At the forefront are three NATO group fleets, a total of nine A-class fleets. Like Zeng Xin's five A-class fleets, they also use the standard triangular assault formation. The battleship main array is located behind the fleet, with a high-speed driving patrol formation in front.

"See clearly!"

When the two fleets had entered the strangulation distance of three nautical miles, Huang Shengtian's fingers quickly clicked on the tactical computer screen.

The sea area he ordered rippled like water. Dozens of coordinates suddenly appeared in front of the drive patrol formation route, and were immediately transmitted to Zeng Xin's fleet through the tactical computer.

"Wolves tactics!" Huang Shengtian pressed the communicator switch and ordered: "the main array of battleships fired together! Fire! "

On the screen, the battleship main array of the five phantom fleets burst into a dazzling white light. The course of the fleet ahead also changes to the rippling coordinates on the tactical computer screen!

In the white light, a driving patrol formation, like wolves walking side by side on the wasteland, scattered to the left and right when encountering prey.

Duan Tiandao held his breath.

He saw that when Zeng Xin's fleet was launched, the NATO fleet also changed.

The main array of warships launched almost at the same time!

Almost at the same time scattered drive patrol formation!

At this moment, the fleets of both sides fired head-on, just like two blooming fireworks!

Thirty years ago, when Huang Shengtian stood on the bleak position of the sunset like blood, he left the world a thin and majestic figure and a famous saying regarded as a canon by contemporary soldiers.

In order to avoid being dragged down by the strategically impossible war, the United States reluctantly and humiliatingly signed the alliance under the city.

On behalf of the combat troops who laid down their arms, it was cherda's father who bent down and signed the surrender.

The pattern of the human world settled after a brief and fierce collision.

At that time, Zelda was just a teenager.

As described in many novels, in order to regain the honor of the family, avenge his depressed father, and defeat the enemies of the Empire, the talented boy became a soldier and climbed up step by step.

Thirty years ago, no one thought that this teenager was qualified or had the opportunity to fight Huang Shengtian. Twenty years ago, even ten years ago, no one believed that Zelda would compete with Huang Shengtian.

Thirty years is not long.

Peace seems to have just begun.

Although the two camps are always at war at the United Nations, no one believes that anyone dares to launch a war.

But the war broke out.

From that moment on, everyone knew that there would be a war between cherda and Huang Shengtian.

But no one can tell which day it will be. Similarly, no one can know what the world will look like when that day comes.

time lapse.

The distant day in people's eyes has become this day.

On this day, the fireworks burst.

In the left-wing theater, right in front of the black No. 2 Island, the phantom fleet patrol cluster and the oncoming NATO patrol cluster are like two Manshu shahua in full bloom. At the same time, they suddenly stretch thousands of petals in the air.

The beautiful and spectacular sight dazzled everyone.

Although people have imagined the magnificent scene of this moment countless times, their imagination has collapsed in front of reality.

"This is art."

Lieutenant General Ma Peiqi looked at Skynet's screen.

In the telephoto lens in front of him, a Chinese cruiser is holding its bow high and pulling out an arc-shaped blue tail light.

As like as two peas cruisers, another one is the same as the Chinese cruiser. The same high bow, the same curved tail light trajectory, the only difference is the direction of progress.

The two cruisers separated left and right. The wake track, which was originally very close, is like the sparks of fireworks. It is more and more separated and farther away.

In the endless sea, they are so small, so slow.

However, when the telephoto lens suddenly pulled away, countless identical small warships eclipsed the whole sea with beautiful and dazzling arc streamers.

This is the first time Huang Shengtian and Zelda have played each other.

The two most outstanding and talented militarists in the human world finally stood on their respective command posts and collided in this chaotic world filled with gunfire.

"Exquisite, incredible." Teng Gang looked at the Skynet screen with the same obsessed eyes. His hands clung to the railing of the command platform because of tension and excitement, and his veins soared on the back of his hands: "this is the real wolf pack tactics! In the Fleet Command we learned in school, the most basic and simplest wolf pack tactics! Compared with the Marshal's command skills, the battle patterns and rules in the textbooks are bullshit! "

As the talented generals cultivated by Ryan's military, Ma Peiqi and Teng gang are both top students from the orthodox military academy. They are naturally familiar with wolves, the basic tactics of Fleet Command.

Because of the improvement of warship speed and defense, the fleet has developed from long-distance salvo to close-range strangulation of drive patrol clusters. This tactic also came into being.

Its main tactical idea is to seize the attack position and destroy the enemy's overall formation by using scattered and interrelated movement routes in the war of driving, patrolling and cluster connection. So as to achieve the purpose of suppressing, cutting and annihilating the opponent.

