"General Fang Chutian pulled out this fierce army from the free port and the free world, starting with the Humphrey fleet, fighting the North gale Island, Leifeng Island, Auburn, Sheldon... Such achievements, on anyone else, are all heroes worshipped by the whole people? Why are there so many questions about general Fang? "

Mu bailing stamped angrily with a pretty face: "at this time, don't focus on fighting, but stare at others and point out three or four. Don't be such an ally!"

"I think it's normal." General Bu Hanshi smiled on the railing of the French window and looked at the busy command Hall: "this should have been foreseen by your Marshal?"

Mu bailing was stunned and glanced at him suspiciously: "what do you mean?"

"We have followed the marshal for many years. Since the outbreak of the war, the marshal has done some work on the surface and secretly. Others don't know. Don't we know it ourselves?" General Bu Hanshi held a calm smile in his mouth, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said to Mu bailing, "how is China's military strength compared with the beginning of the war?"

Mu bailing and lieutenant general Sha Tianya looked at each other, frowned and thought for a while, and replied: "although our losses in the carlston sea area are not small, and Qin demon took away the four military regions, we can mobilize a lot of troops now than at the beginning of the war."

"Yes." General Bu Hanshi said with a smile, "let's say that our yellow generals, in the past two years, which day is not under the command of the marshal, and which day is not playing with the same life to prepare materials, train the army, exercise and select officers?"

He said, took out a cigar, lost one to the nearby Sha Tianya, lit one, half narrowed his eyes and said, "although the Chinese troops are distributed in major military regions and are part of the defense system of the Republic, they seem unable to be mobilized. But if the marshal makes up his mind, at least half of us can lead the army south? "

Mu bailing and Sha Tianya nodded at the same time.

Bu Hanshi's words were like a faint confusion that caught them out of the clouds and mountains.

In addition to Mu bailing, bu Hanshi and Sha Tianya, the reinforcements transferred this time also included more than a dozen yellow generals who had made a deduction against Fang Chutian. However, these people account for only a small part of the Yellow generals. Moreover, of the 40 Chinese fleets heading south, the fleet led by them accounted for less than 30%.

In other words, many Chinese generals of the Yellow system and their troops were left in China.

Why did the marshal do that? Is it because of the rush to go south, not enough preparation time and not enough supplies? Or is it because these Chinese troops belonging to different military regions are an important part of the defense system of the Republic's major sea areas and cannot be transferred?

In the eyes of outsiders and even most Chinese generals, this may be the case. But in the eyes of these generals who have followed Huang Shengtian for many years, things are not so simple!

Only they know... The troops of the Chinese Republic are not scarce enough to need dozens of fleets of Qin demons to fill the boss!

If the marshal is willing, the army under the control of the Yellow general can complete the combat preparation and set off within 48 hours!

Because they have been preparing for two years!

The Republic's defense system left them and worked as usual.

A thin camel is bigger than a horse. There are more than 400 A-class fleets, thousands of Armored Divisions and fully mechanized infantry divisions in the major military regions of the Republic of China. You can't see the bottom in the sun!

At this time, when Bu Hanshi raised this question, Mu bailing and Sha Tianya immediately reacted.

The secret exercise at the stronghold of the democratic forces was once regarded by them as the first meeting between these people and the future leaders of the group, and it was also the horn of the upcoming battle.

But I didn't expect

Although they haven't communicated at ordinary times, the same problem has lingered in their psychology for a long time.

"Why doesn't Marshal......" Mu bailing asked, looking at Bu Hanshi.

"The Marshal's layout in terms of strategy has always been a grass snake and gray line, with thousands of miles of veins." Bu Hanshi said slowly, "whether the southeast expedition warship team went south through knawell or the 19th group army raided the longbow sea area by Zhou Zhi, they are just two small pieces under the Marshal's early subordinates. With his foresight, how can there be no greater foreshadowing?"

He bit his cigar and his eyes glittered in the smoke: "look around us, including our fleet, how many are inclined to Qin demons, and how many are famous wall grass?" He put his mouth to tenggang's side and said quietly: "apart from others, this one is a die hard admirer of Qin demon..."

"Another militarist?" Mu bailing brushed his mouth in disgust.

"That's not true." Bu Hanshi smiled and shook his head: "just like most young officers, he is too impulsive and eager."

With that, bu Hanshi turned his head and said, "marshal, take these guys out and leave our people to Qin demon... Do you understand?"

Mu bailing blinked. Sha Tianya swallowed his saliva. They looked at each other and their eyes were bright.

Just then, the automatic door opened, and the emaciated Huang Shengtian appeared at the door accompanied by Zhao XiaoSuan. At the same time, a white fireworks suddenly lit up on the huge Skynet main screen of the command center outside the side window.

