First, Fang Chutian's prestige will be dealt a heavy blow.

In this way to resolve disputes and contradictions, the standard can not be cured, and the staff of the base camp can not be convinced even if they reluctantly obey his orders.

Secondly, after this battle, each Chinese fleet will inevitably doubt that its commander has stayed in the base camp for a long time without any news.

Once the doubt is confirmed, there is an uproar immediately. At that time, there will be no room for turning things around. Whether the generals are detained or not, the coalition will fall apart.

Thinking of this, Zhao XiaoSuan turned his head to Duan Tiandao with worry.

"Finished?" Under the gaze of countless eyes, Duan Tiandao stepped down from the command seat and came to tenggang.

"General Fang, do you have any advice?" Teng Gang coldly glanced at the surrounding guards and gendarmerie and said, "or do you disdain to explain to us and prepare to lock us up directly?"

"No, no, No." Duan Tiandao shook his head. In full view of the public, he turned around tenggang and smiled: "lieutenant general tenggang, I'll give you five words?"

"Five words?" Teng Gang looked at Duan Tiandao.

"Well, five words." The smile on Duan Tiandao's face suddenly disappeared, and he was furious. Spittle Xingzi directly sprayed tenggang's head and face: "fart your mother!"

The roar of Duan Tiandao echoed in the command hall, and everyone was stunned.

Stunned, Duan Tiandao showed his green veins on his neck, pointed to Teng Gang's nose and scolded: "don't think you can learn some fart theory here. I still can't see the situation clearly. Your books have been read in the dog's stomach! "

"You!" Teng Gang's blood poured into his face and his eyes blackened with anger.

"What are you, you hammer!" Duan Tiandao spat fiercely: "why did NATO list the southeast passage as the top priority before the war, and why did cherda personally lead the army south? Do you really don't know or pretend not to see?"

"Ryan lost several sea areas and Terry was attacked as blue as a mountain. He looked like he wanted to die and live. He felt that the Chinese Army owed you Ryan. I fought for several years. Thousands of soldiers died and thousands of towns were turned into ruins. Why didn't I see you say a word? We're not guarding the southeast passage. You've already been stabbed in the ass by NATO! "

"You know Terry is as blue as a mountain. Marshal Huang Shengtian doesn't know? Just fucking count what you can do? If you had a comprehensive plan in your mind, would you make the world know it? No brain! "

"Even if the marshal doesn't care about Terry, you can't live? Cherda was caught off guard, and the total strength was only more than 200 A-class fleets. In the core of China, you can't even pack up such a small number of troops. You still want to retreat to the north of Fengfeng Island, drag them down and have your spring and autumn dream. NATO didn't collapse. You've already fucking collapsed! "

Duan Tiandao pointed to tenggang's nose and covered his face with a scolding. Before everyone could recover, Duan Tiandao pointed his spear at the Chinese general next to tenggang and scolded his grandson: "it's easy for me to kill and work in the southeast. It's an opportunity to solve baisus and susus. You don't feel bad about selling yetian. Give up when you open your mouth. Give up your uncle! "

"Have you ever thought that when cherda opens the southeast passage, the United States, Naga, faklan, suss and baisus will be united, and suss will have to join NATO to fight if he is unwilling. At that time, how many people will die in Tianjing District, Fenglan district and Huaxia? "

"You know that the core of China is Panlong, but cherda doesn't know? They say that you have no brains and are not happy that you drag. Others prefer to drag through the southeast, that is, to surround the Panlong, cut off all blood supply vessels to the heart, and then use their sea route advantages to form local military advantages to solve the northern, southern, northwest and southwest war zones. "

Duan Tiandao walked in front of a group of Chinese generals with an iron face, turned back and spat on the ground: "a group of watermelons cut by others still want to turn the sky, bah!"

Duan Tiandao's words are like a big hammer, which makes everyone look like Venus.

"Asshole!" A lieutenant general standing next to radar was so angry that he gritted his teeth and would scold him loudly. Radar suddenly reached out and grabbed him.

The lieutenant general stared wide and surprised at radar Jun. when he reached the mouth, he suddenly stopped.

The radar stared at Duan Tiandao, and his face changed several degrees in a moment.

"General Fang." The tone of radar was extremely serious: "you just said that NATO would besiege Panlong and concentrate on solving the surrounding theater?"

"Is this unknown?" Duan Tiandao started the switch of the command post, pointed to the overall situation map suddenly emerging in mid air and said, "take a closer look at the current situation. Look at the sea lanes of China and NATO. "

Although they knew the picture like the back of their hands, they still focused on it.

This is a red and blue strategic situation map. The red representing China and the blue representing NATO are like the paint on the painter's palette, entangled with each other.

It is easy to see from the picture that the blue NATO controlled area occupies the vast majority. In particular, 80% of the most critical sea ports in all war zones are under the control of NATO.

These key points communicate with each other and form a blue line, which is unobstructed in the whole sea area.

The red Huaxia control area is fragmented by these blue color blocks and lines.

