One of the middle-aged humanitarians said, "I estimate that the air battle will end in less than two hours. As soon as our army's transport plane lands, China will be over. "

"Then I have to prepare the manuscript in advance." The female reporter smiled, glanced proudly at Harriman and said, "I don't know how the media of those losers will report such a suspense free battle. It must be very painful to write such a report. "

"Shut up!" Huaxi clenched his fist and glared at the NATO.

His fierce roar not only tarnished the appearance of female journalists, but also made people in the whole viewing hall turn their heads and notice the two sides of the conflict in this corner.

Several guards who had been standing outside to maintain order quickly squeezed into the crowd and approached this way.

"Huaxi, don't be common with these idiots." Harriman pulled Huaxi. Glancing coldly at the NATO people, he sneered: "no one can say such words as winning the air battle in two hours, except idiots."

With that, the experienced Harriman pointed to the NATO fleet outside the window and said to Huaxi and Ren Shang: "their transport planes are still scattered in different directions and are not assembled at all. The fighter cluster only maintained the current oppressive situation and did not enter the sky of the central island for a long time. All this shows that they are not sure of landing immediately. "

He glanced sarcastically at the NATO people and said, "sending fighters to pull out transport planes is just a tactic. Create a little tension for the Chinese fleet and lead them to appear. Don't say two hours. It's not uncommon for this situation to last another ten hours. "

Harriman's analysis was nodded by many neutral military observers.

In the eyes of these experts, this is indeed the case.

Although on the surface, fighter clusters have been dispatched, transport aircraft have also appeared. But the focus of the NATO fleet has always been on the fleets that swam on the outer channel.

The emergence of giant transport aircraft and fighters is not so much a preparation for landing as a threat posture. Before the emergence of the Chinese fleet, this state may remain for several hours.

The middle-aged man who just talked wildly for two hours and won the central island blushed in the sneering eyes of onlookers.

"No matter how many hours, general Zelda will win!" Angry, he stared at Harriman and said, "wait for the war to end, you will understand what will happen if you talk to the superior like this!"

Harriman's face turned white.

This sentence is stabbing the deadliest wound in his heart. But it brought him not fear, but extreme anger.

From the outbreak of the war, he knew that once NATO won the war, all people like themselves in China would fall from the paradise of freedom to hell.

"You won't succeed." Under people's quiet gaze, Harriman responded to the middle-aged man's vicious provocation with a middle finger: "never!"

In the sea 360 nautical miles away from the central island, the Chinese Fleet gathered quietly.

The atmosphere in the command room of the flagship "Shangjing" was somewhat subdued.

The officers and men worked silently, looked up from time to time, and looked anxiously at the Skynet screen and the empty command post.

Did you just give up?

This question is like a heavy stone, pressing on everyone's heart and making people out of breath.

The fleet has not stopped since the retreat of the double star corridor. The NATO fleet behind him was biting like a mad dog. After several bloody battles, the broken fleet covered the main force to retreat safely into the central sea area.

Then there was a fierce sea crossing.

Although the coalition forces relied on terrain advantages to repel the attacks of NATO fleet many times. But there are so many NATO warships that they can fill in the three minute stagnation time at the sea.

Blocking the opponent for a few days is the limit that the coalition can achieve.

Before the losses further increased, the command official Chu Tian issued an order to give up the sea port.

This order caused an uproar among the coalition forces. Many officers and soldiers are still hard to understand.

Not to mention that Haikou is the central island of China. If we lose the final barrier of Haikou and the base of the central island, where can the southeast coalition force stop cherda?

But the command is a command after all. If you don't understand it, you can only execute it.

After giving up the sea port, the coalition troops fought and retreated under the command of Fang Chutian. Rely on the channel, strategic points and obstacle areas in the central sea area to block continuously.

Compared with the previous fierce battle between the double star cape and the sea, the battle at this stage is relatively mild.

After directly targeting the NATO forces on the central island and breaking through the sea, they did not rush to seek a decisive battle with the main force of the Chinese army and turned a blind eye to several provocations of the Chinese army. They expanded from left to right, steadily, and approached the central island in a network, competing for control of navigation channels and strategic points along the way.

Around the surrounding waterway, a series of small-scale battles broke out between the two sides.

Although under the strong offensive of NATO forces, the Chinese army can only retreat step by step and watch the surrounding waterways and strategic points controlled by the enemy, the officers and soldiers find that the coalition forces are much more united than before.

Although Teng gang and the general of radar have no complaints, the following officers and soldiers no longer have disputes over the strategy of going south.

Everyone was engrossed in the war.

All the battles at this stage were commanded by Fang Chutian. In terms of command skills, although he didn't show anything that surprised everyone. But it's fairly standard.

Coupled with the assistance of famous generals such as Tianji old man, Zhao XiaoSuan and Wang Fengzhan, the Chinese army did not suffer any losses at this stage. On the contrary, because of several sneak attacks by the fierce army, they took a little advantage.

However, this can not stop cherda's footsteps after all.

Step by step, the coalition forces have basically lost all the navigation channels and strategic points around the central island. Especially after the Chinese Fleet jumped to the periphery, NATO forces accelerated the preparations for the landing on the central island.

On the Skynet screen, the telephoto screen sent back by the stealth reconnaissance ship is displayed at the moment.