Although they had already witnessed the whole process through the Skynet screen, Admiral Maxim and a group of suss generals were stunned by the scene outside the side window when the warships hurried to the Silver Elephant sea appeared at the end of the sea.

The ship gradually slowed down.

The contracted tail propeller wake and the open steering propeller make the warship slowly approach the sea area with a gentle attitude like water.

In front, the flickering lights of the suspended navigation tower and the hundreds of first group fleets around the Susi capital are gradually zooming in like a slow lens.

"Is this the first fleet? The main fleet of SUS rated as class I in combat effectiveness? " The generals stood blankly by the porthole and watched the warships floating in the air slide past their eyes. Suddenly, they felt like they were in a dream.

Five hundred meters away, a Soviet "Napoleon" class battleship stood upside down, looking miserable and helpless.

Its stern was high and visible in front of the clear porthole. The stern thrusters in the X layout were completely destroyed, and even the bow, wing, top and belly of the ship were all damaged.

The bridge lights of the battleship are still on.

In addition to the halo of the porthole lights, the SUS military logo sprayed on the steel shell only looms and disappears with the two second flash of the navigation lighthouse.

Not far from the battleship, there is a "Fenyong" class cruiser. This is the latest Soviet warship. Before the war, it only existed in the database of drawings and technical reserves. Only 500 ships were built a few months ago, all equipped with the most elite Soviet fleet.

But now the "Fenyong" class cruiser is overturning.

It has the bottom of four iconic turrets in a diamond layout, facing the slowly passing aircraft, and the bridge tower is facing the fallen battleship. Similarly, the rear propeller and steering propeller of the cruiser were destroyed, and you can even see the crisscross knife marks on it.

The warship flew through the passage between the rollover warships to the center of the fleet. The farther forward, the more warships.

The first group fleet is a standard 3A fleet. The total number of combat ships, electronic ships, Logistics ships and other ships exceeds 500.

In the era of peace, such a fleet has become the main combat unit in regional conflicts. Whether they appear on immigrant islands or on waterways, it is a powerful and terrorist force deterrent to their enemies.

Even in this war era, a group fleet is one-third or even one-half of the defense force of most countries in an immigrant sea area.

But now, like five hundred lifeless ghost ships, these five hundred warships are floating in the vast sea at the mouth of the silver elephant. If the ship's porthole lights were not still on, people would even think it was a war site.

The generals stood still on the bridge platform and watched in silence as the unpowered Susi warships slid past their eyes.

No one can use words to describe his mood at the moment.

Shocked, shocked, heavy.

This is the elite fleet of SUS. They had no ability to fight back under the attack of a fierce army cruiser and hundreds of devil mecha.

Although many people can easily find an excuse for the encounter of the first group fleet in the capital, they will say that it is because the fleet is unprepared and the formation is too tight. It will be said that in a real battlefield, the machine armor of the fierce army can never attack from inside to outside so easily.

In order to approach the fleet, the Humvee aircraft armor must first defeat the blockade of fighter clusters that are faster and more flexible than them. Obviously, that is impossible.

There are many reasons, but in the eyes of the SUS generals, these are all excuses for the losers.

War is war. There is no excuse for victory or defeat.

A loser who has lost his freedom, dignity and even his life is even less likely to have the qualification and opportunity to defend.

The only thing they can do is to lie quietly in the lonely and empty sea and keep silent with their own grievances and unconvinced. When human planes pass through the battlefield many years later, people will look at the wreckage, sigh, talk and point, but no one will pay attention to how the fleet was destroyed.

More importantly, from a military point of view, this battle of the fierce army actually showed much more and thought-provoking than what everyone saw on the surface.

China is a country that has reached the end of the mountain and water in the war. Before the war, their national strength, weapon technology and military strength were not the opponent of the joint Soviet Union. By rights, they should be weaker than before, and they are not sue's opponent.

But the honing of war has made this country stronger than susbethus. Their tactics, their boldness and their mecha bring not only shock, but also fear.

Admiral Maxim's flagship, the Dragon gun, has sailed into the center of the first group fleet.

At a close distance, you can clearly see black mecha around you, moving with the warship.

These are a group of steel beasts that look like hell demons. They either climb on the armor of the surrounding warships, turn their heads, or stand on the top of the bridge of the warships and quietly look at this side. Or jump and slide between warships, or follow the Dragon gun and run on the deck of the suss warship.

Approach, stop the ship, dock the channel and open the hatch. When a series of warship docking work was completed, Maxim and dozens of Susi generals entered the flagship of the capital's first group fleet.

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