Although before that, many of them had just attacked the fierce army in the pre war conference room, and were paid back by a beautiful ambush by the fierce army, which was very unpleasant.

However, this does not mean that they are still in the mood to gloat over the encounter of the fierce army when facing the common enemy of NATO.

Because they know better than anyone that once the left wing is defeated, the bad luck is not just the fierce army, but the whole defense line will collapse.

"Can the fierce army withstand it? Only more than 40 nautical miles away, when will marshal Huang Shengtian wait and what choice will he make? "

All kinds of questions are rolling in everyone's heart.

There was chaos in the command hall, but Huang Shengtian and Duan Tiandao on the command platform seemed to turn a blind eye to what was happening in front of them and were still talking.

Hearing Duan Tiandao almost screamed, Huang Shengtian glanced coldly at Duan Tiandao and said, "what's the matter with the twenty-one strategic points? If you pay more attention to strategic points than your command, you won't have to fight this battle. It's easier for me to go back to Beijing and wait for death. "

Duan Tiandao took a swipe at the corner of his mouth and looked angry on his face.

"If you want to win, you must have the most firm belief in winning, and you must have 10000 times stronger perseverance in pursuing victory than everyone else." Huang Shengtian looked indifferent and said, "no matter who the opponent is, how successful he is, how famous he is, he is just a person. If you are human, you can overcome! If he dares to stand in front of you, you dare to chop it! Without the domineering spirit of killing God and Buddha, and without confidence in yourself, millions of soldiers are just your funerary objects! "

Every word of Huang Shengtian fell heavily on the ground, with the sound of metal impact.

Duan Tiandao's angry expression disappeared. He looked in awe at the old man who was terminally ill and as thin as firewood, but said only one word without getting angry.

In the past, when he was a killer, he used the same methods and some were the same domineering. But at that time, he faced only a few people, dozens of people, hundreds of people at most.

But Huang Shengtian is the only one who dares to say such a thing with millions of troops.

The noise in the command hall became louder and louder, and everyone was restless.

"Remember the first lesson I taught you. Natural danger is not enough."

Huang Shengtian slowly sat up straight, half squinted, looked at the NATO forward fleet close to the 40 nautical mile line on the Skynet screen, and pointed at the screen of the tactical computer at the command post: "by yourself."

Huang Shengtian's finger touched the button in the command box of the tactical computer.


It is a red button that Duan Tiandao and every fleet commander are very familiar with. It is located in the center of hundreds of command keys of different colors in the circular command box.

"All out!"

As the button is touched, a red line quickly passes through a rectangular pattern representing the central Skynet and the headquarters, which is immediately dispersed into thousands of red thin lines and transmitted to the fleet formation plan on the computer screen.

After a second at most, these lines have been extended to their corresponding warship icons.

The next second, all the lines have turned green.

In the command procedure, this means that whether it is Huang Shengtian's command, it has been transmitted to the local Skynet of each major sub fleet through the central Skynet of the headquarters, and then to the command post of the captain of each warship.

The whole process is very intuitive.

Although it seems to be just a short process of countless lines extending from red to green, this process can let the commander clearly know whether the command is transmitted and whether the receiver receives and responds.

If a line does not turn green, it means that the warship corresponding to this line has problems in communication. The emergency command system needs to be activated to communicate again.

Of course, if that happens, it will not be Huang Shengtian's business. The staff of the base camp will have special personnel to follow up immediately. They will also check and repair this situation while sending instructions again by alternative means.

Whether it is system failure, electronic interference or the captain's refusal of instructions, it will be handled by relevant departments immediately.

"Thirty years ago, it would have taken half a minute. A month ago, it took ten seconds. " Huang Shengtian turned his head and looked at Duan Tiandao. He sighed and said, "now with Lin Han, it only takes two seconds."

With the old man's admiration, a proud smiling face outlined by lines appeared on the tactical computer, which was the appearance of Lin Han.

Although its new brain is far away from the wandering ship in China. However, this does not prevent it from reaching the southeast sea area in an instant and hosting the main Skynet of the coalition fleet through the electronic network all over the human world.

"Little bastard." Duan Tiandao scolded and didn't bother to pay attention to a middle finger that responded quickly on the tactical computer. He raised his head and looked at the Skynet main screen in the command hall together with Huang Shengtian.

The existence of Lin Han is just something that only a few people know. Not to mention the presence of these staff officers do not know, even the generals on the podium do not know.

Therefore, although the Skynet system controlled by Lin Han has transmitted the whole command to each local Skynet, when everyone watched Huang Shengtian start the tactical computer, it automatically delayed the display time of the first command on the screen for a few seconds.

Therefore, when Duan Tiandao and Huang Shengtian looked up at the Skynet screen, the instructions of all attacks had just emerged on the front big screen.

The red command frame was flashing, reflecting the whole command hall. With the sharp and piercing battle alarm, the whole hall suddenly boils.

This is the order of battle!

At the moment when the NATO fleet was approaching the 40 nautical mile line, marshal Huang Shengtian, who had been silent, finally ordered!

"It's battle plan one!"

The battle officer in front of Skynet, General Wang crazy battle from China, saw the command number on Skynet screen.

Soon his roar sounded in the command hall.

"All battle groups, decrypt the No. 1 battle plan and execute it immediately!"

The instinct of fighting made every soldier's blood rush from his chest to his head. The liaison officers of the major fleets frantically called their fleets for manual command confirmation.

