As soon as the cold man turned and came to a closed elevator, he took out a key from his arms, carefully opened the elevator door, asked Duan Tiandao and pockmarked son to enter, and then pressed the third floor.

There are no stairs on the third floor. You have to use a special elevator to get there. It can be seen that people who can get in are by no means ordinary people.

When the elevator door opened, there appeared in front of Duan Tiandao two large iron doors, which were carved with simple and dignified patterns.

The cold man made a gesture to the cameras on both sides of the door. The door creaked and opened slowly under the push of the machine. Seeing the situation inside, Duan Tiandao was as if nothing had happened. Pockmarked couldn't help but turn his mouth.

Today, he opened his eyes. Originally, he thought the second floor was very awesome. Unexpectedly, the third floor was even more awesome!

The overall decoration of the casino on the third floor is golden and belongs to Baroque style. Although the appearance is dignified and concise, its internal hall is extremely rich and luxurious. Many halls are arranged according to the style of Baroque castle in France in the 18th century. Oil paintings are everywhere on the ceiling and walls.

On the left is a restaurant with multinational characteristics, and on the right is a wide range of entertainment and recreation equipment. Well... There are 4D dynamic three-dimensional movies... What a big swimming pool... And what

Anyway, there are everything you want and can't think of.

More importantly, there are beautiful waitresses from all over the world who wear the same clothes as they don't!

Ya, such a large space is not won by the number of guests. It can be imagined what kind of rich people can come in here. It's enough for the staff on this floor to live for several years

Sure enough, it is the way of service for deep rhyme gamblers!

Duan Tiandao pinched his nose, ah! If you have nothing to do in the future, you should open a casino to play

"This way, please."

After seven or eight twists and turns, the cold man finally stopped at the door of a room. After they stood for a minute, the gate opened with a "wow", revealing a narrow passage.

This passage is narrow enough for only one person to walk. Even if a large number of foreign enemies invade here, if one man is in charge of the pass, he can't open it.

Everyone must be relieved to come back next time when they see such strict security measures here.

Several people filed in, walked through the passage and entered a circular hall. After the hall, there was another small door.

The cold man knocked on the door and opened the door very gently. Duan Tiandao looked at it and saw a small round table. It seemed that several people had sat on the round table.

"Two, please come in." The cold man followed him into the small door and bowed slightly to the other people who had sat down: "dear guests, the people are here, and the gambling can begin."

"Wah, Wah, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee." There are already four people sitting on the round table. One of them doesn't know what he's talking about, but as an expert in an island country's love action film, Duan Tiandao can hear it in one ear. It's an island person.

His eyes turned slightly and he immediately took a breath.

There are acquaintances among these four people!

The first one on the left is the man in black who lost to himself in baccarat outside Taiwan today!

The serious Asian man in black gave an expressionless sneer when he saw Duan Tiandao and pockmarked son entering the door.

To tell you the truth, those who can make an expressionless sneer are really not ordinary people

So Duan Tiandao politely returned a middle finger.

The second one on the left is the island man who is chattering. He is a very short, round fat man with a pancake face. He looks very impatient and wants to beat him when he sees it.

Seeing the third person on the left, Duan Tiandao's eyes lit up!


There are so many casino beauties! Meet one, count one!

This beauty is a typical Asian beauty, at most 21 or 12, dressed in white, with charming slender Phoenix eyes. The smile on the goose egg face is a little cautious and shy. Under the straight bridge of the nose is a small and strange mouth, with ruddy and thin soft lips, and the curve is particularly conspicuous when breathing.

Well, it's a symbol of capital.

It's a pity that she sat where she was and couldn't see her figure, but only her upper body wouldn't be too high.

It doesn't matter. Just be symmetrical

Duan Tiandao turned a few circles on the beautiful woman until she politely smiled at him. He didn't let her go and turned to the last person on the table.

This is a man.

A bald man.


Well, he is Feng Bashan.

"The gentleman wants to know whether you bet together or alone." The cold man nodded at the creaking Island fat man and turned to Duan Tiandao with some regret.

Pockmarked son coughed slightly: "your minimum bet here is..."

"100000 euros."

"He bet! I don't gamble! " Pockmarked son quickly put his hands like a windmill: "can I just watch next to it?"

"I'm sorry..." the cold man looked at pockmarked son: "if you don't participate in the gambling, you can't stay in the room. Or I'll arrange for you to take a rest in the outer lobby and wait for the gambling to end? Our entertainment facilities here are quite complete... "

"Free?" Pockmarked one sentence straight to the point.

The cold man was stunned: "free, free."

"I'm going!" Pockmarked happily chucked the dice and went out to win the waiter's tip. He left Duan Tiandao alone in the room.