When the fleet implements this tactic, it will disperse to different sea areas and bear different tasks such as harassment, main attack, feint and so on. When the attack is launched, it is one wave after another and attacks in groups, which is very similar to the fighting mode of wolves when killing large prey. Therefore, this tactic is vividly named wolf swarm tactics.

In the eyes of most officers, there is nothing strange about wolf pack tactics. Even many people believe that using wolf pack tactics in combat is a very tasteless thing.

Although this low-level tactics learned in the lower grades of military schools have evolved and supplemented for many years, neither change nor power can be compared with those advanced compound tactics that require high tactical cultivation to learn and use.

On its body, it will always be labeled as mass tactics and basic subjects.

In actual combat, commanders only order the implementation of wolf pack tactics when the fleet has an absolute advantage and is too lazy to bother.

After giving such orders, they usually don't command again. But let the commanders of their fleets play their respective roles.

After all, there are only a few moves back and forth in this tactic. It is just a group attack, biting the opponent, tearing up the formation, seizing the attack position and firing wantonly... Not to mention the fleet commander and captain, even a junior staff officer can master and use it skillfully.

But today, Huang Shengtian's wolf pack tactics completely overturned their concept.

If the wolf pack tactics in the textbook is just a rigid and simple puppet, Huang Shengtian's command will make the puppet live completely.

Ma Peiqi, Teng gang and other Chinese generals can clearly see from the Skynet screen that when the five double headed eagle A-class fleets commanded by Zeng Xin were bypassing Island 2, the fleet was still a standard group formation. The distance between the front drive patrol group and the rear battleship main array shall not exceed five nautical miles, and the front and rear steps shall be coordinated and uniform. It looks like a parade of troops passing through the square.

We are not surprised at this.

The phantom fleet established by Huang Shengtian, as the family force of the military God, is even more well-trained than the two headed eagle fleet of the Chinese military to some extent. Not only are their warships configured in strict accordance with the double headed eagle fleet, but even their soldiers are experienced veterans retired from the double headed eagle fleet.

The subtle thing is change.

With the coordinates pointed out by Huang Shengtian on the tactical computer, the Chinese Fleet suddenly exploded like fireworks and dispersed. The route and angle of each warship is just the nearest attack position from itself, and it is also the most uncomfortable place for the oncoming NATO fleet.

It's like a group of hungry wolves hunting bison. In an instant, they seize the attack position around their prey, pose, open their blood mouth, and prepare to attack their shoulder blades, abdomen, tail, neck and back, but no one stays in the front of the bison to meet its sharp horns.

There are five A-class fleets and a total of 600 cruisers, that is, 60 cruising formations.

It is unimaginable for so many formations to complete such tactical actions with the same perfect line angle at the same time.

An ordinary commander can command up to 20 formations at the same time. It is impossible to achieve such a 100% perfect completion rate.

This is command skill.

A simple wolf pack tactics to Huang Shengtian's hand, will turn corruption into magic, face-to-face is to kill!

No matter Ma Peiqi, Teng gang or other Chinese generals, they don't doubt at this moment. If the position against Huang Shengtian was his own, he would have lost his qualification to win without fighting and entering the next stage.

But Huang Shengtian's opponent is Zelda.

The only military genius recognized by the human world who is qualified to challenge Huang Shengtian chose the same tactics at this moment.

The nine NATO A-class fleets, 1080 destroyers and 108 patrol formations in front of the incident almost exploded, bloomed and spread around at the same time as the phantom fleet.

Although not all of these fleets are in perfect position. But from the scene, Zelda lived up to his reputation. He not only gave the coordinates of more than 100 driving patrol formations at the same time, but also 90 of them were perfect.

What a terrible command skill is this?

Although the total number of driving patrol formation commanded by Huang Shengtian is only 60, 100% perfect walking shows that the old man still has higher strength. However, chelda's performance still made the Chinese generals present feel powerless from the bottom of their hearts.

If many people thought that Qin demon was cherda's opponent before today, when this scene appeared, everyone was only glad that China still had Huang Shengtian, even Teng Gang, who worshipped Qin demon most.

This is a joy in fear.

No one dares to imagine that when China loses Huang Shengtian, who can stop cherda's pace.

In the sea, two fireworks suddenly burst, blooming thousands of sparks, crisscrossing each other.

With the simultaneous volley of battleships behind him, huge white light masses suddenly formed a vertical and horizontal optical network.

Swim, fight, fire, annihilate.

For 30 years, this other shore flower of fate and hatred is in full bloom on the southeast sea.

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