In the roar of the intelligence coordinator, combat coordinator and logistics coordinator on duty, the staff of the base camp decrypted the No. 1 operation plan that had already existed in the Skynet main computer, and transmitted the tactical schematic diagram and coordinate data in the plan to the computer of the corresponding captain or executive.

The Chinese fleet, floating quietly in the sea like a knight ready to go, was boiling at the same time at this moment.

The captains who had already waited anxiously jumped up from the command post one by one!

"Combat readiness, combat readiness!" The captains roared.

"Come on!"

"Ghost, all ready to fight!"

"Power cabin, full output of engine, turn on No. 1 accumulator!"

"All the second formation have it. 1200 left rudder, full speed!"

"Keep up and keep the formation!"

The crazy roar rang through the whole fleet.

A moment later, with a little blue light shining, countless Chinese warships began to move outside the side window of the flagship "Shangjing".

The generals turned and looked out of the window.

A battleship passed by the mother ship. After the flat bow passed, it was heavy port square external armor, followed by fin like steering propeller, protruding tractor, long auxiliary gun barrel, brightly lit bridge, oblique swept short flying wings, giant rivet like rotating turret and tail propeller like catfish mouth, Finally, until the long blue ion wake slides past the porthole of the flagship command hall.

One warship, two warships... Looking at the distance, countless warships go hand in hand.

Hundreds of warships are like hundreds of flying fish.

They broke the tranquility, rushed out of the array and sailed at high speed in the direction of the NATO fleet!

With 80 allied fleets and more than 30 fierce warships, a total of tens of thousands of warships launched a collective attack. What a spectacular scene!

Although those present are all famous generals, who have experienced countless battles and have long been used to the magnificent scene when the fleet is dispatched, they also see the scene of so many warships converging on a narrow sea corridor to meet the enemy for the first time.

On the podium, there was silence.

Ma Peiqi looked out of the window with bright eyes. Tenggang's fingers clenched the railing. The radar was absorbed and breathless, and the rest were dazzled.

As a soldier of this era, how lucky I am to be able to personally participate in such a great battle.

By this time, all the contradictions since going south have been thrown out of the sky.

Forty nautical miles away is their old enemy for many years.

Defeating your opponent and carving your name in the sea is the biggest dream of the soldiers of this era and the men of this era!

When the generals were shocked by the surging scene of the fleet outside the side window, Fei Nanqing and Su Xiaoxiao were speechless.

The photographer has already turned on the camera.

The 20 sub lenses of the professional camera were all aimed at the side window. This spectacular scene is recorded from different directions, angles and distances.

The warships outside the window were like a tide, and the battle alarm sounded in the window.

Whether it's Fei Nanqing, Su Xiaoxiao, or the photographer with the camera, they are all infected by the smell of the battle. They are surging and can't help themselves.

Fei Nanqing did not forget his work.

Although each frame of these videos will be strictly reviewed by the Security Department of the base camp for more than ten procedures, whether they can be sent back for playback is still unknown, but he still turned to the camera.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Fei Nanqing. Now I am reporting for you in the command Hall of the aircraft carrier "Shangjing", the flagship of the southeast allied forces of China. "

Fei Nanqing held the microphone and his voice was a little hasty because it was difficult to calm down: "you can see that behind me, the Chinese warship is attacking! I can't use words to describe what I see. At the same time, I believe that when you see all this, you will be as shocked as me. "

"You may not know that at the moment, at a distance of 40 nautical miles, NATO fleet is rushing towards us at high speed." Fei Nanqing stared at the camera and said, "please remember, that's a huge fleet of ships twice as many as our Chinese warship team. They set out from the United States and gathered along the way, rolling bigger and bigger like a snowball. One part of them is attacking our Chinese Terry blue mountain sea at the moment, while the other part is directed to the southeast under the leadership of Zelda. "

"Every Chinese knows how important it is for the whole of China to guard the central channel for the current Fengfeng island. When the war on Gale island is becoming more and more intense, it is the common wish of all the people to block the chelda fleet heading south, not to allow it to reinforce the two militaristic countries of SUS and baisus, and defeat them! "

"They shoulder our expectations." Fei Nanqing half body, staring out of the window.

Zoom in, a unicorn battleship of the Chinese Republic is passing by the porthole. On the right side of the unicorn, a row of Unicorn battleships advancing synchronously extended into the distance.

On the Skynet screen, the fierce fleet of the left-wing theater, the Ryan fleet of the right-wing theater and the Zhao XiaoSuan fleet of the central theater are like three waves of mudslides pouring down the hillside.

"The battle is about to break out. In 20 minutes or half an hour, our warship will collide head-on with the NATO fleet under the command of Marshal Huang Shengtian." Fei Nanqing looked back and said solemnly, "I'm not a militarist, let alone a prophet, so I don't know the final result of this battle. But I can stand here, as a reporter, faithfully record everything I see with the lens and present it to you. "

"Although this battle has just begun, it is destined to become history at some point. It will pass, end, and have a result, which will be recorded in history books, war history, forgotten or remembered. But remember this moment. " Finally, he raised his wrist and looked at the time: "at 18:48 on March 15, 2016, marshal Huang Shengtian led his army to meet NATO. The southeast battle began. "

Fei Nanqing said, turning and staring out of the window again, "they are fighting for us! God bless China! "

Duan Tiandao sat beside Huang Shengtian and quickly browsed the No. 1 battle plan.

This plan was decrypted at the same time when Huang Shengtian just issued the order of all attacks. In other words, fleet commanders and captains did not know their mission and objectives until the warships were ready to go.

This was unthinkable in previous wars.

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