First, the threat is eliminated.

Second, the threat is eliminated.


A huge white light magnified outside the porthole of the warship and swallowed up everyone's vision. Then the warship trembled violently after a loud noise, and many officers and soldiers were shaken.

"The sixth area on the port side was damaged, the armor strength decreased by 65%, and the second and sixth auxiliary guns were damaged..." the electronic sound of the warship's computer hurriedly reported the automatic detection.

Liu Qing, who had not been thrown out until he grabbed the handrail, had no time to rejoice. Out of the side window, he saw a "unicorn" class battleship trying to avoid to the left. Two successive shells penetrated its bow and below the middle bridge.

No one can use words to describe everything outside the window.

The unicorn battleship's huge body and strong armor had no resistance under the meteor like terrorist light. Like breaking a piece of paper, the two white meteors easily tore open the starboard shell of the warship, then straightly penetrated the ship, and then broke the armor of the port shell and rushed into the world.

A moment later, a violent explosion swept the whole battleship. From the position of the Swire, we can even clearly see the officers and soldiers running in despair in the porthole of the battleship, tossing the flames of conflict.

Liu Qing bit his teeth.

The battleship in front of us is called "spark", which is also a well-known battleship in the 94 fleet. After being broken alone in the battle in the carlston sea area, it finally took off its nearly half broken bridge and returned to the base, which was cheered like a hero.

When it came down from the repair dock and returned to the array of the 1944 fleet, everyone thought it was a warship that would not be destroyed.

The spark, which has just been repaired, has completely disintegrated with the violent explosion, and the broken ship body floats past the porthole of the Swire.

The alarm sounded in my ear.

The person in charge of damage management who went to the damaged area was loudly reporting the situation on the communication channel.

Liu Qing shook his head and stood upright with red eyes.

The battleships that escaped the fatal attack outside the side window readjusted their bow and maintained their formation. Thousands of destroyers and cruisers in front of us have already stepped out of the battle array and are flying fast in the face of the aggressive enemy fleet.


Liu qingzong drank wildly!

When the camera shows the battleship with the word "Taigu" painted on its bow in the central theater, rearranging its bow in the light of the explosion of another battleship nearby, and advancing forward with a whale like Chinese battleship, the photographer pulls away the camera.

The whole double star corner corridor has been fully exchanged fire.

Left, center, right.

The two fleets collided like two groups of crazy bulls.

There is no flying dust, only endless gun light and explosion, just twisted and broken steel ship body.

They knew that the battle had erupted after Huang Shengtian and cherda's brief temptation.

The first stage has passed, and the subsequent battle will enter a bloody and tragic second stage.

In naval warfare, the second stage was named "stalemate".

It's a name without the smell of war. Hidden under this name is another more vivid name... Ground meat.

At this stage, the two sides will continue to invest their forces, wipe out the enemy's effective forces in the most ferocious way, accumulate advantages in the battle and finally defeat the opponent.

No one knows how long this phase will last.

In history, there have been battles in which two fleets fought for more than ten days at the stalemate stage, and finally only a few exhausted warships retreated.

In that battle, even if there were multiple shifts, the surviving officers and soldiers were completely transformed. After all, ten days of constant high-intensity fighting is enough to make anyone mentally collapse.

Su Xiaoxiao's eyes left the camera lens and looked at the console.

With the outbreak of the battle and more fleet battles, Huang Shengtian is much busier than before. And Fang Chutian sat beside him, watching every detail of his command and listening to every instruction he gave.

The figures of the old and the young are flickering in the flickering light of the screen.

Time goes forward minute by minute.

The battle in the Twin Star corridor became white hot with the full exchange of fire between the two fleets. On the front of dozens of nautical miles, fleets were hanged into a regiment. The collision of thousands of steel giant ships was like a huge wave rushing onto the reef, with broken jade splashing and earth shaking.

The fierce battle made every Chinese general on the podium on pins and needles.

"Cherda's working." Ma Peiqi looked up and stared at the comparison data of the battle loss rate of both sides above the electronic sand table, with a dignified face.

The radar admiral nodded: "in the battle in the stalemate stage, the force elements rank first, and cherda has an absolute advantage in this regard. We'll suffer if we hang head-on. Moreover, the three routes of left, middle and right went to war, and the command pressure increased by more than ten times and a hundred times. Even though Marshal Huang Shengtian is a generation of military God, he is an old man over seventy after all. In terms of energy and computing power, it is impossible to compare with cherda at his peak. "

While talking, five Chinese battleships and more than a dozen destroyers in the central theater have been reduced to ashes in the shelling of the NATO fleet.

The NATO fleet is using its terrible firepower and overwhelming fleet to reverse its previous disadvantages bit by bit. With more fleets joining the strangled battle group, the flexible and exquisite cooperation of the Chinese fleet began to become difficult.