Through the picture, we can clearly see the fighters approaching the island and several broken and dilapidated seaports floating quietly like ghosts nearby.

These seaports were destroyed by Duan Tiandao.

To prevent NATO from using the ground airport. The Chinese have planted a large number of bombs in dozens of large and small military and civil airports.

On the day when the Chinese Fleet gave up the internal waters and turned to the external operations, the violent explosion wound around the central island like a necklace composed of a string of flames. The burning flame reddened the sky of every city.

The scene was spectacular.

Up to now, the Chinese officers and men can not forget the embarrassment of the NATO fleet's hasty evasion outside the airport.

At least three class B fleets trying to seize the port were swallowed up in the explosion. The red fire light and the huge white light were reflected on the armor of NATO warships arriving one after another. Like a warning sign composed of blood and fire.

This is a warning from the Chinese people.

A series of explosions at dozens of heavily funded airports is their determination to resist to the end and die together.

Perhaps it was because there was no airport for warships to berth, or perhaps it was shocked by the decision of the Chinese people. The NATO fleet, which knew it would face a difficult landing battle, slowed down the pace of attack. Instead, it took three days to build a defense chain around the central island.

As long as we look at the defense chain like a cocoon, Chinese officers and soldiers can only pray for the army and people on the central island in silence.

The current situation is different from the sea entrance and the double star corner corridor.

The NATO fleet blockaded the entire central island.

NATO fleets are stationed in every surrounding waterway and every strategic point. In this chain defense formation, no matter which part of the Chinese fleet is attacked, they will be entangled like ropes.

To defeat them, we must use multi-point attack to break more than three key positions in their defense chain at the same time and cut off their defense chain.

But it's not easy.

Not to mention that NATO's military strength is twice that of the coalition, the commanders of both sides are not at the same level.

This battle of breaking up into parts is far more complex than the battle at the sea. The command level of commanders is also higher.

Cherda, who led the NATO forces, was the second most famous general in the world. At the beginning of the battle of double star Cape, he showed his command skills of commanding 90 fleets at the same time.

His own side is Fang Chutian, who became a monk on the way.

The officers and men of the fleet quietly watched the picture sent back by the invisible warship.

No one knows how Fang Chutian will lead us to fight this war after jumping to the periphery. I don't know if I can set foot on the land after today, wake up in the light of dawn and hear the wake-up call and running sound of the military camp.

Now the battle is about to begin.

The official commander of the coalition forces, general Chu Tian, has not yet appeared on his command seat.

"I fought with you!" Duan Tiandao gritted his teeth and looked at the screen, flying his fingers on the tactical keyboard.

With his orders sent, a fleet, like an arrow from the string, launched a crazy charge against the opposite enemy.


When the fleet entered the enemy's main array along the broken gap and cut the enemy's command cluster like a knife, Duan Tiandao's blood surged up on his head and jumped up from his chair. He waved his fist and yelled with red eyes.

The fierce battle ended with the explosion of the enemy flagship.

"Win!" Cheers of joy resounded through the tactical room.

At the door of the tactical room, a waiting staff officer and a guard couldn't help looking at each other with dull eyes.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe it. When NATO has sent out a large army, Fang Chutian is playing "a decisive victory" in the game cabin.

What's more incredible is that not only Fang Chutian fooled around here, but also a group of famous Chinese generals.

Zhao XiaoSuan, Wang kuangzhan and tenggang went to battle in person and played for Duan Tiandao in the game. Several famous generals jointly bullied those unknown players. In three days, they swept the whole game ranking list and killed people everywhere.

General Ma Peiqi, Xiong Hui, Tianji old man, Zhang Pengcheng, Douglas, Zeng Xin, Jing Lijun and other generals either stood by or watched the excitement through communication videos.

Fang Chutian won the last game, and the cheers of these steady and serious guys were almost like defeating cherda.

What the hell happened?


The hydraulic lever of the game cabin made a slight sound, the cabin door opened and Duan Tiandao came out. Looking back at the battle data on the game screen, I was in a trance for a while.

He stayed awake for 72 hours. Today, he finally mastered the basic tactics taught by Huang Shengtian.

Duan Tiandao never thought he was a genius. The reason why he achieved today is because he worked hard to the extreme training since childhood.

Others are training, he is training, others are resting, and he is also training.

Later, because the foundation was strong enough, there was a stage where everything could be started quickly.

In his opinion, geniuses are those lonely bastards who can recite books at random and do something at will. Either they sell their works at sky high prices for fear of losing them, or they see who destroys who and remain famous throughout history.

Such as Mozart, Einstein, Huang Shengtian and Zelda.

When everything comes to these guys with different brain structures from ordinary people, it will naturally become their own. Never forget, but draw inferences from one instance. Not only does it not take much effort, but it is amazing to remove the turnips and sprinkle them again. They can't wait to open their minds to see what's in them, or they can just stay away from them, out of sight and out of mind.

Compared with these talented bastards, Duan Tiandao thinks he is at most an asshole.

Therefore, when Huang Shengtian stuffed all his thirty years of command experience into his mind like a duck, he did not get through Ren Du's two veins and made great achievements like the virtual bamboo instilled by xiaoyaozi.

In addition to dozens of basic tactics in the brain, there is only one understanding that can't be grasped if there is nothing.

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