calmly and calmly stepped from the bottom of the army to a position equal to Huang Shengtian.

His steps are so firm. So firm that no one even doubts whether he can reach his current height!

To do this, talent alone is not enough, nor is wisdom alone.

This is an impeccable enemy in every aspect of wisdom, body and character.

He achieved today's prestige not by boasting, nor by the power and wealth precipitated by the cherda family for hundreds of years, nor by the help of others. He relied only on his achievements.

Undisguised, highly publicized, but people can't pick out any defects!

Over the years, both NATO's military academy and China's military academy have taken the study of Zelda and his combat examples over the years as an important topic. These generals from different countries and graduated from different military academies in the fleet have all heard the same case analysis course.

The teachers include college professors, senior generals in the advanced training class of the Military Ministry, and famous militarists all over the world. They analyzed the examples of cherda's wars, from large-scale regional conflicts to the micro battles he commanded when he was a grass-roots officer in his early years.

However, in addition to marveling at the precise calculation shown by Zelda in his every command, his judgment and hunch, and his command skills and tricks, they know nothing about this NATO general who doesn't care about being examined and analyzed, and even feel more and more strange.

No one can see through him.

He is like a rising sun. When he jumps out of the horizon, he is only red, or covered by clouds, and people can't feel his blazing. But you know he's there, and then you watch him rise unstoppably into the sky, shining brightly and can't be forced to look.

This is the difference between genius and ordinary people.

Not to mention now, even if these Chinese officers and generals were still young and frivolous students, and their blood was still full of blood that the king of heaven and Lao Tzu were not satisfied with, no one dared to release heroic words to surpass cherda in front of others.

Because soldiers can be brave and fearless, but they can't be arrogant and ignorant. You can face your opponent's reputation bravely, but you can't lose respect for an excellent enemy.

Only one person is qualified to fight Zelda.

Or it should be said that only Zelda is qualified to fight this man in the whole NATO.

That's Huang Shengtian.

Huang Shengtian, the military God with the name of invincibility!

Although since going south, Chinese officers and soldiers have many doubts about Huang Shengtian. However, when the huge NATO fleet led by Zelda appeared in front of us. When everyone really threw themselves into the battle to be started and threw everything about Ryan, Huaxia, Terry, blue mountain, meima and gale island out of the sky, they found how lucky it was to have this old man in a wheelchair next to them!

This is the fateful battle between cherda and Huang Shengtian.

The irreconcilable contradictions between the two camps of NATO and China are destined to come today.

Under this sea, the two fleets are like two cavalry regiments in ancient times, confronting each other in the vast Gobi. A storm is coming. The flag fluttered in the dusty wind. The horse snorted, the knight pulled out his long sword, and his eyes hidden under the cold helmet were sharp and fanatical.

In the wind.

I can almost smell blood.

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