"Cherda's command skills are not under Marshal Huang Shengtian." Teng Gang said, "look, the 60th fleet of China."

The generals looked down Teng Gang's fingers.

On the screen, the three fleets of the 60th Huaxia group are rapidly inserting forward along the left side of the central axis of the battlefield.

More than 200 destroyers, more than 100 cruisers, 60 battleships and three aircraft carriers form a huge Trident. Destroyers and cruisers are located on both wings and extend far away, like galloping cavalry, trying to surround the two A-class fleets of the Monterey empire on the front from both wings.

In the center, the battleship cluster advanced with a huge umbrella array. A volley every two minutes and forty seconds destroyed the sky and the earth.

The 60 fleet is impeccable in terms of formation, degree and determination of tactical implementation. However, this high assault did not achieve that invincible effect.

With the high-speed insertion of the Chinese drive patrol fleet, the drive patrol cluster of the Monterey imperial fleet also began to spread to both wings. Although the execution time of its tactical actions is far behind that of the Huaxia fleet, the speed of the whole fleet is no slower than that of the 60th fleet.

Almost when the Huaxia drive patrol fleet just broke through the middle line, they had seized the peripheral blocking line and attack position on both wings.

Although there was no contact between the two fleets, when the Chinese generals present saw the destroyers of the Monterey imperial fleet turning around at the far end; When they saw their cruiser clusters forming a corner with the central main array, everyone knew that the Huaxia 60 fleet could not take advantage of anything.

In theory, the opponent has tactically smashed the plot of the two wings of the 60th fleet to encircle.

To eat the two Monterey fleets, the 60th fleet must detour further away. In fact, other NATO fleets in the distance have already blocked the tactical space of the 60th fleet.

The reaction of the Monterey imperial fleet surprised all Chinese generals.

In terms of combat effectiveness and military strength, the Monterey empire is far from the opponent of the Chinese Republic. Without considering the command factor, the three Huaxia A-class fleets can defeat twice or even three times their own Monterey fleet.

The reason why the two Monterey imperial fleets can have such a rapid tactical response is obviously not their own strength improvement, but from the chilling pre judgment of the commander cherda behind them.

The same thing happened in every corner of the battlefield.

Whether it is the left-wing theater, the middle route theater or the right-wing theater, the Chinese fleet can not continue to maintain its advantage.

At the beginning of the stalemate stage, NATO made full use of its military advantages to suppress China.

The war damage ratio of both sides has soared from 3:7 to 5:6, almost flat.

Looking at the hard and fierce battle of the front-line fleet, Teng Gang half narrowed his eyes and looked like iron.

"Why don't we return to Fleet Command at this time?"

His words were like a big stone thrown into the calm water, and several Chinese generals around him talked one after another.

After the pre war meeting, 80 class a fleet commanders had rushed back to the fleet to command operations before the war began, but the military commanders of the major military regions of China had been left in the base camp to do nothing.

At first, everyone thought that this unprecedented battle would not start so quickly.

According to their previous experience, an ordinary large-scale battle may last for several days before the war. Not to mention the A3 sea area, which has a total force of more than 300 fleets, is related to the future victory or defeat of the two camps.

Even if Huang Shengtian and cherda carefully test each other for a month, it's not surprising.

Therefore, when NATO troops were pressed on the whole line, everyone was calm and calm. After all, Huang Shengtian was in charge of the fleet. If he didn't let everyone go, there must be more important things to discuss. The war situation must be under his control and will not get out of control.

But no one expected that the war situation had evolved so rapidly that everyone could hardly return to God.

What we didn't expect was that when the battle entered the stalemate stage, when the bloody Chinese fleets needed their own top commander, Huang Shengtian didn't mean to let everyone rush back to their respective forces to command the battle.

"What do you mean you left us in the base camp after all this fighting?"

"This is the first time I have fought such a war. The troops are fighting on the front line, and I'm here to chat with my hands. "

"I think something is wrong with the pre war meeting just now. Logically, we are the first executors of tactics, and the pre war meeting should do tactical communication. But in the few hours of the meeting, apart from Skynet command synchronization, warship registration, logistics supply, Captain list, command and communication password confirmation, there was not a word about tactics. I'm still in a fog when I'm going to fight. I don't know whether to attack or defend. "

"The command of the base camp bypassed us directly. Now the Marshal's instructions are directly issued to the sub fleet commander's tactics, and the instructions of the base camp are directly issued to the captain's tactics. This command system has no place for us at all. "

"No, I don't think so. What do I think? General Tianji, favin, Mickey and many other generals of the fierce army have gone back?"

"Hey, that's a little strange. Look who was put back in command of their respective fleets? "

"What do you mean? We are deprived of military power? "

"Hey, I'm afraid it's so interesting."

The generals' gossip and speculation made the atmosphere a little restless. Many people looked at each other in horror.

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