"Please sit down." The cold man seemed to deliberately avoid addressing each guest's surname in the room. When Duan Tiandao sat down and piled his chips neatly on the table, Lang said: "today's gambling tool is cards. The traditional three cards are used, which is commonly known as' fried golden flowers'." He then explained the rules of "frying golden flowers" in detail. Duan Tiandao noticed that after telling the rules, the cold man said it again to the fat man and beautiful woman in island language at the same time.

From this point alone, Duan Tiandao can see two things.

1、 That beauty is also an island person. It's a pity that I don't know if I have ever made a love action film

2、 These two people should have never played fried Jinhua.

At the gambling table with a starting price of 100000 euros, it can only explain two things to choose a game you have never played.

Otherwise, the two islanders have reached a certain level of wealth; Otherwise, if they come to this gamble, they have ulterior motives.

"The minimum limit for each bet is 100000 euros, and the maximum limit for each game is 5 million euros. If everyone involved in the bet agrees, the maximum limit can be increased. Each of you has the right to ask for replacement three times. " The cold man finished his words and waved to the outside. A man in charge official clothes came in, bowed slightly to everyone present, came to the charge official position and began to shuffle. The cold man slowly withdrew from the door and closed the door.

Duan Tiandao narrowed his eyes slightly. In front of him, the middle-aged charge official in his thirties had obvious deformities in his left little finger and ring finger. At first glance, he knew that he was the one who had cheated and had his fingers cut off. Unexpectedly, honeysuckle actually recruited such a person to be the charge official of these three floors.

The idea of cheating is too obvious!

"Please cut the cards." The severed finger collector washed the cards, politely put the back of the cards upward and put them in the middle of the table, indicating that anyone can cut the cards.

Everyone waved his hand, but Feng Bashan raised his hand slightly and cut the card accurately under the third card.

From Feng Bashan's card cutting methods, we know that this guy is an old gambler.

Duan Tiandao smiled, but there is no inevitable relationship between an experienced gambler and a gambling expert. If you shuffle cards well, you don't have to gamble well. The cards fell all over the table, but the people in all directions were killed and the sea went away.

At the beginning of the gambling game, Duan Tiandao made five innings in a row. He just bet at will and lost at will. He lost 800000 euros in a row, but he didn't care at all.

When gambling with people who have never gambled, the first thing to do is not to concentrate on betting, but to concentrate on observing the opponent's actions, expressions and habits.

The two Islanders, Duan Tiandao, knew at a glance that they had neither experience nor talent in gambling. After only observing two or three, they knew their betting habits. Now they can even easily know whether they are holding good or bad cards from their expressions and subtle movements.

In the gambler's jargon, this kind of person is a big sheep Gu who doesn't kill for nothing. He is rich and stupid. He is almost like an ATM. He doesn't even need a password.

I really don't know why I came to such a big gambling casino at this level.

Since both of them are not worried, Duan Tiandao has always focused on observing the big man in black and Feng Bashan.

The most powerful thing about the man in black is that he has no expression at all. Whether he gets a good card or a bad card, his expression is the same as in the picture, and even the lines have not changed at all.

Feng Bashan is different.

He is very expressive, and the expression of each hand is different. He keeps making small movements, smoking and drinking. Duan Tiandao observed the whole ten in a row and found that Feng Bashan was really an expert. With the same expression, he could appear in two completely different card types, and the same small movements were the same.

Even every time he plays a good card, he will have a small action. It is likely that it is not a subconscious action, but a flaw deliberately exposed.

Duan Tiandao touched his nose and began to move.

At this time, the island men's hands are 20 million euros, and the island women are also 20 million euros. The big man in black has 33 million euros, Feng Bashan has 25 million euros, and Duan Tiandao himself is 11 million euros at present.

The chips on the gambling table add up to more than 100 million euros. After winning this sum, Duan Tiandao can raise more than ten or twenty beautiful wives, buy several islands in the Pacific, blow tornadoes and see the tsunami

Duan Tiandao started his first impulsive dark card, that is, he didn't look at his cards and bet at will. In this case, he only needs to bet with half of the bet code.

That is to bet 100000 on the open card and 50000 on the dark card.

Although it seems to save costs, it is not the right choice to be reasonable.

Confucius, a famous singer, once said: "bad luck can only make people lose money, while people who lose their homes and property have only blind impulse. The first gist of gambling is restraint."

I'd rather earn less, but make sure I don't lose a lot.

Keeping restraint and waiting for the opponent's impulse is the only rule in the casino.

Those who really make money in casinos are people who have never won or lost. And those who win and lose, from the long-term trend, are losing money.

Dark cards and bets are also a kind of impulse.

However, today's situation is somewhat special. The famous philanthropist and arsenic once said: "there must be a blessing if you don't die in a great disaster!"

No matter how powerful gamblers are, they also need luck.

Duan Tiandao just suffered a poison killing, a shooting and a fierce fight today. He is still safe and sound. At this time, do not gamble on luck, but when?

Famous synchronized swimmer Genghis Khan: "..."

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