"From south to north, from east to west, 80% of the human sea passage is under the control of NATO." Duan Tiandao coldly pointed to the sea area and said, "what do these blue lines represent? In addition to representing sea lanes, it also represents the efficiency of NATO's troop deployment. In just three days, they can transfer troops from adjacent war zones without risk and move quickly. If we want to urgently reinforce the theater, we must take a hundred times the risk and spend ten times the time! Moreover, because most of the navigation channels are blocked, many war zones cannot be reinforced at all. "

"What does that mean?" Duan Tiandao snorted coldly: "this means that through troop deployment, NATO can form a military advantage in any and every theater. With the same force, they can play a tenfold role. In the deduction, this is equivalent to a tenfold increase in troops. "

With that, Duan Tiandao quickly entered a series of instructions on the keyboard.

Countless red and blue balls appeared on the strategic situation map. Each ball represents an army of the same magnitude.

The balls representing the army are distributed on the islands, while the balls representing the fleet are distributed outside the islands, seaports, fortresses and sea lanes.

Duan Tiandao kept his fingers. After loading a demonstration program, he put his hand on the OK key.

"This is the distribution of forces on both sides. If you still think that China can rely on the war of attrition to bring down NATO. Rely on your own national strength to launch a counter offensive one day in the future, then you will become like this. "

With that, Duan Tiandao knocked down the OK key.

On the tactical computer screen, small balls like stars began to roll.

Blue balls disperse or gather along unimpeded channels, while red balls are either trapped in place or can only go far around and move through a few red channels.

The movement speed of both sides is slow, forming a sharp contrast.

In this dazzling movement, the blue ball continues to form a local quantitative advantage through rapid movement, swallowing the red ball. No matter southeast or northwest, every red ball will face the siege of four or even five blue balls.

However, the red ball generated continuously can not keep up with the speed of consumption.

The whole demonstration process was very fast. Almost in the blink of an eye, the red ball on the plan of the whole sea area was swallowed up. With the reduction of red balls, large areas turn blue. When the last red ball disappeared, the command hall was silent. Everyone stared at their familiar sea territory, where China no longer existed.

"Do you know why Huaxia can persist until now?" Duan Tiandao looked around and said loudly, "that's because our fierce army has been unyielding in the battle for many years, because Marshal Huang Shengtian sent the southeast expeditionary army to the southeast in the early stage of the war. With the resistance of this sea area, cherda delayed the pace of completing the siege of China."

"It's ridiculous that you still want to give up the southeast passage and give up the opportunity that Huaxia finally played to crush sus and baisus!" Duan Tiandao said angrily, "just because your ass was stung?"

The radar stared at the sea map.

He saw the demonstration very clearly.

After the southeast main channel was occupied by NATO, Huaxia, located in the core area, was completely surrounded by the five NATO countries, and Huaxia was completely silenced.

The troops cannot be deployed and circulated, and China is scattered.

The military region with sufficient troops can only be in a defensive situation, and the military region with insufficient troops is swallowed up by NATO. The as like as two peas in the military area he is in or the other familiar waters near him, the changes he has in mind are the same as those he does not want to see.

This is not an ordinary demonstration, but an accurate prediction of the future war situation after careful deduction and calculation.

Thinking of this, the radar couldn't help getting cold all over.

"This war is about survival from death, not ignorance of life and death." Duan Tiandao sneered: "don't think that relying on economy and productivity can bring down NATO. If we lose the southeast, the only thing that will eventually collapse will be China. "

On the command platform, the Chinese generals looked at each other and were silent. No one saw shock and fear in each other's eyes.

No one expected that this simple, honest and kind Chinese general would be so fierce!

Not only Teng gang was scolded in a daze, but even those veteran and famous generals in the United Army who usually relied on their seniority and status were scolded bloody by his nose.

However, Duan Tiandao scolded rightfully and happily!

Since going south, the same debate has occurred countless times within the coalition.

But there is no time that the analysis of Duan Tiandao is more clear and detailed. He took the people who opposed going south as the trump card of Terry's Blue Mountain war, which threw his feet in the air.

The loss of Ryan's four seas is a fact, as is the crisis in Terry's blue mountain.

But once the southeast passage is opened by NATO, it almost means that China's heart has been cut off with a knife.

When the major military regions can only fight their own battles, there will be no possibility of joint operations in the whole of China. Even if Terry is as blue as a mountain, there will be no new coalition forces in Panlong fortress.

If cherda follows his deduction diagram and solves other theater after completing the strategic blockade. The major military regions can only be slaughtered in isolation.

This is why Huang Shengtian insisted on going south.

Only by defeating cherda and forcing suss and baisus to withdraw from the war can we bring vitality to China.

"Maybe your analysis is correct." Teng Gang, who had been silent all the time, turned from the iron blue when Duan Tiandao scolded to thoughtful.

As a gifted general, he may be confused by the losses suffered by Ryan and the crisis on the surface of Terry's blue mountain, but this does not mean that he will continue to dig into the horns after Duan Tiandao's analysis.

However, admitting that Duan Tiandao's analysis is reasonable does not mean that he admits Duan Tiandao.

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